Rules of the Huddersfield Industrial Society Limited (1929)

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LIMITED. ¥ + i Se 4 I <a) a = <a = 4 MANCHESTER : I i Co-opzraTive Printing Society Liuirep, New Movunr Srrzer. & daa ae I 1929.


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Rea. No., 10,878 R, Yorks.






MANCHESTER : Co-oreRaTIve Printine Society Limitep, New Mount


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1. That whenever amendments are made upon original propositions no second amendment shall be taken into consideration until the first amendment is disposed of.

2. That if a first amendment be carried it displaces the original question, and becomes itself the question ; where- upon any further amendment may be moved.

3. That if the first amendment be negatived, then a second may be moved to the original question under con- sideration, but only one amendment shall be submitted to the meeting for discussion at one time.

4. That the mover of every original resolution, but not of every amendment, shall have a right to reply to each amendment, immediately after which the question shall be put from the chair; but no other member shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same question, unless permission be given to explain, or the attention of the chair be called to a point of order.

5. That upon any member rising to a point of order, the speaker having possession of the chair shall at once resume his seat until the chairman has given his decision upon the point raised, which shall be given at once.

6. That no member rising to ask a question shall add to the question any argumentative or other statement.

7. A motion for adjournment of a meeting shall take precedence of any other motion or amendment, and may be discussed, but the discussion upon it must be solely confined to reasons for or against adjournment.

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1. This society shall be called “THz HuppERsFIELD INDUSTRIAL Society LimrTEp.”’


2. The objects of the society shall be to carry on the business of a storekeeper, general dealer, and universal provider in all its branches: and in particular to buy, sell, manufacture, produce, grow, cultivate, and deal in goods, stores, consumable articles, chattels, and effects of all kinds, both wholesale and retail; and generally to engage in any business, trade, or industry which may seem to the society directly or indirectly conducive to the interests or convenience of the society’s members or any section thereof. The objects shall include dealings of any description with land. The society shall have full powers to do all things necessary or expedient for the accomplishment of all objects specified in its rules, in- cluding the power to purchase, hold, sell, mortgage, rent, lease, or sub-lease lands of any tenure, and to erect, pull down, repair, alter, or otherwise deal with any building thereon, and to transact every kind of agency business (including insurance agency).

Registered Office.

3. The registered office of this society shall be Central Premises, Buxton Road, Huddersfield, in the West Riding of the county of York, or such other place as the board of directors shall from time to time appoint; and at such place all books of accounts, securities, and documents of the society, other than such (if any) as are required for carrying on business on account of the same elsewhere, shall be kept.

In the event of any change in the situation of the registered office, notice of such change shall be sent within fourteen days thereafter to the Registrar, in manner and form provided by the Treasury Regulation in that behalf.

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Admission of Members.

4. (1) The society shall consist of the present members, and of all such other persons or societies as the board of directors may admit from time to time. Hach applicant for admission shall sign a declaration of his readiness to take out at least one share. All persons wishing to become members must apply to the secretary or other persons appointed to receive applications. Any applica- tion for membership being refused, notice of such refusal shall be given to the applicant within ten days thereof.

(2) A minor, not under the age of sixteen years, may be admitted as a member, and execute all instruments and give all acquittances necessary to be executed or given under these rules, but may not be a member of the board of directors or an officer of the society.

(3) Each member shall have a card, with name, resi- dence, and number written upon it, along with such directions as the board of directors may think desirable, together with a book of rules and an account of all sub- scriptions for shares, loans, bonuses, and interest, which book shall hold a correct Dr. and Cr. account of each member’s transactions in relation to the funds correspond- ing to the ledger of the society. A charge of 1d. shall be made for renewing the card.

(4) In the event of a member’s pass book being lost, he shall make personal application at the registered office to be supplied with another, in which case an entry shall be made in a book, to be called ‘‘ A Record of Lost Pass Books,” and on signing the same he shall be entitled to have another on payment of 6d., with his share account entered in it as it stands in the books of the society. But the society shall not, previous to the issue of the new ‘book, be responsible to any member, or persons claiming under a member, for any loss incurred through a payment of share capital to any person who produces at the registered office the book alleged to be lost.

(5) Any society or company registered by Act of Parlia- ment, and whose shares are limited, may become a member

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of the society, on application to the board of directors, and subject to their approval, on a written application, signed by the secretary and three members of the com- mittee or board of directors of such society or company.

List of Members.

5. A list of members’ names and residences shall be kept at the registered office of the society, which shall be open, to their inspection. The committee of management shall cause the names of all persons who under these rules cease to be members to be erased therefrom. In the case of change of residence, notice in writing shall be sent to the secretary within seven days thereafter.

Non-trading Members.

6. Members who have not made purchases for twelve months shall be considered non-trading members, and the directors shall have power to either reduce or disallow interest on such member’s share capital after twenty-eight days’ notice has been given; and any member who has joined the society and has had no dividend placed to his credit for twelve months shall at the discretion of the directors be struck off the books of the society.

Capital of Society. 7. The capital of the society shall be raised in shares of ls. each, which shall be withdrawable and not transfer- able. No member, other than a registered society, shall be entitled to an interest in the shares or funds of the society exceeding the sum of £200, or such lesser sum as shall from time to time be determined after due notice by a quarterly or special general meeting.


8. Hach member of the society must hold at least one share. In the event of a member not trading with the society for twelve months, and providing such member has less than 20 shares in the society, the board of directors shall have power to inflict a fine of 3d. per quarter,

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Division of Profits.

9. The profits of all business carried on by or on account of the society shall be applied as follows :—

(1) In payment of the interest upon any loans or deposits ;

(2) In the reduction of the value of fixed stock and

plant of the society, at such rate as is provided by Rule 20;

(3) In payment of interest not exceeding 44 per cent on all shares held by each member up to £200 or such lesser sum as may be sanctioned by a quarterly meeting of the members. The interest shall commence and cease on the first day of each month, no interest being payable for any part of a month or fractional part of a pound. The above rate of interest may be reduced or increased by resolution of a quarterly or special general meeting of members ;

(4) In promoting instruction, culture, or recreation by forming an education fund, to be administered by the education committee, and to which 1 per cent of the net profits shall be carried ;

(5) In forming, by applying so much of the net profits as the quarterly general meetings determine—

(a) A Reserve Fund (to which all fines and forfeits under Rule 8 shall be carried), to meet any contingency affecting the business of the society. Payments from the fund shall be made by a resolution of such meetings, on the proposal either of the board of directors or an individual member, and in regard to which notice has been given on the balance sheet.

(6) An Election Fund. Such fund (except in so far as the application or expenditure thereof may be determined by the members at its meeting at which

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such appropriation has been voted) shall be applied in such manner and in such sums and paid to such persons, committees, or organisations as the directors in their absolute discretion shall consider best cal- culated to promote the return to, and maintenance in Parliament and on local authorities of persons support- ing and advocating the maintenance and extension of co-operation and the co-operative movement.

(c) To any purpose whatsoever (other than the pur- pose hereinbefore or hereinafter specially mentioned) which the general meetings may from time to time determine, and of which notice has been given in the notice calling the meeting, whether such purpose be within the objects for which the society is formed or not.

(6) The remainder of the profits shall be divided between— 5

(a) The members of the society, in proportion to the amount of their purchases at the stores during the half years ending July and January; and

(6) The non-members who have made purchases of the society, according to the amount. of their pur- chases, at such rates as the quarterly general meetings may determine from time to time. ;

(c) All interest and dividend not claimed within 14 days after the quarterly general meeting shall be added to the member’s share account. I

(7) The board of directors shall have power to pay an interim dividend for the quarters ending October and April. Such dividend shall be divided among the members in proportion to their purchases at the stores during. the quarter, and shall in no case exceed the amount in the £1 paid as dividend for the previous half year. Further, such dividend shall be dividend on account, and the total dividend available at the end of the half year shall be treated as follows :— I (a) By division among the members in proportion to their purchases at the stores during the quarter

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then ended, at such rate in the £1 as the quarterly general meeting may determine, up to, but not in excess of, the rate per £1 previously distributed as interim dividend, and (b) The remainder, if any, in division amongst the members in proportion to their purchases at the stores during the whole half year.

(8) Nothing in these rules shall prevent a quarterly general meeting from voting moneys from the reserve fund: for the alleviation of distress, however caused.

Recovery of Fines and Debts.

10. The board of directors may, at their discretion, allow goods to be sold to members on credit, but no member of the society shall be entitled by this rule to claim a right to make purchases on credit, and if any fine or debt due by a member remains unpaid for one month, the board of directors may at their discretion order the same to be deducted from such member’s share and dividend account in the society ; and if there be not sufficient in these accounts to discharge the amount thereof, the board of directors may order such member’s name to be struck from the list of members, and he shail be taken to have withdrawn from the society for all intents and purposes from the time of such order; and the balance owing by such member shall be immediately recoverable from him, his executors, administrators, or assigns, by legal process, as a debt due from him or them, or either of them, to the society ; and he shall not be again admitted except as a new member.


