Clothiers Arms Inn, Kirk Gate, Huddersfield

This page is a bare-bones entry for a location which appears on an historic Ordnance Survey map. More detailed information may eventually be added...


  • location: Kirk Gate, Huddersfield
  • listed in: Baines (1822)
  • status: no longer exists
  • category: public house, beerhouse, inn, etc.

In existence by 1822 when George Bradley was named as the landlord.[1]

The premises was demolished in the 1960s.

Linked Locations

Huddersfield Police Court

  • Aug/1884 — Edward Bradley's licensed was suspended by local magistrates "having had a number of common prostitutes drinking late one evening in his dram shop".[2]
  • 02/Mar/1852 — landlord Thomas Balderson charged with a violent assault on cart driver John Thornton of Aspley (fined £5 plus £1 expenses)


Notes and References

  1. Source: Baines' Directory (1822) - Huddersfield.
  2. "Huddersfield Brewster Sessions" in Leeds Intelligencer (31/Aug/1844).