History of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment During the First Three Years of the Great War (1917) by J.J. Fisher

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Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment


During the First Three Years of the


From August 19/4 to December 1917,


J. J, FISHER, (Military Correspondent.)

Author of " The Immortal Deeds of our Irish Regiments."

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(Suecess is the Companion of Valour.)

Battle Honours borne on the Colours :-



Depot Headquarters - - = - -- Ralifax.

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Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, "* The Immortals," and " Havercake Lads,"

Who by their Gallantry in the PRESENT WAR have

upheld the glorious traditions of the Regiment.

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To express in terms of appreciation and, admiration the glorious efforts which the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment have accomplished in the Great War is an undertaking completely beyond my capabilities. The incidents detailed in this publication have all been furnished from authoritative sources. There must of necessity be omissions, but these I make clear are altogether outside my knowledge. My rfiain éndéavour has been to set down in cold facts what the regiment has achieved. I know that in this record the gaflant " Dukes" will

stand in a position of prominence when the time for " taking stock * arrives," when the march home has begun-alas ! without many fond ones-but, nevertheless, with the traditions which the regiment has heroically upheld and magnified-a tradition worthy of emulation, and a

tradition which has not only been emulated but entirely surpassed.

I wish to express my warmest thanks to the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the depot, who have given me much valuable assistance in the completion of these records. To Mr. P. H. Lee, Poplars Villas, and Mr. Milnes, of the " Examiner," Huddersfield, for the interest which they have taken in my work. In their efforts to supply me with reeords of the 5th and 7th Battalions they have devoted much time and shown a keen personal interest not alone with the Huddersfield battalions but with every battalion of the gallant "* Duke's." To the managers and editors of the " Halifax Guardian '" and the " Halifax Courier" I - pay |

& special tribute for their kindness at all times in placing their files at my disposal.

I also wish to thank the photographers, Messrs. Hilton, Halifax (official photographers to the Regiment for nearly 20 years), Gale and Polden, Ltd., Military Photographers, Aldershot, Panora's, Limited, 60, Doughty Street, London, W.C. 1, for kindly allowing me to use photos without any charge for copyright. In the event of any relative or friend requiring

mounted copies of these photos they can be supplied by writing to the addresses given.

_ December, 1917. 2 s JOHN J. FISHER.

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New Army Order.

When the new service battalions of Lord Kitchener's Army were formed an Army Order was issued that the men of the new Army should be instructed in the history of the regiments to which they belonged. We all knew how the men of the 2nd Battalion, with their regimental records impressed on their memory, would acquit themselves in the face of the enemy, but no one could foretell how our new armies, drawn from all classes of society, without military instincts or traditions, would face the dread ordeal, but they have proved themselves just as good fighters as our old regular troops, and if you read the papers day by day it is one long record of the superlative gallantry of our young troops, officers and men alike, of our new Army

striving to outrival the ** Dukes '' of old. , f In order to convey a fair idea of the traditions which the Duke of Wellington's Regiment

had to uphold it is necessary to place on record in these pages as briefly as possible the history of the old 76th and 33rd Regiments, now the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment. The following facts, taken from the official record of the 76th Regiment, compiled and edited by Lt. Col. F. A. Hayden, D.S8.0O0., and the 33rd Regiment, published in the " Halifax Guardian Almanack * for 1909, have a particular interest of their own. They are records of gallant deeds in the building up of history that few regiments in the British Army can equal, traditions which, have not only been emulated but entirely surpassed in this Great War.

The Old of the " Havercake Lads."

The 33rd Regiment was raised in the year 1702. The first colonel of the regiment was James Stanhope, and the first service upon which it was employed was in the War of the Spanish Succession. It formed part of a large force, under the Duke of Ormonde, that was sent against Cadiz and Vigo. It was one of the regiments which formed part of the famous army under the Earls cf Peterborough and Galway in Spain at the siege of Valentia in 1705. It was one of those fixed on for giving the assault as soon as a practicable breach was made in the walls. The number employed on this occasion was a tercias of Portuguese, two regiments of Dutch, and this one of English, then commanded by Robert Duncanson, who, having mounted with great courage at the head of his corps to the top of the breach, was then wounded. The fight was obstinate on both sides, until the Spaniards, unable any longer to endure the fury of the assailants, retreated to the castle, where they soon hung out the white flag, and the Governor offered to capitulate. The 33rd was afterwards in the memorable battle of Almanza, fought by the Confederate Army cn the 14th April, 1707, under the chief command of the Marquis Das Minas, seconded by the Earl of Galway. It made a part of the third brigade of the left wing, in the first line, under the command of its own colonel, Colonel Wade, by whose name the regiment was then called. Two captains and three subalterns were killed in the action, and twelve officers wounded, whilst the rank and file lost heavily. After the peace of Utrecht the 83rd served in England ' and Ireland, and in 1742, when the Continental war broke out, it was despatched to the Netherlands, and landed near Bruges, as part of a division under the command of the Earl of Stairs. It took part in the battle of Dettingen, and again lost heavily. Later, the regiment was present in the fighting at Fontenoy. In this severe engagement it was the business of the - left wing to carry the village of Fontenoy, but on' this attempt it was opposed by the flower ‘fif thelFrench Army, and was three times broken, and at length obliged to retreat with eavy loss. On the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle the regiment was quartered in the west of England. In 1750 it was embarked for Minorca, where it remained four years. On its return to England it was reviewed by the Duke of Cumberland at Reading, and afterwards marched to Edinburgh. It continued in Scotland two years, and in 1756 it formed part of the forces at Blandford's Camp, in Dorset. On the 1st June, 1758, the regiment, now called Hayes's Regiment, sailed as part of the expedition under the Duke of Marlborough against St. Malo, and was in the third brigade, under General Boscawen. On the 1st August of the same year it formed part of the unfortunate armament under General Bligh. The expedition was at first attended with success in the attack and destruction of Cherbourg. The British Army was in part surrounded by a large French force, and obliged to re-embark at St. Cas Bay, in the face of the enemy. The loss of the British was considerable. The 33rd, Lord Charles Hayes's Regiment, lost the flower of its Grenadier Company, and amongst the killed was Captain Edmondstone, an officer distinguished for his good conduct and bravery. . The regiment was soon afterwards ordered to Germany, and landed at Brenner Lee to join the light army, under the command of Prince Fernand and the Duke of Marlborough. During the continuance of the war it shared in the fortune and glory of that army, and served in several active campaigns. After the peace it landed at Gravesend, and was quartered a considerable time at Ipswich and Colchester. In 1764 it embarked from Hilfsea Banks for Minorca, and

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StinoiNo-Clir.-Sergts. Rollinson, Hunt, Newroth, Annis, Brennan, Smith, Wood, Wyan and Sands. SiTTING-Regtl. S.M. Oliver, Major Watson, Capt. A. A. St. Hill, D.S.0.s(now commanding a Battalion in France), Q. M.S. Sly.

This group is quite unique-being the last taken before Colour-Sergeants were re-named Company-Quarter-Master-Sergts. and Company-Sergeant-Majors.

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. ret to England till 1770. In 1776 the Marquis Cornwallis was appointed colonel of (3112 192525125115? Sn thiéar 12th February, 1776, the 33rd, with other regiments, embarked at Cork

for America, under the command of the Marquis of Cornwallis. After a long voyage of three

months the regiment was landed at South Carolina, and proceeded to the town of Brunswick.

1 took part in the attack on Fort Washington, and was afterwards engaged. in the gigging? took is full share in the active service of the British Army in America. At Peckshill it lost a great number of men, and when Lord Cornwallis was left in the chief command of the Carolinas his regiment continued with him, and assisted in the victories of Camden and Guildford. It was captured with the rest of the British Army at Yorktown, after fighting in the West Indies. In May, 1794, the regiment embarked at the Cove of Cork, then commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Wellesley, afterwards Duke of Wellington, and landed at Ostend at the latter end of June. It played a proper part in the retreat of the British Army, and landed at Harwich the May following. The regiment embarked at Gosport in the early. part of the year 1795, still under the command of Lieut.-Colonel for the West Indies. They sailed, but were forced back by stress of weather. After the transports had refitted they sailed again, and were again driven back. After these unsuccessful attempts to get to sea, the regiment was disembarked at Lymington in the month of February, 1796. Service in South Africa followed. In April of the same year the regiment embarked at the Isle of Wight for the East Indies, commanded by Colonel Wellesley, and sailed on the 12th of the same month, arriving at the Cape of Good Hope in the July following. They then marched to Capetown. The flank companies were on this occasion detached, and assisted in capturing the Dutch Indiaman in Saldanah Bay.

In November, 1796, the regiment was embarked at Capetown, and arrived at Calcutta in February, 1797, where it remained until August, when it was again embarked in order to form part of the expedition destined against Manilla, and arrived at Prince of Wales Islanq.m September. In consequence of the aspect of affairs on the Coromandel Coast the expedition was broken up, and the regiment returned to Calcutta, where it arrived in November, 1797. In August, 1798, it was embarked, and arrived at Madras the latter end of S.ept.ex_nber following, where it remained in garrison at Fort St. George until December, when it joined the Army destined to act against Mysore. The command of the regiment about this time devolved on Major Shee, in consequence of both Colonels Wellesley and Sherbroke being appointed to superior commands. The regiment continuued to be on active service during the whole of the Mysore campaign, and was one of the corps employed in the storming of the fortress of Seringapatam on

the 4th May, 1799, where its loss was considerable.

A letter from Lord Cornwallis to Colonel Wellesley, dated Dublin Castle, 21st September, 1799, was as follows :-* It has given me the greatest satisfaction to observe the distinguished share which you and Colonel Sherbroke and the 33rd Regiment have had in the late glorious war against Tippoo Sultan, which reflects so much honour on our councils and arms, and has secured

on a permanent basis the British interests in India. I request you will accept my sincere congratulations on this happy occasion, and that you will likewise convey them to Colonel Bherbroke and to the officers and soldiers 'of the regiment, and assure the latter that I am happy to find that the same spirit exists in the corps which I have so often witnessed when I had the

honour to command them in the field."

The regiment continued to serve in various parts of Mysore and the ceded districts from this period until June, 1805, when it marched to Hyderabad to join the subsidiary forces of the


Lieut.-Colonel Elliott appears to have commanded the regiment for some time previous to 1803, about the latter end of which year Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Gore, having exchanged to the regiment from the 73rd, assumed the command. The Marquis of Cornwallis, who had been for nearly forty years colonel of the regiment, having died at the latter end of the year 190%, Major- General Sir Arthur Wellesley was appointed colonel in the month of January, 1806. ~ ...

In the early part of 1810 the regiment was ordered from Hyderabad to Bangalore, but previous to its leaving the former station the flank companies, under the command of Lieut.- Colonel Campbell, had been detached on an expedition to the island of Bourbon, where they: served at the capture of the island, as also subsequently at the capture of Mauritius, when Lieut.-Colonel Campbell was killed at the head of the flank battalion. Major West succeeded

to the colonelcy.

In an official despatch dated Hyderabad, 22nd April, 1810, to Lord Minto, Governor-General of Fort St. George, Lord Sydenham writes :-*" I do myself the honour to report to your Lordship that Lieut.-Colonel Gore, with His Majesty's 33rd Regiment, has moved out of the cantonment of Hyderabad for the purpose of prosecuting his march towards Bangalore. On this occasion I -consider it my duty to draw your Lordship's attention to the exemplary conduct of His Majesty's 33rd Regiment during the period it has been stationed at Hyderabad. . . . For upwards of four years their conduct has been uniformly calculated to inspire the inhabitants of these territories with perfect confidence and with the most favourable opinion of the discipline, regularity, and subordination of British soldiers." In July, 1812, the regiment landed at Gravesend, after an absence of nearly seventeen years.

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Shortly after its arrival the regiment was ordered to Hull, where the regimental depot had been stationed for some time. The Duke of. Wellington having been appointed colonel of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards on the lst January, 1813, the 83rd Regiment was the same day given to Lieut.-General Sir J. C. Sherbroke, G.C.B. The Duke of Wellington had been

twenty years in the regiment.

A regimental order was issued from Windsor on the 7th March, 1813, as follows :-*" Colonel Gore has much satisfaction in publishing to the regiment the following copy of a letter that he had the honour to receive from the Marquis Wellington, late colonel of -the regiment : * February 2nd, 1813.-My dear Colonel,-Before you will receive this letter you will have heard that His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased to appoint me to be colonel of the Royal Horse Guards, an honour entirely unexpected by me. I don't know who is to be my successor in the 38rd Regiment. Although highly gratified by the honour which has been conferred on .me, as well as the manner in which it has been conferred, I cannot avoid to feel the regret at one of its circumstances, namely, that I should be separated from the 33rd Regiment, to which I have belonged with so much satisfaction to myself for more than twenty years. I beg that you will iake an opportunity to inform the regiment of the sentiments with which I quit them, and that, though no longer belonging to them, I shall ever feel an anxiety for their interest and honour, and shall hear whatever conduces to the latter with the most lively

satisfaction: Ever, my dear Colonel,

Yours most sincerely, _ (Signed)

'* The sentiments of regard which his Lordship has expressed for the 33rd Regiment must be felt by every soldier as a stimulus to render not only himself worthy of the consideration of so great a man, but must also be an additional motive for every person connected with the 33rd Regiment to exert himself for the general credit of the corps, in order to ensure the continued attention of the greatest military character of the present age."

__ In 1818 the regiment joined the army then forming in Holland, landing at Williamstad on 17th. Lieut.-Colonel Elphinstowe, who had been promoted from the 6th Dragoons to the lieutenant--colonelcy by purchase, vice West, who retired, assumed the command of the regiment about this time. ' .

On January 12th, 1814, the regiment marched to the attack of the village of Mexam, one of the approaches of the city of Antwerp, when it received the congratulations of the deputy- assislisant-adjfltant, General A. McDonald, on the manner in which they performed their duties in the attack.

The 33rd in this affair supported the 78th Regiment, which led the attack, but did not sustain any loss. Shortly after the village had been occupied the 33rd fell back on Rosendaal, where its quarters were established. O. ~ .