11. The directors may obtain for the purpose of the society from time to time from any person, whether or not a member of this society, company or other organisa- tion, on the security of bonds under the seal of the society, or by agreements, sums of money not exceeding two-thirds of the amount of the paid-up share capital ot the society, at such rate of interest as may be determined trom time to time, and subject to such provisions for repayment as are agreed upon such advance.

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Savings Bank Deposits, 12. The board of directors may receive from any persons, whether members or not, on deposit withdrawable on such notice—being not less than two clear days—-as they may fix from time to time, any sums within the total limit mentioned in Rule 11, not exceeding 10s, in any one pay- ment, nor £20 for any one depositor. No payment of any

withdrawable capital shall be made while any claim due on account of any such deposit is unsatisfied.

Repayment of Loans and Reduetion of Shares.

13. Should the board of directors have more cash on hand than they can profitably invest, they shall have power in the first place to repay all loans contracted under Rule 11; and should they still have too much money, shall reduce the number of shares held by the members, the highest of those who purchase least from the society being first paid off. Members may allow their surplus cash to remain in the funds of the society after the time of notice has expired, but shall not receive interest thereon. All shares paid off shall be extinguished.

Reserve Fund.

14. A reserve fund shall be formed, as provided in Rule 9, and interest at the rate of 24 per cent per annum shall be added to the fund quarterly.

Insuranee Fund.

15. (1) The board of directors shall from time to time invest in any manner permitted by the rules of the society, or uppropriate out of any investment so made, such amounts as are authorised by the quarterly general meetings of the society, to form a fund for insuring the buildings, fixtures, and stock against losses by fire, or in transit by air or water ; also for guaranteeing the fidelity of servants of the society. The income arising from all such invest- ments or appropriations shall be carried to the account of the said insurance fund, and from time to time similarly invested.


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_ (2) The board of directors may, as they deem it advisable, insure any of the property of the society wholly or in part in the insurance fund, and thereupon shall pay to such insurance fund the premium which would otherwise be payable to some insurance company if therein insured to & similar amount.

(3) There shall not be anything taken from the msurance fund (other than repayments of losses as above mentioned), except with the consent of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a quarterly or special general meeting.

Withdrawal of Shares.

16. (1) Members may withdraw their shares according to the following scale of notice, subject to this proviso, that the board of directors shall have power to suspend the right of withdrawal of capital whenever in their judgment it is in the interests of the society to do so, and the decision of the board of directors on this question shall be absolute and final :—

Five pounds on application (and at least one week to elapse between each payment),

Five to ten pounds, one week, Len to twenty pounds, two weeks, Twenty to thirty pounds, three weeks, And so on, one week for every ten pounds.

(2) In all cases of withdrawals no money shall be paid without production of the member’s pass book. The pro- duction of such pass book shall at all times be in itself a sufficient authority to the cashier or other authorised employee of the society to pay all or any shares, dividend, or interest which stands to the credit of the member in such book or in the books of the society, either to the member personally or to a person purporting to be I such member, or to a person representing or purporting to represent such member, who shall produce an order signed or purporting to be signed by the member, and the receipt of any of such persons for the same whether given in the name of the member or his or her own name shall be as

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valid in the hands of the society as if it had been given by the member himself; and after any payment shail have been so made, no member or any person on his behalf shall have any claim upon the society in respect of any money so paid.

(3) The board of directors or any officer or employee authorised by them may allow any member to withdraw without notice any shares he may have in the society. A person who has withdrawn or been repaid all his shares in the society shall cease to be a member. No payment or withdrawable capital shall be made while any claim due on account of a deposit is unsatisfied.

Withdrawal of Members.

17. (1) A member may withdtaw from the society on giving the appropriate notice under Rule 16, according to the shares held by him, to the secretary, or with the consent of the board of directors. Upon withdrawal such member shall receive payment of the amount standing to his credit in the books of the society, with all arrears of interest made up to the end of the month preceding such withdrawal, but subject to such deduction, not exceeding Is., as the board of directors may from time to time direct, such deduction to go to the reduction of the value of fixed stock. The withdrawal of members shall nevertheless be subject to the power of suspension under Rule 16.

(2) Any member may, on withdrawal, present at the registered office of the society, any checks for the current quarter which he may have in his possession, and he shall be entitled to receive on such checks a dividend which shall be determined by the board of directors, but which shall in any case be similar in amount to the last interim dividend.

(3) No member shall be allowed to withdraw until the fill amount of all claims due to the society from him shall have been paid; nor if any action at law, or dispute, or loss be pending, involving the funds or liabilities of the society.

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(4) The society shall have a lien on the shares of any member for any debt due to it by him, and may set off any sum credited to the member thereon in or towards the payment of such debt.

(5) A member withdrawing from the society shall give up to the secretary of the society his contribution book and card of membership.

(6) If a member becomes bankrupt, or a registered society, being a member, shall be wound up, the board of I directors shall pay over to the trustees of the property of the said bankrupt member or society being wound up all shares standing to their credit upon the production, on the part of the trustees, of a legal authority to receive the said shares.

(7) If a member or person claiming through a member becomes insane, and no committee of his estate or trustee of his property has been duly appointed, the society, acting through its board of directors, may, when it is proved to the satisfaction of the board of directors that it is just and expedient so to do, pay the amount of the shares, loans, and deposits belonging to such member to any person whom they shall judge proper to receive the same on his behalf, whose receipt shall be a good discharge to the society for any money so paid.

Joint Membership.

18. (1) Members may hold in their joint names shares to any amount not exceeding £200, subject to the con- ditions named in Rule 7, and the receipt of either of them shall be a sufficient discharge for any interest payable thereon. On the decease of a joint holder of any share or shares, such share or shares shall be registered in the name of the survivor or survivors on his or their applica- tion, and for the purposes of ordinary, quarterly, or special general meetings, only one of such joint holders shall be deemed to be a member. No joint holder of any shares shall be allowed to hold any shares in his or her separate name,

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(2) Joint members may at any time terminate their joint membership and either or both may apply to become members of the society in their own right and, conversely, individual members may apply to become joint members without affecting the continuity of their membership, provided the application for re-entry is made within twenty-four hours of the termination of their previous membership.

Transmission of Interest.

19. (1) Any member of the society not being under the age of sixteen years may, by writing under his hand delivered at or sent to the registered office of the society during the lifetime of such member or made in any book kept thereat, nominate any person or persons to or among whom there shall be transferred at his decease such property in the society as may be his at the time of his decease (whether in shares, loans, or deposits, or other- wise), or so much thereof as is specified in such nomination, if the nomination does not comprise the whole. If on the death of the nominator the amount of his property in the society comprised in the nomination exceeds one hundred pounds the nomination shall be valid to the extent of the sum of one hundred pounds, but not further or otherwise :

Provided that a person so nominated shall not be an officer or employee of the society, unless such officer or employee is the husband, wife, father, mother, child, brother, sister, nephew, or niece of the nominator.

(2) A nomination so made may be revoked or varied by a subsequent nomination signed and delivered or sent or made as aforesaid or by any similar document in the nature of a revocation or variation under the hand of the nominator so delivered, sent, or made as aforesaid, but shall not be revocable or variable by the will of the nominator or by any codicil thereto.

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(3) The society shall keep a book wherein the names of all persons so nominated and all revocations or varia- tions (if any) of such nominations shall be recorded, and the property comprised in any such nomination to an amount not exceeding one hundred pounds shall be payable or transferable to the nominee, although the rules of the society declare the shares not to be trans- ferable. I

(4) The marriage of a member of the society shall operate as a revocation of any nomination made by him before such marriage, provided that, in the event of an officer of a society having transferred any property of a member to a nominee, in ignorance of a marriage con- tracted subsequent to the date of the nomination, the receipt of the nominee shall be a valid discharge to the society, and the society shall be under no liability to any other person claiming such property.

(5) Nominations made before the year 1914 and not revoked remain subject to the law as it stood before the Industrial and Provident Societies Amendment Act, 1913.


(6) The member shall pay for the recording or register- ing of every nomination, revocation, or variation, whether or not accompanied by a fresh nomination, 3d.; and one fee only shall be charged for the entry of all the names in any nomination, revocation, or variation, if more than one.


(7) On receiving satisfactory proof of the death of a nominator, the board of directors shall, subject to the limitation on amount hereinbefore mentioned, either transfer the property comprised in the nomination in manner directed by the nomination, or pay to every person entitled thereunder the full value of the property given to him, unless the shares comprised in the nomina- tion, if transferred as directed by the nominator, would raise the share capital of any nominee to a sum exceeding £200, or such lesser sum as shall have been determined by

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any quarterly or special general meeting of the society in accordance with Rule 7, in which case they shall pay him the value of such excess.

