John Sykes & Sons, Turnbridge Machine Works

1877 advert for John Sykes & Sons, Turnbridge Machine Works, from the Textile Manufacturers journal.


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tags:1870-79, 1877, Advertisements, John Sykes and Sons (Huddersfield), Turnbridge Machine Works (Huddersfield)
date:15 November 1877
rights:Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
date added:30 December 2016

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The following is an uncorrected automated OCR transcription and will likely contain errors (expand):

Turnbridge Machine Works,
Patentees and Makers of their well-known
Wool Cleaning and Burring Machine,
Capable of Cleaning and Burring 1,500 lbs. of Wool per day.
Have constructed upwards of eight hundred.
Improved Willow or Teazer,
With Three Workers, l'an. Feed, and Self-acting Delivery Motion complete.
Improved Waste Cleaning Machine,
With Revolving Orates for Clearing the Dirt out of all kinds of waste made in Woollen Mills.
Improved Hard Waste Opening Machine.
Wo would parlieul u!y druvr 1lio attention of i I Manufacturers and S|•. i. -ners to tills very valuable Mucliinr, which is adapted for opening ail kinds of Woollen Thread Waste without treating the staple. Tlio Cylinders, Doners, Workers, etc., are all made of Iron, and, being well Ieilanced, they revolve with accuracy and steadiness; (lie motions for adjustments are simple and yet effective. Constructed of widths vary-ing from It! incite* to fit) inches, of one, two or three Cylinders varying in diameter from l*i inches to 3G inches.
Patent Continuous Spinning Frame.
The production of this Machine is double the quantity per Spindle of the Self-acting Mule.
Patent Continuous Twisting Frames,
With Single or Double Motions, to work each side separately or together. Adapted lor Woollen, Cotton or Silk.
Bobbin Winding Machine,
To Wind on Shuttle Bobbitts from either Hanks or Co|ts.
Improved Rag Grinding Machine.
Ring Flyers or Travellers
Of all sizes and shapes in Steel or Brass made to order.