On Tuesday, March 8th, the regiment quitted Clampthont in light marching order, leaving the sick, knapsacks, etc., in charge of an officer's guard. An' attempt on the fortress of Burgen-op-Goom by escalade was now discovered to be the object, of the success of which great hopes were entertained, through the extreme severity of the weather the ditches having been reported to be completely frozen. The plan was said to have been an attack by four columns at four points. The column in which was the 38rd was received the moment it showed itself on ice .by a most destructive fire of round and grape shot from the enemies' works, notwithstanding whgch the. troops moved, on, and established themselves in some degree under cover of the glacis, which at thiq point was somewhat abrupt, waiting for the result of the operations of the advance ° guard, to which were attached the scaling ladders. The advance guard took a different direction from the main body, and after having cut its way through the palisadoes reached the counter-

scarpe of the ditch opposite the face of the bastion which it was intended to escalade. The advance guard were"obliged to retire after experiencing great loss, and the column also retired having suffered considerably. ' ' - , The loss to the regiment at this attack was :-Killed : One officer (Brigadier-General Gore, Lieut.-Colonel 33rd Regiment, who kad had the command of the regiment upwards of ten years); two sergeants, 26 rank and file. Wounded : Eleven officers, three sergeants, 55 rank and file. Prisoners of war and missing : Two officers and 56 rank and file. The names of the officers wounded were >- Lieut.-Colonel Elphinstowe. Captain J. Gutherie, Lieut. McQuarril, Lieut. R. Kerr, Lieut. H. R. Buck, Lieut. W. Pode, Ensign F. Bannatyne, Ensign E. Canning, Adjutant E. J. Priestley, and Ensign J. A. Howard. The prisoners of war included Captain Colelough and Lieut. Pole, . | oll. This was thg precursor of Waterloo. The regiment marched to Menin on October 17th, where they remained until March 22nd, 1815, about which time the change of affairs in France B? Emidretum of Bonaparte from the Isle of Elba caused the British Army again to take e field. ' ' ;

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The Army having received orders to be in readiness at the shortest notice, the 33rd marched from Menin on March 22nd to Audenoide, and on the following day to Courtray. On the new formation of the Army the 33rd was placed in the Fifth British Brigade, commanded by Major- General Sir John Halkett, K.C. The brigade was in the third division, which division was under the command of His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange.

On the 10th April His Royal Highness was succeeded in the command of the Army by His Grace the Duke of Wellington. 'The regiment was finally quartered at Mons. The headquarters -of the divisien and the brigade were at Soignies, and those of the corps at Braine-le-Coute.

The whole division was concentrated in Soignies on the evening of the 15th June, and a charge of advanced posts formed, the French Army having passed the frontier in spite of the resistance of the Prussians. At two o'clock in the morning of the 16th June the division marched from Soignies, taking the direction of Naivelles by Braine-le-Coute. Later, they reached the field of action at Les-quatres-bras, and were almost immediately brought into action. The business of the day was mostly over about nine o'clock, and the British forces lay on their arms, unmolested by the enemy the rest of the night.

On the forenoon of the 18th the regiment re-joined the brigade in its position. The Battle of Waterloo began generally about twelve o'clock. The loss of the 88rd in this ° glorious day ' was :-Killed : Four subgalterns, ane sergeant, and 83 rank and file. Wounded : Two captains, five subalterns, one staff, eight sergeants, and 84 rank and file. Missing : Four drummers and 48 rank and file. The officers killed were: Lieut. H. R. Buck, Lieut. James Hart, Lieut. Thomas Haigh, and Lieut. John Cameron. Wounded : Captain C. Knight, Captain Harty,

Lieut. S. Reid, Lieut. S. Pagan, Lieut. R. Westmore, Ensign William Bain, Ensign George Drury, and Ensign and Adjutant Will Thain.

The command of the regiment having devolved upon Lieut.-Colonel Elpinstowe towards the close of the action, that of the regiment fell on Captain Knight, the officers superior to him having been obliged to quit the field in consequence of their wounds.

By order of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent all the regiments of cavalry and infantry engaged in the Battle of Waterloo were permitted to bear on their colours and appoint- ments, in addition to any other badges or devices previously granted, the word ** Waterloo,"' in commemoration of their distinguished services on the 18th June, 1815.

On the 19th the regiment marched from the field of battle, Major Parkinson rejoining to take command. They came in view of the capital of France on July 1st.

On the 7th the British Army took possession of the principal points and barriers of Paris.

The 5th Brigade marched into Bois-de-Bologne, and there bivouacked. About this time Lieut.- Colonel Elphinstowe resumed the command of the regiment.

The 33rd later occupied Neuilly and finally Vaugirard, marching from the latter place on December 4th, and passing through Paris, being one of the regiments ordered to England on the reduction of the forces, reaching Calais on December 23rd, and immediately embarking. They landed at Ramsgate and Dover the day following, with the exception of the flank com- panies, whose transports had been driven to Ostend by the violence of the weather. They

proceeded to Hull, which was still the regimental depot, and Lieut.-Colonel Elphinstowe again took the command.

On April 15th, 1816, the regiment received the medals for the Battle of Waterloo.

An order was issued from the Horse Guards, dated 24th June, 1818, stating that " His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on behalf of his Majesty, has been pleased to approve of the 33rd Regiment being permitted to place on its colours and appointments, in addition to any other badge or devices which may have heretofore been granted to the regiment, the word ° Seringapatam,' in commemoration of the distinguished galimtry displayed by the regiment in the storming and capture of Seringapatam in the month of May, 1799."' -

Though not above two men were left who had gained Seringapatam medals, the order was received with three hearty cheers by each company when it was read to them on the parade.

th In October the establishment was reduced from 800 to 650 rank and file, in consequence of e peace.

On June 17th, 1820, Lieut.-Colonel Elphinstowe left the regiment, and the command devolved upon Brevet-Lieut.-Colonel Crookshanks. On the 6th July the regiment were at Glasgow, and later did service in Dublin. Then the regiment went to Jamaica, and assisted to restore

order there. They remained in the island 10 years. and lost 11 officers and 560 non-commissioned officers and men, chiefly by the ravages of yellow fever.

A spell of home duty followed, and afterwards service in Gibraltar, Barbadoes, and Nova Beotia, the regiment being ubsent from England several years.

On the 15th and 16th November, 1852, the regiment proceeded by railway for the special purpose of assisting at the obsequies of his Grace the Duke of Wellington, who served in the regiment as major, lieut.-colonel, and colonel from the year 1798 to the 1st January, 1813. On the 18th the funeral ceremony took place. The regiment paraded at 5 a.m., and marched

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to the Parade behind the Horse Guards, where it took up its position with the other regiments following the funeral escort. At the appointed signal the escort moved off in succession from the left by sections, heading the procession, and on arriving at Temple Bar lined both sides of the street up to St. Paul's. The 33rd Regiment formed on the right of the Rifle Brigade, and lined the south side of Fleet Street, fronting the Royal Marines, who lined the north side. After the funeral procession had passed, and the ceremony concluded, the regiment left the ound and the men were dismissed to their billets. Major Johnstone, Captain Parker, and giant. Bennett were the representatives of the regiment on this occasion, Major Johnstone and Lieut 'Bennett taking their places in the Cathedral, and Captain Parker commanding the non-commissioned officers and men who marched in the procession of detachments from each corps in the service. The mer of the 38rd consisted of Sergeant George Bacon, Corporal Samuel Brooke, and Privates Thomas Connell, Charles Cotton. William Cramp, Francis Hadley, Richard Stringfellow, and James Whittaker. The whole of the troops who assisted at the ceremony were under the command of Major-General His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. On November 19th the regiment returned to Manchester, and were quartered at Salford Barracks. '

On June 2nd, 1853, the following general order was received by the officer commanding :- " Horse Guards, 18th June, 1853.-Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to command that the 33rd Regiment of Foot shall henceforward bear the name of 'The 33rd (or the Duke of Wellington's) Regiment,' which honourable distinction will be inscribed on the colours of the regiment.-By command of the Right Honourable General Viscount Hardinge, commander-in- chief. (Signed) G. Browne, Adjutant-General.'" Another order approved of the 33rd bearing on the regimental colours and the appointments the crest and motto of the late Duke of Wellington.

In August, 1853, the regiment embarked for Ireland, and orders were received to recruit the regiment with 1,000 rank and file.

Service in the Crimea followed. In this long and strenuous fighting the regiment was present at the affair of Bulganka, on the 19th and 20th September, was the centre regiment of the first brigade in the attack on the Russian position on the heights of Alma, and in common with other regiments of the Light Division suffered severely, having no fewer than two officers and 59 men killed, and six officers and 199 men wounded. The officers killed or died of wounds were Lieut. Worthington and Ensign Montagu; severely wounded, Major Gough, Captain gigzgeiagl, kLieut. Wallis, Ensign Greenwood, and Ensign Birch; slightly wounded, Lieut.- olone ake. '

On the night of the action the regiment bivouacked on. the Russian position, remaining there till the 23rd March, when the Army crossed the Katibka, and bivouacked on the high ground overlooking Sebastopol. On the 16th the regiment marched to Balaclava, was present at its capture, and remained there till the end of the month, when the Light Division moved to the front of the regiment, took up a position with the 7th and 25th Regiments, near the windmill, and in the rear of the hill since known as the Victoria Redoubt, where it remained during the siege. -

On the 26th the regiment was present at the attack of the Russians on the Inkerman Hill, and on the 5th November was engaged in the Battle of Inkerman. The following officers were present with the regiment :-Lieut.-Colonel Blake, Brevet-Major Mundy, Brevet-Major Erskine, Captains Collings, Donovan, Prettyman, Burke, and Quaile, Lieutenants Corbett, Nugent, Parry, Bennett, and Kenrick, Ensigns Marsh, Thorold, Karr, Owens, and Donovan, Lieutenant and Adjutant Barrett, Paymaster McGrath, Quartermaster Vyse, Sergeant Muir, and Assistant-

Bergeants Oglivy, Clarke, and Stanley. The regiment had one officer and 13 men killed and two officers and 60 men wounded. ‘

During the winter of 1854-4 the regiment was considerabyl reduced by sickness brought on by the severity of the weather and constant and arduous duties in the trenches.

On June 18th the regiment was engaged in the attack on the Redan. Two officers and 21 men were killed ; three officers and 46 men were wounded. 'The officers were Lieut. Bennett and

Lieut. Hoyland (killed), and Lieut.-Colonel Johnstone, Captain Quaile, and Captain Wickham (severely wounded).

On the 8th September the regiment was again engaged in the attack on the Redan, and had two officers and 19 men killed and four officers and 52 men wounded. Lieut-Colonel Gough and

flLieut. H. G. Donovan were killed, and Captain Ellis, Lieut. Willis, Lieut. Trent, and Adjutant Toxland were wounded.

Peace having been declared, the regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Mundy,

embarked on May 17th, 1856, at Kamerst, in H.M.S. London, and disembarked at Portsmouth on June 21st.

The following were the casualties during the war :-Thirty-six men died of cholera in Bulgaria; six men died of other diseases during the voyage from Bulgaria to the Crimea; Lieut. Thlstlethwpyte and 20 men died of cholera; 46 men died of cholera in the Crimea, and 248 died of other diseases. 541 men were wounded, and 44 of these died of their wounds. Twelve officers, two staff sergeants, two colour sergeants, 16 sergeants, 20 corporals, and 585 privates were killed

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in action, or from the effect of wounds or from sickness contracted in the field; 293 men were invalided to England during the war, and 115 discharged disabled in consequence of wounds.

The regiment proceeded the same day by railway to Aldershot Camp, and was there inspected by Her Majesty Queen Victoria. After a time at home, foreign service again followed, and the regiment was present at the storming and capture of Magdala on April 13th, 1868, when Drummer Magner won the V.C., being the first on the walls. The lst Battalion were the first regiment in the attack. A silver drum was captured and divided between thyee regiments. The cenfzre piece of this interesting relic is still in the possession of the lst Battalion of the 33rd. A massive drinking glass, the property of King Theodore, was also captured by the 33rd, and is still in their possession.

On September 28th, 1868, an order was issued stating that °" Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to approve of the 33rd Regiment bearing on its regimental colour ,t’he word Abyssinia, in commemoration of its services during the Abyssinian Expedition in 1867-8.

More service in India and at home followed, and then the South African tropble arose. The West Ridings were again called on. The battalion left Aldershot by special trains on December 29th, 1899, for Southampton, and embarked in the Orient 'for Capetown} whexje the battalion disembarked on January 20th, 1900. They proceeded direct by two special trains for Naauw- poorte, to join the 6th Division, under Lieut.-General Kelly Kenny. I do not propose to recount all their work in this campaign, save to say that both officers and men exhibited their gallantry, which had always been their characteristic on the field of battle. The loss of Colonel Lloyd was

a heavy blow to the regiment in this fighting. Sergeant J. Firth, now resident in Sheffield, won the V.C. in South Africa.

The battalion embarked on September 11th, 1902, for England, arrived at Southampton om October 6th, and proceeded to York, there to be stationed. Their route march through the West Riding and their visit to Halifax in 1903 will be remembered by many.

The old colours of the 83rd Battalion, which went through the campaigns of the Crimea and

the Abyssinia Wars, are fixed to the pillars of the Halifax Parish Church, as are also the colours of the 76th Battalion.

The Old 76th.-History of " The Immortals."