(8) Where a nominee who is nominated under the provisions of the Industrial and Provident Societies (Amendment) Act, 1913, is under sixteen years of age, the society, through its board of directors, may pay the sum nominated to either parent, or to a guardian of the nominee, or to any other person of full age who will undertake to hold the same in trust for the nominee or to apply the same for his benefit and whom the society may think a fit and proper person for the purpose, and the receipt of such parent, guardian, or other person shall be a sufficient discharge to the society for all moneys so paid. (9) If any member entitled to property in the societv in respect of shares, loans, or deposits, not exceeding in the whole, at his death, £100, dies intestate, without having made any nomination thereof then subsisting, the board of directors may, without letters of administra- tion, distribute the same among such persons as appear to them on such evidence as they deem satisfactory, to be entitled by law to receive the same. If the principal value of the estate, in respect of which estate duty is payable, of any deceased member of the society exceeds £100, any property or money to be transferred or paid under section 25, 26, or 27 of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893, without probate or administration, shall be liable to estate duty as part of the amount on which that duty is charged ; and the board of directors of the society, before making any such transfer or payment, may require a statutory declaration by the claimant or one of the claimants that such principal value, including the property or money in question, does not, after deduction of debts and funeral expenses, exceed £100.

(10) If the principal value of the property or money to be so transferred or paid exceeds £80, the board of directors shall, before making any transfer or payment to any person other than the legal personal representative

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of the deceased member, require production of a certificate from the Commissioners of Inland Revenue of the pay- ment of the estate duty, and a duly stamped receipt for the succession or legacy duty payable in respect of the property or money so transferred or paid, or a certificate that no estate, succession, or legacy duty is payable thereon. (11) If any such member is illegitimate, and leaves no widow, widower, or issue, the board of directors shall deal with his property in the society as the Treasury shall direct. (12) Upon the death of a member who has an interest in the society exceeding £100, and a in writing being given by his executors or administrator to the secretary of the society, stating the death of such member, and the Christian name, surname, profession, or business of such legal representative, and specifying the nature and amount of his interest or claim ; and the production, if the case requires, of the probate of the will of such member, or letters of administration of his estate, and of such evidence (if any) of his death as may be required by the board of directors, the board of directors, after satisfying any nomination made by such member, shall either transfer the shares, or other interest of the member specified in such notice, in the books of the society to his legal representative, or shall pay to him the sum which represents the full value thereof, and may make such transfer or payment at their discretion, unless the transfer would increase the share capital of the transferee in the society to more than £200, or such lesser sum as shall have been determined by any quarterly or special general meeting of the society, in accordance with Rule 7, in which case they shall make the payment of any such excess in money. I


(13) Shares comprised in any nomination shall be transferable to the nominee without ceasing to be with- drawable in consequence of such transfer, and the like provision shall apply to shares transferred under any will or administration.

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TRANSFER TO MAKE MuMBERSHIP. (14) Every nominee or other person to whom any share is transferred under this section shall thereby become a member of the society, if not previously a member.


20. Depreciation shall be made half-yearly off the nominal value as follows :—

Horses, carts, and coal wagons: not less than 20 per cent per annum.

Fixtures: not less than 10 per cent per annum.

Shops, warehouses, and workshops: not less than 24 per cent per annum.

Of original cost of motors: not less than 20 per cent per annum.

Of the estimated value of dwelling-houses on July 31st, 1914: not less than 14 per cent per annum.

Of the original cost of dwelling-houses afterwards erected or in course of erection: not less than 12 per cent per annum.

The members shall have power, by special vote, in quarterly or special general meeting assembled, to allow any additional or extra depreciation.


21. The directors may invest any part of the capital of the society as follows :—

(1) In advances to members or others on the security of real or personal property; and (2) In or upon any security in which trustees are for the time being authorised by law to invest; and ‘3) In or upon any mortgage, bond, debenture, debenture stock, corporation stock, annuity, rent charge, rent, or other security (not being securities payable to bearer) author- ised by or under any Act of Parliament

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passed or to be passed of any local authority as defined by Section 34 of the Local Loans Act, 1875; and

(4) In the shares or on the security of any other society registered or deemed to be registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, or under the Building Societies Acts, or of any company registered under the Companies Acts, or incorporated by Act of Parliament or by Charter, provided that no such investment be made in the shares of any society or company other than one with limited liability; and = (5) If the society is not chargeable with income tax in pursuance of the Act, in any savings bank certified under the Trustee Savings Bank Act, 1863, or in the Post Office Savings Bank. :

(6) Power to Vote in respect to Investments.— The society may appoint any one or more of its members to vote on its behalf at the meetings of any other body corporate in which the society has invested any part of its funds, although such member or members may not personally be shareholders in such other body corporate.

Officers of the Society.

22. (1) The management of this society shall, except as provided by Rule 25, be vested in a board consisting of a president, and not more than twelve directors, who shall be elected in the manner set forth in Rule 23.”

(2) Noemployee employed by this society shall be eligible for election to any office touching the management of this society. Persons eligible to serve on the board of directors of. this society shall have been members at least two years, and have not less than £3 shares in the funds of the society. No person shall be eligible to. serve as president who has not served on the board of directors for three

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years, or on the education committee for five vears, or unless he shall have been a director of any other society (with a membership of not less than 15,000 members) for three years. In the event of any other society’s amalgam- ation with this society the same qualifications shall apply.

(3) No person shall be qualified to be a director of this society who is director of any other distributive co-operative society within the area of this society’s operations, or of any co-operative productive society if he be a share or loan holder in such co-operative productive society, unless he hold such shares at the request and in the interest of the board of directors of this society; nor who is a regular dealer in any of the commodities sold by the society. Provided that a person who sells his own produce, but depends mainly on some other source of income for a living shall not be deemed a regular dealer.

(4) If any member of the board of directors become bankrupt, or if he participate or be concerned in the profits of any contract with the society, such director shall vacate his office. This rule, however, shall be subject to the following exceptions, viz. :—-No president or director shall vacate his office by reason of his being a member or employee of any society or company which has entered into contracts with or done any work for this society ; nevertheless, he shall not vote in respect of such contract or work.

(5) No member of the board of directors shall be aliowed to sit in committee or at a board meeting whilst any question is being considered affecting the interest or conduct of himself or of any relative of his, or connection by marriage, nor shall he in any way interfere with the decision come to at such committee or board meeting.

(6) All officers shall be eligible for re-election.

(7) At any general meeting of the society the majority of the members present may assign to the board of directors or any other officers of the society such remunera- tion as seems to them desirable. Notice of any proposed alteration to be given in accordance with Rule 26.

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(8) Should a member of the board of directors be proved guilty of dishonesty or other criminal conduct, his member- ship of the board of directors shall immediately cease, and he shall be disqualified from serving as a director for a period of three years from the date of such disqualification. Similarly a member of the society who has been so dis- qualified shall be ineligible to become a candidate for the board of directors for a period of three years from the date of such disqualification. (9) If at any time the members are dissatisfied with the conduct of any director or directors through actions contrary to the rules of the society, a quarterly or special general meeting, by a two-thirds majority, shall have power to remove him or them, and others shall be elected in their place for the remainder of the term, in accordance with Rule 23 (14), and such accused officer or officers shall have seven clear days’ notice in writing of such meeting and its objects.

(10) A secretary shall be elected for each branch by the members voting at the respective branch pollings, who shall serve for eighteen months and who shall be subject to the same conditions as to proposition, qualification, and removal as the board of directors. He shall take stock of the goods on hand at his store at the time of any alteration in prices, In accordance with instructions sent to him from the registered office of the society ; he shall also perform such other duties as may be required of him from time to time by the board of directors. In the event of an extraordinary vacancy occurring in the office of branch secretary at any store, the secretary of the society shall arrange an election to take place at the earliest possible date to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. I (11) The directors and other officers of the society shall be indemnified from all loss or damage sustained by them, or to which they may become liable, through any act they may perform on behalf of the society by the authority of the board or by the order of any general or special general meeting, and not arising out of their own wiltul act or default.

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oA Eieetion of Officers.

23. (1) All members of this society, with the exceptions named in Rule 32, shall be entitled to nominate or second persons to serve as officers; such nominations to be in the manner prescribed by the society at a quarterly general meeting, and on papers provided for that purpose at the stores of the society, and must be delivered not later than 7 p.m. at the registered office of the society twenty-one days previous to the quarterly meetings held in February and August.

(2) All nominations must be signed with the name and number of the nominator and seconder. Seven days shall be allowed for withdrawal of candidates, such withdrawals to be delivered in writing at the registered office of the society. A list of all persons nominated shall be posted up in all the business places of the society ten days before the quarterly meeting, and this list, except as regards branch secretaries, shall be advertised once in all newspapers published in the Borough of Huddersfield, and afterwards submitted to branch pollings as hereinafter provided, and the candidates who obtain the highest number of votes shall be declared duly elected. This declaration shall be made at the ensuing quarterly general meeting. Any member nominating a person for any office without his knowledge or consent shall, upon proof thereof, be fined ten shillings.

(3) No member shall be entitled to have his name on the list of candidates for election as president and director at the same time. Should any member be proposed for both offices at the same election he shall, within three days of the close of propositions, signify to the secretary for which office he intends to stand, and the secretary shall see that his name duly appears on the list of propositions for such office in accordance therewith.

(4) All officers of the society shall be elected by ballot.

