Huddersfield Chronicle (13/Apr/1850) - page 8

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Mechanics' Institution Anniversary at Honley

There was a regular "field-day" in this busy village on Easter Monday; — processions, balloon ascents, and endless sources of fun and frolicsome mirth called into being, for that day only, in order to celebrate with becoming ec/at the fifth anniversary of the Mechanics' Institute. The old senool room was decked out in holiday costume, festoons cf evergre¢ns and the "first flowers of Spring" lending their aid, under the superintendence of the far-famed " Honley lasses," and wearing an aspect truly youthful and refreshing. By four o'clock the scattered pledsure-seckers <oncentrated themselves around the National School, @iocked out in holiday attire, and, by " relays," partook of tea to the goodly number of four hundred. The repast having been freely partaken'of, the decks were cleared, in order to make room for the more serious actors in the aiomestic drama, and all things having been duly stowed away, ready for action, on the platform we observed Mr. -'ohn Rabinson, president of the institution ; the Rev. Mr. Macfarlane (Independent minister), of Holmfirth; Mr. John Battye; Mr. D. Church, of Leeds; Messrs. France Brothers ; Mi. Wrigley, Netherten ; Donkersley Brothers, Mr. E. Leas, Mr. John Littlewood, Mr. Mellor, Mr. H. Potter, Mr. J. W. Lockwood (hon. secretary), and a number of other supporters of the institution. The room was crowded in all parts by a niost respectable audience, including 4 great number of ladies, who, by their 'angel visits." "few and far between," shed so many rays of eneSuragement around thie and kindred institutions.

