Huddersfield Chronicle (16/Nov/1850) - page 1

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No. 33. es aE PRETENSIONS AND CORRUPTIONS OF POPERY. Just Published, Price Threepence, SERMON reached in the Parish Church of Huddersfield, on Sunday, the 10th November, 02 the PRETENSIONS and CORRUPTIONS of PERY, [PER, by JosiaH [Josiah] BaTEemAN, [Bateman] M.A., Vicar of Hud- [HUD- Huddersfield] gersfield [Greenfield] and Rural Dean. To be had of Mr. J. Brook, Mrs. Kemp, and Mr. W. Booksellers. a TO THE HIGH SHERIFF OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. SIR,- [SIR] TE, the Undersigned (being LAYMEN), W request that you will calla COUNTY MEETING for the purpose of considering the propriety of presenting ADDRESS to her Majesty, aud [and] of adopting such other as may seem to be required by the publication of a Bull of the twenty-fourth day of September, 1850, the i i - an attempt is made to establish by papal authorit [authority] Hicrarcby, [Hereby] within this realm. Fitzwilliam George Johnson, Mayor of rt are wood Doncaster Efingbam [Enigma] Arthur Lascelles Zetland Andrew Lawson Hawke Andrew Sherlock Lawson Ribblesdale R. T. Lee Wharncliffe [Arncliffe] Geo. S. Lister Feversham [feverish] R. C. Lister Wenlock Thos. B. Locke William Aldam Wm. Markham Charles Anderson J. G. Marshall George Armitage 10s. Mason Joseph Armitage William Matthews George Armitage John Maude John Aspinall Robt. Milligan J. C. Athorpe [Thorpe] E. G. Monckton [Monotony] James Andus [Andes] Josa. [Jos] Moorhouse Wm. Jno. Bagshawe Wilson Overend Wm. Leonard Gill Bag- [Charles] Charles Oxley shawe [Shaw] J. G. Paley Wm. W. Battye Robt. Paley R. Bayley H. Parker Wm. Beckett J ossph [Joseph] R. Pease Thos. Benyon [Benson] H. W. Pickard Francis Billam George Pollard T. D. Bland Joshua Pollard Thos. B. Bosville [Seville] Cooper Preston William Briggs J.R Ralph Henry Broadley Charles Ramsden Saml. James Brown George Ramsden Wm. Williams Brown Brownell Joseph Brook Henry Jas. Ramsden John Rawson W. Rudston Read William Leigh Brook Edward Horner Reynard Robt. Buchanan Thomas Robinson John Francis Carr Edwin Smith George Wilton Chambers Joba [Job] Smith Josh. Charlesworth J. G. Smyth J. W. Childers [Shoulders] Michael Childers [Shoulders] Thomas Clarke J. Spencer Stanhope Walter Spencer Stanh [Stand] pe Le Gendre [Gentry] N. Starkie T. G, Clayton Arthur Stephens - P. Davies Cooke J. W. Sturges [Stages] W. B. Cooke John Sutcliffe J. W. Copley R. J. Coulman Ralph Creyke [Creek] Jno. Crossley H. B. Darley George Pelsant [Pleasant] Dawson Edmund Denison Jos. Dent John D. Dent Henry Edwards, M.P. Josh. Sykes Edw. Clough Taylor, jun. James Taylor Jobn [John] Taylor J. P. Tempest T. R. P. Tempest J. R. Tennant Edward Tew Benjmn. [Benjamin] Thompson Robert Wainhouse John Elam W. B. Wainman William Ellis Henry Walker J. Edwd. G. Elmsall H. Frederick Walker Charles Wilson Faber W. Walker Thomas Fairfax Wm. Walker James Farrer John Waterhouse T. H. Fawkes J. K. Watson W. B. Ferrand Edward Waud John Foster J.T. Wharton John Gott E. B. Wheatley T. H. Whitaker H. W. Wickham L. W. Wickham John Wilson Matthew Wilson Edwin Greenwood Fredk. Greenwood John B, Greenwood Joseph Greenwood Barnard Hague J. Hague Matthew Wilson, jun. Thomas Hall Bathurst E. Wilkinson Charles Hardy T. C. Wilkinson Alfred Harris Charles Winn Randall Hatfeild [Hatfield] Rowland Winn Jolin [Join] Mason Hepworth Basil T. Woodd [Wood] Wm. Hepworth C. S. Wricht [Wright] J. Holdsworth R. H. Wrightson John Holt didward [did ward] Yourke [York] W. Amecotts [Acts] Ingilby [Incline] John York Geo. J. Jarratt I do appoint a COUNTY MEETING, to be held at the CASTLE OF YORK, on FRIDAY, the 22nd day of November instant, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in compliance with the above Requisition. WILLIAM RUTSON, [REASON] Sheriff. York, 14th November, 1850. THEATRE, HUDDERSFIELD. FIRST NIGHT OF THE DOG OF THE WAVE. N Monpay [Monday] Eventne [Event] Next, Nov. 18, will be acted a new nautical drama of thrilling interest, with striking situations, choruses, combats, original music, &c., written expressly for the peculiar and extraordinary sagacity of Mr. S. Wild's celebrated Newfoundland dog, Nelson, justly termed the wonder of the age, whose almost indes- [Indies- indescribable] ctibable [table] feats have been eulogized [eulogised] with admiration by the Metropolitan and provincial press, and patronised by the Principal nobility of England. The incredible display of canine sagacity evinced by this majestic animal on all occasions, has elicited the most rapturous applause, and stamped him the first performing dog in the world. On Monpay [Monday] EVENING NEXT will be performed THE PIRATE SHIP; OR THE DOG OF THE WAVE. Diego de Montaldo [Mental] Mr. Perris. Donald Macline...... [Machine] Mr. JAMES HaLLoway. [Galloway] Ali Mr. HaLLoway. [Galloway] Mrs. PERRIS. ees [see] Mrs. 8. WILD. Neptune, the Dog of the Wave...By the Newfoundland Dog NELSON his first appearance here. Jt will be remembered that the dog NELSON saved the life of Richard Craiston, [Cranston] of Kendal, in the River Ribble, Preston, on the 6th of J uly, [July] 1849. Mr. GREENHALGH. Mrs. BATESON The whole to conclude with the laughable farce of OUR MARY ANNE. On TvEspay, [Trespass] Novemher [November] 19, the DOG of the WAVE, and other Entertainments. enn [Inn] November 20, VALSHA, [WALSH] the SLAVE Graff (the Wanderer) Mr. HALLoway. [Galloway] r Prince Ludgar...Mr. [Ludgate...Mr] JAMES HaLLoway. [Galloway] dlsha, [dish] the Slave Queen ...... Mrs. S. WILD. On Tuurspay. [Tuesday] November 21, the GIPSEY [GIPSY] QUEEN, With other Entertainments. The Gipsey [Gipsy] Queen On Frmay, [From] November 22, MACBETH. S. WILD. Macbeth ccc [cc] Mr. Macduff ............ Mr. James HaLLoway. [Galloway] Maleomb [Male] Mr. WALLIS. Lady Macheth [Macbeth] Mrs. S. WILD Others by the Company. on SaTurDay, [Saturday] November 23, the DAYS OF OLIVER - 'OMWELL, [unwell] and other Entertainments. - RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. HE Claims on the Railway Passengers' Assur- [Assure- Assures] Company to this date being for one fatal case wed for 500, and for compensation to forty-four per, ous us] for personal injury, met by ts varying from 2 yee [see] ury [ur] y paymen [payment] yieg [York] ms amply demonstrates the importance of providing With th RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. powered by Special Act of Parliament, 7 and 8 Vic., c. 40. me the consequences of Railway Accidents by insuring LE OFFIcEs, [Office] No. 3, OLD BROAD-STREET, LONDON. . ,Jehn [John] Dean Paul, Esq., 217, Strand, Chairman. [C] B. Harrison, Esq. j Great Tower-street, Deputy- [Deputy chairman] Chairman. For, m TABLE OF PREMIUMS. . 4 Ticket to ensure for a Single Journey, irrespective of distance . 34. to insure 1,000, in a First Class Carriage. ud. ditto 500, in a Second Class Carriage. a. ditto 200, in a Third Class Carriage. véllin [violin] a PertopicaL [Per topical] TICKET, which covers the risk of Tra- [Tar- Rag] g on any Railway, and in any Class Carriage. TO INSURE 1,000 premium a. per annum. 3 99 Dat [At total amount insured will be paid in the event of PR 4 BY AccIDENT [Accident] while Travelling by Railway, and COMPENSATION AFFORDED IN CASES OF Iw. PERSONAL INJURY. obtainable at most Railway Stations, givin, [given] Prospectuses ot the Company may be had, Pee particulars of the cases relieved. . Agents Tickets likewise obtainable of the Provincial London. the Company, and at No. 3, Old Broad street, ALEXANDER BEATTIE, Secretary. AND WEST YORKS (TRE [RE] MUSICAL BOUQUET, the cheapest, best printed, and most correct Music of the day, published weekly, price 3d. each. It contains the Great Exhibition Polka and Waltz of 1851, both illustrated with Keautifal [Beautiful] nie [nine] Engraving, 3d. each also the Row Polka, ae Drum, ottische, [Scottish] Jetty Treffz, [Tariff] N 7 tied, and fifty other Polkas. FONE [FINE Fenny UADRILLES [QUADRILLE] -The Agnes Sorel, [Sore] La Poste, [Post] Les Rats C led 2 2 the 'Oude [Ode] Le Chevaleresque, [Chivalrous] Zampa, [Tampa] and sixty ALTZES [ALTERS] -The India wee Waltzes. ms ONGS [ONS] -O Steer my bark to Erin's Isle; Pestal [Postal] Stan- [Standard] dard [dare] Bearer; Trab, [Tran] Trab, [Tran] Trab; [Tran] Katty [Kitty] Darling The wan erer; [ere] and one hundred and fifty other Songs, 3d Also a large assortment of OVERT iano- [piano- arrangements] arrangements, &e. ona [on] Every pianist should mak [make] lecti [let] i Bouguet. [Bought] ae es ake [ale] a selection of the Musical old by BENIN. Brown, Bookseller, &c. 'ket- [let- cornet] Corner, Huddersfield. -Catalogues Sy Market-place LEEDS AND WEST RIDING BANKERS. MERCHANTS, AND TRADERS' ASSOCIATION FOh [For] THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. Wm. Beckett, Esq., M.P., President. James Heron, Esq., for Rosert [Robert] BurreRworty, [Brewery] Esq., Huddersfield. rae Institution was formed for the purpose of Protecting Persons, in all the various departments of Trade and Commerce, from Fraud, by the regular circu- [circus- circulation] lation, [nation] among its members only, of the names of persons secking [seeking] by nefarious practices to victimize the public; also, by communication with similar societies throughout the kingdom and other suitable agencies, to obtain for members information as to the character of persons at a distance, wishing to do business with them; and also, by various other means, to guard the interests of its members. It has also been found an excellent medium for the collection of over-due accounts. Within two years 900 firms have joined the Association, and it numbers most of the principal merchants, manufac- [manufacture- manufacturers] turers, [turners] and wholesale traders, as well as the most respect- [respectable] able retail dealers, in the West Riding. The leading Banks in the large towns are also identified with it. MATTHEW JOHNSON, Secretary. Central Office-8, Park Row, Leeds. Agent for Huddersfield District, FRED. TURNER. Sharebroker. [Share broker] -ROYAL BANK BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL, OCTOBER, 1850. In September, 1840-We [W-We] opened a department for the supply of Families wth [with] Tea and Coffee-upon a principle, calculated to afford the greatest advantage in Price-with every security as to-Quality. WHEN QUALITY is thus made the primary considera- [consider- consideration] tion-and [ion-and -and] Price is fixed upon strictly economical principles-we were confident that our interest- [interest] as involved in the question of Profit-would be fully secured by an increasing demand, which has been, and must be, the result of such a system- [system] so obviously based. THE CONSTANT care and exact judgment exercised in our method of selection and classification of quali- [quality- qualities] ties-have [have] been appreciated and proved by the continually increasing extent of the FaMILy [Family] TRADE-in connection with our Establishment. WE CANNOT refrain from directing the attention of Family Purchasers to the present anomalous state of the-TEaA [the-Tea] MarKET--viz., [Market--viz] THE First Cost of good and choice kinds is, at present, -unusually reasonable; at the same time, there is an increasing demand for the commonest Buack [Back] Tea. This indicates that--CHEAPNESS -being more regarded by many dealers than-- [than] QUALITY--Disappointment is the necessary consequences to FAMILIES, whose supplies are derived from parties not possessing the requisite advantages in SELECTION and PURCHASE. ROBr. [Rob] ROBERTS COMPy. [Copy] Entrance up the Steps-Leading to the BANK. NOTE.-LIvERPOOL, [NOTE.