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(5) The president and directors shall be elected at the branch pollings in February or August, and their term of office shall be eighteen months.

(6) The election of president, directors, education com- mittee, or branch secretaries shall be conducted in the following manner :—

(a) The voting shall take place at pollings held at the society’s central and branch stores (or such other place as the board of directors think suitable), from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., on the Tuesday previous to the quarterly meetings in February and August. All voting papers must be marked in the polling-room. In the event of a member not being able to mark his bailot paper, the poll clerk who shall be appointed by the board of directors, if satisfied of such inability, shall mark such paper at the member’s request and according to his direction. On personal application by any member producing his contribution book or voucher for the same, the presiding officer shall issue a ballot paper to such member, and at the same time (with a stamp to be provided for the purpose) the poil clerk shall stamp such book or voucher as evidence of such issue and to prevent duplicate voting. No proxy voting shall be allowed.

(b) The secretary of the society shall, by posting bills at the stores of the society, give at least seven days’ notice of the date, place, and time of such meeting. 3

(c) At the branch pollings it shall be the first business of the meeting to appoint a chairman for the proper conduct of the business in accordance with the rules. Such voting papers as may be spoiled or unused shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, with a written statement of the number of members attending the meeting and the number of voting papers unused ; such statement to be signed by the chairman and poli clerk and returned, along with the ballot box, to the secretary of the society

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not later than 6 o’clock p.m. of the second day follow- ing the polling, and be by him handed to the scrutineers.

(7) Any member seeking election found to have can- vassed any employee of the society, or to have been can- vassing on the society’s premises, or of having used undue influence upon any employee, such member shall be dis- qualified, and shall not be again eligible for a period of two years.

(8) Any dispute arising out of the operation of this rule shall be referred to an arbitrator, who shall be appointed by the board, and who shall not be a director or in any way connected with the interests of the parties at variance. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final.

(9) At an election of officers, a member sha!] be entitled to cast as many votes as there are vacant places to fill. Not more than one vote may be given to one candidate, and any voting paper shall be declared void or invalid if the total number of votes cast upon it exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled.

(10) The expenses of meeting-rooms (if any) for election purposes shall be borne by the society.

(11) At the quarterly meetings in May and November seven scrutineers shall be appointed, who shall, on the second night following the elections in August and February, along with the secretary of the society, examine the sealed register of votes for officers given at the pollings; and shall, as soon as possible, declare the names of the members receiving the largest number of votes as duly elected, and the same shall also be announced by the chairman at the quarterly general meeting. The secretary shall provide such number of clerks as may be required to assist the scrutineers in counting the votes.

(i2) A member who is a candidate for office shall be entitled to be present at the counting or at a recount of votes cast at the election in which he is a contestant, but

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shall not be entitled to act as scrutineer or otherwise take part in the counting at any election in which he is interested.

(18) Any candidate for the presidency, board of directors, or education committee, may, by giving notice in writing to the secretary of the society within ten days of the date of an election and on depositing the sum of 5s., claim a recount of votes. Such recount shall be made within three days by the secretary of the society, assisted by not more than four members of the office staff. The scrutineers shall be entitled to attend, but not to take part in a recount of votes. If after a recount an error is discovered in the numbers of votes as declared by the scrutineers, the deposit of 5s. shall be refunded, and if after this error has been rectified it is found that a candidate or candidates have been wrongly declared elected, his seat or their seats shall be immediately declared vacant, and their places filled by the successful candidate or candidates as revealed by the recount.

(14) Should any vacancy occur in the interval between one election and another in the office of president or director or member of the education committee, the vacancy shall be filled by the highest can- didate at the last election.

(15) Any member already holding an elective office in connection with the society shall forfeit his seat and be disqualified for a period of two years if found canvassing the employees of the society on behalf of another member.

‘Duties of the Directors.

24. (1) The directors (of whom any seven shall form a quorum) shall in all things (except the education depart- ment) act for and in the society’s name, and all acts and orders under the power delegated to them shall have the like force and effect as if they were the acts and orders of a majority of the members of the society at a general meeting thereof, subject to the following exceptions only :— No alterations in, or any erections of, premises exceeding £2,000 shall be made, or any new business shall be entered

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into, without first obtaining the consent of a majority of the members present at a general or special meeting of the society. No business shall be transacted after ten o’clock at night, except by a vote of the majority of the directors present.

(2) A director not present within thirty minutes of the commencement of any board or sub-committee meeting shall not receive an attendance mark for that meeting unless he was engaged on the society’s business or by the consent of the directors. If any member of the board of directors absent himself for four weeks in succession without a legitimate reason the board of directors shall declare that he has vacated his seat, but any such declara- tion shall be subject to the decision of the next quarterly general meeting. The board of directors shall have power to accept the resignation of any of their number.

(3) The president or any two of the directors may call a special meeting of the board of directors by giving one clear day’s notice in writing to the secretary, but at such special meeting no other business than that specified in the notice shall be taken into consideration, except by resolution of urgency, such resolution to be agreed to by two-thirds of the directors present and voting.

(4) The board of directors shall cause the accounts of all business carried on on behalf of the society to be regularly entered in proper books. The board of directors shall have power to suspend the payment of withdrawals and receipt of contributions for a stated period during the balancing of the society’s accounts; and they shall cause a statement of the accounts of the society, with all necessary vouchers, to be laid before the auditor or auditors at least ten days before the quarterly general meetings in February and August.

(5) The board of directors may form sub-committees, which shall elect their own chairman, and transact such business and perform such duties as it may think proper to entrust them with. No member shall serve more than three years consecutively on the same sub-committee,

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(6) All cheques on the society’s bankers shall be signed by such person or persons as the board of directors may from time to time appoint.

(7) Except by resolution of a general meeting no mem- ber who is or has been president, director, or holder of any elective office in connection with the society (except scrutineers or tellers) shall be employed by the society until he has vacated such office for at least twenty-six weeks. : (8) The board of directors shall have power to prepare and submit to a special or general meeting of members a suitable scheme of superannuation for its employees.

Edueation Committee.

25. (1) The education department of the society shall be administered by a committee of seven members, four to form a quorum, one to be elected by the board of directors from their own number, and six, who shail not be directors, to be elected by ballot at the pollings of

the society in February and August, whose term of office

shall be eighteen months, two to retire each six months.

(2) The education committee shall be subject to the same conditions as to the proposition, qualification, election, and removal of the members as the board of directors. (3) Should any vacancy occur during the quarter previous to the general meetings in May or November, and there is no unsuccessful candidate available from the last election such vacancy shall be filled by ballot voting at the first general meeting.

(4) The education committee shail be responsible to the general meetings of the society for the proper adminis- tration of the education fund, and shall make a report to each quarterly meeting, of the income and expenditure and of the assets and liabilities of the fund. (5) The members of the education committee shall receive for their services such sums as the quarterly meet- ing may from time to time determine, such payments to be made from the education fund.

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Meetings of the Society.

26. (1) The quarterly general meetings of the society shall be held in the months of February, May, August, and November, to receive the report of the board of directors on the progress of the society’s business during the previous quarter, to receive the reports of the auditors made in accordance with Rule 29, and to transact such other business as may arise in accordance with these rules.

(2) Ordinary general meetings, herein called monthly general meetings, shall be held on the third Saturday in January, March, April, September, October, and December, at 6-45 p.m., or on such other day and hour as the board of directors may deem expedient, subject to due notice being given of any change. ‘The functions of these meet- ings shall be—

(a2) Appointing one delegate to district conference, one to the sectional conference of the Co-operative Union, and two to the quarterly meetings of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, and receiving reports from the same. Any delegate appointed under this rule shall not be eligible to attend a meeting held under similar auspices for a period of two years ;

(6) For discussing the affairs of the society, making suggestions and recommendations for the guidance of the board of directors, and for explaining the rules and principles of the society; but all or any of these meetings may be suspended by direction of any quarterly meeting, and if so suspended may, by similar directions, or by the board of directors, be at any time resumed.

(c) Upon any important question affecting the policy of the society, where the society has the right of voting, the directors shall place the matter upon the agenda of a quarterly or special meeting, and the decision of such meeting shall be carried out by the society's representatives.

(3) No monthly meeting shall proceed to business unless at least forty members of thesociety be present within fitteen

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minutes of the time of meeting, or proceed with business after the meeting has reduced itself to below forty.

(4) Seven clear days’ notice, by placard, which shall be posted up at all the society’s stores (stating the business), shall be given for all monthly, special, or general meetings ; and any business not announced on such placard shall not be entertained at such meeting.

(5) The president shall have power to convene a special general meeting ; on his refusal three of the directors or forty of the members may, by requisition signed by them and delivered to the secretary, stating the objects and resolutions to be proposed, demand that he shall call a special general meeting, and shall issue notices stating the object and resolutions in general. The business transacted at such meetings shall be binding upon the members.

(6) All questions shall be decided by vote, the majority binding the minority, unless the chairman rule that the decision is not according to these rules or the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts. ach member shall have one vote only ; no proxies admissible. ,

(7) Should there be an equality of votes, the chairman shall have a casting vote.

