Huddersfield Chronicle (19/Jan/1856) - page 4

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i Plain COOK and a HOUSE- [Newhouse] ine [in] Queen Hotel, Huddersficld. [Huddersfield] ANTED, a MANAGER for the CO- [COOPERATIVE] OPERATIVE STORES, Westgate, Huddersfield. Applications, with testimonials, to be sent to the Stores, on or before Monday the 28th instante [instant] ANTED, a MAKER of British WINES and CORDIALS. Liberal encouragement given to a first-class hand.-Apply B., No. 11, William Gentles and Co., advertising agents, Exchange Square, Glasgow. ANTED, for a Wine and Spirit Vaults, in Huddersfie'd, [Huddersfield'd] a Trustworthy YOUNG MAN. One from the farmin, [farming] district would be preferred.- [preferred] Apply at the Chronicle Office. W ANTED to Purehase, [Purchase] for Cash, the FURNITURE and EFFECTS of a Four, Six, or Eight-ro med Houxe.-Apply [House.-Apply] to Mrs. Haigh, Refreshment Rooms, Lion Arcaie, [Arcade] Hudderstield. [Huddersfield] W ANTED, a HOUSE situate a short distance from the town, containing two Sittins-rooms, [Sitting-rooms] four Bedrooms and Atties, [Ties] Kitchens, and other conveniences. - Apply, stating rent, to Mr. W. H. Brocke, [Brooke] Architect, Huddersfield. HUDDERSFIELD HORTICULTURAL J ANTED, a SECRETARY for the above W Suciety, [Society] for the ensuing year, at a salary of 10.- Further particulars may be obtained of Mr. John Haigh, Crown Hotel, Westyate, [Westgate] andall [Randall] applications to be addressed to the Committee, at the Queen Hotel, aud [and] to be forwarded on er before the 30th of January iust. [inst] January 16th, [the] 1856, HUDDERSFIELD, HOLMFIRTH, ALMONDBURY, &c. J ANTED, by the Wellington Life Assurance Society, (having issued 18,000 industrial policies since January 1854,) an active, respectable, and intelligent FULL AGENT for the above places, where a business is already established. Salary, bonuses, and commissions are liberal. Every information will be furnished by the central superintendent, Mr. Wm. Haswell Hill, 42, John Daiton-street, [Dalton-street] Manchester. Apartments. OMFORTABLE [COMFORTABLE] APARTMENTS in a pleasant situation.-Enquire at the Chronicle Office, nr oN C A Respectable Young MAN may be accommo- [accommodate- accommodated] dated with BOARD and LODGING in a Small Family in the neighbourhood of St. John's Church, Bay Hall, ow reasonable terms.-For particulars apply at the Cwronicle [Chronicle] Office. o be Wet. O be LET, the UNION INN BEERHOUSE, [Beer house] Leeds-voad, [Leeds-road] Hudderstield.-For [Huddersfield.-For] particulars apply to the prescut [Prescot] occupier, O be Suite of ROOMS, (next door but oue [our] to the Post office), with front eutrance [entrance] from New-street, and back eutrance [entrance] in Chancery Lane.-Apply at George Lancashire and Co.'s paper aud [and] canvass ware- [warehouse] house. 1 be LET, the HOUSE and SHUP [SHIP] lately oceupied [occupied] by Mrs. Hollinshead, situate in Kirkgate. -Apply to Mr. J. W. Lister, Westfield or to Mr. Edward Rhodes, Povtefract. [Pontefract] he landlord will alter the premises to suit an in-coming tenant. O be LET, and may be entered on the Ist [Its] of March, Oak Villa, situate near Edgerton Toll-gate, now in the occupation of Mr. Riad [Road] Holliday.-For rent and other particulars enquire of Mr. Abm. Walker, the owner, No. 104, Upperhead Row. T be LET, and may be entered immediately, a commodious HOUSE, in Commercial-street, in excellent repair, lately occupied by Mr. Welsh, containing five bedrooms, two sitting-rooms, two also, the outbuildings, and garden well stocked with fruit trees, Bont [Ont] to Mr. Kilner, 56, West-parade, Hud- [HUD- Huddersfield] ersfield. [afield] O be LET, and may be entered upon the Ist [Its] of July next, the WAREHOUSE or WA REHOUSES, &c., at present oceupied [occupied] by Messrs. Day and VW atkinson, [Atkinson] situate in Hawxby's [Hawks's] Court, New-street.-For particulars apply to Mr. John Hawxby, [Hawks] 8, West Parade. N.B.-North Lights. ARM and HOMESTEAD to be LET, or SOLD.-A Farm of about 19 acres, with good Home- [Homestead] stead and other buildings, situate at Denby, in the parish of Penistone, at present in the occupation, of Mr. George Tyas. Possession may be had in February -For particulars apply to Mr. John B, Hobson, 67, Snig-hill, [Sing-hill] Sheffield. WELLS MILLS, NORTAGATE. [NORTHGATE] T be LET, FINISHING MACHINERY, with every convenience for a large business. Also, seven pair of FULLING STOCKS, in first-rate working order. ROOM and POWER for two Billies, &c.-Apply at the Mills to Mr. William Brook. January llth, [loth] 1856. KING'S BRIDGE, HUDDERSFIELD. re be LET, a small MILL, with Steam Engine, shatting, [shafting] &c. Also, the spacious enclosed Yard, with detached Warehouse and Counting House. Being near the town, and well supplied with water, renders this pro- [property] lperty [property] particularly eligible for any party requiring room and power for finishing or other light machinery.-For particu- [particular- particulars] ars [as] apply to Mr, Richard Armitage, Turnbridge Ivon- [Ion- Ironworks] Works, Huddersfield. bn Gitket [Ticket] A Are one T be SOLD by TICKET, at the house of Mr. John Gibson, the Woodman Inn, Bradley, near Huddersfield, on Monday, F. ebruary [February] 11, 1856, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then produced, the following valuable Fall of TIMBER, now standing and growing, and set out for Sale in Upper Fell Greave Wood, in Bradley, near Huddersfield, consist- [consisting] ing of 274 numbered T'rees, [T'seer] 1,352 Oak Poles, 81 Ash and Elm Poles, 34 Birch and Alder ditto, together with Bark, Topwood, [Hopwood] and Underwood. Any further information may Richard Earnshaw, Kirkburton, Kirkburton, Jan. 15th, 1856. FALL OF WOOD, T be SOLD by TICKET, at the Beaumont's Arms Inn, Kirkstile, [Castle] Kirkheaton, near Huddersfield, on Thursday, January 24, 1856, at Five o'clock in the evening, all that FALL of WOOD, as now set out to go down in Heaton Hall Wood, and Hedge Rows, near Colne- [Cambridge] bridge, and Heaton Lodge Junction Railway Station, in Kirkheaton aforesaid, viz. -62 numbered Oak, 30 num- [sum- numbered] bered [breed] Ash, &c., 'Trees 924 Oak, 141 Ash, 292 Birch, &c., Poles with the bark, tops, and underwood. [understood] Apply to Mr. Dunderdale, Whitley Hall; or to Mr. William Earnshaw, woodman, Leptun, [Lepton] near Huddersfield. Sale by Contract. PRR [PER] OPS RDI [RID] PLEAS OLLI [OIL] IRIS IIIS. [III] SIR ORR be had by applying to Mr. Wood Valuer. PARAL [PARA] ADDL [ADD] T be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, at Concordia Mills, New Leeds, Bradford, two DOUBLING FRAMES for Cotton, of 120 spindles each, with Creel for doubling from two to five-fold; also, one WINDING ENGINE for Cotton, of 140 spindles. The above have been made by a first class machine maker in Manchester, and are nearly new. Leaal [Legal] Notices. RE SAMUEL RILEY. DECEASED, Creditors (if any) of SAMUEL RILEY, late of Fartown, near Huddersfield, Toll Farmer and Shopkeeper, deceased, who have not already sent the amounts and particulars of their Claims to his Executors, are hereby reyuested [requested] tu send the same to the undersigned, on or before the 31st [st] day of January, 1856. By order, HIGHAM and CHAMBERS, Brighouse, Solicitors of the Executors. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. OTIVE [MOTIVE] IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the PARINERSHIP [PARTNERSHIP] between the undersigned, William Calverley, Squire Beaumont, and John Beaumont, in the trade or business of woollen cloth dressers, at Marsh, in the parish of Huddersfield, and county of York, and else- [elsewhere] where, under the firm of Calverley, Beaumont and Co., was this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent and in future the business will be carried on by the said William Calverley and Squire Beaumont, who will Pay and Receive all Debts owing from, and to the said partnership, in the regular course of trade. Witness our hands, this 12th day of Januar [January] 1856. WILLIAM CALVERLEY. SQUIRE BEAUMONT. JOHN BEAUMONT, H. Broappenr, [Broken] Accountant, No, 4 Cross Church-street, Huddersfield. ; KAYE AND RHODES' ASSIGNMENT. OTICE [NOTICE] IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by Indenture of Assignment bearing date the ninth day of January, instant, and made between Hezekiah Kaye and Thomas Rhodes, ot Holaifirth, [Holmfirth] in the county of York, of the first part; William Lockwood, of Holmfirth aforesaid, Manufacturer, and Joseph Schofield, of Rashcliffe, in the parish of Almoudbury, [Almondbury] iu the said county, Machine Maker, of the second part and the several other persons (creditors of the said Hezekiah Kaye and Thomas Rhodes), whose names are thereunto subscribed and seals affixed, of the third part; the said Hezekiah Kaye and Thomas Rhodes ASSIGNED over all their Estate and Effects whatsoever unto the said William Lockwood and Joseph Schofield, in trust for the equal benefit ofall [fall] the creditors of the said Hezekiah Kaye and Thomas Rhodes, who shuuld [should] execute or assent to the said assignment, within six weeks from the date thereof. And all Creditors who do net execute or assent to the said assignment within such last mentioned period, will be excluded from all bevefit [benefit] thereunder. And notice is further given, that the said deed is now lying at the offices in Holmfirth of Mr. Floyd, Solicitor, for such signatures or asseuts. [assets] Cc. 8. FLOYD, WM. Solicitors to the Trustees. Huddersfield, Jan. 10th, 1856. S. TOLSON and Co. Globe Brewery, can supply families with very superior flavoured wholesome ALE at 1s. 1d. pér [per] gallon, in six-gallon casks or upwards. THE HUDDERSFIELD CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1856. Legal Notices. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD. N the Matter of the Petition of GEORGE WILKINSON, of Huddersfield, Preceptor of Music, &e., an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend of 1d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-strcet, [Queen-street] Huddersfield, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day o January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four a F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assienee. [Assignee] 'OUNTY [COUNTY] COURT OF YORKSHIRE, COUNT HUDDERSFIELD. N the Matter of the Petition of JAM S ELLIS, of Folly-hall, Mung Dealer and Grinder, au Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend of 4d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-street, Huddersfield, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assiznee. [Assignee] COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIKE, [YORKSHIRE] HUDDERSFIELD. N the Matter of the Petition of THOMAS EDWARDS, of Huddersfield, Plumber, Glazier, and Gasfitter, [Gas fitter] an Insulvent [Insolvent] Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend of Is. 7d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen- [Queenstown] stveet, [street] Huddersfield, ou and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four F. R. JONES, Jun.. Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD. N the Matter of the Petition of WILLIAM MIDDLETON, of Huddersfield, Horse-breaker, &e., an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend of Is. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-st vzet, [Queen-st vet] Huddersfield, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of 'en a.m. and Four m. P F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD. IX the Matter of the Petition of BENJAMIN WOOD, JOHN FIRTA, [FIRTH] JONAS WOOD, and THOMAS WOOD, of Marsh, Masons, Insolvent Debtors. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have prove their Debts under this estate may receive a first Dividend of (as to such creditors who bave [ave] already received the sum of 4s, in the pound under the assignment) the sum of 1s. 1d. in the pound, and as to all other creditors the sum of 5s. 1d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-street, Huddersfield, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four p.m. F, R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD. the Matter of the Petition of GEORGE HEUTHWAITE, [HITHERTO] of Huddersfield, Joiner and Cabinet Maker, an Iysolvent [Insolvent] Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this estate may receive a first and final Dividend of ls. 2d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Uffices [Offices] in Queen- [Queen street] street, Huddersfield, on and after 'Tuesday, the 22ud [22nd] day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four p-m. F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD, N the Matter of the Petition of JONATHAN BINNS and JONAS BINNS, of Fartown, jn Hud- [HUD- Huddersfield] dersfield, [Huddersfield] Slubbers, [slumbers] Spinners, and Woollen Manufacturers, Insolvent Debtors. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend ot 3s. 11d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen- [Queen street] street, Huddersfield, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four p.m. F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORRSHIRKE, [YORKSHIRE] HUDDERSFIELD. the Matter of the Petition of JAMES SCHOFIELD, of Moldgreen, Huddersfield, Stone- [Stonemason] Mason, an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first Dividend uf [of] 8s. 8d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen street, Hudderstield, [Huddersfield] on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. aud [and] Four pm. F, R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD. ' the matter of the Petition of GEORGE ORINGE, [ORANGE] of Paddock Brow, near Huddersfield, Clothdresser, [Cloth dresser] an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who hase [has] proved their Debts under this estate may receive a second and final Dividend of 1s. 7d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen- [Queen street] street, Huddersfield, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four p.m. F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD, ' the Matter of the Petition of ELLIS BROOK, of Huddersfield, Waste, Size and Flock Dealer, an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Credi- [Credit- Creditors] tors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend of 4d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-street, Hudders [Udders] field, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of J anuary, [January] 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four p.m. F, RB. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee, COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD. i the Matter of the Petition of JOSEPH GOODYEAR, of Huddersfield, Dyer, an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first and final Dividend of 18s. 9d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-street, Hudders- [Udders- Huddersfield] field, on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, between the hours of Ten a.m. and Four p.m. F. R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. COUNTY COURT OF YORKSHIRE, HUDDERSFIELD, the Matter of the Pefition [Petition] of GEORGE HIGGINS, of Huddersfield, Coach Builder, an Insolvent Debtor. Notice is hereby given, that the Creditors who have proved their Debts under this Estate may receive a first Dividend of 2s, 4d. in the pound upon application to me, at the Offices in Queen-street, Hud- [HUD- Huddersfield] dersfield, [Huddersfield] on and after Tuesday, the 22nd day of Jannary, [January] 1856, between the hours of 'I'en a.m. and Four p.m. F, R. JONES, Jun., Official Assignee. sf N.B.