'Mr. Joun Roprnsdn, president of the institution, was called upon to preside; and proceeded to observe that he rejoiced to meet once more, on this the fifth year of their anniversary, so large an assembly of the patrons and friends of learning. It was a feature most encouraging to those who had the direction of the institution, and would ond very much to strengthen them for further labour and to nerve their minds to renewed efforts and wider enter}rize. — (Hear.) He had, however, to regret the absence of two gentlemen whom he had expected, and whom all prescnt would have, been delighted to have seen. One was that noble-minded, warm-hearted, generous friend of Amechanics' Institutions, and of every thing else good, and great, anid excellent, Frederick Schwann — (applause) — who, in a letter, rezretted he could not be with them, but who had enclosed therewith a handsome donation towards increasing their library. — (Applause.) The other gentleman was his respected friend and relative, Mr. Willans; who had been called away in reference to the approaching exhibition of works of art, and since taken a trip away to Paris to see, perhaps, the President of the Republic. — (Langhter.) But in their absence two gentlemen had Kindly given their presence, one of whom was practically acquainted with Mechanics' Institutions, their use, progress, and working, — their objects and degree of success. dite alluded to Mr. Church, of Leeds. — (hear. hear.) The e-her gentleman, though a stranger among them, wasnow a resident in a neighbouring village — a native of North Britain — the land of literature and learning and somg, and ail that was ennobling in art, literature, and philosophy ; andhe need scarcely say that all were most anxious to make that gentleman's acquaintance that evening throuzh his speeth: He now alluded to the Rev. Mr. Macfarlane, oi Hoimfirth. — (hear, hear.) And now it became him, as the president of their institution for the sixth time, to speak of the practical business of the institution, of its working and success. The report would make them acquainted with what had been done the past year, but there wre two other points to which he would brisfly advert: Te one was that they had had few or no addition' to the Worary during the year. This had no doubt arisen from tue want of a larger list of subscribers, and in order to inevease this list, he called on each to come toa firm resointion to add one more subscriber each to the institution — (:ear, heat) — and then they would hear no more complaints of wanting books. — (Hear, hear.) It was the interest of the working classes themselves to de this, inasmuch as the library was for their use and culture ; but it was also the interest of the young men in order that they might improve their minds; the duty of the masters, in order to promote habits of thought and sobriety among their workmen. — (Hear, hear.) During the year they had ais» originated a female class, which had not hitherto been vory extensively made use of, but he called on the committee to take courage and persevere, in the hope that the time was not far distant when it would be more successful. His own idea was, that these females should be instructed in a separate institution, but necessity admitted of no law, and they must instruct them there or turn them adrift aiogether. The female portion of society were deeply interesting off many grounds, but hitherto their education hid been much neglected and overlooked: The juvenile female portions of their village wanted a something which would follow up that instruction received in the Sunday and Mill Schools. They wanted an instructior! which was © nsecutive, which would conserve their virtues and their mra's, and ther they would be able to preserve thentselves from those evils and temptations to waich, he feared, they were too often, at present, much exposed. — (Hear; hear.) Think 6f the influence of women in society and on 8 isty at large, for it had been truly said, " She who rocks the cradle rules the world." — (Cheers.) The Queen of England governed some thousands of subjects, nor did her crown disgrace her, — (cheers) — for she was a most illustious pattern to the women of England. — (Cheers.) Proad was he to say that the Qucen of England did not sriander the substince of her people in gew-gaws and enpty pazeantry, but studied the welfare, the advancemeni, the civilization of her people. — (Cheers.) These were things worthy of a Queen, and she stood forth a noble example, in this respect, to the kings and princes of th? earth, and he would to Ged that they would follow it: (Uheers.) The women of out country had a great work b-fore them, in traming and dissiplining the minds of the youth of our age — it was for them to mould, fashion, and correct their minds, and he honed the time was not very far distant when institutions for their culture would have become general, (Applause.) There was a m'staken notion prevalent among some men ori the subject of elevating the working population. Some shrunk from mixing among the peop!e — some were fearful lest by doing so they might be thought vulgar — some feared that the Working peopl would rise toa position which would not Pecome thena — others imagined that they would be puffed ap and indated with a selfish vanity or excessive arrogance — or gonie or other of the thousand things which their distem ered imaginations had conjured up ; — but he (the Speaker) should a3 son think of this taking place as that an educated people would be vulgar, insulting, disdainful, or if-behaved. (Cheers!) Such taoughts were unworthy any class towards the class below them, for he hesitated not t> say that if the working clagses vere properly trainod and discipline 1 they would set a noble example to many in our dand in virtue, sobriety, piety, arid real goodness. (Hear, 1.) What an absurdity, the speaker added, to think bon t@.u0d & MAN occupied a low etation that he was tacucn the notice of his fellow-man a Nittle above him. the people te zemain in ignorance to gratify the prea.ices ur the whims of this class ot men? That institution "as 'No, it is impossible." (Cheers.) He trusted, there, wnat the morning of a brighter day was dawning upon ax working classes, and that they in return wild show tu smives worthy the educatien, patronage, and support, sca the managers of that Institution, among a nimber 1 others, were most anxious to confer on them. . The Raline uf one class ostranging themselves from tho one below them was falseand dangerous. They were dangerous to the minds of liberal men, and to the community of ideas, and to the general welfaro of society, which we should endeavour to firmly cement and render more endearing, for if the educated classes shrunk from the people, the people in return would shrink from them, arid the consequences woilld then be an alienation and a wider gulph between them than had ever existed heretofore — the contempt of the one would be repaid by the hatred of the other; but he prayed that in our country this might never be, but that all classes would work in harmony fur the promotion of the gencral weal. (Hear, hear.) In spite of the doubts emd misgivings of many a3 to the effects likely to flow from these Institutions, he had still every confidence in them, and was satisfied that they were a step in tlio right direction. Great men were joining them front all ranks — they were already considered respectable — they numbered among their patrons bishops and men of high rank — and they wero, in fact, already basking in tho sunshine of aristocracy, and were fairly being caressed by the good men and the great, among allpartics, so that if not admitted to be respectable already, they at least soon should be. (Hear, hear, and cheers, Those men who had the greatest dread of Mechanics' Institutes met their promoters with the charge that they did not therein teach religion. True it was that they did not, but they did not, therefore, proscribe, nor did they despise, religion in consequence. In this respect these Institutions were governed and controlled by imperious circumstances: To teach religion in such an Institution would be fatal to every interest its promoters had at heart — (hear, heat) — not because religion was not true, but Lecause in stich institufions, as now constituted, the teaching of religion would be impracticable. (Hear, hear.) But if they. did nof teach religion there, they at least wooed her hand-maid, learning — and courted her sister, scicnce — and recognized Christianity by direct rule ; and therefore let it never again be said hat tlie promoteets of Mechanics' Institutes were either infidels, atheists, or heretics. He would ask these objectors, must the young men be untaught because they eotild not teach them catechisms and dogmas, or because they could not teach them to walk by the same rule of faith as every professing Christian had selected for himself? (Hear, hear.) Mo, the rising generation must be taught, in spite of these objections' Man was not provided with knowledge by instinct, but must be tutored and trained, and of the middle and upper classes would lie the responsibility if they were not so cared for. (Cheers.) Again, after referring in eloquent terms to the glorious attributes with which the Almighty had endowed mankind, the speaker proceeded to observe, in reference to education — because that institution could not do everything in this respect, were its managers to content themselves with doing nothing? Should they not teach the Sciences because they could not teach the forms of religion? Why, the very idea of such unseemly folly ws a dishonour to our nature. (Cheers.) In etlueation he (the speaker) would put the bible first, but he would not put it in its wrong place — he would not cram it down young people xolens volens, for if so he was sure it would never weil digest. (Hear, hear.) He would take our youth into the paths of learning, and science, and philosophy — he would strengthen their tastes and their understandings, and thus fit them for a usefal and an honourable life ; and he thought, and he felt certain his audience would also think, that religion would fare no worse because these yoting people had been cultivated and enlightuned — but, on the contrary, he believed it would fare much worse if the pcople were allowed to remain in a state of stupid stolidity and indifference. (Cheers.) The Speaker then proceeded to r¢commend to the consideration of his audience the great exhibition of 1851, observing that kitherto the world had been too much governed by physical power, but the approaching exhibition was calculated to assert the right to govern by mind and intellect, and as such it deserved the warm support of the working men, whose existence depended on their skill, ingenuity, and. industry. In conclusion, Mr. Robinson exhorted the young men to be more regular in their attendance at the classes — to be determined to excel and surmount all difficulties — remembering that few things were valuable which were easily attained. This, however, must rather be done by degrees ; but if they would but persevere the dificulty would be overcome, and as drops make up the mighty ocean, which bore on its back the rich Argtises of the mighty nations of the world, so would their determination to go on and excel form the charaeter of the true man, by which he should be known and distinguished among men. After some further observations, the President sat down, amidst applause, by calling on the Secretary to read the Report:

From the report, read by the sceretary, it appeared that for the trifling sum of 2d per week children above fourteen years of age could be instructed in the schools; and this after their hours of labour, and after they. had left tho Sabbath and factory schools: This departinent of the Institution had been most successful the past year. The Directors regretted that no addition had been made during the year to the guinea subscription list, but expressed a hope that as the merits of the Institution became better understood, when prejudices had been weakened, ff not eradicated, gentlemen possessing the means would invest a small capital for educating the honest, industrious, and toiling thousarids, who had hitherto been too much ne¢glecte by their mcre opulent brethren. A female class had been in existence some three months with every prospect of suiccass, and the male classes had also progressed most satisfactori:y, particularly the two reading classes. The reading and news-room had been well attended, and much recreation and valuable information placed within the reach of many, who would otherwise be deprived of the opportunity of passing their leisure hours in an innocent and rational manner.

The mecting was next addressed by Mr. Church, of Leods}; the Rev. Mr. Macfarlane, of Holmfirth ; and by a working man named William Vickerman, who each delivered exeellent _addresses bearing on education arid the social impiotvement of the working classes generally: We regret that tlic crowded state of our colmuns will not permit of our noticing the several addresses in detail.

The proceedings of the evening were much and agreeably diversified by a party cf vocdlistsfrom Huddersfield, consisting of Mrs. L. Pedcd, Miss Whitham, and Mr. Hirst; who sang several solos, duetts, and glees, during the evening. Miss Mellor presided at the piano-forte, and gave mucn satisfaction in her accotnpaniments as well as in the fantasia " Last Rose of Summer," with variaticns, in which she was loudly excored. oo

The proceedings were brought to a close shortly before 1l p.m. by the company joining in the national anthem.

District News


Smithy Place Mutual Improvement Society

Smiriy Pnace Mutvst Improvement Soctety. — we regret exceedingly that a paragraph in our last week's Chronicle, under this head, should, as we now see it was uaquestionably calculated to do, have hurt the feelings of the family and friends of a worthy and highly respectable doceased gentleman. We have reccived several communications on the subject, amongst the rest from Mr. Kidd and Mr. Floyd, solicitors, of Holmfirth; the one from the latter gentleman we have in type, but have been compelled to postpont it till next week. We may perhaps have to notice other commiinications on the same subjects


Exhibition. — the public here have been greatly delighted during the past week, by the appearance, at tho Town Hall, of Professor Stephenie, who with a vory efficient company of male ahd female performers, represented, ina series of tableaux tivans, some of the best works of Canova, Turner, Flaxman, Etty, Rubens, Titian, an® other celebrated classical artists. The nights of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were selected for these representations ; but, although the groups were indeed 'beautiful exceedingly," the amount of patronage bestowed by the public was anything but, commensurate. All who attended tho entertainment were amply gratified, and were loud in their laudation of the enterprize exhibited by the professor in getting up so pleasing a number of groupings;