(8) Ali votes shall be decided by show of hands, unless one-third of the members present require a ballot, in which case the board of directors shall appoint the time and place.

(9) Members may adjourn to any other place of meeting at such time as they may appoint, and of which five days’ notice shall be given by the secretary. Re-adjournments may be fixed without notice.

(10) No quarterly or special general meeting shall pro- ceed to business unless eighty members entitled to vote are present within half an hour of the time appointed, and in which case, if called by members, it shall stand absolutely adjourned ; but if called otherwise, shall adjourn to the same time on that day week.

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(11) No person shall be admitted to any monthly, general, or special meeting of the society without showing his or her card of membership.

(12) Any member having any proposition to submit to the consideration of the quarterly general meeting, shall send the same to the secretary twenty-one days previous to such meeting, which proposition shall be printed and hung up in all the stores asking for any amendments to the same, such amendments to be sent to the secretary fourteen days previous to the said quarterly general meeting ; all such propositions and amendments shall be printed on the balance sheet and notice calling the meeting. Notices shall be put in all the stores stating the last date on which propositions can be received.

(13) The board of directors shall not have the power to nullify the proceedings of any properly constituted meeting of the society ; but should they receive any information which would, in their judgment, render it unwise to carry out any resolution passed at such meeting, they shall at once convene another meeting, and lay such information before the same.

(14) Should any matter arise which is not herein provided for, it shall be determined by a quarterly or special general meeting, and such decision shall remain operative until rescinded or varied by a further general meeting, after notice given in accordance with these rules.

(15) Any quarterly general or special meeting shall have power to appoint and remunerate a special com- mittee to inquire into any subject it may think proper.

(16) Any member wishing to move an amendment to a proposition of which notice has been given for a special general meeting, shall give notice of such amendment in writing to the secretary of the society not later than within 84 hours of the time of meeting, and notice of such amendment shall be posted at the society’s office and stores not later than within 48 hours of the time of the meeting.

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Duties of President.

27. The president shall act as chairman at all general, special, and board meetings of the society, or in case of his absence the officers and members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to act as chairman on that occasion. The president, or chairman acting in his absence, shall sign the minutes of the proceedings at each of the society’s meetings, and shall have the casting vote, in addition to his own vote as a member. The president shall, by virtue of his office, be ex-officio member of all sub-committees.


28. The secretary shall, before taking upon himself the execution of his office, give such security as the board of directors may determine. He shall convene and give his attendance at all meetings of the society and of the board of directors (if required), summon all special meetings of the board of directors and record correctly the names of the said directors there present and the minutes of their proceedings, and (by resolution of the board of directors) the names of those voting for and against any propo- sition voted on, which he shall transcribe into a book, to be authenticated by the signature of the chairman as the proceedings of the meetings; he shall countersign ali contracts, and shall, on all occasions in the execution of his office, act under the superintendence, control, and direction of the said board of directors. A minute secre- tary may at any time be appointed by the board of directors.


29. (1) At the quarterly meeting held in February in each year the members shall elect one or more auditors, who shall be public auditors under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts, and who shall examine all the books and accounts, invoices, vouchers, and securities of the business of the society, shall see that the books are properly kept, and report to the board of directors any alteration or improvement in the form of book-keeping, and

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shall, along with the secretary, sign a balance sheet not less

frequently than once in each half year, ending July and January, which shall be printed and distributed amongst the members, and submitted to the quarterly meetings for confirmation, at which meetings the auditor or auditors shall be present.

(2) If through death, resignation, or any other cause, a vacancy should occur, the board of directors shall fill up such vacancy till the next general meeting, when the members present shall confirm the appointment made by the board of directors, or proceed to elect another in place thereof. (3) It shall be the duty of the board of directors to keep a copy of the last balance sheet of the society and of the report of the auditors (if any) always hung up in a con- spicuous place at the registered office of the society.

Inspection of Accounts. 30. (1) Any member or person having an interest in the funds of the society may inspect his own account and the books containing the names of the members at all reason- able hours at the registered office of the society, or at any place where the same are kept, subject to such regulations as to the time and manner of such inspection as may be made from time to time by the board of directors of the society. (2) Any ten members, each of whom has been a member of the society for not less than twelve months, may apply to the Registrar in the form prescribed by the Treasury Regulations for the appointment of an accountant or actuary to inspect the books of the society, and report thereon, pursuant to Section 18 of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893.

Employees. 31. (1) The employees of the society shall be appointed and their services retained or dispensed with at the dis- cretion of the board of directors. They shall supply such articles only as the society (through the board of directors and subject to the board’s direction and control) may decide to deal in. I }

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(2) They shall, when required by the board of directors, sign an agreement stating their duties and responsibilities, and also give security for the faithful fulfilment of such agreement.

(3) The rates of pay, hours, and other conditions of labour of employees of the society shall in no case be less favourable than the conditions embodied in agreements between recognised bodies of employees and trade unions applicable to the district, or in the absence of such agrec- ment, than those generally obtaining in the occupation and district.

(4) All employees of the society, being sixteen years of age or upwards, shall be required to be or become members of appropriate trade unions, and continue in trade union membership whilst in the service of the society. This clause shall not apply to the secretary of the society. (5) If found tampering with the quality, weight, or price of goods, or committing any other offence, they shall be dealt with as the board of directors deem expedient.

(6) Employees of this society shall not be eligible for branch secretary, director, president, or membership of the education committee, nor shall they be allowed to canvass or interfere with the election of such officers on the society’s premises. Any such interference shall be dealt with as the board of directors may deem expedient,

(7) It shall be the duty of every officer or employee of the society having receipt or charge of money, or his executors or administrators, at such times as the society or the board of directors may direct, to render account or to give in his account to be examined and allowed or disallowed by them, and shall on the like demand or notice pay over all moneys and deliver all property for the time being in his hands or custody to such person as the society or the board of directors appoint. I

Officers not to Propose or Second Colleagues.

ae. N o director, president, or member of the education committee shall propose or second any member tg serve as an officer of the society,

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injurious Conduct.

33. The board of directors may suspend any member guilty of any conduct injurious to the society until they submit the same to a general meeting (of which the offender shall have seven days’ notice), which meeting shall have power to expel such member if it think fit. Any member so expelled shall thereupon cease to participate in the benefits of the society. No person expelled shall be re- admitted except by a favourable vote of two-thirds of the directors present at any properly convened meeting of the board of directors. I I

Complaints and Suggestions.

34. A book shall be kept in the registered office, in which members may enter any suggestions or complaints relat- ive to the business of the society, which shall be brought before the board of directors weekly. In case any member has ground for complaint relative to the working of the society, its officers, employees, or articles dealt in, the same shall not be entertained at any meeting unless first entered into the book above named or sent in writing, signed by the name and number of the complainant, to the board of directors. If satisfaction be not given by the decision of the board of directors, it shall then be brought before any general meeting, whose decision shall be final.

Disputes and Arbitration.

35. Every dispute between a member of this society, or any person aggrieved who has for not more than six months ceased to be a member of this society, or any person claim- ing through such member or person aggrieved or claiming under the rules of this society, and the society or an officer thereof shall be decided in the following manner :—


(1) Five arbitrators shall be elected, none of whom are directly or indirectly interested in the funds of the society.

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(2) In any case of dispute the secretary of the society, or such other person as the board of directors appoint, shall, in the presence of the member or person aggrieved or claiming, or some person appointed by him, write the names of the arbitrators for the time being upon separate pieces of paper and place them so that the names shall be concealed in a box, or other receptacle, from which such member or person shall draw out three; the persons whose names are so drawn shall be the arbitrators to decide the dispute.

(3) Vacancies in the number of arbitrators shall be filled by the first quarterly general meeting after they occur, and if not then, filled by the board of directors.

(4) The cost of an arbitration shall be borne as the arbitrators direct, and each party shall deposit 20s. to abide their decision.

(5) Where the dispute is between the legal personal representative or the nominee of a deceased member and the society, and the question at issue is—who is entitled to the whole or any portion of the property of such deceased member of the society, and either claimant applies to the society for arbitration, the secretary of the society shall give to each claimant notice in writing fixing a day and hour for the parties to attend at the society’s registered office for the selection of arbitrators in the mode set out in clause 2 of this rule, by such of the claimants as attend. (6) When the arbitrators have made their award on any dispute they shall send a copy of the award to the secretary of the society, who shall furnish the disputants with a copy of the same. I (7) The Arbitration Act, 1889, or any Act amending the same, shall not apply to any arbitration under this rule.

Seal of the Society. I

36. The name of the society shall be kept painted and affixed on the outside of every office or place in which the

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business of the society is carried on, in a conspicuous position, in letters easily legible, and shall be engraven in legible characters on a seal, and the society shall have its name mentioned in legible characters in all notices, advertisements, and other official publications, and in all bills of exchange, promissory notes, endorsements, cheques, and orders for money or goods purporting to be signed by or on behalf of such society, and in all bills of parcels, invoices, receipts, and letters of credit of the society.