The 76th Regiment was raised in 1787. The first colonel was Colonel Thos. Musgrave, the 12th October is the birthday of the regiment, and the second muster roll of the regiment, dated 20th March, 1788, contains the name of Lieut. '* Hon. Arthur Weslie," afterwards known to the world as the Duke of Wellington. The regiment embarked at Gravesend on March 26th for India, and arrived at Madras about the 20th of July. They received their baptism of fire at Bangalore on March 77th, 1791, when they exhibited considerable courage and firmness. Bangalore being taken, preparations were made for the adyance upon Seringapatam, and took part in the many engagements which were fought during that year. At the attack upon Seringapatam on 6th February, 1792, they fought gallantly, and on the 23rd of that month Tippoo made proposals for peace, and hostilities were suspended. On March 19th the treaty was signed. The regiment were then under orders for Fort William, Calcutta, where they stayed for the next few years. In 1797 the regiment moved to Dinapore, but the next year found them back at Fort William. In 1800 the regiment was moved to Cawnpore, which place was destined to be its station. or (when on service) its depot, for upwards of five years. Here Lieut. Col. Hon. William Monson (who had greatly distinguished himself in the centre attack on Seringapatam on February 7th, 1792) joined and took over command. In 1803 they again saw active operations, and they took part in the capture of '* Ally Ghur Fort," their gallantry winning for them the following General Order :- '* The Governor-General in Council desites that his particuular approbation may be signified to Major MacLeod, of the 76th Regiment. It is with the greatest satisfaction that the Governor-General in Council expresses his applause of the- bravery, discipline, and steadiness of the men of His Majesty's 76th Regiment who were employed on this brilliant service." After Ally CGhur Fort, on September 7th, the Army renewed its march towards Delhi, about 75 miles, where the enemy suffered heavy losses losing about 3.000 killed. The casualties of the 76th in the action were a total of 188 killed, wounded, and missing. In this action the General himself in person was leading the 76th Under a heavy fire of round, grape, ard chain thot the infantry advanced in line steadily without firing a shot or taking their firelocks from the *' shoulder '' till the enemy were only 100 yards off. Then, after giving one volfey, the line charged with the bayonet. upon which all but the bravest of the foe turned and ran, vast numbers of them being driven into the river Jumna. For their work at Delhi the 76th

again received special mention, as will be seen by the following extract from General Orders by the Governor-General :-

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** Fort William, October 7th, 1808. " The conduct of Captain Boys and of His Majesty's 76th Regiment is noticed with the warmest approval by the Governor-General in Council. _The high reputation established by that respectable corps in various sources of difficulty and danger in India appeared in the battle of Delhi with a degree of lustre which has never been exceeded even by British troops. His Excellency in Council signifies his most dis- tinguished approbation of the firmness and intrepidity of the officers and men of the native infantry, who, with His Majesty's 76th Regiment, at the point of the bayonet forced an enemy considerably superior in numbers from a powerful and well-served artillery, and opened the way for the successful charge of the cavalry."

After Agra the regiment passed on to the battle of Leswarree, November lst, described in history as one of the most stubbornly-contested, bloody, and decisive battles ever fought by British troops in India, and here again the 76th covered themselves with glory.

On the 2nd General Lake forwarded a despatch to the Governor-General, from which the following extracts are taken :-

'* When the 76th Regiment, which headed the attack, had arrived at the point from which I intended to make the charge they were so much exjosed to the enemy's fire and losing men so fast that I judged it preferable to proceed to the attack with that regiment and as many of the native infantry as had closed to the front. As soon as ' this handful of heroes' were arrived within reach of the enemy's canister shot a most tremendous fire was opened upon them. The loss they sustained was very severe, and sufficient alone to prevent a regular advance. At this moment the enemy's cavalry attempted to charge, but were repulsed by the fire of this gallant body.

** It would be a violation of my feelings were I to close my despatch without bearing testimony to the gallant conduct of Major MacLeod and Captain Robertson, of H.M. 76th Regiment, and of every officer and soldier of that inestimable corps in the attack of the village of Leswarree."

In the campaign of 1803 a gong was obtained, which is set up in front of the guard room for the hours to be struck upon it, and is still in the possession of the regiment. , __ In 1804 they again returned to Cawnpore, the same year taking part in the second campaign in the Doab and the battle and capture of Deig. 1805 still found the 76th in active operations, taking part in the siege of Bhurtpoor. . '" It was about fhis time that the regiment first went by the nickname of ° The Immorkals,'* which originated in the belief that the veterans who composed it, from the innumerable battles and skirmishes they had taken part in during the last 16 years, and the hardships they had undergone, were thought by the enemy to be ball-proof. This superstition had some basis of truth, for most of the men had received one bullet wound, many two, some four, and one man six.'"'

Soon after orders came for the regiment to hold itself in readiness to embark for England, and on Sunday, February 16th, 1806, they embarked at Sangor on board the Lady Castlereagh. Only two (it is believed) who came out with the regiment in 1787 returned with it in 1806, viz., Lieut. Montgomery (formerly sergt. major) and Q.M. Hopkins (also from the ranks). Previous to their departure General Lake, C.-in-C., wrote to the C.O. most inspiring words to the regiment. " The length of time we have been occupied in the same service and the several arduous situations in which we have acted together are calculated to inspire sentiments of sincere attachment. . ** Your conduct has afforded me unwearied zeal, and of your distinguished bravery, and I must ever feel in a high degree indebted to the singular exertions of the 76th Regiment for that success which has on so many occasions crowned our endeavours to promote the cause and support the glory of our country. It has already formed an agreeable part of my duty to report m your important services for the information of our gracious Sovereign, and I shall omit no further occasion to afford every testimony in my power of the admiration and gratitude which I consider due to your meritorious corps."

After a voyage of four months and twenty-four days the regiment arrived and disembarked at Long Reach on July 10th, and marched to Nottingham, afterwards moving to Lincoln. (Colonel Monson was elected M.P. for Lincoln in October.) In October, in consequence of the representation of Colonel Monson, the regiment was

permitted to bear on its colours and appointments as an honorary badge the word °° Hindoostan," in addition to which the following notification appeared in the °" London Gazette," 7th February, 1807 :- '

'* In consequence of the earnest recommendation of General Lord Lake, C.-in-C. of H.M. Forces in India, His Majesty has been pleased to signify his most gracious pleasure that, in addition to the permission recently granted to the 76th Regiment to

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place the word ° Hindoostan ' on its colours and appointments as an honorary badge, the regiment be allowed to place the ° Elephant ' on its colours and appointments, inscribing the word ' Hindoostan ' around it, as a distinguished testimony of its good conduct and exemplary valour during the period of its services in India.

On the 3rd July the regiment embarked for Jersey, and in December of this year (1807) Colonel Monson died, to the great regret of all ranks. He had commanded the regiment for over ten years, and his fame still survives in the honorary colours and the badge. of the Elephant. In 1808 the regiment moved to Colchester, afterwards embarkmg at Harwich for Corunna, where they arrived on October 13th. Here they were destined to see much hard fighting, and took part in the famous battle of Corunna, under Sir John Moore. On their return to England the regiment was moved to Colchester and in April to Ipsyvlch; then, in June, it was ordered. to be ready for active service, and formed part of the expedition destined for Walcheren, embarking at Harwich on the 5th July, 1809. The 76th, like other regiments of this ill-fated expfedltlon, suffered badly from Walcheren fever, and at the end of 1809 returned to Ipswich, and in 1810 embarked at Landguard Fort, on the 30th of June, for Ireland, where they stayed until August bth, 1813, on which day they sailed for Spain, where, after an adventurcus journey, they arrived on the 16th, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Wardlaw. Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Musgrave died on the 31st of December. In him the regiment lost its first colonel and the father of the

regiment, and who during his lifetime always showed every disposition to promote the welfare and interest of the regiment.

When the Army invaded France the regiment was cne of the first to enter, and took part in practically all the engagements under Wellington in that campaign-the battles of the Nive, December 9-13th, and the fighting round Bayonne. On the 16th J une, 1814, the regiment received orders to be ready to embark for North America, and left for Bordeaux. After camping here about a fortnight the regiment embarked on the 4th June for Canada, after being eight months and seventeen days in the field. It had taken part in one pitched battle (the Nive), the siege of Bayonne, besides the actions on the Bidanoa and the Nivelle. " Peninsula '' and ** Nive '"' were afterwards added to the battle honours of the regiment as a reward for the share it had in this campaign, and Lieut.-Colonel Wardlaw was awarded a gold medal for Nive. The regiment stayed in Canada 14 years, embarking for Ireland in 1827, being quartered in different parts of the country until 15th J anuary, 1834, when they embarked for the West Indies. Here they remained until November, 1841, when it proceeded to Halifax, Nova Scotia, embarking again for Ireland in 1842, where they remained for two years. After a stay at Ports- mouth, Edinburgh, Corfu, and Malta, in March, 1853, the regiment left Malta for St. John, New Brunswick, and in the month of September, 1854, proceeded to Halifax, to the regret of the local inhabitants, with whom the regiment had become very popular. In October, 1857, the regiment again réached Ireland, occupying quarters in Beggars' Bush and Ship Street Barracks, Dublin, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Lloyd, Colonel Clarke having retired on half-pay

after a period of service in it of 47 years On February 19th, 1861, the regiment went to Glasgow, moving from there to Aldershot in 1862.

On Wednesday, 29th April, 1863, the regiment was presented with a new set of colours by Sir J. L. Pennefather K.C.B., commanding the Aldershot division. At twelve o'clock noon

the regiment were formed in three sides of a square, Lieut.-Colonel H. Smyth, C.B., being in command, when General Pennefather addressed the regiment as follows :

Colonel Smyth,-In the first place let me thank y

C oun for having invited me to present yofir mew colours. It is an honour, bearing in mind the character of the 76th Regiment, of which

any officer, of however more exalted rank than myself, might be justly proud. Seventy-sixth, on an occasion such as this; it is customary, and I think very fitting, to make some references to the former character and career of the corps. It gratifies old and tried soldiers to know that brave conduct and steady endeavours to do their duty, to emulate the gallant deeds done in former days by the brave men who stood in the same ranks and under the same colours that he does to-day. The 76th Regiment was raised in 1787 for service in India, and accordingly proceeded to India in the following year, that is in 1788. It remained in India until 1806, nearly 20 years. __ During that protracted period the regiment was almost constantly in the field, constantly in camps, repeatedly in front of the enemy, and always found zealously anxious to do its duty

like good soldiers, anxious for the honour of their King, anxious for the honour of their country, jealous of their own honour and character.

v 1a the King was graciously pleased to confer upon the 1 _ to be worn on its colours and appointments, and also the badge of

, strength, and grandeur, as

In the campaign of Galicia h was engaged in Holland,

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exchanging its duty in the bleak, inhospitable mountains of Galicia for the pestilential swamps

of Holland.

In 1813 the 76th again went to Spain, and took part in the closing campaign of the Peninsular War, under the immortal Duke of Wellington, and was particularly distinguished at the battle of the Nive, which name is proudly emblazoned on its colours this day, &c., &c.

Colonel Smyth, when one sees the high state of the 76th at this moment, the gentleman-151m- tone of the officers, the active, anxious, intelligent conduct of the sergeants, the manly bearing and admirable esprit de corps of the soldiers; when one sees the splendid: appearance of the regiment on parade, its happy interior economy, its quickness, steadiness, and perfection in the field, its crderly and respectable conduct in quarters, it is impossible not -to acknowledge you are an officer fully qualified to command such a corps. You, sir, an experienced officer, pften having seen the enemy before you, your breast covered with honourable badges, I say emphatically are worthy of your fine regiment and your regiment is worthy of you.

Such being my opinion, in the name of our gracious mistress the Queen and of the country I place these colours in your hands with the utmost confidence that, whenever they are unfurled

in war, they will sink deeply into the ranks of your enemy.

Whenever that day occurs, soldiers, keep silent, quick, ready; look to your officeré, feel to these colours, and I am persuaded that, with God's blessing, you will be sure of victory, and I hope most fervently it may be so.

In October, 1863, the regiment, under Colonel Brewster, left Aldershot for Portsmouth, prior to embarkation to Madras, where they arrived on January 31st, 1864. In comparison with their former service in India the period now begun is singularly uneventful, but although it saw no active service the regiment suffered a large number of casualties during the year following its arrival in India, especially among the cfficers. In January, 1868, the regiment was ordered to British Burmah, where they were divided into two detachments, the right wing to Thayemyoo and the left to Tonghoo. In these stations they remained for three years, eventually meeting at Rangoon. In February, 1872, Colonel J. Hackett was gazetted to the command of the regiment at Secunderabad, vice Colonel H. C. Brewster, who retired on full pay with the rank of major-general. In August, 1874, the regiment was permitted to wear the Elephant as a collar badge, and in March, 1876, the regiment left Secunderabad and embarked at Bombay for England, arriving at Portsmouth on April 10th, and moved to Chatham, where it remained until May, 1877, afterwards proceeding to Aldershot. In 1877 a brigade depot was formed at Halifax, consisting of two companies 33rd and two companies 76th. In 1878 the regiment moved to Shorncliffe, where it remained until March, 1879. During this period the establishment of the regiment was increased to 1,096 of all ranks, in consequence of the imminence of war with Russis. On 25th March, 1879, the regiment moved to Sheffield, leaving on 4th August for Ireland.

The 30th June, 1881, was the last day of the old 76th's existence as an individual regiment, marking, as it does, the introduction of the Territorial system, under which the 76th Regiment was linked with the 33rd, as the 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment.

From the lst July, 1881, the officers were placed on one list with those of the 1st Battalion, arranged according to seniority of commissions on that date, and all officers of the Duke of

Wellington's Regiment henceforth were available for service with either battalion as vacancies occurred or transfers were allowed.

Both stands of the regimental colours have twice been renewed since 1881, namely, in 1888 and 1905. The new stand arrived in Bermuda early in 1888, and among the officers present on parade at the presentation were Colonel Fenn (in command), Captain H. D. Thorold (now colonel, retired. whe has done such great recruiting work for the Duke's), Lieut. E. M. K. Parsons (now lieut.-colonel commanding the depct), Second-Lieut. J. A. C. Gibbs (now lieut.- colonel, whn went out to France in command of the 2nd Battalion), and many other well-known names. Owing to the disastrous fire at Rangoon in the officers' mess in December, 1901, both these stands were destroyed, but were renewed again by the War Office. On the 20th October, 1906, at Lichfield, both stands were presented by the Duke of Wellington, K.G., G.C.V.O.

The majors who handed the colours to the Duke of Wellington were :- - - Maior F. A. Hayden. D.S.O., and Brovet Major J. A. C. Gibbs.

The four subalterns who received the colours from the Duke of Wellington were :-

Lieut. J. C. Burnett, Lieut. J. H. L. Thompson, Lieut K. F. Birchall, and Lieut. E. N. F. Hitchins.