-No Dividend will be pid [paid] without the production of the Securities exhibited at the time uf [of] proving the Debt. Executors and Administrators are required to produce the Probate of the Will, or the Letters of Administration, under which they claim. i the Matter of the Petition of JOSHUA ROYSTON, from January 1847 to the time of filin [failing] g this petition, residing at Birchincliffe, [Birchencliffe] in the parish ot Hud- [HUD- Huddersfield] dersfield, [Huddersfield] in the county of York; and from the former time to the month of May last carrying on the business of a Woollen and Fancy Cloth Manufacturer; and from the latter time to the present employed asa Journeyman Cloth Dresser. Notice is hereby given, that the County Court of York- [Yorkshire] shire, at Huddersfield, acting in the matter of this Petition, will proceed to muke [make] a final order thereon, at the said court, on the 7th day ot February, 1856, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, unless cause be then and there shown to the contrary. F. R. JONES, Jun., Clerk of the said Court. i the Matter of the Petition of JOHN HEP- [HEPWORTH] WORTH CASSON, from January 1848 to July 1849, residing at Oxford-road, in the parish of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, and carrying on the business of a Retail Confectioner and French Polisher and from the latter time to October in the same year residing in Wel- [Well- Welcome] comb-street, [street] Hulme, in Manchester atoresaid, [aforesaid] out of busi- [bus- business] ness; and from the last named time to the present, residing at No. 26, Jobn-street, [John-street] in the town and parish of Huddersfield, in the county of York, and car- [carrying] rying [ring] on the business of a French Polisher. Notice is hereby given, that the County Court of Yorkshire, at Huddersfield, acting in the matter of this Petition, will roceed [proceed] to make a final order thereon, at the said court, on the 7th day of February, 1856, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon precisely, unless cause be then and there shown to the contrary. R, JONES, Jun., Clerk of the said Court. TO GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, AND OWNERS OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, &c., INGENERAL. [In general] W ILLIAM [WILLIAM] ELAM, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, (upwards of ten years in practice in the city of Edinburgh,) begs respect- [respectfully] fuily [fully] to return his thanks for the numerous favours con- [conferred] ferred [erred] upon him, and begs to assure his patrons, that their wishes will ever meet with his most assiduous care, aud [and] trusts that his attention will secure the confidence thus reposed in him. Horses examined as to soundness, &. Horses bought aud [and] sold on commission, 26, Northumberland-street. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S NEW BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, No. 31, BUXTON-ROAD, HUDDERSFIELD. RS. STUBBS (formerly of 37, New street), respectfully informs her Friends and the Ladies of Huddersfield, that she has OPEN ED the PREMISES, No. 31, Buxton-road (late in the ocuupation [occupation] of Miss Armitage, milliner), with a choice assortment ot Ladies' and Children's BOOTS and SHOES of every description, Goloshes, [Galoshes] &c., which for quality, style of workmanship, and reasonable- [reasonableness] ness of price, she flatters herself cannot be surpassed by apy [pay] housein [house] the trade, and earnestly solicits a share of their patronage, which will ever be gratefully acknowledged. Aes [As] have you ever tried JOHN REID'S SHERRY, PORT, WHISKEY, GIN, PALE BRANDY, &ec., &c. William I have; and nobody, in my opinion, sells a better article for the mone [money] Rose and Crown Hotel. 'public Notices. URCH [CHURCH] MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT TRINITY LECTURE (the last of the course) will be A delivered in connection with the above association in the School-room, Dyke-end Lane, on Monday evening next, January 2Ist, [list] by the Rev. J. BARDSLEY, of Manchester, oo Personal Visits to the Graves of Eminent Men. J. Reaumont, [Beaumont] Esq., in the chair, Chair to be taken at Eiht [IT] o'clock. CHURCH REFORM ON GENUINELY GOSPEL PRINCIPLES. COURSE of LECTURES is intended to be delivered (D.V.) by GEORGE BIRD, late Rector of Cumberworth, on the subject of Reform in the Professed Churehes [Churches] of Christ, in the Gymnasium Hall, on next Wed- [Wednesday] nesday [Wednesday] evening, January 23rd. Dsors [Doses] open at half-past Seven, the Lecture to commence at Eight o'clock. . Free admission. Voluntary collections, simply to defray expenses. Entrance from Queen-street. HUDDERSFIELD IMPROVEMENT ACT, 1848.- TENDERS FOR PAVING SETS. 'HE Hudderstield [Huddersfield] Improvement Commissioners T are realy [real] to RECEIVE TENDEAS [TENDERS] for such quan- [quay- quantity] tity [tit] of PAVING SETS as they may from time to time Require during the period of Twelve Months from the date of the Contract.-For further particulars and conditions apply at the Board of Works, No. 1, South-parade, Hud- [HUD- Huddersfield] dersfield, [Huddersfield] where blank forms of tender may be obtained. lenders to be sent on or tefore [before] 12 a.m. of Thursday, the 1st instant. -By order, T..W. CLOUGH, Clerk to the Commissioners. Huddersfield, 18th January, 1856. RoE [Ore] CLARK, a New Story, by Fanny Fein. [Fen] Price One Shilling. May be had of Joseph Wild, bookseller, John William-street. . Just Published, Price 2d., EAR BREAD and WASTED GRAIN; a Lecture, by Thos. Beggs, [Begs] F.S.S. Sold by Joseph Wild, John William-street. LIMITED LIABILITY. HE YORKSHIRE and LANCASHIRE MUTUAL JOINT STOCK CORN and FLOUR COMPANY, at Huddersfield and Manchester.-Liability limited.-Now being registered under the 8th Vic., cap. 110, entitled An Act for the istration, [registration] Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint Stock Limited Liability Act, 1855. The above Company is now forming under the new Limited Liability Act of 1855. Capital 20,000, in 2,000 Shares of 10 each. 5 per Share to he paid up within a reasonable period, to be hereafter fixed and determined on. When three-fourths of the Shares have been subscribed fur, a Meeting of the Shareholders will be held for the purpose of nominating Directors and other Officers, and making the necessary arrangements for the complete regis- [registration] tration [ration] and formation of the Company. PROMOTERS AND PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE. Mr. G. F. C. Hierle, [Hole] merchant, Huddersfield. Mr. Jonas Hellawell, surgeon, Huddersfield. Mr. John Hellawell, corn dealer, Hudderstield. [Huddersfield] Mr. James Sheard, corn dealer, Hudderstield. [Huddersfield] Mr. William Smith, grocer, Huddersfield. Mr. George B. Garnett, dentist, Huddersfield. Mr. George Brook, dyer, East-parade, Huddersfield, Joseph Whitehead, Esq., Shaw-hall, Saddleworth. Mr. George Armitage Haigh, Honley. Mr. Benjamin Spivey Sheard, corn dealer, Huddersfield. Mr. Samuel Wood, West Derby, Liverpool. Mr. R. D. Newman, corn factor, Headingley. Matthew Charlesworth, Esq., Thornhill. Mr. William Rowlaud [Rowland] Croft, Heckmondwike. Mr. Seth Ward, Wooldale, gentleman. Mr. Joseph Lees, Beswicks, [Beswick] Saddleworth. Mr. Joseph Senior, maltster, [master] Horbury. Mr. James Whitaker, merchant, Huddersfteld. [Huddersfield] Mr. Alexander Harthill, merchant, Huddersfield, Mr. Abel Hellawell, Buxton-road, Huddersfield. Mr. John Moor, cornfactor, [corn factor] Gainsbro,' [Gains bro] Mr. Josiah Rhodes, baker, Huddersfield. Mr. Matthew Sheard, corn dealer, Huddersfield, With power to add to their number. A full prospectus will appear next week. Applications for shares may be forwarded to Mr. THOMAS ROBINSON, Solicitor, John William-street, Huddersfield, Of whom prospectuses, forms of application, and other information may also be obtained. Huddersfield, 3rd January, 1856. Sales by Auction. AUSTONLEY, NEAR HOLMFIRTH. Sale of valuable Freeholdand [Freehold and] Copyhold MILL PROPERTY, LAND, and DWELLIN [DWELLING] G-HOUSES, situate at Lumb Bank, White Walls, and Bradshaw Moor, in Austonley. To be SOLD by AUCLION, [AUCTION] by Mr. GEORGE TINKER, at the house of Mrs. Kippax, the Victoria Hotel, in Holmfirth, on Wednesday, the 30th day of January instant, at Six o'clock in the evening precisely, subject to such conditions as will be then produced, either in the following or such other Lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale. Lot 1. A ut those Two CLOSES of LAND, ve situate at White Walls aforesaid, one of which, known by the name of Coit [Cot] Croft, containing 2 roods and 26 perches or thereabouts, be the same more or less, is of freehold tenure, and is now in the occupation of Mr, Joseph Tinker; and the other, which is known by the name of the Marsh Close, containing by recent admeasure- [ad measure- ad measurement] ment, [men] 