Parochial Constables

PAROCHIAL CONSTABLES. — A number of these indispensable officials were sworn in at the magistrates' sitting, at the Town Hall, last Saturday. The list stands thus : — For Anstonby, Josh. Barber, of Hincheliff Mill ;Robt: Elliss, of Yew Tree; and Josh. W. Broadhead, of Green Owlers. For Cartworth, David Hinchcliff, of Marble Hall; Edmund Barber, of Waterside; Thos. Booth, of New Row; and Josh. Wood, of White Gate. F'ulstone has the following : Chas. Hirst; manufacturer, Gate Foot; Wm. Field, grocer, New Mill; John Slater, farmer, New Field House; and Josh. Marsden, Jackson Bridge. The township of Holme is supplied with John Furness, manufacturer ; Jonas Woodhouse (for Mr. Chas. Beardsell), shoemaker; and Jas. Beardsell, junr., manufacturer. For Upper Thong, there are Wm. Hinchcliffe; Thos. Haigh : David Brook ; and John Earnshaw (substitute for Richard Battye, drygaltor). For Wooldale, James Dransfield, postmaster' Wm: Moorhouse, Sandy Gate; Benjamin Shaw, Underbank; Jon. Eastwood, Wooldale; Hen. Brown, Wooldale; Benj. Stanley, Scholes Moor;, Chas. Taylor, Holmfirth; Robt. Ramsden, Cliff; Geo. Hinchliff, Flowery Field ; and Josh. Preston, of Jane Wood, were sworn in.


Miscellaneous Concert

MISCELLANEOUS Concert. — on Monday evenirig last Mr. Thomas Kaye, from Durham Cathedral, and Miss Midgley, of this town, gave thcir concert as announced, under the patronage of the gentry of the town, in the Central National School Room, toa highly respectable audience, and were received with warm approbation. The performers were Miss Midgley, Miss Whitham, Mr. Etchells, and Mr. Netherwood, (from the Huddersfield Concerts) and Mr. Thomas Kaye. Miss Midgley and Mr. Wm. Kaye presided at the piano-forte. The youthful pianist, Miss Midgley, acquitted herself very ably in the two Fantasias allotted her, and promises to be a very good performer; Miss Witham also acquitted herself satisfactorily in the parts assigned her. Mr. Thomas Kaye is a very finesinger, having a good voice and a thorough knowledge of his profession: He was deservedly encored in two of his songs. Mr. Netherwood and Mr. Etchells both gave entire satisfaction, and -the inhabitants have never' enjoyed a richer treat than they did on Monday night. We understand that Mr. Kaye is a native of this village, and the inhabitants have cause to be proud of the association.

The following gentlemen wore appointed Churchwardens for the year ensuing at the vestry meeting held on Monday, April 1: Mr. Thomas Brook, Colne Villa, and Mr. David Sugden, Almondbury,

A Veteran Tenant

A Veteran Tenant. — at the annual rent audit of Sir J. W. Ramsden, Bart., held on Wednesday week, at the George Hotel, in this town, a veteran farmer, named Thomas Sykes, of Almondbury, made his 121]st_half-yearly payment, and we understand that on each of the above oceasions he has made the journey and paid over the amount personally. We question if a similar incident can be found on record. May he long live to perform his bi-yearly walk in the of duty.


United Ancient Order of the Druids

Unitep ANCIENT ORDER OF Drutps. — the quarterly meeting of the officers of the Huddersfield district connect2d with this society was held on Saturday last, at the Shoulder of Mutton Inn, Lockwood. This district has, we unde:stan1, been-established upwards oftwenty-y ara, ana the ditferent courts are reported in a satisfactory state, steadily increasing both in niembers and in the amount of funds. The distwict meeting comprised twonty delegates and five officers, who compose the board. The first part of the business having been transacted, P. A. Edward Crosland, secretary, reported the state of the district, which was considered most satisfactory... The board then retired to the dining room, where they partook pretty freely of the good things provided by the hostess, to whon a vote of thanks was passed. The board then resumed their sittings, and proceeded to arrange the various propositions submitted to them. These having being all satisfactorily disposed of, the proceedings terminated.