General Sir Hugh Rowlands, V.C., K.C.B., colonel of the regiment, and Lieut.-Colonel F. M. H. Marshall, commanding the battalion, were also on parade.

In October, 1893, a party consisting of three officers and 51 non-commissioned officers and men from the battalion proceeded up country from Wyberg Camp, Cape Colony, to do duty

during the Matabele rising (1893) with the Bechuanaland Border Police. They rejoined in March, 1894, and later received the Matabele war medal.

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Photo by Mr. Hilton, Hali'ax.

Back Row-Lt. Owen, Lt. Cornelius, Lt. Butéher. CENTRE Row-Lt. Rutherford, -- Lt. Young, Lt. Rowe, Lt. Patterson, Lt. Searle, Lt. Nason, Lt. Kidd, M.C.

SEatEb-Capt. Langdale, Capt. Trench, Major Kennard, Lt. and Qtr.-Mstr. Yeoman, Major now Lt.-Colonel Macleod, Lt.-Col. Wayman, Lt. and Adjt. Thompson (killed), Capt. Horsfall (killed in action commanding 2nd Battalion), -_ Capt. Moore (now Adjutant at Depot, wounded), Capt. Crawshay officers attached.

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The officers who went with this detachment were --- Captain W. M. Watson, Lieut. W. K. Trotter, and Lieut. P. A. Turner. , During the second rising in Matabeleland and Mashonaland, known as the Rhodesian «campaign, 1896-97, thirteen officers and 320 non-c‘ommisgsloned officers and men went on active service during this expedition. The officers of the battalion who took part were :-

Staff : Maior H. D. Thorold and P. A. Turner.. . Mounted Infantry : Major P. T. Rivett-Carroe, Captain W. M. Watson, Captain E .M. K.

Parsons, Lieut. A. F. Wallis, Lieut. T. S. Smith, and Lieut. A. J. Tyler.

Service Companies : Captain F. H. A. Swanson, Captain H. W. W. Wood, and Second- Lieut. P. Coode. ‘ ‘

Special Service Staff Officers to the B.S.A. Company : Lieut. N. W. Fraser and Lieut. J. A. C. Gibbs.

The Rhodesian war medal was subsequently conferred on all those who took part in these operations.

During the South African campaign (1899-1902) the battalion, being then quartered at Rangoon, Burma, sent a company of mounted infantry, consisting of five officers and 103 non- commissioned officers and men, with Captain J. A. C. Gibbs, and in 1902 Captain A. G. Horsfall took out 150 non-commissioned officers and men from Burma to join the lst Battalion. Colonel H. E. Belfield, who was commanding the battalion at that time, was appointed A.A.G. to Major-General Tucker, C.B., and for his services was awarded the D.S.0. and made C.B. Captain P. Coode also received the D.S.O., and Colour-Sergeant A. Butterworth, Private J. Barry, and Private D. Donaghue were awardsd the D.C.M., and the following members of the battalion were mentioned in despatches :-Colonel H. G. Belfield (staff) (twice), Captain H. W. Becher, Captain J. A. C. Gibbs (twice), Captain P. Coode, Colour-Sergeant A. Butterworth (twice), Colour-Sergeant R. D. Moore, Sergeant O. Buckley (twice), Sergeant W. Allen, Sergeant 'C. Sims, Private J. Parry, and Private D. Donaghue

When war was declared against Germany the battalion was stationed at Dublin, and left there in command of Lieut.-Colonel J. A. C. Gibbs to win further fame and add to the honours so nobly won in other wars.

Chiefly extracts from records of 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment, compiled by Lieut.-Colonel F. A. Hayden, D.S.0., 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment.


The Halifax Militia (including companies of Volunteer Militia formed under Act 34, {eorge III.), 1760-1815. An account of a review by the Earl of Scarborough at Halifax in 1760 is the first mention I have been able to find. The corps was probably raised in 1759, at the same time as many others. - In 1794, owing to the threatened Franch invasion, two further corps were raised in Halifax They were used to quell local disturbances, notably the weavers' strike at Rochdale, in May, 1808, where they assisted the 11th Light Dragoons, from Manchester. The colours of one of these corps, presented by Mrs. Moore, of Brockwell, are now in Sowerby Church, and other colours, worked and presented by Lady Mary Horton in 1804, are now in the possession of Mr. Horton at Howroyde. The force was disbanded by Act 55, George III. From 1815 to 1852 the whil>s militia force was in abeyance. Oo At a general meeting of the Lieutenancy, held at Leeds on October 8th, 1853, it was decided to raise the 6th West York Militia, with headquarters at Halifax. From 1855-1880 the regiment assembled annually for training at Halifax, where it was accommodated in billets, with the exception of the years 1872-1873, when it trained at Pontefract and Cannock Chase. . In 1881 the 6th West York Militia became the 3rd and 4th Battalions Duke of Wellington's {(West Riding Regiment). In 1889, on July 30th, H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence, major 10th Prince of Wales' Own Royal Hussars, presented new colours to the two battalions. 'The old colours {presented on Skircoat Moor, Halifax, in 1864) were given to the Duke of Clarence, and are now at Sandringham. The 3rd Battalion colours are those now in use. ‘ The two battalions were amalgamated in 1890, and in 1895 the 4th Battalion colours, with the sanction of the War Office, became the property of Colonel Gerald Scovell, the last command- ing officer, and are still in his possession at Cliff House, Torquay. The battalion was embodied for service in South Africa from January 17th, 1900-May 28th, 1902. It was first stationed at Cork, where it embarked for Capetown, arriving on March 23rd, and was immediately split up into detachments, headquarters being at Simon's Town. The battalion was employed on lines of communication and in guarding Boer prisoners. The battalion embarked -for home on April 21st, and reached Halifax on May 10th, 1902. ' Colonel A. K. Wyllie received the C.B., Major and Adjutant F. A. Hayden and Major F. g) Johnston the D.S.0., and Sergt.-Major L. Bellow and Colour-Sergeant F. Churchmen he D.C.M.

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In 1908 the battalion was transferred to the Army Reserve as the 3rd (Reserve) Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment. The battalion, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel H. H. Wayman, was mobilised on August 8th, 1914, and proceeded to Sunderland, thence to Gateshead,. and after a few days to Earsdon. At these places trenches and barbed wire entanglements were constructed. Shortly after arriving at Earsdon Major E. M. K. Parsons (regular establishment)

was ordered to Grantham to raise and take command of the 8th (Service) Battalion, with Lieut. V. N. Kidd (regular establishment) as adjutant.

Lieut.-Colonel H. J. Johnston, D.S.O., who commanded the 3rd Battalion from 1904-1910, was in command of the 8th (Service) Battalion at the landing at Suvla Bay. The first draft for

the 2nd Battalion left Earsdon on September 2nd, 1914, under the command of Second-Lieut. H. W. Yates.

On September 5th, owing to the heavy losses of the 2nd Battalion at Mons and Le Cateau, the 3rd Battalion sent four company commanders-Captains O. T. R. Crawshay, N. H. Moore, B. J. Barton, and H. K. Umfreville-also Lieut. G. Williamson (died of wounds), all of whom

took part in the heavy fighting during the Battle of the Aisne and the subsequent move of the British Army to the north and the Battle of Ypres.

Chiefly extracts from Records of the 3rd Battalion Duuke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment), formerly 6th West York Militia, and the Halifax Militia.

1760-1910. Compiled by Captain N. H. Moore, 8rd Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment.


G. Harris 1787, A. Ross 1796, Hon. W. Monson 1798, M. Symes 1807, M. Shawe 1809, J. Wardlow 1870, W. L,. Mabely 1827, H. Gillman 19832, J. Clarke 1883, F. J. Lowe, K.H., 1834, E. Studd 1836, A. F. Mackintosh, K.H., 1838, G. H. Dansey 1839, J. Clarke 1839, J. H. Grubbe 1847, R. C. Lloyd 1857, H. Smythe, C.B., 1859, H. C. Brewster 1863, J. Hackett

1872, G. R. Hopkins 1876, C. R. Richardson 1876, C. T. Caldecott 1877, J. H. Fripp 1879, and J. M. Allardice 1880.

2nd Duke's.-T. T. Hodges 1885, E. G. Fenn 1886, E. Nesbitt 1890, C. W. Gore 1894,

H. E. Belfield, D.S.O., 1897, S. J. Trench 1899, F. W. H. Marshall 1903, K. F. Lean 1907, F. A. Hayden, D.S8.0., 1908, and J. A. C. Gibbs 1912.


Lieut. C. Fraser 1787, Ensign W. Murray 1790, Lieut. B. Morland 1793, Lieut. R. Coxon 1800, Lieut. F. W. St. Aubin 1803, Leiut. W. Meull 18083, Lieut. H. Norford 1804, Lieut. E. Marston 1805, Captain A. Fraser 1806, Lieut. B. Brugh 1806, Lieut. N. Mackay 1807, Ensign B. Rooth 1808, Lieut. G. B. Hildebrand 1825, Lieut. S. B. Ross 1831, Lieut. R. W. Hopkins 1836, Lieut. J. G. Ferns 18389, Lieut. H. H. Lacy 1846, Lieut. J. C. Clarke 1854, Lieut. L. E. O'Connor 1858, Lieut. L. B. Butler 1863, Lieut. G. D. Cookson 1867, Lieut. A. A. D. Weigall 1875, Lieut. H. L. Brett 1876, Lieut. C. L. E. May 1878, and Lieut. R. Coode 1879. 2nd Battalion.-Lieut. A. W. Buckle 1885, Captain S. C. Umfreville 1889, Lieut. H. W. Becher .1893, Captain R. A. Turner 1897, Captain H. W. Cobb 1901, Captain R. K. Healing 1904, Lieut. C. J. Pickering 1908, Lieut. (3.19 Egerton 1911, and Capt. C. O. Denman-Jubb 1914. ‘ . S.-M.'s. E. Hunt, G. Crosbie, G. Hyde, F. Powell, W. Cain, G. P. Bennett, and C. Shepherd.


R. Dungannon 1702, O0. D. Harcourt, P. Honeywood, E. Stanhope, T. Howard 1715, R. C. Cobb 1721, R. Sampson 1741, C. Clapham, H. Clements 1744, C. Mure 1745, J. Lockhard 1746, J. Ross 1747, Charles, Duke of Richmond 1756, Lord G. H. Lennox 1758,, H. Oakes 1762, J. Webster 1774, J. Yorke 1781, the Hon. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1793-1806, J. C. Sherbroke, A. Gore, W. Elliott, J. Campbell, F. R. West, W. W. K. Elphinstowe, C.B., 1813, S. Moffatt 1821, W. C. Knight 1830, W. J. W. Hasty, K.H., 1841, W. R. Westmore 1842, G. Whannell 1843, F. R. Blake 1848, J. D. Johnstone, C.B., 1855, J. E. Collings 1857, A. S. Cooper, C.B., 1868, T. B. Fanshawe 1873, E. F. Chadwick 1878, F. J. Castle 1879, W. Bally 1884, F. J. Tidmarsh 1888, D. G. De Wend 1889, C. Conor 1892, G. E. Lloyd,

D.S.0., 1896, P. T. Rivett-Carnce 1900, H. F. D. Thorold 1904, C. V. Humphreys 1908, and W. M. Watson 1912.


Ensign W. Thain 1811, Lieut. J. Williamson 1831, Lieut. G. Erskine 1840, Lieut. C. Mills 1843, Lieut. C. C. Barrett 1849, Ensign G. Toneland 1855, Lieut. B. G. Graham 1857, Lieut.

E. S. Wason 1864, Lieut. W. Everett 1868, Lieut. C. Conor 1870, and Lieut. A. E. R. Curran 1877.*

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* In 1838 the Duke of Cambridge joined as Ensign with the battalion in Gibraltar, and

practically went through every rank up to commanding officer. Two commanders-in-chief-the Duke of Wellington and the Duke of Cambridge-have served with the regiment.

R. S.-M.'s.

P. Owen, G. Tomlinson, C. Barwell, W. Sutton, W. McKay, J. Moynahan, C. , Waller, E. Bryant, J C. Seaman, A. Marshall, J. Farrell, G. Kearns, J. Thompson, C.; Ohvetr, D," Looney, and H. Winn. ADJUTANTS.

1st Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Captain V. Jenkins 1882, Lieut. B. St J Le Marchant 1886, Capt. C. B. Humphreys 1891, Captain F. J. De Gex 1895, Lieut. W. E. M.~ Tindall, D.S.0O., 1899 Capt R. M. Bray 1904, Lieut. E. M. Liddell 1906, Captam J.. A. H. B. Wilson 1909, Captam A. A. St. Hill 1912, and Lieut. W. G. Officer 1914.

DEPOT S.-M.'s.

G. Bolton, W. Harvey, P. Carruthers, J. Pilgrim,~ A. Waller, L. Bellew, C. Oliver, G. Brooks, H. Dyson, J. G. Brennan, W. R. Theed.



FORMATION OF THE DEPOT 9th Brigade (83rd Regiment) : Lieut.-Colonel J. E. Collings, C.B., from April 1st, 1873 to April 30th, 1878.

9th Brigade (65th Regiment) : Colonel C. Blewitt, from May 1st, 1878 to May 20th, 1881.

33rd Regimental District (83rd Regiment) : Colonel R. Freer, from May 21st, 1881, to Feb. 10th, 1885.

ddrd Regimental District (88rd Re unent) Colonel E. J. Castle, from Feb: 11th 1885, to Jan 26th 1886.

33rd Regimental District (93rd Regiment) : Colonel T. T. Simpson, from Jan. 27th, 1886, to Jan. 26th, 1891.

33rd Regimental District (83rd and 76th Regiments) : ' Colonel E. G. Fenn, from Jan. 27th, 1891, to Jan. 26th, 1896.

33rd Regimental District (Stafi) Colonel A. G. Spencer, from Jan. 27th, 1896, to Sept. 26th, 1898.

Regimental District (15th East Yorks. Regiment) : Colonel H. R. Le'Mcttee, from Oct. 8th, 1898, to Dec. 31st, 1901.