-Liverpool] with tts [its] Docks, stands eminently advantageous for the Importing of Tea. Its superior Shipping Trade, having Docks covering upwards of 250 Statute Acres-with more than 20 miles of Quay space, an amount of accommodation to be found in no other Port of the World. The Low Rates of Shipping Charges and the great facility for Despatch-have already secured to the Port of Liverpool nearly the whole of the Export Trade to-China. Elfin, La Sicilienne, [Sicily] and forty JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE BETTER THAN EVER. HIS Coffee is selected from the very Choicest - Growths, and is ofsuperb [of superb] quality. A trial is earnestly requested of all who appreciate a rich, fragrant, and deli- [delicious] cious [sous] beverage. JOHN CASSELL has attained a position, as the supplier of Coffee to the people of the United Kingdom, to which no other person can lay claim. For this he is indebted to his uniform practice of sending out the finest and richest flavoured Coffees the markets of the world have supplied, and which the largeness of his purchases has enabled him to secure. His Establishment is the first in the Empire. Indeed, its large and powerful steam engine, its beautiful and perfect machinery, the size of its Roasting Department, and the immense number of persons employed in packing and preparing the Coffees for sale, entitle it to rank amongst the most extensive and complete Coffee marts in the world. As regards the Importing Department, JOHN CASSELL commands the Finest Growths that are shipped to this country. In fact, for supplying the People of the United Kingdom with an article that enters so largely into the consumption of almost every household, and the use of which has so greatly aided in the formation of habits of Temperance, no Establishment can compete with that of JOHN CASSELL, . If it is asked, what has raised him to his present position, as one of the most extensive Coffee-dealers in the world, the reply is, that he has invariably sold an article, rich, strong, and mellow-flavoured, which has proved acceptable and highly satisfactory to the public taste. But though Joun [John] CASSELL's success in this particular line of business has been unprecedented, he is determined, for the future, to aim at nothing less than universal approbation. If this is to be acquired, he will acquire it for he is now entering upon a Stock of Coffees, and has made arrangements fora continued supply of such a quality, as cannot fail to secure their continued se wherever they are introduced. In fine, JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEES will be found to possess all the qualities requisite for making a cup of really good Coffee- [Coffee namely] namely, richness and mellowness combined with strength. These Coffees are made up in sealed air-tight Packages, from one ounce to cight [eight] ounces Bee, ant ove [over] ound [fund] Canisters and, to prevent imposition, every tack- [take] aoe [are] or Canister bears the of JOHN CASSELL, without which none can be genuine. The following are the prices at which they can be obtained -- JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 1, an excel- [excellent] lent article JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 2, cannot fail to give great satisfaction, being a combin- [combine- combination] ation [action] of the choicest growths of Jamaica, pos- [post- possessing] sessing [season] richness, strength, and flavour JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEE, No. 3. To every connoisseur in Coffee this will prove a treat, combining the finest mountain growths of both Jamaica and Turkey oe pv h P JDDERSFIELD-J. [HUDDERSFIELD-J] SENIOR, Manchester-road. Hep W. H. WOODCOCK, and Co., 30, King-st. WILLIAM BOOTH, 111, Northgate. 53 EDMUND MARSH, 12, Buxton Road. Hillhouse-Joseph Wood. Kirkburton- [KirkburtonWilliam] William Midgley. Almondbury-David Bury. Leeds-T. Tobinson, [Robinson] 23, Woodhouse-lane. Keighley-Thomas Clark, Cook-lane. Burnley-T. Grunall, [Grill] Chemist. Bradjord-John [Bradford-John] Pratt, 33, Ivegate. [Negative] W. Trackray, [Track] 47 and 48, Vicar-lane. Lockwood-Henry Sharp, near the Toll Bar. Horbury-William Brook, grocer. W ilsden-Jacob [Silsden-Jacob] Scott, grocer. Otley-T. Walker, tea dealer, &e. 1s. 4d. 33 32 All applications for this valuable Agency to be made direct to JOHN CASSELL, 80, Fenchurch-street, Lone n. THE CELEBRATED MANCHESTER MEDICINE Under the Patronage of the Queen. . HE high and universal celebrity which ATKINSON and BARKER'S ROYAL INFANTS' PRESERVATIVE continues to maintain, as a safe and agreeable Medicine, renowned for its. efficacy in preventing or removing the disorders to which infancy is liable, affording instant relief in convulsions, flatulency, [flatulence] affections of the bowels, difficult teething, the thrush, rickets, measles, hooping cough, cow pox, or vaccine inocculation, [calculation] and may be given immediately atter [utter] birth. It is no misnomer cordial no stupefaction, deadly narcotic but a veritable PRE- [PRESERVATIVE] SERVATIVE [CONSERVATIVE] of INFANTS MOTHERS would do well in always keeping this valuable Medicine in the NURSERY. In short, whether this Medicine enters the palace or the cottage, the Proprietor feels an honest conviction of its wer [we] to assuage maternal pain for infant suffering-to convert that pain to gladness, that suffering into balmy repose. It is equally efficacious for children or adults, in English cholera, spasms, pain in the bowels, and other complaints of the intestines, owing to wind or obstructions in the digestive organs. It is highly recommended by the Faculty. Prepared and sold by ROBERT BARKER, 34, GREEN- [AGGREGATE] GATE, SALFORD, (Chemist to Her most recaps Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA), in bottles at Is. 1 d., 2s, 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. The 4s. 6d bottles contain seven times, and the 2s. 9d. three and a half times, the quantity of those at 1s. 13d. each. Sold by all the Patent Medicine Houses and Wholesale Druggists in London, York, Liver- [Liverpool] pool, Leeds, Coventry, Dublin, Edinburgh, &e.; also b a ee ruggists [druggists] and Medicine Venders [Vendors] hout [gout] the United Kingdom. OCA [CA] UTION [UNION] .-Observe the names of ATKINSON and BARKER, on the Government Stamp.-Established in the year, 1793. AGENT For HUDDERSFIELD- [Huddersfield] Mr. F, TURNER. SATURDAY, NO HITWORTH [WORTH] and CLARKSON and the Neighbourhood, that they have M the more eligible and commodious premises in the China Dealer), and they take this opportunity of returning the favour of those who have not yet given them a trial. The class of Goods which W. and C. have acting to the principles first laid down as the motto the TEA and CoFFEE [Coffee] TRADE at the SMALLEST PROFIT, which will lead to future business --R Cc H R T Thou com'st in so joll [jolly] That thy season is Just the same as our By Thus at Mosgs [Moss] and Will show thee becomi [become] OBSERVE E. M Caution.