1 acre and 21 perches, be the same more or less, is, of copyhold tenure, and is also in the occupation of the said Mr. Joseph Tinker or his undertenants. [under tenants] And all that stone built MESSUAGE [MESSAGE] or DWELLING HOUSE, erected upon the said last-mentioned close, together with the Out- [Outbuildings] buildings thereto belunging, [belonging] now in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Broadhead. Lot 2-All those Nine Closes of LAND, situate at White Walls aforesaid, forming tozether [together] the compact farm now occupied by the said Mr. Joseph 'Tinker, and which said closes are known by the several names, and are of the several admeasurements [ad measurements] following, that is to say - A RP, Allison Close 1 310 Little 03 Small Tail 1116 Middle Piece 1 82 Lower Croft 1 34 Upper Croft cee [see] 1113 Heath Close 113 Upper Bank Head 1 038 Lower Bank Head... 112i [i] or thereahouts, [thereabouts] more or less, the whole of which, except thé [the] Small Tail and Heath Close, are Freehold, and the two last named closes are Freebold [Freehold] and Copyhold intermixed. And all that substantial stone-built MES- [MESSAGE] SUAGE [USAGE] or FARM-HOUSE, occupied along with the said closes of land, tugether [together] with the Yard, Barn, Stable, Stove, Dyehouse, and other outbuildings and appurte- [apart- appurtenances] nances [nance] thereto belonging, now in the tenure of the said Mr. Juseph [Joseph] Tinker. And all those two stone-built COT- [COTTAGES] TAGES [GATES] or DWELLING HOUSKS, [HOUSES] adjoining or conti- [cont- contiguous] guous [gus] to the said farm-house, and now in the respective occupations of Mr, George Hirst and Mr. James Bradbury, and the site of [C] hich [which] said buildings and yard contain by admeasurement [ad measurement] 42 perches, or thereabouts, more or less. Lot 3-All that ALLOTMENT of LAND, also situate at White Walls aforesaid, and adjoining on the south to the Townend-read, cuntaining [containing] 3 acres, 2 rouds, [Royds] and 28 perches, or thereabouts, be the same more or less, as the same was formerly occupied by Mr. John Broadhead, but now by the said Mr. Joseph Tinker, and' which was awarded to the said Mr. John Broadhead by the zraveship [ravishing] of Hulme Enclosure Award, whereby it was declared that 8 perches situate at the south-east corner thereof was co y- hold compounded for of the Manor of Waketield, [Wakefield] and the remaining 3 acres, 2 roods, and 20 perches thereof was freehold, Lot 4-An equal undivided moiety or half-part of and in all that Scribbling and Folling [Rolling] Mill, known by the name of the BILBERRY MILL, three storeys high, with an Attic, and containing by inside admeasurement [ad measurement] 16 yards in length by 16 ya ds in breadth, situate at Lumb Bank, in Austonley and now or late in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Broadhead, together with a moiety in the iron Water Wheel, 36 feet in diameter, and 4 feet wide, and in the and Going-gear (up to the first motion), which are in excellent condition together also, with a moiety in the COTLAGE [COTTAGE] and OUTBUILDINGS belonging to or occupied along with the said mill, and in the Close of LAND adjoining to the said mill, or usually occupied therewith, extending on the west side thereof to the land belonging to the Holme Reservoir Commissioners, and on the east side thereof to the plot of land now or late belong- [belonging] ing to Mr. James Green Arimitage; [Armitage] together also with such rights of road as belong and are appurtenant to the said mill, all which said mill, cottage, close of land, and appurtenances are now in the occupation of Messrs. Joseph Bruadhead [Broadhead] and John Broadhead or their under- [under tenants] tenants. Lot 5-All that Allotment of FREEHOLD LAND, situate at Bradsbaw [Bradshaw] Moor, in the township of Anstonley, [Stanley] adjuining [adjoining] on the south side to the Bradshaw Lane or Barton Green Rvad, [Road] and containing by admeasurement [ad measurement] l acre, 1 rood, and 34 perches or thereabouts, be the same more or less, and which was awarded to Mr. John Bruad- [Bread- Broadhead] head by the Holme Enclosure Award, and is numbered 89 in the plan of the said township of Austonley. The above property is chietly [chiefly] Freehold of Inheri'ance [Herring'once] ; and the remaining small portions of it are of intermixed tevure, [tenure] freehold aud [and] copyhold of the Manor of Waketield, [Wakefield] compounded for. It is situate at a distance of about three miles from the thriviny [thriving] town of Holmfirth, and about nine miles from Huddersfield. The Land at White Walls is mpanies, [companies, and 'The [the] Sales by Auction. FLEECE INN, MELTHAM.-TO BREWERS, PUBLICANS, AND OTHERS, Y Mr. THORNTON, on Wednesday the 30th B day of January, 1856, at the Fleece Inn, Meltham, lately occupied by Mr. John Tinker, all the HOUSE- [HOUSEHOLD] HOLD FURN ITURE, [TRUE] FIXTURES, and EFFECTS. Full particulars in next week's paper. 50, New-street, Huddersfield. NJ. 5, SPRING-STREET, HUDDERSFIELD. TO PARTIES FURNISHING, BROKERS, AND OTHERS. R. WILLIAM EDDISON will SELL by M AUCTION, upon the premises of Mrs. Phillips, No. 5, Spring-street afuresaid, [aforesaid] on Monday next, the 2lst [last] Jannary, [January] 1856, the whole of her HOUSEHOLD FURNI- [FURNISH- FURNITURE] TURE [TRUE] and EFFECTS. ; For particulars see Posting Bills. Sale to commence at One o'clock p.m. Auctioneer's Office, 26, High-street. E, COWCLIFFE SIDE, AND DOCK- [Dock cow] COW IN HUDDERSFIELD. LD by AUCTION, by Mr, EDDISON, at the Te oe Ms, Joseph Bottomley, the Cherry Tree Inn, Westgate, Huddersfield aforesaid, in the county of York, on Wednesday, the 30th of January, 1856, at Seven o'clock in the evening, by order of the Executors under the Will of the late Mr. Joseph Holroyd, in the following or such other lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, and subject to such conditions as shall be then and ere produced. . Lot L LL those two substantially-built DWELLING-HOUSES, together with the Mistal, [Mistral] Out kitchen, and other Out-buildings thereto belonging, situate at Cowcliffe Side aforesaid, and now in the respective occupations of Mr. John Platts and Ambrose Brook Holroyd. . Lot 2-All those four COTTAGES, situate at Cowcliffe aforesaid, and now or late in the occupations of Hugh Hamel, [Camel] James Galligher, [Gallagher] Thomas Sykes, and Robert arsden. [Marsden] eee [see] 3-All those two valuable stone-built DWELLING- [Dwelling houses] HOUSES, with the Areas in front, and Outbuildings and Yard at the back thereof, situate in Dock-street, Hudders- [Udders- Huddersfield] field aforesaid, and now in the several occupations of Wil- [William] 'liam Watkin, Edward Bagster, [Baxter] and Catherine Conroy. ; Lot 1 is pleasantly situate at the foot of the hill leadi [lead] to Fixby, on the Grimescar Turnpike Road, is surround 'by Gardens well stocked with fruit trees, and each dwelling contains good Cellars, two Rooms on the ground floor, with Bedrooms over the same-the whole being in a vegy [very] good state of repair. The purchaser of this lot may be accom- [com- accommodated] modated [moderate] with a few acres of Land, if required. The front dwelling in lot 3 contains good large arched Cellar, Cellar-kitchen, Sitting-room, two Bedrooms, and Attic. The back dwelling contains good arched Cellar. House, two Bedrooms, and other conveniences. . The whole ot the property is held as tenant-at will under Sir John William Ramsden, Bart., aud [and] subject to mode- [moderate] rate annual chief rents. 'The [the] respective tenants will show the premises, and further information may he obtained on application to Ambrose Brook Holroyd, Cowcliffe Side; Mr. Richard Holroyd, Dock-street, Hudcersfield [Huddersfield] or of the Auctioneer, 26, High-street. SUNNY BANK MILL, MELTHAM, NEAR HUDDERSFIELD. TO WOOLLEN CLOTH MANUFACTURERS, MACHINERY BROKERS, AND OTHERS. . R. WILLIAM EDDISON has received instructions from the Assignees of Mr. James Tayior, [Taylor] to SELL by AUCTION, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 6th and 7th days of February, 1856, upon the premises, Sunny Bank Mill, Me ltham [Me them] aforesaid, the whole of the valuable MACHINERY and Effects, com- [comprising] prising in GARRET-One pair of mules, 300 spindles each, one 60-inch scribbler, one 32-inch carder and scribbler, fitted with Oldfield's patent Piecing Machine; one 32 inch scribbler, one billey, [Billy] 150 spindles; eight broad power looms, one 60-inch scribbler (old), winding machine, large quantity of tin and wood bobbins, brooches, patent weighing machine, large quantity of broken machinery, shafting, drums, strapping, &c., of various dimensions, &e., &e. MippLe [Pimple] Room.