38rd Regimental District (East Surrey Regiment) : Colonel R. H. W. H. Harris, C.B., from Jan. 1st, 1902, to Nov. 27th, 1905.

33rd Regimental District (83rd and 76th Regiments) : Major E. R. Houghton, from Nov. 28th, 1905, to Nov. 26th, 1907.

33rd Regimental District (83rd and 76th Regiments) : Major J. A. C. Gibbs, from Nov. 27th, 1907, to Nov 26th, 1910.

33rd Regimental District (33rd and 76th Regiments) : Major K. A. Macleod, from Nov. 27th, 1910, to Nov. 26th, 1913.

B3rd Regimental District (83rd and 76th Regiments) : Major E. M. K. Parsons, from Nov. 28th, 19183, to August 8th, 1914.

83rd Regimental District (88rd and 76th Regiments) : Colonel H. D. Thorold, from August 9th, 1914, to Jan. 10th, 1915.

33rd Regimental District (83rd and 76th Regiments) : Tieut.-Colonel E. M. K. Parsons, from Jan. l1th, 1915.

The Depot.

On August 5th, 1914, the regiment mobilised its reservists at the depot, Halifax, Lieut.-Colonel E. M. K. Parsons then being in command. On August 8th the 3rd Special Reserve Battalion, Lieut.-Colonel H. H. Wayman in command, mobilised and entrained for war station, Colonel Parsons, leaving with the battalion, being succeeded by Colonel H. D. Thorold. On Lord Kitchener's call for a new army the 8th (Service) Battalion was raised at Halifax, the first commanding officer being Lideut.-Colonel Parsons. Owing to the wonderful recruiting campaign carried out by Colonel H. D. Thorold, Major J. Seaman, and a well-organised recruiting staff the battalion was quickly completed 'and sent to Grantham for training. The 9th (Service)

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The Depot Staff.

Back Row (left to right)-Scergt. Lindley (w.), Corpl. Lodge (w.), Corpl. Rosenthal, Corpl. Hyde.

FourtH Row-Corpl. Stripling, Lce.-Corpl. Crouch, Sergt. Slicer, O.R.C.S. Haines, Corpl. Davis, Sergt. Cook Pell, Corpl. Trainer, Corpl. Ashton.

Secord Row-Sergt. Tungate, Sergt. Palmer, Sergt. Harris, Sergt. Burgess, Sergt. Nicholls, Sergt. Gill, Sergt. Waldock, C.Q. M.S. Schofield, Sergt. Griffiths, Sergt. Prolle, Sergt. Dyson, Corpl. Phillips.

Front Row-C.Q.M.S. Wiggins (w, Aisne, Q.M.S. Paling, Regtl. S. M. W. Theed, Lt. Lawless, Lt. Freeman, Hon. Capt. & Q.M. Carroll, Major Wayne, L+.-Col. E. M. K. Parsons, Capt. and Adjt. Moore (w. on the Aisne), Capt. Phillips (w.), Band- master Hancock, C.S.M. Rooth, C.S.M. ‘

InsETs-Sergt. H Greaves (w. on the Ypres Salient), Coy, S. M, Gibson (w. at Gallipoli and in France).


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Battalion was the next raised and trained at Wool, Dorset; afterwards the 10th (Service) Battalion, trained at Wemborn, and, finally, the llth (Reserve) Battalion, raised and trained at the depot. It speaks well for the quality and efficiency of the depot staff that all the work entailed in these movements, necessitating a wonderful amount of quick decision and wonderful organisation, was carried out with commendable credit to the entire staf. On the departure from the depot of Colonel Thorold to take up another appointment Colonel Parsons again resumed command. Lieut.-Colonel E. M. K. Parsons, who is now in command, was formerly commanding officer 'of the 8th (Service) Battalion. He has been connected with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment for over 30 years. Lieut.-Colonel E. M. K. Parsons has held the responsible position of commanding officer during important and critical phases of the war, when the preparation, first of whole units and later of equally necessary drafts, required the exercise of the greatest care and military skill. With all his hard and trying duties he has found time to make himself useful in many 'other directions. His earnestness and good work on the Committee of the Duke of Wellington's Prisoners of War Fund and in all matters relating to the interests of the regiment has made him extremely popular in local circles. Captain and Adjutant N. H. Moore previous to the war served with the 2nd and 3rd Battalions and at the depot (1909 and 1910). He was with the first Expeditionary Force, being wounded at the Battle of the Aisne, but remained with the battalion until invalided during the first Battle of Ypres. ' Regt.-Sergt.-Major Theed is another old soldier of the Duke's, having 24 years' service with the regiment, and wears the medal for South Africa and long service and good conduct medal, the chief ambition of every soldier. Also mentioned in despatches for his services. The remainder of ihe Staff are Officers and Non-Com's who have proved themselves capable and efficient tnstructors. Several of them have seen service in this war and many of them are wearin the ribbons for South Africa.

The World's Worst War.

When this great War, '" The World's Worst War,"" for it differs in every respect from all others, was forced upon us by the perfidy of blustering, conceited Germany it cannot be said that Britain were prepared, but Germany had been deliberately laying plans for a great European war for years, even going to the length of ° making elaborate preparations in other people's countries.'' She hoped, with Austria's Hungary's, and Turkey's help first to smash and plunder France and Russia, and then to overwhelm Britain separately and plunder her; but Britain took a hand in the game in a way that confounded all Germany's knavish tricks, and now, after three years of war unparalleled in the world's history, in which methods of warfare have been introduced by the enemy hitherto unknown to civilisation, the battle now rolls back towards Getmany, out of which all these evils came. Never has a war between civilised nations had the ferocious and savage character of that carried on by an implacable enemy. One of the overbearing conceits upon which Germany always prided herself during the many years of her preparation for war with Britain was the expectation that she would be able to choose the precise moment for making war upon us. All her hopes were built upon this. German Statesmen were confident that by making a sudden swoop upon an unready enemy there was every chance that in the first few days of war a large part of our superiority would be wiped out. How their plans failed will be read in these records. Proofs of Germany's intentions and my translation of them are now given to us (August, 1917), after three years of deadly fighting, by no higher an authority than Lieut.-General Baron Von Freytag-Loring Love, Deputy Chief of the German General Staff, who, in reviewing operations in the West in August, 1914, makes these statements :- *' We were too weak to force our way through on the Marne. Troops for the threatened East had to be released, and others were tied up at Antwerp and Maubege. The French were being daily reinforced by British troops (the general here makes the same error that proved fatal to General Von Kluck; it was the stubborn, dogged resistance of that ' Contemptible Army ' which deceived the German staff and made them think our Army was considerably superior in numbers to what they actually were.-J. J. F.). Enormous results had been achieved before we began the retreat from the Marne, and that fact must never be forgotten. Although we did not succeed in overthrowing France that is only additional proof that our bold enveloping advance through Belgium alome gave us the possibility of carrying on the war for years on enemy soil and of making Germany secure. To-day it almost looks as if many people had become terrified at the great deeds of our Army at the beginning of the War. What else is it when people keep on insisting anxiously and apologetically upon the fact that we intend nothing but mere defence? The state of the battle area in Northern France and Belgium shows how our frontier territories would look if we had confined ourselves to mere defence, quite apart from the fact that this defence would long ago have had to be conducted in the interior of Germany, even if it were possible at all. , “. Thg, German peogle ought to rejoice in the memory of our first victories in the West, thinking in gratitude of its sons whose bodies rest in Belgium and France, and thinking gratefully

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of its Kaiser and the Army. The world then saw in astonishment the ripening of the fruits of our Army's long years of enthusiastic peace work and its superiority in the War movement."

If any of my readers ever entertained any doubt as to German's intention to force on this War, then, after reading General Von Loring Love's explanation, he can with a clear conscience

now let them bear the full burden.

It had long been the custom of officers in the German Army and Navy to drink a toast to '* 'The Day '' when Germany would come to grips with Britain, and when ° The Day'" had dawned, so confident were they of victory, that pillage, violation, arson, and murder were in constant use, and not until after many weeks of prophecies and hard fighting against Britain's * Contemptible Little Army," as the Kaiser termed our first Expeditionary Force, did the Germans realise that the inevitable day of reckoning must come.


The Kaiser to his troops, Aix-la-Chapelle, August 19th, 1914 :- , is my Royal and Imperial Command that you concentrate your energies, for the immediate present, upon one single purpose, and that is that you address all your skill and all your valour to exterminate first the treacherous English and to walk over General French's contemptible little army."

Amongst the regiments composing this °° Contemptible Little Army '' were the 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment, '" The Immortals," who were allotted to the Fifth Division, under the command of Major-General Sir Charles Fergusson. To say that both officers and men of this First Expeditionary Force sustained the traditions of the British Army will convey only a& faint idea of the gallant work done by them.

In the retreat from Mons, when Sir John French had an Army of less than 80,000 men to oppose a victorious Army of at least 200,000 Germans moving on their immediate front, with from 40,000 to 50,000 additional sweeping round their left in an endeavour to cut them off and envelop them, the Dukes lost 14 officers and over 500 men, but their deeds during those operations won for the regiment the highest praise, and was in keeping with the greatest traditions of **The Immortals,'' the old 76th Foot. Their past history was a record worth maintaining, a tradition well fitted to inspire such deeds of valour as stand to the honour of the Dukes, who made such a gallant stand against overwhelming German hordes, and fought such gallant rearguard actions from Mons to the Marne that saved a division.


The following official announcement by Major-General Sir Charles Fergusson pays a striking tribute to the valuable work done by the Dukes during those dark days :-

** Major-General Sir Charles Fergusson, commanding the Fifth Division at Mons, has publicly expressed his admiration of the splendid behaviour of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment as rear- guard, when their courage and tenacity saved the Division."


Undoubtedly of the British Divisions which retreated so doggedly from Mons the Fifth, under Sir Charles Fergusson, had, by the fortune of war, much the worst time, and the ranks of the West Ridings were quickly depleted, necessitating strenuous times in filling the gaps for the Territorials and Service Battalions, which were now in full training, and a constant demand on their ranks, especially the depot at Halifax and the 3rd Battalion at North Shields.


Halifax, Brighouse, Cleckheaton, Skipton, Keighley, Huddersfield, the Colne Valley, etc., had not been behind other recruiting centres since the outbreak of hostilities, and scenes hitherto unknown were witnessed in these towns. Stirring appeals by Colonel H. D. Thorold (who was then commanding the depot) for a new battalion of " Havercake Lads" and '" The Immortals ' brought constant streams of recruits, and in September, 1914, a Halifax " Pals'" Battalion

was formed. THRILLING DEEDS.

During these hard weeks of training stories of gallant deeds by the Duke's Regiment were leaking through that did more than recruiting speeches to inspire these men of the West Ridin how their kith and kin had helped to hold up the German Army in its mad rush for Paris, and

how at a place called Wasmes, on August 24th, the West Ridings fought a battle all on their own against overwhelming odds.

- The " Halifax Guardian '' told a thrilling story of how three men of the Duke's had, after being taken prisoners by the Germans, escaped, and eventually, by sheer grit, found their way home. One of them, in giving his experiences, said that Captain Jenkins, a well-known officer, suffered from sunstroke, and had to be left at a house in a Belgian village. Later, some German cavalry chased his company into a wood, and skirmishing took place. Finding themselves against such powerful odds, they were ordered to retire. His sergeant, named Cooney, had the muscle of his arm torn by a bullet, and Company Sergeant-Major Allen was shot dead while rescuing a wounded comrade. He became separated from his company, and after


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two days and nights' wandering without any food, excepting a small cake of chocolate, he sighted a farmhouse. He there buried his rifle and equipment and made for the house. Here he obtained food and civilian clothes. After picking up other straggling soldiers they made their way to Ghent, then by train to Ostend and home. , Then came the news of how Lieut.-Colonel Gibbs, while commanding the regiment, was badly wounded, but gallantly remained to urge on his men, afterwards being taken prisoner.

Company Sergeant-Major Farrer, who was with the battalion at Mons, wrote to the * Halifax Courier '' on Décember 12th :-*" My regiment has covered itself with glory and honour just recently. I hear that a mere handful of the regiment accounted for the Kaiser's Prussian Guards. There were, I believe, about 700 dead Germans left in front of our trenches." ° Shades of India and Waterloo," can it be wondered at that these men of the West Ridings-brea of men

who had fought with the Iron Duke in Flanders-should answer Kitchener's call as they so nobly did? Lord Kitchener asked for more men, and got them.

It was early in October when the long list of killed, wounded and missing was first published. And then sprang up the many comforts funds which have given the public an opportunity of proving their gratitude to the men who have fought and bled for us.


To the eternal credit of Yorkshire, not alone have these Comforts Funds been raised for the men 'of the Duke of Wellington's, but the men of the West Yorks, the East Yorks and other Yorkshire units have all been equally provided for. At some future date I hope to write a record of these other gallant Yorkshire units, for who can forget the deeds of the men of the West Yorks at the Aisne, 1914, Neuve Chapelle in March, 1915, and later at Ypres; also of the East Yorks

and K.O.Y.L.I. Stories of their gallantry were told me by men who fought by their side which made one proud to be a Yorkshireman.


Of our brave West Riding heroes Tell the praises forth to-day, Who at Mons with hosts against them Kept those Prussian Huns at bay ; Tho' Death stalk'd thro' them, striking Our lads in hundreds low, They ° Saved the Fifth Division," And baulked the rabid Foe!

Five hundred of them perished- More than five hundred fell- Good God ! how any issued From that hell, 'tis hard to tell ! But all the grit of Yorkshire Was in their bones we know- Ay *' they saved the Fifth Division " From the onslaught of the Foe!

They saved some thousand others, Who, but for them were lost, Not counting dear their own lives, -__ They flinched not at the cost; True to West Riding breeding, That's game when dangers grow, Ah! they ** saved the Fifth Division " From the ramping, raging Foe.

TOM HALIFAX, in the Halifax Guardian.