The seal shall have for device as follows:—A Dove with Olive Branch. It shall be in the custody of the president and secretary, and it shall be used only when directed by a resolution of the board of directors, a minute of which resolution shall be duly recorded by the secretary.

Construction of Rules.

37. In construing these rules words importing the masculine gender shall be taken to apply to the feminine gender ; words importing one person or thing only shall be taken to apply to more than one person or thing ; and words importing a class shall be taken to imply the majority of that class, unless there is something in the context to prevent such a construction.

New Rules and Alteration of Rules.

38. No rule shall be made, nor any of the rules herein contained or hereafter to be made, shall be amended, altered, or rescinded, unless with the consent of a majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting of the society specially called for that purpose. No amend- ment of rules shal! be valid until registered.

How the Society may he Dissoived.

39. The society may at any time be dissolved by the consent of three-fourths of the members, testified by their signatures to some instrument of dissolution in the form provided by the Treasury Regulations in that behalf, or by winding up in manner provided by the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts,

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Annual Return.

40. (1) The secretary shall, before the 3lst day of March in each year, send to the Registrar the annual return of the receipts and expenditure, funds and effects of the society as audited, which—

(2) Shall be signed by the auditor ;

(b) Shall show separately the expenditure in respect of the several objects of the society ;

(c) Shall be made up from the date of its last annual return to that of its last published balance sheet ;

(zd) Shall state that the audit has been conducted by a public auditor appointed as by the Act is pro- vided, and by whom.

(2) The secretary shall, together with the annual return, send to the Registrar a copy of the report of the auditor and a copy of each balance sheet made during the period included in the return.

(3) It shall be the duty of the secretary to supply—

(a2) To every member interested in the funds of the society, on his application, gratuitously a copy of the last annual return for the time being of the society ;

(6) To every person on demand a copy of the rules at such price, not exceeding one shilling, as the board of directors fix from time to time.

Triennial Return.

41. The secretary shall, once at least in every three years, make out and send to the Registrar, together with the annual return for the year, a special return signed by the auditor or auditors showing the holding of each person in the society (whether in shares or loans) at the date to which the said annual return is made out: Provided that, where such persons are in the list of members kept by

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the society distinguished by numbers, it shall be sufficient if they are distinguished in the special return by such numbers, and in that case it shall not be necessary to specify their names.

Power to Apply to the Registrar.

42. It shall be the right of one-tenth of the total number of members, or if the number of members shall at any time amount to 1,000 it shall be the right of 100 members, by an application in writing to the Chief Registrar, signed by them, in the forms respectively provided by the Treasury Regulations in that behalf, to apply for the appointment of one or more inspectors to examine into the affairs of the society and to report thereon, or to apply for the calling of a special meeting of the society.


43. The society may make advances to members of the society on security of property in manner provided hereinafter. I

44, The board of directors shall have sole and entire control of all business carried on on account of the build- ing department, and if any member is dissatisfied with their decision, he may claim that the matter be decided by an arbitration in accordance with Rule 35.

45. No director shall vote on any question wherein his individual interests are specially concerned.

46. Any member desirous of an advance from the society shall leave with the secretary an application or survey paper, properly filled up and signed by the applicant in a form to be from time to time fixed by the board of directors, and which shall contain at least the name, address, and description of the applicant; the tenure and situation of the property on which the advance is

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asked ; the estimated value of the property ; a statement of all ground rents, or other outgoings (if any) ; a state- ment whether any and what trade or manufacturing process is carried on on the premises; a statement of all stoves and furnaces thereon; and the amount of the advance asked for.

47. The board of directors may, subject to the restric- tions and limitations hereinafter mentioned, advance any money out of the society’s funds to members of the society on the security of lands or buildings, subject to such scale of repayment and at such rate of interest as is hereafter mentioned ; but no sum exceeding £800 shall be advanced by the society under these building rules to any one member or members who are joint holders of the same property, nor shall such advance in any case exceed eighty-five per cent of the ascertained value of the security given.

48. No advance shall at any time be made upon the security of any property that shall be subject to any previous mortgage, except such mortgage be held by the society.

49. The board of directors shall have power to make a second advance on the same property to any member, provided that at least one-third of the money already borrowed shall have been repaid; and shall also have power to make such advance which would not in any case bring the total amount owing to the society to more than £3800.

50. Interest shall be charged at 4 per cent per annum, or such other rate as may be determined, on all sums advanced by the society, and shall be calculated on the balance due to the society on the 10th day of January, April, July, and October in each year.

51. The amount to be paid to the society, whether a loan be made or not, for the examination and survey of all properties offered as security to the society, for examining plans and specifications and estimating the cost of proposed buildings for making a ground plan

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thereof, and furnishing the board of directors with 4 valuation, shall be paid for by the member applying for the advance, and-shall be according to the following scale, viz. :—

oe 8 When the amount of the valuation shall not CIO oe Se Cea 010 Exceeding £100 and not exceeding £200... 012 6 £200 a £300.:.° 0:16 -0 > £300 os £800.20 4. 9:9

52. A further charge of two shillings and sixpence shall also be paid for each subsequent inspection of buildings in course of erection and for reporting thereon, or such other sum as the board of directors prescribe.

53. All legal and other expenses incurred in the transfer of any property to the society as security, either by con- veyance or mortgage, shall be paid by the member immediately such conveyance or mortgage is made.

54, In case of any building in course of erection, the member shall be entitled to receive a proportionate part of the advance agreed upon when the said building shall have been raised to the height of the first floor, a pro- portionate part thereof when the building shall have been covered in or fully slated, and the remaining portion when the said building shall be completed according to the plans and specifications thereof, such advance to be on the approval of the society’s surveyor or board of directors.

55. All advances shall be repayable by quarterly instal- ments, according to one of the tables appended to these rules, or, in the event of an alteration in the rate of interest being made in accordance with Rule 50, according to one of three tables similarly calculated. The member shall state at the time of applying for the grant which of the tables he intends to adopt.

56. The repayments shall commence from the time the society notifies to him that the house is tenantable; or,

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40 in the case of property being purchased, from the time thé purchase is completed ; he may pay more than the table

rate if he choose, and may cease to pay until such extra payments are exhausted.

57. In addition to his ordinary repayments, each mem- ber shall pay all ground rents, rates, and taxes to which the property on which an advance has been made may be liable, and three shillings per annum shall be paid for office expenses.

58. Should a member have repaid by contribution 20 per cent of the money advanced he may, in case of distress or inability, be allowed three months’ exemption from contributions, and a like exemption for every additional 20 per cent he shall have repaid; but the sum total of all exemptions at any time allowed a member shall not exceed three months for every fifth part of the money advanced to him.

59. Any member having neglected to pay the instalments due in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing rules, and not being entitled to exemption, shall be fined for such neglect the sum of 3d. for every pound sterling. or part of a pound, due on such instalment at the end of any quarter, which fine shall be enforced and added to such member’s account, and considered a debt due to the society.

60. In the event of any member being in arrears of fines and subscriptions equalling together the amount of his subscriptions for twelve months, the society shall have power to take possession of the property. In the event of any member failing to comply with any or all of the agreements entered into between him and the society, the board of directors shall have power to evict such member and take immediate possession of his property, and dispose of the same by public auction, private contract, or other- wise, as the board of directors may deem advisable; and any costs thereby incurred shall be added to the member’s account with the society.

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61. Should a member be evicted under the powers afore- said, and the property taken over does not realise the amount in which the said member is indebted, including all interest and fines due to the society, the difference between the amount so realised and the amount owing shall be a debt due from the said member to the society, recoverable by ordinary process of law; but should the amount realised be more than the amount owing, the balance, after deducting the cost of putting the property in repair before such disposal as aforesaid, and any other charges that may have been incurred, shall be paid to such member, without interest, within six calendar months of his eviction.

62. From the time the board of directors declare a house tenantable, the member shall keep it in proper repair _ to their entire satisfaction.

63. All property mortgaged to or in trust for the society shall be insured at the mortgagor’s expense against loss or damage by fire, in the Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd., and the society shall effect or obtain an assignment of the insurance immediately on the execution of the mortgage, in the name of the society if practicable, and shall continue the insurance for such an amount as the board of directors may consider necessary. In case of damage by fire the society shall have the right to receive from the insurance office the amount payable in respect of such damage, and the receipt of two members of the board of directors, countersigned by the secretary, shall be a sufficient discharge to the insurance office for all moneys therein expressed to be received ; and the board of directors shall have full power to settle and adjust with the insurance office any question relating to such insurance, and to fix the amount to be paid in respect of the damage done to the premises, or to make such arrangement with the insurance office as to the rebuilding or repairing the premises, or relating thereto, as they shall think reasonable.

64. The member shall not carry on any trade, or make any alteration in his house, or house and land, without first

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having obtained the written consent of the board of directors to such effect. The society shall have the right of entry for inspection once in each year.