-E. MOSES SON, regret having to and Aldgate, City, London. The New Book entitled to any part of the Kingdom. till twelve o'clock. OPENING OF THE TEA AND COFFEE EMPORIUM, NESR [NEAR] THE WEST RIDING BA#K, HUDDERSFIELD, TEAS AND COFFEES OF EXQUISITE QUALEZY, [QUALITY] AND ON THE MOST ECONOMICAL TERMS, ean thanks to those who have patronised them, and of soliciting . of G purchased béing [being] of the best quali [quality] satisfaction, it will always be their most anxious endeavour to win the confidence of he vated [dated] business, which was to sell every article connected with In conclusion, they again respectfully request the favdur [favour] of a call, and the FINED SUGARS, COCOAS, SPIC [SIC] WHITWORTH AND CLARKSON, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY TEA DEALERS, C Glad Christmas 'tis [is] not the first time That I've welcom'd [welcome'd] theg [the] here with a rhyme, And, judging from yeags [years] that are past, I guess that it won't be the last, I am always delighted o, And welcome to thee da xed. [red] the Tailors E. Mossgan [Morgan] And, in truth, thou would'ét Their assortment of Win E. Moses and Son, at Mart, Have articles cheap, good, and smart; New dress for old Christmas have they, In extensive and tempting I intend, as before I have done, To go to E. Moses and Bow . For a Wrapper and new Winter Suit, Whose quality none will dispute. Son's to be deck'd An old English custom 'twill be, To dress in new clothing for thee, And none in the kingdom should miss A laudable custom like this TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS, 19, THORNTON BUILDINGS, BRIDGE-STREET, BRADFORD, YORKSHIRE. Branch of their London Establishment, 154, 155, 156, 157, and 83, 84, 85, and 86, opposite the Church, Corner of Minories and Aldgate, City, London, all communicating and forming one vast Establishment. guard the Public against imposition; but having learned that the untradesman-like [tradesmen-like] falsehood ot being connected with them, or It's the same concern, has been resorted to in many instances, and for obvious reasons, they beg to state they have x0 connection with any other House in or out of London, except their Branch Establishments, 506, 507, and 508, New Oxford Street, and 1, 2, and 3, Heart Street (forming one Establishment), West End 36, Fargate, [Forget] Sheffield; and 19, Thornton's Buildings, who desire genuine and Cheap Clothing, &c., should call at, orsend [or send] to, any of the above Branches, or to the Minories Wardrobe Words, or What to Wear, may be had gratis on application, or sent post free Take Establishment is Closed from soanset [onset] Friday till sunset Saturday, when business is resumed 3 announce to the Families of Huddersfield BUSINESS FROM THE BEAST-MARKET, to PLACE (lately occupied by Mr. J. Wright, Glass and , and well adapted for givi [give] rfect [perfect] their customers te in no case to sacrifice Quality for Price. doubt not of giving that satisfaction CES, [SEC] & CC. No. 8, MARKET-PLACE, HUDDERSFIELD. S T M t A Ss 4 attire. respect; le OSES AN D SON, Bradford, Yorkshire; and those TEETH, TEETH.-ESTABLISHED 1836. R. FREDERICK ESKELL, [SKILL] DENTIsT, [Dentist] of 32, COOPER-STREET, MANCHESTER, has arrived in HUDDERSFIELD, in consequence of the numerous applications for his professional aid. Hemay [Hem] be consulted EVERY THURSDA [THURSDAY] Yat [At] Mr. GEORGE BROOK's, West PaRaDE, [Parade] from ten till five. . Attendance daily at their establishment, 32, Cooper-street, nearly opposite the Mechanics' Institution, Manchester. Filling decayed teeth with Eskell's [Skill's] celebrated White Terra Paste, which never changes colour, and makes a decayed tooth into a solid substance, useful for mastication and articulation, preventing toothache, and lasting many years. Loss oF TEETH.-Mr. Eskell [Skill] continues to supply the loss of teeth, without springs or wires, upon his new system of self-adhesion, and without extracting any teeth or stumps, or giving any pain whatever. At the following charges A single artificial tooth.. A complete set. from Acomplete [Complete] set ofnatural [of natural] teeth, on finegold [fine gold] plate 15 An entire set of natural or terro-metallic [terri-metallic] teeth, aizhly [aisle] finiched [finished] in the first style, with fine gold sockets, usually charged 40 guineas...... 20 Loose teeth fastened, whether arising from old age, the se of calomel, [Colonel] or neglect. Mr. F. A. Eskell's [Skill's] method combines all the modern im- [in- improvements] provements [movements] of Paris and Berlin. oook [took] SPECIAL NOTICE TO INTENDING ASSURERS. LIFE ASSURERS are respect- [respectfully] fully invited to compare the Principles, Rates, and whole Provisions of the SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION with those of any existing Company. In this Society the whole Profits are divisible among the Policy Holders, who are at the same time exempt from dersonal [personal] liability. It claims superiority, however, over other Mutual Offices, in the following particulars - Lower. 2. A more Accurate Adjustment of the Rates of Premium to the several Ages. 1 3. A Principle in the Division of the Surplus more Safe, Equitable, and Favourable to good Lives. 