Kirkheaton Temperance Society

KIRKHEATON TEMPERANCE Society. — the first meeting of the above society was held in the Temperance-room (which has been fitted up for the purpose), Kirkheaton, on friday last, the president, the Rev. John Cummins, in the chair. Interesting and instructive addresses were delivered by the Chairman, Messrs. Baker, Hawkins, Washington, and J. Wild, jun., who also exlivened the proceedings by singing several temperance songs, which were received by the crowded audience with great delight. The meeting separated about ten o'clock.


Ordination Services

ORDINATION Services. — on Good Frida', Mr. Dyson, the recently elected minister of Ebenezer Uhapel, Uppermiil, was ordained pastor of the people assembling for divine worship therein. The chapel was crowded in every. part immediately after the doors were opened. Itis supposed there were more than 800 persons present, including a great many ministers and students of the independent denomination. The Rev. Mr. Reeve read a portion of scripture and offered the introductory prayer. — The Rev. Dr: Davidson (classical tutor of the Lancashire Independent. College) delivered an excellent discourse on the nature and constitutien of a christian church. — Mr. Calvert, (of Hyde) formerly minister of the place, asked the tisual questions, which elicited from Mr. Dyson most able and eloquent and satisfactory, expositions of his past religious history; of the reasons whtich induced him to enter the ministry; of the grounds of li dissent from the Established Church ; of the reasons for his continued adhesion to the independent order of church governinsnt, and of his intentions for the future. Mr. Sutcliffe, of Ashton-under-lyne, offered the designation, rayer, after which the Rev. Dr. Vaughan, (President of ancashire Independght College), gave the charge to the young minister and an address to the public. The ministers and friends from a distance, at the cloge of these proceedings, to the number of 140, retired to the school room, and partook of an elegant collaticn or dinner provided by the managers. x -

Appointment of Parish Officers

APPOINTMENT OF Parish Officers. — the annual vestry meeting for the appointment of Churchwardens, the Guardian of the Poor, and the Governor of the Workhouse, was held on Easter Monday, in Saddleworth Church. Mr. Ropinson, J.P., was elected Chairman: Mr. James Wrigley, of Scouthead, on the part of the minister, and Mr. Jas. Bradbury, of Ryefields, on the part of the parishioners, were chosen Churchwardens. In connexion with their appointment some discussion arose respecting the shabby condition of the parish hearse. A resolution was passed that a new set of decent plumes should forthwith be provided, the expense of which was variously estimated by different persons who spoke at 15l. 201. 50/: 751. and 100d. This difficult point. being disposed of, the Guardian; Mr. Platt, read. his annual report, from which it appears that the parish has never been ifi so prosperous a condition for'the last dozen years as now: the expenses are constantly decreasing, while the ability to bear them is increasing. The County Rut> two years ago was over 900/.: this year the amount is a little over 300/. . This very satisfactory decrease was attributed in part to the recent revision of the County Rates throuzhout the West Riding, and in part totheincreased economy ofthemagistrates: The report closed w:th a strong recommendation of tho rotiring Overseers, and especially of the Governor of the Workhouse, in anticipation of ani effort toprevent the re-election of that officer;

The accounts were then raad, and after a fev unimportant:

questions respecting various items had been answered they were passed. It was then moved and seconded and unanimously carried that Mr. Platt should be re-clectod Guardian at a salary of 120/. per. annum. . After a considerahle 'pause it was moved and seconded that Mr. James Radcliffe Should be re-elected Governor of the Workhouse, on the same terms as before. This was met by an ameudment that ho should not be the Governor, wh'ch was supported by Mr. Halliweil, of Springhead, in a very able speach. His most forcible arguments were founded on the fact that the

Governor has a wife and six children ia the Workno:se, who, he inferred, were supported at the expense of the parish. He further remarked that he had warnel the Governor last year to look out for a situation more suitable for the bringing up of a young family than a Parish Workhouse ; but he bad not heeded the warning, and concluded by cbserving that the amendment might not then be carried, yet next year he pledged himself that should the Govergor appear again asa candidate every rate-payer in the parish should have an opportunity of recording his vote on the question. Mr. Radcliffe made a few observations in reply, after which the question was put, dnd he was declared reelected by a large majority. The proposer of the amendment demanded a poll, but after a great deal of talk, and being urged by Mr. Halliwell and others, he withdrew the demand, chietly because there was no other candidate in tho field. Some of the principal gentlemen who supported Mr. Radcliffe on the present occasion intimated that they should not by any means allow it to be unrlerstood that they would support him next year. It was then proposed that a public invitation should be given previous to the next annual meeting in sover"] newspapers to candidates for the office of Governor tosend their applications accompanied by testimonials to the Guardians and Overseers for examination, which was ultimately agreed to, atter a great loss of time. The salary of the Poor Rate Collector was raised from 4d. to 5d. for every £1 he may collect, though an amendment was made that the advance should be only 3d. in the pound. After this a vote of thanks was awarded to the chairman, and the mecting closed, having lasted from 11 till 3 p.m.