-One 60-inch scribbler, one 54-inch ditto, one 32-inch carder, fitted with Porritt's Patent Piecing Machine; one 32-inch carder, one 30-inch ditto, one billey, [Billy] 120 spindles; one ditto, 60 spindles; two broad- [broadcloth] cloth power looms, steam piping, shafting, drums, strap- [strapping] ping, &c., of various dimensions. Stock Room, Ratsinc [Redskin] Room, &.-Broad raising gig, brushing machine, two Lewis cross-cutting machines, one jerry knife, beam, scales, and weights, five sets of teazle frames, one broad raising machine, one narrow ditto, peaking table, 100 raising hurdles, steam piping, shafting, drums, &c., large circular warping frame 15ft. [ft] diameter; warping creel, &e. Bottom Spinnine [Spinning] Room.-One pair of mules, 240 spindles each, shafting and going gear to same. ToP [To] SPINNING-ROOM.-One pair of mules, 240 spindles each, with shafting and going gear to same. In Press SHoP.-Sciew [Shop.-Sir] press, 35 iron fencings, 31 press plates, 600 press papers, in good condition, long table, shovel, tongs, &c. Smitas' [Smiths] SHoP.-Smiths' [Shop.-Smiths] bellows, anvil, seven pairs of tongs, vice and bench, five swages, [wages] 12 boxes, two pairs of stocks, three pairs of dies, eight taps, several hammers, old iron, &c. Weavine [Weaving] SHup.-Four [Ship.-Four] narrow steam-power looms, turning laithe [lathe] and bench, 15ft. [ft] long, a quantity of old iron and wood, steam piping, shafting, and going gear. In Warenouse.- [Warehouse.- Warehouse] Large beam scale, sorting board, hand barrow, 18-gallon barrel, larye [large] cask, &c. In DyYEHOUSE.-Wool [Household.-Wool] barrow, 27-staved ladder, beam and scales, three wood scrays, [Scraps] piping, &c., quantity of dyewares, [dyers] consisting of chip and ground logwood [Lockwood] and cam- [camwood] wood, copperas, saunders, [Saunders] bycrome, [become] ma'der, alum, &e., Scoops, and sundry other effects not particularised, catalogues of which may be had of the auctioneer, on and after Monday the 4th proximo. [proximity] Sale to commence each day at Eleven o'clock. Auctioneer's Office, 26, High-street, NO, 26, EAST-PARADE, CHAPEL-HILL, HUDDERSFIELD. NEAT AND VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO-FORTE, &c. AV BRADLEY respectfully makes known that he is favoured with instructions from Mr. John Sykes (who is changing bis residence), to DIS- [DISPOSE] POSE OF by AUCTION, on Monday next, January 21st, 1856, on the premises situate in East-parade, Huddersfield aforesaid, the following neat and valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Requisites comprising mahogany four-post bedstead, with fuotboard, [football] cornice, rings, &c., and drab damask hangings; two painted French bed- [bedsteads] steads, feather and flock beds, bolsters, pillows, &c. Mat- [Mattresses] tresses, wardrobe, painted maple; chest of mah drawers, two painted washstands and dressing tables, toilet ware, solid mahogany night commode, three cane- [cane seated] seated bedroom chairs, window cornice, pole valance and drab damask hangings, with fringe, &c. two swing dress- [dressing] ing glasses in mahogany frames, with drawers; two Kid- [Kidderminster] derminster [minster] carpets, hearthrugs, druggeting, [directing] &c.; stairs ting and rods, excellent barometer, mahogany loo table, with pillar and claws beautiful mahogany sofa, with hair-seating mahogany rocking chair, with stuffed seat and back; easy chair in Morocco; four svlid [solid] rosewood chairs, with hair seating excellent mahogany bookcase, with glazed doors pier glass, in gilt frame, 32in. [in] by 20in.; [in] round papier [paper] mache [make] stand, beautiful eight days' spring time- [timepieces] pieces in mahogany frame and stand; one excellent QUARE [SQUARE] PLANO-FORTSE, [PLANO-FOREST] in mahogany case, and metalic [metal] plate, by Broadwood and Sons, London music stool, eight mahogany cnairs, [chairs] with hair seating; larze [large] mahogany dininz [dining] table, in two parts, with two loose leaves Palmer's patent candle lamp, two beautiful Porcelain vases, oak painted dresser, with sycamore top; six birch chairs, Windsor arm chair, square birch stand, one excellent OFFCE [OFFICE] COPYING PRESS, oblong deal table, with syea- [sea- steamer] more top chronological tree of the history of England in frame, six prints in frames, passave [passage] oilcloth, two door mats, umbrella and hat stand, about 100 VOLUMES of BOOKS, including Hume and Smollett's history of England, Cham- [Chan- Chambers] bers' [bees] Journal, &.; chimney ornaments, large boot and shve [she] stand, two clothes horses, small step ladder, brewing tub, two clothes baskets, bread and water pot, tin hastener, tea tray, two large meat dishes, garden implements, about 14 yards of gutta percha tubing, for watering garden three large tin boilers, iron pans, small coffee mill, metal teapot, sundry pieces of earthenware, &c.; together with a quantity of other articles too numerous to detail. Sale to commence at Eleven a.m. Auctioneer's office, New-street, nearly opposite the Post- [Post office] office, Huddersfield. Bub ic Notices. MESMERISM. APTAIN [CAPTAIN] HUDSON, of Liverpool, is now at the Oldham-street Lecture Hall, Manchester. Attends daily for Consultation, and Demonstrates in the Evening. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PUBLIC.-REDUCTION IN OUR. FLOU [FLOUR] MESES. [MESS] B. and J. SHEARD, Newtown Mills, and Market-street, Huddersfield, have REDUCED their Price of FLOUR THREE SHILLINGS per Sack, in co 'sequence of the prospects of peace. Newtown Mills aud [and] Market-street. pial [pill] ES supplied with the choicest and must genuine WINES and SPIRITS, ALLSOPP'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, in Casks of 18 Gallons, at the reduced price. A stock always on hand, ILHARD [UNHEARD] BARKER, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Market place CIRCULATION OF THE CHRONICLE. THE circulation of the Chronicle from January to June, 1855, averaged 1,360 copies weekly, being more than double that of its contemporary, as will be seen from the following STAMP RETURNS HUDDERSFIELD CHRONICLE ... 34,000 good Meadow or Pasture; and from the compact and con- [convenient] venient [convenient] position in which the Closes, Farm-house, and Buildinus, [Buildings] furming [farming] Lots 1 and 2 are situate, this is an exceedingly valuable investment for farming purposes, There is at White Walls a constant supply of excellent water arising from springs which flow through the property. The mill is of very recent erection, and is substantially built uf [of] stone. It is situate the first on the stream by which the mills alung [Lung] the Digley Valley are supplied with water, and it theretore [therefore] receives a most regular supply of ; water in its purest state; and, upon the completion of the Bilberry Reservoir, which may now be expected at no distant period, the supply of water will be abundant even in the dryest [direst] times. 'I'he mill is replete with new and very excellent machinery, which, together with the falling stocks, drivers, yoing-year, [young-year] &c., the purchaser will have the privi- [privy- privilege] lege [Lee] of taking at a valuation if desired. . The property may be viewed and every information obtained respecting it on application to the tenants on the premises, and further information may also be obtained at ' the offices of Mr, Tinker, the Auctioueer, [Auctioneer] in Holmfirth 3 or at the offices of T. W. CLOUGH, Solicitor, 33, New. Huddersfield, Jan. 11th, 1856, streets The establishment of HUDDERSFIELD EXAMINER ............... .. 