4. Exemption from Entry Money. All Policies Indisputable unless obtained by Fraud. The subsisting Assurances in this Society amount upwards ONE AND A HaLF [Half] MILLION STERLING. SPECIMEN OF TABLES. Annual Premium for Assurance of 100 at death. (By both Scales the Assured are entitled to share in the whole Profits,) to i Payable for Payable for Payable fur Payable for Age. the whole 21 Years. J Age. the whole 21 Yeara [Years] of Life. only. of Life. only s,a 1 84 sd 384 26 118 6 211 3 36 28 2 8 011 27 119 2 21111 37 29 8 3 2 2 28 119 11 21210 38 211 3 3.3 6 29 20 8 213 8 39 21211 3 410 30 21 6 214 6 40 214 9 3 64 Forms of Proposal, Prospectus containing full Tables, Reports of the Proceedings at the Annual Meetings, and every information may be obtained (gratis) on application, Also, a comparative Table of the Rates of all the Scotch Offices. AGENTS. HuppDERSFIELD-HENRY [Huddersfield-HENRY] MACAULAY, 2, Northumber- [North umber- Northumberland] land-street. [street] Bradford-T. M. Pearce, 13, Manor Row. Leeds-Andrew Roy, 43, Millhill [Mill] Manchester-F. P. Rickards, Ducie-street, [Duce-street] Exchange. GQ COTrisH [Scottish] WIDOWS' FUND ASSURANCE SOCIETY. This is the oldest Life Office in Scotland, and one of the most successful in the Kingdom. The Society was founded in the year 1815, and obtained an Act of Parliament in the ear 1840. y One of its great characteristics is the liberal, punctual, and simple manner in which the Claims are settled, com- [combined] bined [lined] with the care bestowed by the Directors, (with the advice and assistance of the Medical Officers,) in the Selec- [Select- Selection] tion [ion] of Lives. The Directors proceed upon the principle of being most cautious and particular in their enquiries before admitting Members to the Benefits of the Society; but, after being admitted, they are entitled to all the advantages which the Society aftords [affords] and when the Claim emerges, no undue delay takes place, and no difficulties which can be settlement. THE CAPITAL OF THE SOCIETY AMOUNTS TO TWO MILLIONS TWO HUNDRED AND FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS. The whole Profits are devisible [advisable] among the Assured and the effect of additions already declared, may be judged of by the following TABLE OF BONUS ADDITIONS. POLICY FOR 1,000. Policy with amount payable, if Claim emerge after 2 vested Addi- [Add- Apartment] payment of tive [tie] Premium for the Year- [Rations] & tions [tins] as at 'S 1st January. 1846. 1850. 1851. 1852. be s. d. 8s. d. os. d. .8. a.' 1815 1809 8 7 1990 7 5 202611 2 2062 14 11 1820 1533 10 7 1686 17 8 1717 11 1 1748 4 6 1825 1436 1 2 1579 13 3 1608 7 8 1637 2 1 1830 1338 11 9 1472 811 1499 4 5 1525 19 10 1835 1231 4 1354 6 5 1378 18 11 1403 11 4 1840 1120 1232 8 127616 O N.B.-No Member is entitled to participate in the Profits of the Society unless the Policy be of five years' standing. Tbe [The] Books of the Society close for the current year on the 31st [st] of December, and Policies effected before that timp [time] have the advantage of a full year's standing over th delayed beyond it. EDINBURGH, (Heap Orricz,) [Corridor] 5, St. ANDREW SQUARE, JOHN MACKENZIE, Manager. AGENTS FOR HUDDERSFIELD AND VICINITY, D. MARSDEN C. W. SIKES, . OF THE HUDDERSFIELD BaNK, [Bank] 1. Premiums at Early and Middle Ages about a Fourth 30 avoided are interposed to prevent an easy and expeditious PRIESTLEY, 123, Uprerneap [Pureness] Row, HUDDERSFIELD, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, GENE- [GENERAL] RAL [AL] AGENT, Law StaTionerR, [Stationer] LanD [And] VALUER, AUDITOR oF ACCOUNTS, GENERAL ARBITRATOR, &c., &c. N.B.- Bankrupts' and Insolvents' Accounts properly arranged and adjusted. HE INDUSTRIAL AND GENERAL LIFE ASSUBARCE [ASSURANCE] AND DEPOSIT COMPANY. e 5 CAFITAL, [CAPITAL] 100,000, IN 40,000 SHARES OF 2 10s, Bape [Ape] 2, WaTERLOO-PLACE, [Water-PLACE] PaLL [All] Matt, AND . 27, CORPORATION-STREET, MANCHESTER. Registered pursuant to Act 7 and 8 Victoria, c. 110. (For enabling all Classes to participate in the advantages; , of Life Assurance, by gganting [granting] Policies as low as 5; by accepting Premiums in Quarterly, Monthly, or Weekly Payments; by making beneficial provision where cir- [circumstances] cumstances [cum stances] prevent the Assured from paying all the Premivew; [Premier] and affording other important advantages hitherto unattainable by means of Assurance Companies.) Thus, by Weekly payment of One Shilling, a person 20 yoars [years] of ago muy [may] Assure 149 3s, if 30 years of age, Phar [Far] sat don ae on 89 7s.-to be paid to a Monthly payment of One Shillin [Shilling] 20 of age may Assure 34 11s, if 30 years cf age, 27 7s 6d. and if 40 years of age, 20 138s. 6d.-to be paid to their in like manner. Onn & y a Quarterly payment o hilling, a person 20 years of age may 11 12s. 6d.; if 30 years of age, 9 4s,; and if 40 years of age, 6 19s.-to [1st.-to] be in like manser [manner] paid at death. DEFERRED ANNUITIES also will be granted in consideration of the like payments. Thus, by a Weekly payment of One Shilling, a O-years of age may secure an Annuity of 9 13s. 6d., to ommence [commence] at 50; or 23 14s. 2d., to commence at 60 years of age-receivable Annually until death. A person aged years, may, by the like payments, receive 5 2s. 8d. from 50,'or 13 17s. 10d. from 60 years of age; and if 40 years of age, 2 0s. 8d. from 50, or 7 4s. 4d. from 60 yeara.of [years.of] age-receivable until death. By'a monthly payment of Two Shillings, a person aged may receive an uity [it] for Life of 4s 1lls., [Ills] to com- [commence] menoe [men] at 50; or 11 2s. 8d., to commence at 60 years of . A person aged 30, may, by the like payments, receive 2 8s 4d from 50, or 6 10s. 8d. from the age of 60 yous, and if 40 years of agé, [age] 19s., to commence from , oF 3 -- - 7s. 8d., to commence from 60 years of age. Other Advantages are also offered by the DEFosiT [Deposit or . ACCUMULATIVE SYSTEM, under which the entire Pre- [Premium] mium [mum] is paid in one sum, the whole of which (after one year) will be returned, with a stated increase, at fourteen days' notice whenever required, on the Policy being delivered up; or the full amount paid may be borrowed at ipterest, [interest] on security of the Policy alone. - Thys [This] a person aged 20, on payment of 3 9s, 9d., will ivp [iv] a Policy assuring 10 at Death (on which Policy payment whatever is required), and after the may receive back 3 9s. 9d., or after the sixth pe 15s. 2d., asshown [as shown] in Table, and surrender the olicyy [policy] or may borrow the full amount of Premium paid, at the interest, on security of the Policy only, repaying an at convenience. A parson aged 30, on payment of 4 0s. 10d., or, aged 40, on of 4 14s. 8d., would each receive a Policy for 6 with the advantage of withdrawing or borrowing tn the same manner. This system may thus be said to combine the benefits of Life Assirance [Assurance] with the advantages of a Savings' Bank, as it provides a sum of money for the benefit of survivors in the event of death; a Cash Fund, as much at command as if deposited in a Savings' Bank, available for temporary use; aad [and] a continually sncreasing [increasing] Provsion [Provision] for Old Age. Premroms [Primrose] To AssurE [Assured] 100 on a SINGLE LIFE. e ff WITHOUT PROFITS. oy Annual Half-Yearly Quarterly Single La Premium. Premium. Premium. Premium. 