65. If a member who shall have mortgaged property to the society sell his interest therein to any non- member, he shall, on such sale being effected, pay to the society the balance then due on such property; or on a sale to any member with the written consent of the board of directors, and with an undertaking by the purchaser to discharge all liabilities to the society due from the vendor, such purchaser shall be substituted as mortgagor and become liable to all claims which subsist, or could be made in respect to the said property as between the society and the vendor.

66. When any transaction is entered into between tho society and any person, whether a member or not, and the society shall deem it necessary or expedient to grant or accept a conveyance, surrender, lease, mortgage, transfer, agreement, bond, or other instrument for rendering such transaction valid and effectual, they may enter into any such assurance ; and it shall be in such form, and contain such clauses, conditions, and provisions as the board of directors may from time to time determine upon. If any member who, under these rules, has acquired an interest in any property dies, or is declared a lunatic, before the repayment of the advance on such property is completed, the society shall, on the application in writing of the legal representatives of such deceased member, or such lunatic member, substitute any responsible person named in such application, who shall sign an agreement to take upon himself the liabilities of such member towards the society in respect of the said property, and to exercise, in the place of such member, all rights possessed by him in respect thereto.

67. When all the money secured by the mortgage, with all interest and charges thereon, has been fully paid, the board of directors shall hand over to the member, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, all deeds, documents,

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&c., held as security by the society, and at his cost endorse a receipt or acknowledgment upon the mortgage, or such other assurance as may have been given to the society for securing the sum or sums which they may have advanced, in the form contained in Schedule III. of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893, or in accordance with the Law of Property Act, 1925.


Three Members.

Register No., 10,878, R. Yorks. Complete Amendment.

Acknowledgment of Registry of Amendment of Rules.

The toregoing Amendment of the Rules of the HUDDERSFIELD INDUSTRIAL SocieTy LIMITED is regis- tered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893, this 2nd day of July, 1929. J. F.

Copy kept.

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12 Years’ Scale of Repayment for Advance of £100 at 5 per cent.

, Balance Owin Quarter’s Quarterly I “at thee & 1e end of Interest. I Repayments. each Quarter, £8. d. & 8. d. £. 8. d. Amount Advanced cmt Biase 100 O Ist Quarter... civ eee sees 1 (6-6 216 9 9 OS ge a a ck eR WERK RR AS 1 4 7% 216 96 17 74 OR ae enn Re Cue en ak 1 4 2 216 95 5 10 BU a Sey ese Ga eran es a: SIO 216 93 138 8 od ais bee Na a4 ROS 13°78 216 om 21 bee one Fes OES ee 216 90 8 1 7th ,, Reg STOP ER 216 8 14 8 Bed da oe ine ee 216 Q 87 010 OU ne ti tte 216 9 85 6 BOG ga eee Cee oe ee eT 24 216 83 11 11 IE Se rack cate i bee 2 O21 216 81 16 10 TO ies sews 1 5% 216 80 1 3¢ SEE aan saan aes 43050 216 78 5 34 RO ee eed eb a RES RRO 19: 7 216 76 8 103 BR es ale oi se oe 19 2 216 O 74 11 114 RO ss Cay hee bees 018 7% 216 72 14 RU ch ies seen 018 2 216 70 16 9 BE ies tO cy leg wale ae 017 8 216 68 18 54 BO a ee aa bee ee 017 38 216 66 19 8% NE ig Saad He Rae 016 9. 216 9 65 5% PAM eo wile geal d Ren ee oS 016 8 2 16. 9 63 8+ CO as rk ta gig to alvin Bibs bom ORY bed 015 9 216 61 5% DONE I EEE EOE EIN Lo 015.3 216 58 19 8% A ee ex s MAS 014 9 216 90 56 18 54 a a eg eer oe 014 23 216 O 54 16 BOG ee a WS Ca OA + OTS... 84 216 9 52 14 44 NN a ig a es eo 216 9 50 11 64 Oe de ahs ab a ee eae 0).12° 8 216 9 48 8 24 ME a ee cel ae ee ees 216 90 46 4 34 ae clea A's O11. 64 216-9 48 19 10 BI AR i cee CASA epee *0 216 41 14 10 aah aa senda s 010 5 216 9 39 9 3 yas ria vie Obes 9 104% 216 37 3 1k DO ete is cai 9 3% 236.9 38416 5 PN ae A eee he tee. Vues 8 8% 216 32 9 14 Be ee 8 It 216 we BE a ha RR ee 6 hme O78 216.0 27 12.9 BRR aes els Hea hws we ae eas 611 aa 25 8 ae i ee as chee Paes 6 34 216 22 13 114 rae yee ee 0:36 8 216 9 20 74 a ak ie eee aie 5 Of 216 8 17 12: 8 UN ese week cee 4 5 216 15 1 BO see ea wowed be ee oa 3 9 216 i2 8 10 Ca aia sacs peice eee ka So -8 3s 2:16 9 9 15 114 MN ep a a6 os pra eh 2 5B 216 O 7 2s BR gh es Ee eee aes O 1 9 216 4 8 2} Oe Aas A oa hee hoe banks cee 216.0 118 3% Ne a ees SSN eR o-8°S 113 83 Gia

In addition to the above, 3/- per annum management expenses will be charged.

Page 47

45 16 Years’ Scale of Repayment for Advance of £100 at 5%.

Balance Owing Quarter’s Quarterly at the end of Interest. I Repayments.| each Quarter. > #, £ 3s. £ 8s. d Amount Advanced ............... 100 O 1G SURI 50 is ss hv eh cs 2 2. 6s 98 19 6 DOE ree a © 087.35 4 WR aster. Shs kid oe kee ws 2 656 6 9617 9 WR a oes swede ee 1 4 2b , ae ae 95 16 5¢ te Se a hk Cec meee eens + Bae 6 04 14 11 Rs ici bbs sc fh heh ke RR 1 3s 6 6 93°18 1 7h . 1 3 5 2 5 6 92 11 8th bas CURE vale s Boas i ae eae © 2 6 6 3 Uae Oe iar ya iy a 1; 2.40 = 5.6 90 5 11% BU as eer eke wdc Soe 2: 6 6 89 3 O¢ BS SRS eer eit ew sane ¢ 1 2 34 2 87 19 10 MMI ee Riess deed i 2 5 6 86 16 4 PU, ke ida 4 ich Wak it Bs 2: 6.:8 85 12 64 RO Gas a ere eke 1.2 SS Ss 84 8 54 Tia ee Venda as heen 2 Re 2 56 6 838 4 O04 BO a i oi bn bee WR awa 1 O 9 2.5 6 8119 4 OT in as ee oe 2 $6 80 14 4 18th ,, Sibi a MC 2? 2. 8:6 79 9.0 BR 66 ei os ba hie cs hie 19 104 aes 78 3 44 MN a bias et bee er 019 64 3 Ss 76:17. 5 en PE cd bh eos 019 2% 2: Ss 8 75 11 I1¢ ME ga a ok WK Aho be Lae ek 18 103 Zoe 74 4 6 MR eke has pea es eV EL 018 7 ae WUE Spl ess seb aa ee es ceo 018 24 2 6.6 7110 3% MR as ok a eae ae 17 10% a: 70 2 8 eke eas ee ae 017 64 2:2 68 14 8 ENE eels Wie koe he eS O37 33 2. bs 67 44 WOE eat wath Gee eo ke oes 16 10 sae 65 17 8 ER hss ey elke Oh Se a 016 54 2 5 4 64 8 RS ost 8s bn 9h ba ede as ee 016 1 2 56.6 62 19 3 WO oes Ota va ee os 015 9 2.6 6 61 6 NN cues able os his Bess Wak ae bs 015 44 I EE 59 19 44 WME 6 ya S Salo Rill eee 015 O 58 104 I Mig ee ek se oe 014 7 2 6 6 56 1? 114 PE ee eG Obed a ae te 014 24 2 a 2 55 6 8 WN gi abn k Buc ceased 18 10 2. 5:4 538 15 O MEU es edi kb he eel bee ks 38 5 Se: 3 i BR? ak ee Hee iG a cae ak 013 0F 2 2 & 50 10 5% WE hag oe hes ot oe is 012 74 2: 8 8 48 17 7 MS egg heres Ree 012 24 25 6 I 47 4 3 OAM bs Ea ces Ce etek aces O11 94 2 8° 4 45 10 NS Loan erties 6 Oil 44 ee 43 16 5% Ea ei S518 ek wee 10 114 23.8 42°: ONE i Ss i sa ha ek Oo eee 010 6 ae 40 611 QI oak AE. eee Bis oka be 6:10 4 2 6:6 38 1l 6 ais Os oo bak Dok dees beaks 0: 3.8 6:4 3615 8 RE BS TRO ghey oat oa eRe er 0--9--2 0:6 84 Se bo ee kas BE ck eens 0.8 9 S68 33 7 BU ih ee Vi ae aes o-8 3 2. 8:6 31 5 4 NE eh ie a te ce eee ewes 7 94 29 7 7% Rie hoa lias ek ie ee OT Be 2. 5 6 oF 3S a hs ae Coe a EE 6 10% 2.5 8 25 10 9% NR fo ae aia ita Wc eeu ees 6 44 2.578 ta UN eee dee es eae 5 104 2. 5-4 WE re ees 0d Vie eee da 6 5 44 a. oe 19 11 11 CO gi. hse We ees Ss ks Oa hs 4 104 Ss 6 17 11 33 OU a Foes te ei Q 4 44 6:46:27. 630.2 NE yg ie i 0S 6 eal oo ales 3 10% e661. 33 ee OR be kW ike WA roca es 3 34 2 5 4 2 Se UE ke ab des Lote os ee eee 0: 2 10 2. 6-4 22. ON eich he at 2 3 SS 8 7 O 5% OU ee Fin Vids ei eee 0.:1°.9 2.5.6 416 8 Bere 56 wah wk basses ceases eeu Oc k:3 2 5 6 212 5% 5 a bi ab Ska ch ee es 8 oss O74 65th 7 %7 ene

In addition to the above, 3/- per annum management expenses will be eharged.