14,000 Since the alteration in the Newspaper Stamp Act, Chronicle has added to its former number. It is our pride to boast that the Chronicle through the unmis- [unis- unmistaken] taken and unmistakeable preference of the public, has become, preeminently. the journal for the district in whichit [which] circulates, n the race for public approval in its own immediate district, it has distanced-far distanced-its competitors, and stands at the present time'in a much better position, both as it regards advertising connection and number of readers, than many Yorkshire journals which have existed for more than three times the term of the Chronic. The circulation of the Chronicle for the last two years has been regularly on the increase; but more particularly and markedly so during the last eight months. That increase has not been sudden or fitful -hut of that steady progressive character which testifies to an abiding interest in the minds of its readers, and which proves that our journal is making its way surel [sure] y in pub ie estimation Chronicle for a considerable period has been at the head of the Press circula [circular] in its own district and it can now boast that while its ci tion [ion] is far-very far-above the circulation in that district of any otherjourual-far [ethereal-far] more than many of them uniter [United] together-it has a so so fur distanced its immediate competitor. that the Chronicle's relative circulation is more FOUR TO ONE, the circulation more than one-half of its the Chronicle as the journal tor the district, and as a recogniscd [recognised] FAMILY NEWSPAPER, is, therefore, a fact. THE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1856. CCEPTANCE [ACCEPTANCE] OF THE PEACE PROPOSALS BY RUSSIA. WHAT DOES THAT ACCEPTANCE MEAN On Thursday a feeling of joy was manifest through- [throughout] out the land, as the telegraph winged the news from point to point that Kussia [Russia] had uneone [Union] tionally [finally] accepted the proposals for peace Jy tha [that] a power, which, not a twelvemonth ago broke up the negotiations at Vienua, [Vienna] sooner than consent to the very slight plans proposed by the other powers for the limitation of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea, had now unconditionally consented to receive as the basis for future negotiations for peace terms which preclude altogether a Russian fleet in the Euxine, [Exon] aud [and] which also require the dismantling of fortresses and arsenals on the shores of that sea ; in other words, the annihilation of the Sebasto- [Beast- Sebastopol] pol and other forts, so that they may no longer be regarded and dreaded as a standing menace, by Turkey and other states. The feeling of joy that the blows inflicted on the enemy had already pro- [produced] duced [duce] this undeniable effect, was manifest on every hand-from the Stock-exchange, where the Funds weut [West] up three per cent, to every little gathering at the street corners, aud [and] even in the bosom of private families. ; Many, however, were under a wrong impression, both as to the proposals accepted, and the imme- [Mme- immediate] diate [date] effect to fullow [fellow] upon that acceptance. Some were of opinion that the proposals offered were the actual terms of peace and that the acceptance of those terms by Russia was the actual conclusion of peace. The war, therefore, was looked upon by this class, as being wholly at an end for as Russia had agreed to the terms imposed by the allies, there was nothing further now to fight for. Others, however, more cautious, viewed the matter in its true light looked upon it that the proposals were but offered as a basis upon which peace might be concluded and that their acceptance by Russia simply meant that she was willing to negotiate for peace upon that basis. The bringing of Russia to this point, considering her arrogant conduct during the negotiations at Vienna, is certainly a great step gained is in itself a proud victory for the allied powers but those who recollected the game of delay which Russia had always played; who recol- [recoil- recollected] lected [elected] her adroitness in diplomatic entanglement ; who recollected her former acceptance of the four points, and her subsequent conduct regarding them, when the negotiating powers endeavoured to give them force and effect in a treaty of peace those who recollected all that had passed on that occasion, and the damaging effect which the hopese [hope] raised by the former acceptance had upon the then conduct of the war, saw that the present acceptance was tar from being what others would have it-an end of the contest. How far the Russian acceptance is from the immediate termination of hostilities, may be judged from the following, which is from the Morning Post of yesterday-the organ of the government - It is of much importance that it should be rightly under- [understood] stood that tke [te] proceeding which has hadso [heads] happy anissue [issue] in determining Russia to make large and important concessions is an Austrian proceeding, and that the five proposals, as accepted by Russia, do not contain on the face of them all that the Western Powers consider necessary for their safe entrance upon negotiation. When the Cabinet of Vienna applied to England and France to know the terms upon which they would consent to make peace with Russia, a direct and distinct reply was given. Upon that reply, Austria founded the proposals which Russia has accepted ; but she has not represented to the Czar the whole and exact tenor of our demands; and it would not be fair in us, nor indeed just, either to ourselves or to Russia, to enter upon discussion before the preliminaries have been arranged so clearly and unmistakably that Russa, [Russia] on the one hand, may not have itin [tin] her power to pretend that we have entrapped her into negotiations without making her fully aware of their import-nor we, on the other, be open to the mancurres [manures] of the adroit diplomacy which has already, in former instances, so cleverly amused our ministers. To take an example. In the Austrian proposals the name of the Aland [Land] Islands is never mentioned, but, nevertheless, we believe it will be found that Lord Claren- [Clare- Clarendon] don had emphatically stated to the Cabinet of Vienna that we must insist upon Russia's binding herse g [here g] not to rebuild Bomarsund. [Beaumont] This resolve, justitiable [suitable] on fhe [he] grounds of military success, and requisite as a matter ot high import to the well-being of Europe, becomes imperative, when it is remembered that we have only recently concluded an alliance with Sweden, and that it is our bounden duty not to leave our Ally at the mercy of Russia, nor to permit the re-erection of a huge and menacing fortress within one hundred miles of Stuckholm. [Stockholm] Under these circumstances, then, it will be the duty of the Belligerents, before negotiations can be entered upon, to signify their intentions to Russia, and to require her acceptance of proposals totally free from the pos [post ibility [ability] of misinterpretation. 