Burlington House, Park Drive, Huddersfield

This page is a bare-bones entry for a specific location marked on an old map. More detailed information may eventually be added...


  • location: 1 Park Drive, Huddersfield, off Trinity Street
  • status: exists
  • category: private house
  • architect: Ben Stocks (1838-1911)

Built in 1886[1] for local photographer John Edward Shaw as his family home and photographic studio. Following John Edward's death in 1916, his son, Charles Raven Shaw, committed suicide in the property in December 1917.

John Edward's son, Frank Hubert Shaw, described the house as "big and spacious: solidly built from the prevalent freestone: erected, I shrewdly believe, as a monument to my father's vanity and as proof of his success!" in his autobiography.[2]

It is believed the next occupant was photographer Thomas Dent whose daughter Daphne Reynolds (1918-2002) became a noted painter and engraver.


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Notes and References

  1. Source: "John Edward Shaw (1849- 1916): Huddersfield Methodist New Connexion Photographer and Freemason" by Brian Haigh.
  2. Seas of Memory (1958) by Frank Hubert Shaw.