Cheap Beef

CHEAP Beer. — aa butcher, of Wakefield, has contracted to supply, for the current quarter, to Wakefield House of Correction, good beet, at less than 3d per lb:

The Borough Market Company's bill was read a third te and passed, in the House of Commons, on Tuesday night.

The Great Industrial Exhibition

THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL Exhibition. — on Tuesday evening a meeting was convened at the Court House by the Mayor, J. Holdsworth, Esq., in compliance with a requisition which had been presented to him, for the purpose of adopting measures best calculated to promote the success of the intended Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. The Mayor expressed the pleasure it af-

forded him in calling the meeting, and the anxiety he felt to do all that he could for the success of sd noble en undering.. Excellent addresses were afterwards delivered by W. H. Leatham, Esq., J. Micklethwaite,Esq., J: Barff, Esq., Dr. Wright, Dr: Atkinson, the Rev. T: Scales, Dr. Munro, and others. A subscription list has been opened, in which we observe the Mayor has given £50; G. Sandars, Esq.. M:P:, £50 ; Messrs. Marriott and Sons, £30; W. H. Leatham, Esq., £20; W. Barff and Sons, £20.

Election of Poor Law Guardians

Election OF Poor Law Gvarrdians. — the following is the result of the recent election for this union : — Thomas Micklethwaite, of the Wakejield Journal

(Tcry) ... see wee 830 Joseph Mountain, (Liberal) 695 John Robinson, (Do.) ... 613 James Kershaw, (Do.) ... 60. B. J. Candler, (Do. 492

The four first are elected.

Concert aT. Stanley Ferry. — on Monday evening week last the members of the Holian Glee and Uateh Society, gave their cighth annual concert, at the house of Mr. 8. Beaumont, the Heywood Arms Inn. The rincipal vocalists were Miss Castle and Mr. Henry Wilson. Mrs. Cook presided at the piano-forte. Miss Castle gave great satisfaction in the ballad "My happy home," and was most enthusiastically encored in the song 'I'll be no submissive wife." Mr. Wilson also sung with great effect the songs of " The last words of Marmion," and the " Pilgrim of lore." Several excellent glees,. &c., were sung in good style ; and, by special desire, Messrs. B. and J. Beaumont and H. Wilson sung the catch " What ould Thomas Day," in a quaint and ludicrous style, which excited the r's'bil:ty of the audience to no small extent. The concert being terminated, a ball was forthwith commenced, but, on account of the assembly being rather small, was not kept up with very great spirit or animation.


Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851

GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION OF 1851. — A meeting was held on Tuesday last, in the Court House, for the purpose of explaining to the inhabitants the object of the exhibition; and forming a committee to assist the Royal Commissioners in carrying out effectually this important project. On Charles Tee, Esq., being called to. the chair, he made a few brief remarks, and ¢oncluded by calling upon Hepworth Dixon, Esq:; who attended as a depufation from Her Majesty's Commissioners in London. Mr. Dixon proceeded to point out, with much ciearness, the advantages likely to accrue from the exhibition, and concluded by calling on the people of Barnsley to elect a committee embracing the moobanic and the man of wealth, who wore sautually interested in the undertaking.

Trade of Barnsley

TRADE OF Barnsley. — the linef trade, which has attained a greater prosperity during the past season than we have known it for a corsiderable period, is beginning to fall off, and the hand loom weavers have already experienced the depression, generally common at this time of the year. The steam loom weavers, bleachers, and others, w:th the exception of some branches of the coal trade, are busily employed.



Huddersfield Market

-RUDDERSFIELD MARKET, Tresp<y, L Moye activity prevailed in the Cipth Hall to-day. and ore pleasure in reporting an increased demand im the suresh during the week, In raw matcrials, no alteration has taken place Every one is looking forward with Ceop in proaching wool sales; the first of the serics confidently state will commence in the first week week in May.

view the contents page of Huddersfield Chronicle (13/Apr/1850)