'These proposals, we trust, will have the support of Austria and the German Powers, and will, we are confident, meet with acceptance at St. Petersburg, if Russia be now really alive to her own interests, and anxious for the welfare of Europe. If they are accepted, then negotiation will follow, but not at Vienna, nor Paris, nor London. All preliminaries being once satisfactorily adjusted, some more fit place will be appointed for the conduct of Conferences. It is far, therefore, from being the fact that Russia has accepted the terms laid down by the allies as the basis upon which they would consent to negotiate peace. She has only accepted the Austrian version of those terms; and it may happen that before we get to the point of negotia- [negotiate- negotiation] tion, [ion] we shall find that the acceptance, which has in some quarters led to very extravagant hopes, is anything but an acceptance of the terms imposed and insisted on by the western powers, Upon this point the Times of yesterday also remarks - hs We caution the the te bh m [in] es and Berlin, fod [food] that p public against the persuasion that of our correspondents at Vienna posted by the French government on the Paris Bourse, necessarily imply what their words certainly, taken in their literal sense, would fairly com- [comprehend] prehend,-that [present,-that ,-that] all the propositions upon which the allies insist, have been unconditionally accepted by Russia. The terms of the fitth [Firth] proposition are general, and do not necessarily include the undertaking not to fortify the Aland [Land] Isles, any more than any other demand the allies might think fit to make. We do not believe that this 4 requisition has yet been specifically submitted to Russia, and, whatever may be the probabilities of the case, we are certainly not justitied [justified] in saying that she has unconditionally accepted it. Two other terms on which we must per- [peremptorily] emptorily [temporarily] insist-the disarming of the eastern coast of the Black Sea, and the allowing consuls of the western powers to reside in the Russian ports on its waters-have been only slightly and ambiguously mentioned. Why this is so we do not kuow, [know] That is the concern of Austria. We are not principals in the negotiation, but have employed the mediation of a third power, whose duty it is to see that Russia be brought to an unconditional acceptance of our terms, with all their stipulations, betore [before] we even enter into negutiation. [negotiations] We do not believe fur a moment that these things are likely to offer permanent obstacles to the con- [conclusion] clusion [conclusion] of peace; but our readers must remember that the announcementis [announcement] that of an Austrian, and not of an English diplomatist, and that he speaks from a point of view not always identical with our own. Pending the ascertainment of the real meaning of this acceptance by Russia, and pending the negotiation which may follow out of that accept- [acceptance] ance-supposing [once-supposing -supposing] it turns out to be as Austria reports, an unconditional acceptance of the terms of the allies-what is to be done Are we to follow Mr, Coppen's [Copper's] advice, and withdraw our armies from the Russian territory Are we to fold our hands, and give up all and every kind of preparation, and watch with contented eye the progress of the diplomatic contest Are we to let the bare acceptance of these new five points benumb us into inaction-to find ourselves, as before, on the failure of the negotiations, in- [inadequate] adequate fur the task immediatel [immediately] y before us, because we have let the precious moments of preparation slip by Is this to be the course pursued by the allies Or rather, are we not to take heart from the success already gained, and be fully prepared when the proper time comes, to inflict still more terrible and vital blows upon the enemy, aud [and] bring him still nearer toreasonableterms [reasonableness On this point the Morning Post observes - In the meanwhile we must keep our energies braced up, and relax not one iota of the prodigious exertions that are being made for the spring campaign. This, we are con- [convinced] vinced, [evinced] 3 the soul of successful negotiation. The voice of Europe is in our favour-our resources are immense-our armainents [eminent] of greater magnitude than ever, The Times also contends that -- Nothing should induce us to relax fora single moment in our preparations until all the stipulations we have men- [mentioned] tioned [toned] have been clearly and unequivocally put by Austria and as clearly and unequivocally conceded. We must remember that by the pressure we have put upon Russia and not by the mediation of Austria, has the present happy alteration in our circumstances been brought about, and that, if we would preserve the advantages of our Position it can only be done by a constant adhesion to the very means by which that change has been produced. Let Russia once see reason to believe that we have allowed the hopes of ease and tranquillity to unnerve onr [one] vigilance and disarm our courage, and the whole work must be done over again; for she will assuredly find means to wrigsle [Wrigley] out of the concessions she has made, and to resume her old atti- [attic- attitude] tude [tue] of haughtiness and defiance, The way to obtain peace is to make our adversary feel thoroughly- [thoroughly what] what is, indeed, no more than the truth how much more necessary that peace is to her than it ig to us. We bave [ave] tried reason and remonstrance with no effect have tried vigour and action with the most encou. [encounter] raging results. By energetic action pelled [celled] the enemy to negotiate; by a conti [cont eneryy [energy] aud [and] that action we shail [hail] by nuance of that toa [to] happy result. It is the common error of historians to attribute in these matters too much to the tal ' 7 ents [ants] of plenipotentiaries, and too little to the relative force of the racting [acting] states. No negotiator was more successfy) [successful] then Charles XII. before the le of Pultawa, [Plate] or Napoleon before the expedition to Moscow, for their arguments were backed by their bayonets, and faults in their logic unnoticed amid the thunder of their cannon. After their signal reverses they negotiated with equal talent but entirely different success, for the power that gave force to their propositions was gone. Now, then, if ever in the course of the war, it is necessary to push on those prepara- [prepared- preparations] tions [tins] which are required for the efficiency of our sea and land forces in the next campaign. Never before was that necessity so urgent; never would the effects of any relaxa. [relate] tion [ion] or remission be so immediately felt, We have the goal in sight, and that ought to induce us rather to double than remit our exertions. By observing this line of cop. duct we shall cither [either] have gained the noblest victory-q solid and lasting peace, or be in a position to inspire thos [this] who shall have withheld it from us with a still more durable repentance, . To the spirit of this appeal, we are certain that the nation will almost unanimously respoud-and [respond-and] desire that every preparation be made to render the next campaign a decisive one, if possible, if peace cannot be concluded before the season arrives, Peace, if Russia pleases, on the terms sent to Austria by the Allies but, if not, another tug for it, when in all probability much better terms for the interests of freedom and iudependence [independence] may be then accepted by Russia-and gladly. - THE NEGLECT OF KARS.--WHO [JARS.--WHO] Is RESPONSIBLE news of the fall of Kars, [Ears] after the gallant and heroic defence by the brave and devoted garrison, was deeply embittered in this country by the knowledge that such a reverse for the brave English commander and the equally brave and endurin [enduring] Turkish troops, could have been prevented, had timely and energetic steps been taken to relieve the noto- [not- notoriously] riously [seriously] suffering defenders of a most important position. That such relief was urgently required ; that the small but brave army, commanded by General WiLLIaMs, [William] was in the utmost strait for want of provisious; [provisions] that the place which had been so heroically defended must fall, from the sheer starvation of the suffering garrison, unless succour and aid was afforded, was as notorious as the gal- [gallant] lant [lane] and heroic deeds performed by this little more than a handful of men-deeds, which have shed a halo of glory around the place which keen gaunt hunger and absolute want of ammunition alone compelled them to surrender; deeds which have immortalised the names of the defenders of this invested city, held, as it was, for so long a period against such fearful odds, and crowned, as their efforts were, by the most terrible and signal victory-terrible for the enemy, but signal for the victors-which this war has yet seen. The reliet [relief] which was of so much importance to be rendered -important to the general cause of the allies, independent of the claims of the garrison to succour and aid-could, without doubt, have been afforded, had the proper steps been taken by those who ought tv have seen to it. For more than six mouths aid the brave garrison endure the horrors and privations of their position-not giving