At the outbreak of war the lst battalion were stationed in India, where they had been * -

gince October, 1905, and the 2nd battalion (76th) were at Portobello Barrarcks, Dublin, alongside the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

It was the 13th August, 1914, when they marched from Portobello Barracks to North Vall, followed by cheering crowds, and to the singing of ** Tipperary '' and other popular songs- for the Dukes, while in Dublin, had taken a prominent part in some very stiff football com- petitions, and were famous for playing hard games, and the ciy, '" Go on the Dukes" was more than once heard as they marched down the quays. Arriving at North Wall they - quickly embarked on H.M.T. Gloucester, which left North Wall that evening. The Dukes arrived

at Le Havre on the morning of August 15th. The transport had barely reached her moorings

~when the work of disembarkation commenced. Horses, men and guns were quickly landed

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2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington s West Riding Regiment. -First Bxpedntlonary Force.

Back Row-Capt. E. V. Jenkins, D.S.O0., p. Capt. W. E. Keates, Lt. T. H. J. Gillam, Capt. A. Ellam (Qtr- Mstrfl 2/Lt. D. F. de Wend, k., 2/Lt. R. O'D. Carey, p,, Lt. R.J. A. Henniker, 2/Lt. L. E. Russell, 2/Lt. F. R. Thackeray, k., Capt. J. C. Burnett, Capt. C. O. Denman-Jubb, &. ‘ c

Minoce Row-Capt. H. Gardiner, p., Capt. E. R. Taylor, k., Capt. H. P. Travers, Major E. M. K. Parsons, Lt.-Col.

FRoNT Row-2/Lt. C. Bathurst, 2/Lt. A O. L. Davis, 2/Lt. G. W. Oliphant, p., 2/Lt. C. W. G. Ince. J. A. C .Gibbs (Commanding), Major P. B. Strafford, k., Major E. N. Townsend, p., Lt. and Adjt. C. C. Egerton, Capt. R. C. Carter.

Denotes-k. killed, p. prisoner.


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upon the quay side amidst greetings from the French people. The battalion remained on the quay of Le Havre all night, starting early next morning, midst further demonstrations from. the delighted crowd, which was continued all the way to their first camp, a march of about 2% miles from Le Havre quay, where they remained until the early hours of the 16th, when they entrained for Belgium.

They arrived on Belgian territory at a place called °" Maroelles,'"' after two days' journey up country; here many of them took advantage of the opportunity to smarten themselves up- and prepare to meet the Boches. On the 21st the battalion left °" Maroelles,'"' and marched to- Boussu, and from there to Hornru, where they arrived on Saturday the 22nd August. On. Sunday morning the miners of Hornru showed their appreciation of the presence of British troops amongst them in many ways; perhaps the most acceptable was the placing at the disposal of the battalion the use of the shower baths which were attached to the mine in the village. After the long journeys under continued downfalls of rain, it can be imagined what these baths were about to bring. They were to be used in Companies. B., C., and D. Companies had each their turn, and A. Company were preparing for their ablutions when alas | the alarm sounded; the order was given to " fall in," and by 1 o'clock the whole battalion were marching through the village of Hornru to the Town Hall, the villagers vying with. each other in loading up the men with all the good things it were possible for them to carry: away with them; truly the Dukes will always have a warm corner in their hearts for the people of Hornru, for their welcome had been such as could only be equalled by their own countrymen, and it must be great consolation for the Belgian people who extended their welcome in those days that shortly after, many of their own countrymen, driven by the Germans from. their own homes, found a landing place in Yorkshire, and the kindness they showed at that time has since been reciprocated. Previous to leaving Hornru, however, the Dukes: were to receive an intimation of what the Germans had already in store for them, for when halted in front of the Town Hall waiting orders, German shells commenced to drop in and: around the village, and they had a few casualties in the Town Hall square. It was now seen.


that the enemy were rapidly advancing, and while D. and A. Companies were ordered to remain- in the village, B. and C. were to take up a position of tactical importance some distance from the village. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon orders were received by A. Company that they were to leave the village and take up a prominent position situated between the 9th and 13th Brigades, the battalion thus being in action practically for the first time in this war, and it was not until dusk that the Germans ceased firing. The battalion were again early on the march, for between 2 and 3 a.m. the next morning, August 24th, they were on the road to- Wasmes-they were, as I have previously stated, attached to the 13th Brigade, under Brigadier-Gen. Cuthbert, the brigade forming part of the Fifth Division, under Maj.-Gen. Sir Chas. Fergusson. The battalion, on arrival at Wasmes, which is about four miles from the Mons-Conde Canal, took over the trenches which the Dorsetshire Regiment had been digging ; this was about dawn, and shortly after, the guns of the Germans made themselves heard ; their little adventure at Hornru was but a picnic to what was to happen at Wasmes. Fight as they would, they could not beat back the Germans, for the latter were too numerous. Salvos of artillery seemed to be fired on them at once, and it appeared as if the German range was wonderfully accurate. At one time the West Ridings were almost surrounded, but with great tenacity they fought their way through the ring of foes, but their losses were something like fifteen officers and 300 men, including Major Stafford, Capt. Denman Jubb, and Lieut. Russell killed, Lt.-Col. Gibbs, Major Townsend, W. Thompson, and P. Young were taken prisoners.

The Dukes fought as they did at Leswarree, but " this handful of heroes '' could not withstand the everwhelming odds and heavy artillery which was pitted against them. Not- withstanding the odds they did not retire until atout 1 p,m. and then came more bitter ON TO THE MARNE. days of rereat, attack, and dogged resistance. Owing to the Germans' attempt to work round our left flank, the Fifth Division being the last in the retreat, and the Germans sweeping round their left, in an endeavour to cut them off and envelop them, the Fifth Division had to bear the brunt of the retreat, fighting vigorous rearguard actions daily. Leaving Wasmes the battalion arrived at Le Cateau on Wednesday. Here again superiority in guns and numbers compelled the West Ridings to retire-quite in good order, but with heavy hearts-for well they knew the tremendous odds in men and guns which were on the German side. Leavin Le Cateau and passing through St. Quentin and Ham, they arrived on the 30th at a smal village, which will surely go down in the Dukes' history, named Crecy, about 19 miles south-east of Paris. This was to be the turning point, for the Dukes' retreat was now ended. At Crecy the battalion captured a German convoy, amongst which was a German cooker, which is in use by the battalion at the present time.

BATTLE OF THE AISNE. _ After this, until the 6th September, each day and part of the night brought with it exhausting marches, fighting small engagements almost continuously, during which time they were, as stated, about 20 kilometres of Paris. Then it was about noon on the 6th September,

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after British forces had changed their front to the right and occupied the line Jouy-le-Chatel, Farmontiers, Villeneuve, Le Comte, and the advance of the 6th French Army north of the Marne towards the Ourcy became apparent, that the enemy realised the powerful threat that was being made against the flank of his column moving south-east, and began the great retreat 'which gave so much joy to our troops. It was a different army that had turned its back on Paris. From here to the Marne was but a road of glory for the Dukes. Pressing on by forced marches, and fighting small engagements, the River Aisne was reached.

The battle of the Aisne will always stand as one of the great battles of history. For there the retreating Germans turned at bay, stopped the Allied pursuit, and took up a position which for three years they have been able to retain, and the fighting here will always stand out as a landmark in this epic war. In the hard fighting here the West Ridings took their part, and it is in order to realise the difficulties which our troops had to face-difficulties which 'brought a special tribute from Sir John French-that I give in detail the geographical position of the Aisne Valley. From this it will be seen how the German Army-vastly superior in numbers and guns-were in a position to dig themselves in and occupy impregnable positions, and defy all attempts of the Allied armies to compel them to further retreat until such time that we were able to prove our superiority in guns and munitions.

The Aisne Valley runs generally east and west, and consists of a flat-bottomed depression of width varying from half a mile to two miles, down which the river follows a winding course 'to the west, at some points near the southern slopes of the valley, and at others near the northern. The high ground, both on the north and south of the river is approximately 400 feet above the bottom of the valley, and is very similar in character, as are both the slopes of the valley itself, which are broken in numerous rounded spurs and re-entrantss The most prominent part of the former are the Chirre Spur on the right bank, and Lermoise Spur on the left. - Near the latter place the general plateau on the south is divided by a subsidiary valley, of much the same character, down which the small River Vesle flows to the main stream near Lermoise. The slopes of the plateau overlooking the Aisne on the north and south are of varying steepness, and are covered with numerous patches of wood, which also stretch upwards and backwards over the edge on to the top of the high ground. There are several villages and small towns dotted about in the valley itself and along the sides, the chief of which is the town of Soissons. The Aisne is a sluggish stream of 17 feet in breadth, but being 15 feet deep in the centre it is unfordable. Between Soissons on the west and Villiers on the east (the part of the river north bank a narrow-gauge railway runs from Soissons to Vailly, where it crosses the river attacked and secured by the British forces) there are eleven road bridges across it. On the and continues eastward along the south bank. From Soissons to Lermoise a double line of Emilway runs along the south bank, turning at the latter place up the Vesle Valley towards azoches. -

_ The position held by the enemy was a very strong one, either for a delaying action or for a defensive battle. One of its chief military characteristics is that from the high ground on neither side can the top of the plateau on the other side be seen, except for small stretches. This is chiefly due to the woods on the edges of the slopes. Another important point is that all the bridges are under either direct or high-angle artillery fire.

The tract of the country above described, which lies north of the Aisne, is well adapted to concealment, and was so skilfully turned to account by the enemy as to render it impossible to judge the real nature of his opposition to our passage of the river, or to accurately gauge his strength; but strong rearguards of at least three army corps were holding the passages. The 13th Brigade crossed the Aisne at Missy-the bridge had been destroyed, and the pontoon bridges were repeatedly destroyed by shell fire, and rafts were generally used. The West Ridings, West Kents, and K.O.S.B.'s occupying the village, the K.O.Y.L.I. remained in Gobeen Wood. The village was heavily shelled the whole time, except at night, when there was heavy rifle fire. The trees on the hillside above the village were full of snipers, who commanded most of the streets. r ‘

The defences of the village were improved as much as possible, and considering the heavy fire the casualties were comparatively small, except on September 19th, when one platoon of A Company was virtually wiped out by shell fire.

The battalion was afterwards relieved by the K.O.Y.L .I., and went to Gobeen Wood, where it remained a week. No fires or light were allowed, and the battalion lived in holes in the ground covered with branches and waterproof sheets. The battalion then took part in the great move of the British Army to the north, which consisted of long marches every night, & night journey on motor lorries, trainment at Longeuil, and detrainment at Abbeyville, the 'battalion marched through Bethune and billeted at Beuvry, and the next day went into action at Cambrin, to relieve the pressure on the French. After two days a French brigade arrived, and the battalion marched by way of Beuvry and Gorre to Festubert, and the following day to Rue d'Ouvert and Givenchy, where they entrenched.

___ The story of the superb part played by the battalion from Mons to the Marne is confirmed in the extract from the special order of Gen. Sir Chas. Fergusson to the West Riding Regiment.


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Their magnificent work, achieved in the face of continuous fire and overwhelming odds, will live long in the annals of the nation. The men went into action at all times as if on parade.

They had their traditions to live up to, and not a man wavered. Referring to the battle of the Aisne, Sir John French said :-

'* It is difficult to describe adequately and accurately the great strain to which officers and men were subjected almost every hour of the day and night throughout this battle. The tax on the endurance of the troops was further increased by the heavy rain and cold which prevailed for some ten or twelve days of this trying time. The battle of the Aisne has omce more demonstrated the splendid spirit, gallantry and devotion which animates the officers and men

of His Majesty's

Well as they fought at the Aisne, the Dukes fought even better later. The conditions were ghastly; they fought within frenches at times, or in trenches knee-deep in water, or in trenches that had been battered out of all practical value by shell fire. ' '

Early in October, the 5th Division was fighting its way, inch by inch, towards Lille.: About the middle of the month it came up against large German reserves, and during the rest of October it was as much as the weary battalion could do to parry the German thrust at Calais. On November 8th, still part of the same long battle, the West Ridings found themselves attacked by the Prussian Guard, ** the biggest men I have ever seen,"" said one of their majors. But big or little made no difference to the spirit of the West Ridings, although, to make matters worse, the weather at this time was atrocious, nights streaming with rain and pitch black, and there was no rest from the incessant work of the trenches. _ Under such conditions the deeds of their several companies may be described as Homeric. One recovered some trenches which the Germans had just taken from the Zouaves, this operation being led by the company sergeant-major. Another performed a similar feat, and then went forward a further fifty yards, and seized another enemy trench. A third company was unsuccessful in its first attack, but again a sergeant-major came to the rescue, and led a counter-attack which

fully achieved its purpose.

From December to March, 1915, there was relative quiet along the whole of the Brifsish line, except at these points where the normal conditions of existence comprised occasional shelling, or constant mine and bomb warfare..

Then came preparations for the great artillery attack of Neuve Chapelle, which was com- menced in the early morning of March 10th and which was the forerunner of a series of battles which were to strike terror into the Germans, one of the most desperate being that of Hill 60, which commenced on April 17th. The following account, by a Daily Mail correspondent, gives a graphic description of the daring and wonderful fighting qualities of the battalions engaged, which included the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment :-

The other morning I stood by the gate of a field 'on a country road in these parts and watched a brigade march past the saluting point under the eye of the general commanding the Becond Army. There was a fine swing about the battalion as they went by, and with eyes shining, heads held high, and shoulders well back, they marched with the air of men who are inspired by the memory of a great ordeal greatly endured. These were the men of the 13th Brigade that had won Hill 60, had then gone off and played a very gallant part in the second battle of Ypres, and had afterwards returned to the ill-omened hill, to find that one of its bravest battalions had been overwhelmed by asphyxiating gas, and that the work had to be done over again. There was no shame in the failure, only glory. The commander-in-chief had already expressed his warm appreciation of its gallantry, and now the army commander had come to speak his thanks to the 13th Brigade for its splendid services. Indeed, the lustre of its record shines so bright that I count it a privilege to be able to relate for the first time the full story of how Hill 60 was captured, and lost.