Page 48


20 Years’ Scale of Repayment for Advance of £100 at 5 per cent.

’ Balance Owin Quarter’s Quarterly 8 at the Interest. I Repayments. each Quarter. a, d. Ss. a, > “4 & Amount Advanced ............-. Ss aes 100 MON 5 3 6 te Coin ee aa ws 119 9 99 5 3 Oe oh c 40 Ooh a ede 1 410 119 9 98 10 4 3rd. 4 Binks Win Ane 8 119 9 97 15 3 UN i ins Oe UO ee 1 4 5% 119 9 96 19 114 ie dee Sates ok a oe 119 9 96 4 5s ES hh Ses cs Pas Cee fae ceed 1 4.3 95 8 OF BU) aks cae ie ie athe 1 3 104 12 94 12 11 NS hs tee ee 13. 8 119 9 93 16 10 OU poo a fee acess ie edd i536 119 9 9 7 SO gk eae les ee ee 1 3 3} 119 9 92 4 If alia BL SG ate Bg 119-0 I OL 7 68 RE vn ccs Rcd ak Ce 1» 2. 10} 119 9 90 10 7 RR i a live teen bas OD 2 Ss 119 9 89 13 6 WO he ks ee eee be 1 2 5 119 9 88 16 24 BO eos OOo Oey Cee Ses 1 2 Ze 119 9 87 18 8 PE cr ss toe @ 119 9 87. O41 RO ep Fas bE tae he eu 1 1 9 119 9 86 2 113 Me od Sas BANE Ca Ce ee 2. Oe L303 85 4 9 RO oe i sk ky hei 1 24 119 9 84 6 4 20th ,, een 6 Oka ener ert Oke 119 9 83 7.8 WR ee ee Cee ee or hese 1 O 104 119 9 82 8 9 MN i oe ie te Piet ow ce i O° 96 119 9 81 9 8 ME gO re ee ECL Vee ba eee 1 O 44 119 9 80 10 34 MMR ere ass ns vied ete aah’ 1 @ 2 119 9 79 10 8} PRR er ee te rey Pe ore 19 11 119 9 78 10 10} WE ad go oi aks Chul cee 019 8 L39.:9 77:10 94 BE oF Seah ei s hs ae 8 76 10 54 I te iy Curbs s vies See ee haa 019 2 75 9 104 WN eR fo pes 18 10} 119 9 74 9 WE a EN ie pean caren es 018 7% 119 9 73 7 10% ei eh eas Lb des toda 018 44 119 9 72 6 6 OE a ea se a Pee TOE ES 018 1 119 9 71 4 10 WS a 5 6 5 hs ois 17 10 119 9 we Sas WO ae oh vee hin c bes 017 6% 119 9 69 O 8 a ae book aoa eae ois 017 34 119 9 67 18 3 We easy os Tone, aes 017 O 119 9 66 15 6 PM vss ONS Tee has inks 016 8} 119 9 65 12 5% SU CR ae kes cial wee 016 5 119 9 64 9 1% OO a ee aha hay Gl awn: 016 1} 119° 9 638 5 6 BO Soa oe ei hk be Shes his es 15 10 119 9 SO i yh bias stent el 015 6% L269 60 17 4% SO a tee oe eae ce 016. 3 9 59 12 10% Gag hon s Cag ee ewe 14 11 1 19.9 58 8 0% MO sg ev Oo oak Oh ee RRS 014 7% 119 9 67> 2-43 WR gore OE oy y dick Sw Scares 014 3% 119 9 5517 5% ME ae pig eek eee 1 24148 419 9 54 11 84 ee ae ales dak Soa 013 8 119 9 538 5 7 WO a ibis eis oe ea enna: I 013 4 119 9 5119 24 SU ia seen I OT .0 119 9 50 12 5% a hs ss ak I O12 8 119 9 49 5 4% OE SE aR ore toy SAR I 012 4 $49: 4747-35 WO 8 Pe ies i ESS ae 2 19:29 46 10 24 BE ge hac shee arias lt s 119 9 45 2 it See a I O11 3 119 9 I 4313 8 ig 6 We ewes I 10 11 119 9 42 4 10 WOO ua wa a ven ius 010 7 119 9 49 15 8

Page 49


20 Years’ Scale of Repayment for Advance of £100—continued.

I Balance Owing Quarter’s Quarterly Interest. I an onan ek. ee ee ee a eS I 010 23 1:19 9: 6: NN 8 a I 910 1.19 9. |.87:16 2 We ee I 09 5} D438; 9) 88-82 ee 9 1 119.9 I 8416 8 OO ig eee me a 9 oe ar MO oe a ee oe 149 $1 18: 03 a ee a ee 119 9 I 80 O11 ON Sc Re ea seo I 0.7 6 1:10..9,1;28 8.96 Ng I Oo 7 419 9.1 26 ie ti ee ree ei, hi -6. BE 1:19 9:7) 85 81 Br 55 es Sec oe (0 8 a 110: 7 ee a I 5 104 1.10 I Sh 18: 6 gk eo al ee ee i309 iO 1 WO Se cue arr I 5 OF O16 6 SR ROGER AR IC Gin 104 7% 1199 7 ip as Pee, eee I 119 9 1416 Of Re ee ee a ae eas 119 ..9.| i 0:8 ROMS cap fA ee cag tate kl cbs Dot Ps So 38 119 9 6 Te a a I 210 119 9 9 6 7 UR a er ern le 2 119 9 9 2 a eee BG I O 1 10 119 9 511 $8} MR ere i en ne ee gg 119 9 3 12 114 Og ca ee ee O11 119 9 114 1} We ee as, tee 5¢ 114 7

In addition to the above, 8/- per annum management expenses will be


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43 to


INDEX. ; PAGE. DOO is 4 oo 6 EK NOOR Eso es HAR 3 I els Fe ee ni das Basin ign i as caw ee 3 PI SI oa ea Nee see 6 Nh a 6 19 eS 3 Admission of Members............... fg POLE I 4 Oe Ee PREECE Pee Eee ee eer er ree 5 LEAT 66 5 55 sks 6a ba 04a oh 0b kes 5 CE Te I oes oe eee bh ba eee oe ws ee 5 II Bias oe see on wee 5 See RN 6 oe a Bes cag nae ae 6 Of and Debt) |... ke eee ec sees 8 Be PE eT EE OPE Ge ae Daeg a ne pee GP ora 8 SVT 6 ik o's sé eke rei cet an cates 9 Repayment of Loans and Reduction of Shares .......... 9 PE I on gs is ces es gee cess ee neues 9 6k 8 8 CE is oa 8 U5 be Ke 6a Cah in CRED 9 bec a A ne ea rE a ere ere a 10 a age” ea arg eee and re area OE pare 1] i oh, 6.05 so oe ks oe 12 Transmission of Interest (Nominations) 13 ee Pe ee Tere ere ee eee eat eae 17 BIO a. oo 6 6 oh 08 900 8 a hs CMD OA ae Oe OE EU IONS on kg os kas bose heen ewes ge bible 4 18 Oe A 6s ha Seeks NS qe ened ees 04 a8 21 Bee OF 2 TOES 6a oie eo os ing a beeen cares 24 CII og 6 one 6 be tw soe 26 08 SEO TOC sks aw ab oe sa nian bh oe oe 27 eg Se oer Torey er re era ree ery 30 NE 5 i So oe wk bee bs hae wed bom 30 MN oh ck eas CK eek eee tees 30 OF Sia in oon a eee che oes 500s 31 4 MERE POET TET EL ee Ce ke ee 31 Officers not to Propose or Second Colleagues ............ 32 SO isa oe see Se eee on ea se ees na ae Complaints and Suggestions 33 Disputes and Arbitration... . 2... 33 Soal.of the Society I oo 6c cc ces ca ee Hie ce es ware ahaa 34 Be EO epee 2 re eer are ee re 35 New Rules and Alteration of 35 How the Society may be Dissolved . 36 PII SUS 505 Fs sos De cee 36 IIE, PROUT ok vo 5 ok bo as Von pe os oe bees eee oes 36 Power to Apply to the Registrar 37

G7. Building Department. soos ee ce es ee

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