8. d, 2 9 01611 087 317 6 2 116 10 019 09 8 37 11 8 380 4 2 1 G 115 10 10 40 8 5 2765 14 [W14] 5 012 4 431211 40 ..).215 [40 ..).W] 184 014 4 47 6 8 45-2 3 4 10 113 5 016 11 51 9 1 Boi [Bo] 317 9 201 104 5519 7 415 2 29 1 411 6017 5 60 4518 9 814 1l1l [ll] 2 6519 9 33 WITH PROFITS. Age, Annual Half-Yearly Quarterly Single 4 Premium. Premium. Premium. Premium 8. a. 20 117 5 019 4 910 3612 4 45; 132 2 1 119 011 39 9 3 7 5 14 6 012 5 42 8 10 s5' 214 [s5' W] 2 1711 014 2 4516 6 40) 3 210 112 4 016 5 49 13 11 45.48 14 1 118 [1 W] 2 019 4 54 6 50 44 811 [W] 2.510 [2.W] 1 38 3 5815 7 55-45 8 9 216 1 8 6 63 18 3 60 815 W] 8 310 0 115 8 6 5 8 Prospegtuses, [Prospectuses] with Forms of Proposals, &c., and every may be obtained gratuitously, on applica [applicant bees at the chief Office, 2, Waterloo -place, Pall Mall, 3, 21, Corporation-street, Manchester; or of the Poet AGENTS -- BOWER, 2, Market-walk. Hervey, Accountant. William Ormsby. Wimpenny. Bradfar Thomas [Brad far Thomas] Haig, 33, Kirkgate. Bromley, Savings' Bank. ele [Lee] eald, [Dale] 199, Kirkgate. i -Lamb and ward Hayes, 1; Park-row. Gill. li Wood, Chemist. h-James Lawton, Upper Mill. eee [see] a, wali [ali] (Richard Bamford Robert Howard, Surgeon. Price 44d. FAMILY LINEN WAREHOUSE. REAT [REST] PURCHASE of IRISH LINENS, DIAPERS, LAWNS, TABLE SHEETINGS, [MEETINGS] TICKS, TOILET QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, &c. &e. 28, NEW -STREET. SAMUEL SHAW. JOHN DYSON AND SON, QUEEN-STREET, HUDDERSFIELD, RESEECTEULLY [RESPECTIVELY] announce to their numerous Friends, and the Public generally, that their Stock is now replete with every Novelty of the Season, selected from the Paris, London, Glasgow, and other Markcts, [Markets] which they purpose submitting to the inspection of their patrons, on WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NEXT. . THE DRESS DEPARTMENT Comprises all the new styles and fabrics in Florentine, Cashmeretts, [Cashmeres] Printed Stuffs, Lustres, Lustred Alpacas; every shade in French Merinos and Coburgs; [Co burgs] the Moira antique rich Black and Coloured Broeades [Brocades] Shot and Plain Glacies, [Glacier] Ottomans, .Baratheas, [Brothers] &c., &c. . . IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT . Will be found all the Parisian Modes in Morning and Evening Head Dresses, Velvet Terry Glacie, [Glace] Satin, Lace, and Straw Bonnets; Caps, Sleeves, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Lace, &c., &c. The days for Showing Fashions will be on and after Wednesday and Thursday next. SHAWL, MANTLE, AND FUR DEPARTMENT. Paisley, Norwich, French, and Wool Shawls and Scarfs; Velvet, Satin, Cashmerett, [Cashmere] and Mohair Mantles, &c. Also, a good assortment of Real and French Sable and every other description of Fur Riding and Long Boas, Victorines [Victories] Capes, Cuffs, &c. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Brussels, Kidderminster, and Scotch Carpets; Cocoa-nut Matting; in 2-4, 3-4, 4-4, and 6-4, also in squares, bordered suitable for Offices, &c. Cocoa-nut, Rope, and Sheep-skin Door Mats; Chinese, Straw, and other Mattings; Chi Wool, and Cocoa-nut Hearth R in every variety; Flocks, Dantzic [Dynastic] and Li ire Feathers, Blankets, Counter- [Counterpanes] panes, Quilts, Sheetings, [Meetings] and Tick of every variety. Work Boxge, [Boxes] Writing Desks, Dressing Cases, Tea Caddies, Draft-Boards, &c., &e. pe EVERY ARTICLE IN ' Fo imapect. [imperfect] the whole of the above you are politely ited [tied] by, ours truly, JOHN DYSON AND SON. N.B.-Two respectable Young Ladies wanted, as Apprentices to learn the Millinery, Straw and Silk Bonnet and Mantle-making. wv OLDFIELD'S PATENT PIECING MACHINE. M& OLDFIELD begs to inform the Woollen Manufacturers generally, that his PATENT PIECING MACHINE can be seen at work on the Premises of Messrs. OLDFIELD and ALLAN, LockwoopD [Lockwood] MILLS.-He is happy to be able to say, that' afterjsome [overcome] months' trial this Machine continues to give satisfaction to all those who have tried it. Messrs. JOHN BROOKE and Armitage Bridge, near Huddersfield Messrs. BARNICOTT [BARNETT] and HIRST Huddersfield Messrs. JOHN FIRTH and SON Paddock, near Huddersfield Messrs. HASTINGS, BROTHERS Saddleworth Messrs. EasTWooD [Eastwood] and ROBERTS Folly Hall, Huddersfield Mr, J. C. LISTER Hunslet, Leeds Mr. JOSEPH HALEY Westfield, Bramley, near Leeds AND Mr. WILLIAM THOMPSON Rawden, Have kindly permitted the use of their names as references. The following are AGENTS for making this Machine - Messrs. SCHOFIELD, KirK, [Kirk] and MaRSHALL, [Marshall] Machine-makers, Huddersfield Messrs. ROBERT Woop [Wool] and Son, Larchfield Foundry, Hunslet-road, Leeds Mr. ABRAHAM HaLry, [Harry] Machine-maker, Frome, Somersetshire [Somerset] Mr. Joann Oates, Dewsbury, Agent for receiving orders in the neighbourhood of Dewsbury, Batley, &e. DELIVERED CARRIAGE FREE TO ALL PARTS OF ENGLAND. TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TEA WAREHOUSE, 2, BUCKLERSBURY, [Bucklers bury] CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. ras [as] ESTABLISHMENT was commenced in the year 1830. Its SUCCESSFUL PROGRESS during TWENTY YEARS has gratified our anticipations. The Patronage of the Public has elevuted [elected] its to one of the LarGEsT [Largest] in the TRADE. Our main object has been, and still is, to supply the Public on TRADE TERMS. Great and assuming as such an undertaking appears to be, it