It is a story illuminated by innumerable feats of deathless heroism, a story of splendid tenacity and grim determination, beginning with a fine feat of arms, and ending with the asphyxiation of gallant men taken unawares-a crime so foul that no man who saw the railway cutting by Hill 60 after the Dorsets and the Duke of Welliigton's had been gassed will ever take the hand of a German again. If, after reading this story, as it was told by the men who went through the fight, any man can shirk his duty to his country, then surely our dead of Hill 60, the men who held out on the hill-top to the end and lie there still, wil rise up in their hundreds on the Judgment Day and denounce him.

Hill 60 lies in an isolated position on the extreme western edge of the Klein Zillebeke with the Ypres-Comines railway, which here runs through a deep cutting, spanned by a bridge on the one side, and the Klein-Zillebeke-Zwartalen road on the other. It is a low hill, with a flattish top, about 45ft. above the surrounding country. The Germans held the apper slopes and the summit of the hill, while our trenches ran round the lower slopes.

It was decided to mine the summit, then send infantry forward to occupy the mine craters and capture the hill. While our miners were burrowing underground, the positions were carefully

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reconnoitred in person by the general officer commanding the 13th Brigade, to whom the operation, timed to start at 7 o'clock on the evening of April 17th, was entrusted.


- On the evening of the 16th the lst R.W. Kents and the 2nd K.O.S.B.'s, who were to storm the hill, were in our trenches.

When an attack of this kind is impending men are keyed up to a high pitch, and are anxious to get it over as soon as possible. It speaks highly for the fine discipline of the troops that they waited in the narrow trenches all through the heat of April 17th without a trace of nerves. By 7 p.m. everything was ready. Major Joslin, who was to lead the storming party, stood with his whistle to his lips beside the Royal Engineers officer, who was to fire the first of the five mines to be exploded. The first mine went off with a dull rumbling explosion, not very loud, but the earth swayed perceptibly to and fro, and an immense black spout soared heavenwards, descending again in a shower of sand, trees, timber, and dismembered fragments of human beings. At the same instant, with a roar, our artillery, reinforced by French and Belgian guns, opened rapid fire on all the German positions in the vicinity, on the left (we were attacking from the north), and on the railway cutting. The second mine went up with a deafening explosion, which was so much louder than the first that the mine is believed to - have set off a German mine with it. The five mines were exploded within a few seconds of - one another. Then Major Joslin sounded the charge on his whistle, and the *" gallant half- hundred '' were over the parapet and away, headed by men to demolish any barbed wire entanglements remaining, and bomb throwers.


The Germans were completely surprised. As the West Kents were getting away, a panic- stricken German rushed out of the smoke of the explosion with hands uplifted and tumbled headlong over the parapet into our trench, where he was made prisoner.

Our machine guns got well in to the surviving Germans as they hastily quitted their ruined trenches. Such Germans as stood their ground made a mere show of resistance, and were bayoneted or driven down their communication trenches by our bombers. It was found that the mines had done their work completely, and blasted all the barbed wire away. The biggest of the five great craters formed was fully 50 yards across and about 40 feet deep. In the meantime, while the West Kents pushed on and captured the trenches beyond the craters, barricading the communication trenches, a digging party of the K.O.S.B.'s, who had followed up, set about digging trenches across the lips of the craters.

By 7.20 Hill 60 was ours, with only a few casualties.

The Germans bombarded the new trenches with °" whizz-bangs '' during the evening, with small effect. About 2 a.m. they attempted three counter-attacks, but these died away successively under the fire of our machine guns. In the small hours of the morning the Scottish Borderers advanced to relieve the West Kents. The Germans had now wakened up, and were maintaining a heavy bombardment with shell and bombs. It was pitch dark, and the going over the ground, pitted with shell holes and encumbered with dead bodies and broken barbed wire, was extremely difficult. Major Joslin of the West Kents was killed, so was a company commander of the

Scottish Borderers, while Major Sladen, the C.O. of the K.O.S.B.'s, was wounded, and his adjutant mortally wounded.


A stern ordeal awaited the Scottish Borderers in the trenches they took over. The Germans maintained a terrible bombardment, but the K.O.S.B.'s never lost heart. These astounding men, ensconced in hastily dug trenches, in a yawning crater full of dead and wounded, with high explosive shells bursting all around them, and often falling into the trench, actually sang as they fired over the parapet, or lobbed their bombs aver the barriers across the old German com- munication trenches. Amid the flares that lit up the barren hill-top as clear as day, and the shells that burst noisily amid clouds of whitish-yellow smoke, they shouted in chorus : ** Here we are; here we are; here we are again.'' Thus a company of the West Kents, sent up in support, found them at daybreak. The had had to fall back from the trench on the outer lips of the crater to the trench on its near side, so that the crater on the extreme left lay between them and the Germans. Their captain lay dead in the crater, which was so full of dead and wounded that, in the words of a R.W.K. officer who was there, " Hardly a portion of the ground could be seen."

The next morning, it was April 18th, the 2nd Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment arrived to relieve the West Kents and the Scottish Borderers, who were now holding on to the three eraters on the near side of the hill. The Dukes, as they are called, did magnificently that day. **The old Duke,'"' their brigadier said afterwards in addressing the shattered remnant of the regiment that came away from the hill, '" would be as proud of you to-day as he was when he commanded you.'' Pelted mercilessly with bombs by the Germans creeping ever closer, and bombarded by high explosive shells and °" whizz-bangs,'' they held on grimly all through the day. By noon the Germans had recaptured the whole of the hill, save a section of trench between

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the second and third craters, where the Dukes still held out. The men in reserve in the rear could see them clinging to the ridge " like a patch of flies on the ceiling." Their casualties were heavy. Two of the officers they lost-Captain Taylor and Captain Ellis, who had distinguished themselves at Mons, where the battalion played a notable part-were captured by the Germans during the retreat, but managed to escape and reached England.


Towards evening, the Dukes still holding out, it was decided to make a counter attack, supported by artillery. The Yorkshire Light Infantry was brought up, and at 6 o'clock the Dukes, as full of fight as ever, with bayonets fixed, were away over the parapet of their battered trench, followed by their fellow-countrymen of Yorkshire. The Dukes and the Yorkshire Light Infantry were followed by some of the K.O.S.B.'s and the Queen Victoria Rifles, a London Territorial battalion, that did magnificently in the fighting at Hill 60, one of their subalterns, @nd Lieut. Woolley, winning the Victoria Cross. B Company of the Dukes on the right reached the German trenches with only slight casualties. C Company in the centre had to cross open ground, and of the hundred men who charged only Captain Barton and eleven men got into the German trench, where, notwithstanding their small numbers, they killed or routed all the Germans there. D Company on the left had likewise to traverse the open, and lost all its officers in its passage of the heavily shelled zone, but with the help of the gallant Y.L.I. it managed to secure the trench. Hill 60 was ours once more.

Some fine deeds of gallantry were performed on that sombre hillside. Privates Behan and Dryden of the Dukes got separated from their company, but charged a German trench single- handed, killing three Germans there and capturing two others. When they were reinforced by a detachment of their comrades without an officer, Behan took command with great ability. Both men were rewarded with the D.C.M. All that day, April 19th, heavy fighting continued. The Germans swept the hill with a terrific bombardment, and their bombers sent over incessantly into our trenches. Some of the shells fell dangerously close to the brigade headquarters, but the brigadier, who seemed to bear a charmed life, both now and afterwards at Ypres, escaped untouched. Not so his staff-captain, Captain Egerton, who was struck in the forehead by a splinter of a shell as he sat at the door of his dug-out a few yards away from the general, and was instantly killed. By this time the 13th Brigade was exhautsed by its spell of hard fighting. The arrival of another brigade released the 13th, which went to its rest billets away from the firing line, leaving the East Surreys and the Devons to hold the hill.


But there was to be little rest for the gallant 13th Brigade. It had hardly settled down to its new quarters before urgent orders reached its commander to push it up with all speed to the support of the Canadians, whose flank had been exposed to the retreat of the French on the left before the gas attack of the Germans. The brigade was put under the orders of the general commanding the Canadian Division, and sent into action east of Ypres, along the Pilken road. Its task was, in the words of a general officer, ''one that always seems rather useless to those taking part in it, that of making small attacks. But," he added, ° without those attacks, the enemy would have broken through, and we should not have been able to do what we did-that is, come back in our own time to the line we had prepared. Without these attacks all these arrangements for defence would have been of no avail."

. The 13th Brigade found that it had exchanged the inferno of Hill 60 for an equally stern ordeal in the shell-swept salient of Ypres. For days they battled bravely under a most terrible bombardment, doing their part with the French and the Canadians to keep the Germans from bursting through the gap they had rent in the Allied line. It was a stern trial for weary men, but they acquitted themselves most gallantly of their task, though again at a heavy price. But while one of the greatest battles of the war was raging in the wooded country about the ruins of Ypres, fighting more desperate than ever had broken out on Hill 60. The Germans, foiled in all their attempts to regain by legitimate methods of warfare what they had lost, had recourse to their asphyxiating gas-tubes, which they had only just employed with deadly effect against the French and the Canadians north of Ypres. Sir John French wrote of this attack in his despatch :-'*' The enemy owes his success . . . entirely to the use of asphyxiating gas." It was only a few days later that the means which have since proved so effective of counteracting this method of making war were put into practice. Had it been otherwise, the enemy's attack on May 5th would most certainly have shared the fate of all the many previous attempts he


The Dorsets belonging to the brigade which had relieved the 13th were holding the hill. It was in the early hours of May lst that a low, greenish cloud came rolling over the top of the hill towards the trenches. Our men were taken unawares, and unprepared. In a minute or two the gas had them in its grip, and they were choking with the stifling fumes. As the forms of the Germans appeared swarming out of their trenches, these gallant Dorsets, half asphyxiated though they were, scrambled on the parapet of their trench and opened fire on them. Notwith-

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standing the deadly vapours, the Dorsets kept their machine guns. playing continually on the: Germans, and thus prevented the recapture of the hill. All that day the Devons, waiting im. support, heard the brave tap-tapping of our Maxims, and knew that the Dorsets were sustaining, their grand old name. Again and again during the day, in response to urgent demands, the . Devons sent up ammunition for the guns that were frustrating the enemy. The ground was ° thick with empty cartridge cases when they relieved the Dorsets. The Devons went up that night, cleverly led to our trenches without the loss of a man. In the fields lay many gallant Dorsets, in the long grass, in the ditches. As the Devons plodded on through the dark, stumbling over those prostrate forms, the men cursed the Germans savagely and bitterly. «

The Devons held the line until May 4th, when, after dark, they were relieved by the Duke of Wellington's who had been detached from the 13th Brigade. Like the West Kents and the Yorkshire Light Infantry, the Dukes had had the gaps made in their ranks by the heavy fighting filled up with drafts from home, men and officers new to the ground. At 8 o'clock on the morning of May 5th, a warm spring day, with a gentle breeze, the Germans launched another gas attack and opened a heavy artillery bombardment. The gas came down the hill gently like a mist rising from the fields, says one who saw it, in greater volume than ever before. The gallant Dukes were overwhelmed. Choking with the gas, swept with shells and bombs and machine gun fire, they were forced to give ground.


That morning there appeared staggering towards the dug-out of the commanding officer of the Dukes in the rear, two figures, an officer and an orderly. The officer was as pale as death, and when he spoke his voice came hoarsely from his throat. Beside him his orderly, with unbuttoned tunic, his rifle clasped in his hand, swayed as he stood. 'The officer said slowly in his gasping voice, '' They have gassed the Dukes. I believe I was the last man to leave the hill. The men are all up there dead. They were splendid. I thought I ought to come and report."" That officer was Captain G. U. Robins, of the 3rd Battalion East Yorks, who had been attached to the Duke of Wellington's after their heavy losses at Hill 60 on April 18th. They: took him and his faithful orderly to the ambulance, but although the orderly recovered the gallant officer died that night. '" He and Lieut. N. L. Hadwen were the last men to leave Hill 60 !" No man could wish a nobler epitaph than that.

There was another gallant man in that regiment, Private Thomas, the Dukes' telephone operator. Though half asphyxiated he stuck at his telephone box in the trenches until forced to retire. Then, hearing that the trench had been lost, he insisted on going back to save his instruments. Though the Germans were already in the trench, Private Thomas stolidly went back and brought his instruments into safety. Private Murphy, a R.A.M.C. orderly, wearing a respirator of his own invention,went up and down the trenches during the gas attack, succouring the victims as best he was able. By prompt intervention, notably he was instrumental in saving the life of an officer who had his femoral artery severed. The Germans showed a strange reluctance to advance. Perhaps they remembered the lesson some of them had received on the day they gassed the Dorsets (May 1st), when a party of them bursting exultingly down the road over the hill walked straight into the fire of a battery of our machine guns. The Dorsets and the Dukes went for the survivors with the bayonet, and killed or captured every one of them.. At one time on May 5th, however, the situation seemed so critical that the Devons beat up every reserve they could find, even taking the cooks and lining them up in anticipation of a German rush. But that rush never came.


I would wish to abridge the horrors of that hot May day. Men have described to me the railway cutting as a shambles, where the dead and wounded lay so thick that one had to move them out of one's path to pass. I have seen that railway cutting myself-a bleak, ugly place, as railway cuttings mostly are, with the single line of rails all bent and broken by shell-fire, silent and deserted now, some of the dead still lying where they fell, for to-day no man may cross those lines and live.

The spectacle was one that made men who saw it, as they told me themselves, sick with horror, and fierce with anger against the fiends who had perpetrated this nameless crime.

Meanwhile the 18th Brigade, which had shortly before come out of the inferno about Ypres, where the battle was still raging, hoping for a much-needed rest, was sent up to Hill 60 with orders to counter attack and recapture the position if possible. The attack was fixed for 10 p.m. that night (May 5th), and entrusted to the battalions originally concerned in the capture of the hill, namely, the West Kents and the K.O.S.B.'s. The conditions in which the attack was made were exceptionally difficult. The night was exceedingly dark, and the innumerable shell holes and the coils of broken wire spread about made anything like a rush forward impossible. The Germans apparently had wind of the attack, for they opened a tremendous bombardment directly the storming parties got away; the leading files were instanly mown down, and the. assault really never got under way. One of the most drastic adventures of this night of bloody fighting befell Lieut. Gillespie, of the K.O.S.B.'s. Appointed to lead the K.O.S.B.'s storming. party, he had posted a man to tell him when the West Kents had got away on his left. Someone

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shouted, ''They're off, sir," and he leapt out over the parapet, a rifle in his hands. A man caught him by the leg as he sprang, crying, '' They're not away yet, sir!'' The man was right. It was a false alarm. So Gillespie lay down in the open in front of the parapet until he saw

.. the dark figures of the West Kents spring on his left. With a cry, '" Come on men!" he started off.