up the place until they were reduced by hunger and want to such a prostrate condition, that when the Russians sent in provisions, a great portion of the inhabitants and troops could not crawl to the places of distribution to receive the food for which they were dying, but they had to be sought out, and tenderly treated, which, to the honour of the Russian soldiery under MouravizrFF, [professorial] was done with most considerate care. It also now turns out that when the surrender of Kars [Ears] was made, with its enduring defenders in this pros- [prostrate] trate [rate] condition, there were not more than three days ammunition in the place. Yet for morethan [more than] six months had the suffering state of this small but heroic band been known; and the regret which England in particular felt that a place of the importance of Kars [Ears] should have fallen into the hands of the Russians, was deeply embittered by the knowledge that the only real success of the enemy throughout the war could have been pre- [prevented] vented had the proper determination and energy been shown. That some one or other was to blame was an inference natural enough under the cireum- [cream- circumstances] stances ;' but where to fix that blame was the difficulty. Some pointed to the government at Constantinople others to the allied commanders in the Crimea; others to the British embassy in the East; others to the Turkish commander at Erzeroum, [Serum] who was so often starting on the march to Kars [Ears] with an army of relief, but who never got off; and others again to Omar Pasua, [Pass] who had attempted a diversion in Mingrelia, [Mineral] in the hope of drawiug [drawing] off the army of Mouravizrr [Moravian] from the investment of Kars-instead [Ears-instead] of at once marching to the latter place, and engaging the enemy to the relief of the garrison. Amid these several parties. to whom blame was attributed, it was scarcely pos- [post- possible] sible for the public mind to fix on the real one, answerable for the neglect which undoubtedly had been exhibited but the public could call for a full enquiry into the matter, which the press, on behalf of the public, was not slow to do-contending that as there bad been a Sebastopol Committee of the Commens, [Commons] there ought also to be a Kars [Ears] Com- [Committee] mittee [matter] for the circumstances of the case loudly called for a searching investigation. Tu the absence of direct accusation against any one party, it was felt that a Parliamentary enquiry was required into circumstances so unsatisfactory in their general result; aud [and] there has transpired that within the. last few days which now renders such an investigation indispensable. It is now distinctl [distinct] averred that it is to the shameful and culpable neglect of Lord Stratrorp [Prostrate] pe Repcuirre [Require] that the fall of Kars [Ears] and the occupancy by the Russians of the key to Asia-Minor is attributable a neglect all the more criminal and unpardonable, because prompted and continued from mere personal ill- [ill feeling] feeling towards the brave and talented General The Times of Wednesday prefers, this highly damaging indictment against the English representative at Constantinople. The subject is thus introduced - In another fortnight parliament will meet, after a recess crowded with momentous incidents. It will be the lot of the legislature to discuss the past and future campaigns, to examine the causes of success or failure, to suggest rewards for eminent services, or to demand enquiry into alleged neglects. In such circumstances we can no longer delay mention of a subject which occupies the minds of those conversant with eastern affairs. We have before alluded to the transactions connected with the siege of Kars, [Ears] and te the comments made on the conduct of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, the British ambassador at Cor- [Constantinople] stantinople. [Constantinople] The great calamity which has befallen the Turkish arms has given tu these vvents [events] a vast importance, and we should but i perform our duty if we concealed the fact that the neglect and abandonment of the British officers and the troops they so ably led are spoken of and are attributed by persons well intormed [informed] on the matter, to personal feeling on the part of the ambassador towards the English general, whose naine [nine] is now so well know in connection with a long defence of the place. 'I'he matter 18 nutorious [notorious] to all acquainted with the 'l'urkish [l'Irish] capital, ard [ad] not entirely unknown to the world in general, although the formalities of political have generally precluded any allusion to it in pailiament [Parliament] or the press. The position of the English ambassador at Con- [Constantinople] stantinuple, [Constantinople] aud [and] his power to influence the Turkish government for weal or for woe, throughout its utmost ramifications, is thus described - It may be said, then, that it is the misfortune of Lora Strafford to live in a state of dissension with almost every man with whom he is br mht [met] into contact. Althonsh [Although] his aye and position are sufficient to insure due respect, and those who approach have nu wish to be on other than ami- [amicable] cable terms, yet few can hope long to escape sume [sum] outbreak of his violent and groundless illwill. [ill will] He lives in an atmos- [Amos- atmosphere] phere [there] of antipathies, aud, [and] accustomed during so mavy [may] years to intercourse with Turkish officials and to the deference of Levantine [Valentine] he is impatient of any demur to what he conceives his authority. The disregard of his advice, or even the differing from his opinion, is enough to kindle a dislike which may last for years. Such is the man to whom the British government has committed the care of its interests in the Fast. 'Turkish ways are not as our ways, and a minister t home must naturally leave all dealings with this unknown world to the representative and his staff of orientalists and dragumans, [Dragoons] A British ambassador can by a word enforce attention toa [to] request of his government, or mark it out for neglect. Lam to lay this communica- [communicate- communication] tion [ion] before you-do not ask my opinion of it, decide for yourselves, is sufficient to insure the rejection or evasion of a demand, even though it emanated from the Foreign office itseif; [its] for the Porte will fancy that it was never meant to be acceded to, and will, with ready duplicity, acquiesce in the stratagem. Hence it is evident that the whole power of the country he represents must be wielded per- [personally] sonally [signally] by a representative in the East. Aud [And] then follows the Bill of Indictment to which We have referred above, and to the allegations of which, in their detailed circumstantiality, we solicit the careful attention of the reader. He will find in the following more than matter for regret, or even for boiling indignation. He will find in it Matter which ealls [walls] for action, to compel a full enquiry into the circumstances of this most dis- [disgraceful] graceful case -- . Now, the statements to which we wish to call attention are as follows -General Williams, who had been formerly employed on the Turco-Persian [Turk-Persian] Boundary Commission, and had some acquaintance with the people and language of Asiatic Turkey, was in 1854 selected as British Commis [Comms] sioner [sooner] to the Ottoman army in Armenia. The Turks bad been defeated in five battles, and their force was com- [completely] pletely [lately] disorganised. It was thought that the experience of General Williams might be of service in the reconstitu- [reconsider- reconstitution] tion [ion] of the army and the defence of the threatened pro- [province] vine s, s] He was chiefly by a quiet, unas- [una- unassuming] suming [summing] disposition, so much so that few of his friends gare [are] him credit for the resvlution [resolution] and sternness which he dis- [displayed] played in the defence and government of Kars, [Ears] It is diffi- [diff- difficult] , cult, therefure, [therefore] to conccive [conceive] the grounds of the ambassador's in set phrase,