is obvious that to do BUSINESS on a WHOLESALE SCALE, it is necessary to hava [have] wholesale appliances. In conformity with these ideas, our Locality was chosen in a bye thoroughfare, where Space and Accommodation are sufficient to carry on trade to ANY EXTENT, but without those merciless and enormous expenses inseparably attached to Retail Shops in prominent situations, whereby an Hatravagant [Extravagant] Profit is rendered necessary. Hence it will be seen that we are in a Position to supply the Public on the Best and Most EconomicaL [Economical] TERMS-in fact, to supply at First Hand, by which all intermediate Projits [Profits] are saved. . The immense variety of 'l'EAS [l'WAS] now imported into this country, demands the most scrutinizing caution. In this wa have Considerable Advantages, as from the extent of our Trade we are enabled to employ a Qualified and Experienced Person, whose sole duty is that of carefully Selecting, Tasting, and appropriating Teas for consumption. The following are our present quotations ; GREEN TEAS. BLACK TEAS, s. d. a Common Tea 00.20.06 8 (The duty on all being Qs. 24d. renders, comment Common Green sig. wees eS Hes seas Use Oe 3 he of thas [has] tea mnnecsssary.) [necessary] go Lounge 3 (A good useful tea for economical and large con will mix with tho te. bisck [bask] sumers.) [Summers] oi Fine Young Hyson [Dyson] 3 8 Strong Congou [Congo] 3 4 (We recommend this with the 3s. 4d. black.) (A ane [an] very mayeh [Mayer] approved of.) g Y H 20 'ine [in] Souchong Tea 8 WUper [Upper] YOUNG ELYSOM [EPSOM] (Pekoe flavour. Strongly recommended. i Fine Pekoe Souchong... 40 Fine Hyson [Dyson] 4 (This tea is more in repute than any other; it is Gunpowder Tea 424 a very superior tea.) Finest Pekoe Souchong sas [as] 44 'The Beet Young 5 (This is a high class tea.) (This is fit for any use.) Finest La UCHONG. [SOUCHONG] F (This 'ea, Wery [Were] conten, [content] of um Fine Shot Gunpowder 6 8 nary flavour.) The finest Gunpowder imported 7 COFFEES. The Coffee Market is very uncertain-prices changing daily. We quote the present prices s. de Find Ceylon Comted [Coated] 2. vee [see] canes ase [as] dons onedeonsen [intense] 1 Fine Plantation (recommended) cen [cent] 1 2 Finest Java Coffee (superior coffee) 1 4 Finest Cuba Coffee (strongly recommended) 1 6 Finest Mocha len [le] 1 8 Our Coffee is roasted by the latest improved patent machinery, Much discussion having recently taken place in Parliament about CHICORY, we are induced to kee [Lee] best imported, at 8d. per tb, on sale for those who prefer its admixture. P the Having briefly alluded to the principle on which we conduct our business, we respectfully solicit the attention of Hotel Keepers, Schools, and all Large Establishments, who will derive considerable udvantages [advantages] jrom [from] these arrange- [arrangements] ments. [rents] Yole.-TEAS [Sole.-TEAS] ARE DELIVERED CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY PaRT [Part] OF ENGLAND, whén [when] the quantity ord eeds [Leeds] Si Pounds but the Carriage of Coffee is not Paid, unless accompanied by Tea. ty ordered exe Me Returning our best thanks for past favours, we refer to our system of business as a satisfactory inducement for your further patronage and recommendation. MANSELL, HORNE, AND CO. 2, Bucklersbury, [Bucklers bury] Cheapside. ONE AGENT IN EVERY TOWN APPOINTED UPON APPROVAL OF REFERENCES, ESTABLISHED 1836. NOTICE ---EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. FIRM MAY BE CONSULTED AT HUDDERSFIELD, EVERY THURSDAY, AT MR. GEORGE BROOK'S, WEST PARADE, ( Opposite the Bee Hive.) ATTENDANCE DAILY, 32, COOPER-STREET, MANCHESTER. LITTLE INFORMATION RESPECTING THE TEETH, by Mr. F. ESKELL, [SKILL] Surgeon Dentist, (of the Firm of EsKELL [Skill] and Sons, Dentists,) No. 32, Cooper-street, nearly opposite the Mechanics Intstitution, [Institution] Marfchester. [Manchester] Artificial Teeth fixed on the New Principle of Self adhesion. It is well known that there exists a feeling of delicacy on this subject, which often prevents the advice of friends from being given, even where the necessity for so doing is apparent. One of the uses of this advertisement, therefore, may be to afford an opportunity for performing that act of kindness by referring to or enclosing a copy of it, either avowedly or otherwise. Any part of the information here given may be communicated in such a manner ag ill be best to insure for it individual regard, and which may thus, by directing attention to the subject, prove a tasting benefit. NEGLECTED STATE OF THE MOUTH HIGHLY DETRIMENTAL TO HEALTH. Tn this refined age, in all stages of life, in every grade of society, a good state of the mouth is of the greatest importance; the loss of teeth not only destroys the contour of the features, but is highly detrimental to health. When the teeth are lost, it is impossible properly to make use of solid food; and if the stomach is then loaded with pieces without being masticated, the patient is exposed to the most distressing indigestions, [indigestion] the stomach loses its power of contraction, and becomes weaker, as it no longer digests. Besides this effect upon the general health, the vacancies occasioned by the missing teeth cause those remaining to become loose, or to approximate too closely to each other, the features to be drawn from their original positions, and the countenance to appear wholly istorted. [started] To remedy this, recourse should be had, with as little delay as possible, to the Dentist's aid, who (supposing him skilled in his profession), besides attending to the general state of the mouth, will supply Artificial Teeth, upon such unerring principles as to defy detection, whilst the pleasing gratification is experienced of seeing the features gradually restored to that uniformity so essenvially [essential] requisite to youth, beauty, and agreeable appearance, and, though last not least, answering satisfactorily for all the purpose of mastication and articulation. Mr. F. ESKELL'S [SKILL'S] Incorrodible and Aartificial [Artificial] Teeth, of surpassing beauty, can be matched su closely in shape and colour to those left in the mouth, and are formed so exactly to nature, that the closest observer cannot detect the difference. These teeth are fixed from one to a complete set, upon the new principle of self-adhesion, without extracting any teeth or stumps, or giving any pain whatever; and, being incorrodible, they possess the superior advantage of never changing colour or dacaying. [decaying] They adapt themselves over the most tender gums, or remaining roots, without the least pain, and serve to support and protect the adjoining teeth.-Artificial teeth fixed on the above principle, from 10s. each tooth partial or whole sets accordingly. ON CARIOUS TEETH. The effect of the most beautiful countenance, with carious, discoloured teeth, prejudices the minds of all beholders It conveys an idea that the individual is extremely negligent of those observances so necessary to cleanliness and health. On the contrary, if the carious teeth are filled (see stopping decayed teeth, next paragraph), and some necessary dental advice be obtained, the usual result of a clean mouth and sweet breath will be produced; and the most favourable impressions must follow, however homely a person may be, far more agreeble [agreeable] than the most allurine [alluding] beauty, with teeth decayed and a breath-the usual of neglected teeth. , Mr. F. KELL'S Succedaneum [Succeeded] for Filling Decayed Teeth is superior to any composition hi 3 It is applied in a soft state, like paste to the cavity of the decayed tooth, hardens tito [tit] an epamel, [enamel] and avon. [von] porated [ported] with the outer shell; thereby arresting the progress of decay, converting a decayed tooth into a sound one, and preventing the approaches of that dreaded malady, the toothache. , isease [disease] of the Teeth is frequently occasioned by a collection of what is called tartarous [Tartars] ing its the parts of the teeth not exposed to friction in masticating food, or from a constitutional predispoation [predisposition] on the rod oe the patient; and if this tartarous [Tartars] matter (which is constantly farming) is allowed to accumulate, it will speedily insinuate itself by degrees between the teeth and gums, and thus destroy that connection which is necessary for their support ; the natural consequence of further neglect is, firstly, extensive inflammation, indicating the unhealthy state of the mouth and, secondly, from the gradual loosening of the teeth, the successive loss of one tooth after another; in suck cases, Scaling the Teeth is indispensably necessary. lany [any] persons, from their extreme sensitiveness, are reluctant to adopt this method and, entirely from the fear of having to undergo what they have been accustomed to consider an operation, continue to deprive themselves of the comfort of clean teeth, and to incur the hazard of, perhaps, bei [be] almost toothless at a comparatively early age. This is a totally groundless fear. The cleaning of the teeth wi instruments adapted to the purpose, if skilfully performed, need occasion no pain which the most delicate person would in the least regard, and will afford immedate [immediate] and permanent pleasure; so much so, that those who have once experienced it will need no argument to induce th i it. i it s nee 8 em, at any time to repeat it, in case it should become in any degree ONE OF THE CLEANING THE TEETH. Attention to fhe [he] preservation of the Teeth cannot be commenced too early. Children should be taught to make it part of their daily ablution and those who have grown up in the neglect of it should immediately resolve no lon [on] to delay attending to it. It should always be remembered that, as nothing ismore [Lismore] easy than to contract a habit of ne; the Teeth (which is often done unconsciously), so nothing is more easy than to overcome such a habit. A simple rale [tale] i down and adhered to of attending to them every day (for a fortnight), would, in most cases, prove sufficient aad [and] when once they have been restored to a proper state, the comfort such a practice affords would, in most cases, effectuall [effectual] re vent its being, on any after occasion, omitted. With regard to Tooth Powders and Lotions, avast variety of tensions have, at different times, been advanced if properly prepared, however, their efficacy is undoubted but unfortunate many of the Tooth Powders which are offered) for sale, with the promise of rendering the Teeth beautifully white, perfo [Pref] for a short time, all that is promised, at thé [the] expense of a permanent and irremediable injury to the Teeth fer the ofters [offers] contain a quantity of tartaric or other acid, which effects a gradual decomposition of the enamel. Mr. Eskell's [Skill's] tions [tins] do not contain any hurtful ingredient, and can be confidently recommended for cleansing and beauaifjing [beautifying] the CHILDREN'S TEETH. Teeth, without injuring the enamel. Almost every one is aware, that from about the age of six or eight years, children tn to . acquire their permanent Teeth. This is a very important period as to its oie [one] the oe and parents can scarcely perform a ter [te] service to the persons of their children than b ter [te] part of life and inspected, in order to correct, whilst possible, any irregularity of formation. y having their Teeth frequently In Mr. Eskell [Skill] begs te that he can be Counted on all branches ap rtaining [training] to th a sion, without charge, at his residence, No. ooper-street, [Cooper-street] nearly o j a e Attendance from Ten till Five o'clock. opposite the Mechanics tution, [tuition] Manchestare [Manchester] Artificial Palates made in a superior manner badly-applied Teeth Re-modelled th ted; Schools attended. i Extrac [Extra] ine [in] ing, &e. Chi Fest Barua [Bra] eho [who] tended. Attendance daily, 32, Cooper. street, nearly opposite 'Meeks ee ae Ane [An] na for the intment [Ointment] of Agents to be ad- [address] M.. THOS. Woops, [Woods] Esq., Resident Direc [Direct] 2, 'i oe, Pall-Mall, London, e HUDDERSFIELD, EVERY THURSDAY, at Mr. GEORGE BROOK'S, W (opposite the Bee Hive,) from Ten till Five, a z. 2 art a a