It was a wild adventure. The ground was full of holes in which dead men lay, and the officer fell at every step. Still he plunged on until close to the German trench he turned and looked, and found he was all but alone. Only two officers and half a dozen men were there. And the next moment the officers were shot down. Above the line of the sandbags of the enemy's trench Lieut. Gillespie could see the points of the German bayonets. The Germans stand thus to repel an attack with one finger on the trigger, ready to shoot through the head any man leaning over the parapet to bayonet them from above. This Gillespie knew, so he discharged

his rifle into the trench, leaning well back. Then, hearing a commotion, -bhe-shpped for cover into a deep crater. ‘

The hole was full of dead and wounded. One of the wounded touched Gillespie's hand. Recognising the regiment by the Kilmarnock bonnet, the wounded man said softly, "* For the love of Christ, Jock, give me a drink.'"' Gillespie handed him his water bottle, and the man drank and died with it in his hand. The officer crouched there in the crater for a long time in the black darkness, listening to the sounds that came from the German trench. All night a harsh and angry voice harangued the men. Once there was a loud racket like the winding of a rattle, a blaze of red and green lights soaring heavenwards with a tremendous fizzing, and then a deafening explosion. 'That's the last of the K.O.8.B.'s ""' was the officer's reflection, but it was in reality only a British shell that had exploded a box of Verey lights, and with it a case of bombs. Presently Gillespie managed to creep away and regain his trench unscathed. On the right West Kents fought like fiends, but made no headway. No fewer than five D.C.M.'s were the meed of honour gleaned in the attack, Captain Moulton Barrett, who led the storming party with splendid gallantry receiving the M.C. All through the night fierce fighting, often at close quarters, went on amid a terrific bombardment with shells and bombs. We finally had to retire and consolidate our positions on the lower slope of the hill.

That is the story of Hill 60. It has never yet been told, perhaps, because the fight was dwarfed by the immense battle which raged about the Ypres salient during its denouément. If it was a failure it was a glorious failure, and in the failmre no battle honour shall figure

more proudly than Hill 60 on the standards of the gallant regiments that fought and died on those barren slopes.

No finer story will ever be written than that of Hill 60.

** Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die."

It is a story of the combined efforts of large masses of troops supporting one another in attaining a common objective, and it is also a tale of the deeds of men, and not merely of big guns, and in the years to come our children will read in their school books of the bravery of the West Ridings at Hill 60, for the story will never die. The loss of Colonel Tyndall, D.S.0O., who commanded the Dukes at Ypres, was a sad blow for the battalion. After being severely wounded, he was taken to a base hospital; he remained perfectly cheerful until death, talking

of everybody in the regiment but himself. He died as an officer of the Dukes would wish to die, and his last thoughts and words were of his regiment. »

Qn May 7th, the following Official Casualty List was published :- HILL 60.-OrricErs CGas-rPOI8ONED.

Batten, Captain H. C., Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Chadwick, 2nd Lieut. PF. ' ' ‘

(now Captain in Tanks Battn.) Clarke, Lieut. A. R. S. Hadwen, Lieut. N. W. Inchley, 2nd Lieut. W. Miller, Lieut. H. T. Ozanne, Lieut. W. M. - Robins, Captain G. W. Lyrist; 2nd Lieut. A. _ Unwin, Captain C. H.


3 9 9 9 99 3 9 99 3 9 9 9 3 9

_OrricErs Gas-PorsonEp.-Never in the history of war had such a notice appeared in a casualty list.

After May, 1915, the 2nd Battalion were at St. Eloi, Hooge and Ypres, and Bray on the

Somme from end of July, 1915, until the big offensive on Somme, July, 1916, occasionally dropping scross the other battalions.

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Photo by Gale & Polden, Aldershot,


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Sergeants of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment. --First Expeditionary Force.

_ Back Row-Sergt. Dyson, Lz:e.-Sergt. Rhodes (k.), Sergt. Ripon (w.), Loe.-Sergt. Ryder (B), Sergt. Beggs, Sergt. Garside, Sergt, Denton (p ).

2nd Row-Sergt. Moodycliffe, (k), - Lce.-Sergt. May - Sergt. Laverick, Lce,-Sergt. Pearson, (p), - Sergt. Smith, Lce.-Sergt. Bowers, (p), Sergt. Foster, (p), Sergi. Vott, (p.)

3rd Row-Sergt,Smith, (iq - Sergt. Turner, w., Sergt. Lister, - Sergt. Cooney, p., Lce.-Sergt. Lambert, Lce.-Sergt. Davidson.

4th Row-Col.-Sergts. Boocock, Allen, k., Wiggins, w., Shepherd, Brooks, Gilbard, w., Parker, w., Death, Moore.

Bottom Row-Sergt. Pyke, Sergt.-Drum. Metcalfe, w., Ar.-Sergt., Bd.-Mr. Hancock, Sergt.-Maior Bennet, Q.M.S Abrams, Sergt. Vaughan, Bd.-Sergt. McClelland, w., Sergt. Hanna. k killed. w wounded. p prisoner.


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Hill 60 practically saw the last of the Dukes who went out with the First Expeditionary Force, for what few survivors remained up to then were placed hors de combat either at Hill 60 or the first battle of Ypres. I have always said that this contemptible army was composed of the finest soldiers the world has ever known-an army of athletes to whom Europe owes a debt that can never be paid. When we remember what they went through-the bitter hardships they bore, the makeshifts they put up with, the prodigies of valour they performed at Mons, the Aisne, Ypres, and elsewhere, is it any wonder that I eulogise and linger on their gallant deeds? It is only the soldier who can thoroughly appreciate the old army that sent the first Expeditionary Force to France, and no one appreciates them more than the men of our new army. Without in the least disparaging the fighting qualities of the new army, who have proved to be made of as good fighting material as the men of old, it is quite obvious to anyone who knows the constitution and temperament of both the old and the new, that the two types of men were quite different. The old type has largely given place to a new type of soldier. The new man, as I have said, is just as good a fighter, and just as good a comrade, but he has a different outlook and temperament from his predecessor of the old days. The men of Mons who have come safely through are either now at home instructing the soldier of to-day, or invalided out of the service; but this I can safely say : none of their deeds will ever die; none of the names of the men of the West Riding Regiment will ever be forgotten.


An officer of the new model, writing after the big battles of August, 1917, says :-

It is almost a truism to say there is no old army left; that those who belonged to it lis along the many roads that lead from Mons to France, by the banks of the Marne and the Aisne, and the little villages, their woods and fields within the bloody salient. But some individuals of it are left unrecognisable, indistinguishable, scattered through the millions that have come after them, and since '" & little leaven leaveneth the whole it is these men who have trained, led, encouraged the great armies that have arisen, have taught them all that belongs to tradition, until in very truth the remnant of the oid army has evolved the new and all the hosts to come. The old army was of little or no account with the nation ; it was despised and rejected of men in the days before the great war burst upon us; but those who belonged to it were preparing themselves for the storm which they knew was coming, and for which they would have had their country prepared. When it came the old army stood in the breach, stemmed the tide, gave time, and in giving it died; but those who survived have laboured tu create, train and lead during three wasting years a new army on the ashes of the old. And when the war is done, the new hosts dispersed, and Europe is herself once more, the men who have worked so splendidly will go out again to the uttermost parts of the Empire to protect her interests and to safeguard her honour, as it was in the days before Armageddon, and as it always will be.


It is gratifying to know that the Government have decided to recognise especially the services of the original Expeditionary Force. For two years I have fought for a special distinction for this ° handful of heroes,'' for not alone did these men save Paris, but they saved Calais, and after Calais-England, keeping a clear road for Kitchener's men and the new army which were to follow. A distinctive decoration with riband, but without clasp, will be given to all officers, warrant-officers, non-commissioned officers, and men on the establishment of a unit of the B.E.F., including the Indian contingent, the Royal Naval Division, and other Naval and Marine units '"" who landed for service in France or Belgium during the earliest and most critical phase of the war up to and including the first battle of Ypres.'"' A difficulty, probably, has been to find a date for the termination of the special badge, but the Ypres battle is a natural dividing line, for, after Paris had been saved at the Marne, the coast towns of Northern France- and perhaps England-were saved at Ypres. The battle began on October 20th, reached its climax on October 31st, faded away but revived on November with the great charge of the Prussian Guards, and then gradually subsided. The chief battles preceding that of Ypres were :-August 23rd, Mons; August 26th, Cambrai, Le Cateau-Landrechies; September lst, Compiegne; September 6th, Marne; and October 3rd-7th, Antwerp.

I know that the recognition has given great satisfaction to the men, and this right to the decoration has long been a warm topic among the men in France. All the new men conceded that the '"old 'uns ''-what was left of them-ought to have it.


THE DREADNOUGHT DUKES. (Dedicated to the men of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment.)

The Iron Dukes can hold their own At home or when afar,

The °" Havercakes '' from Yorkshire z Are good for peace or war.

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Their badge-the Indian elephant, Stands out for strength and size; They're ready when they're wanted, both To fight and share the prize.

So here's a hand to every Duke- The lads who're always first; They fear nought in a fair square fight- They're out for best or worst.


When he's once made up his mind And has pocketed the ° bob," He will never look behind Till he finishes the job. With his Duchess by his side, Or when marching with the band, He's his home and country's pride, He's the dreadnought of the land. Halifax Courier, October, 1914. HraTHER.


One must try to realise all the difficulties the regiment faced in order to appreciate the victories they had achieved. After the desperate fighting at Hill 60 they were called upon, with the remnants of the other battalions of the 13th Brigade, to stand in the gaps made by the loss of St. Julien, and it was these few and tired heroes who, to their eternal honour, faced without flinching the noxious fumes of gas, paying a high tribute for their gallantry, for during this period the fighting had been characterised on the enemy's side by a cynical and barbarous disregard of the well-known usage of civilised war, and a flagrant defiance of the Hague Convention. All the scientific resources of Germany had been brought into play to produce a gas of so virulent and poisonous a nature, that any human being brought into contact with it is first paralysed and then meets with a lingering and agonising death.


They invariably preceded, prepared and supported their attacks by a discharge in stupendous volume of these poisonous gas fumes whenever the wind was favourable. Especially did these weather conditions prevail in the neighbourhood of Ypres, and there can be no doubt that the effect of these poisonous fumes materially influenced the operations in that theatre, until experience suggested effective counter-measures, which have since been so perfected as to

render them innocuous.

The brain power and thought which had evidently been at work before this unworthy method of making war reached the pitch of efficiency which has been demonstrated in its practice, shows that the Germans must have harboured these designs for a long time.


It was at the commencement of the second battle of Ypres, on the evening of April 22nd. that the enemy first made use of asphyxiating gas. As regards the British troops, the first shock of gas attack fell upon the Canadians defending Ypres, and in their long casualty lists were many, both officers and men, described as poisoned by gas, or suffering from gas poison. The neighbouring British battalions, however, did not escape, 'and if one suffered more than another at this time from this fiendish invention it was the 2nd Battalion of the West Ridings. It was in the half-light of dawn on Monday morning that the Germans delivered their attack. The men on the watch at the paarpet saw what they took to be the smoke of fires rising at frequent intervals all along the line of the German trenches. A fresh breeze was blowing, and almost before the men could warn their comrades, many of whom were sleeping, the fumes were upon them in an immense wall of vapour 40ft. high, with gaps of about a yard at frequent intervals. All the men had respirators, but not all were effective.


As survivors explained to me in strained and broken voices in the hospital, in many cases

the men were asleep in their dug-outs, and were literally asphyxiated by the stifling fumes in their sleep.

The doctors tell a terrible story of the awful scenes witnessed all that day. It was 7 o'clock,

«or even earlier, on a perfect summer morning that the first victims arrived, strangling, vomiting, straining after breath.

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'' It would have brought tears to your eyes,'' they said, '' to see those splendid men, great brawny fellows-many of them tearing at their throats, rending their tunics, screaming to us in hoarse, rattling voices to put them out of their misery. Many were in a semi-comatose state, and as fast as we laid them down on their stretchers in the great ward here on the ground floor, with all the windows wide open to let in the air, they slipped down from the pillows propping them up, and began to strangle. It took us all our time to go from stretcher to

stretcher to prop them up again.'" ,

Although the Germans broke all laws of civilisation by introducing the fiendish gas poisoners, our men met this new barbarism with the spirit that has ever characterised them. Previous to this we had an army that regarded the foe facing it impersonally. ' Killing was the business in hand," " but killing without malice." Now the business of killing is full of bitterness, and there are no flowers. Yet even the menace of the new death has not choked the spirit of cheerfulness. Men take their turns in the gas zones with a grim resolve to swell

the enemy's casualty list with their own.


It must be remembered that this book is not a History of the War, but a Record of the West Riding Regiment, and in the absence of official despatches there must of necessity be many omissions. This I am anxious to make clear, as it has been my endeavour to set down as far as possible all facts that have come to my knowledge. An extract from Sir Douglas

Haig reads :-

'* It is his capacity for grim endurance which makes our soldiers so formidable an opponent.*"' Patience, cunning, and collective nerve-these are the new qualities of the siege-that long drawn-out tedium of invisible death, inaction, squalor and dirt. Gone is all the glow and colour of war; the music and pomp, the swaying standards, the clatter and jingle of squadrons, and the gallop of guns in the old thrilling way pictured to us. This brings to mind the grim determination of a battalion of the Dukes, who held a salient from the end of June, 1915, to 31st December, against numberless attacks, each being more fierce than the previous one. And it speaks volumes for the endurance, patience, cunning and collective nerve of these men when it is stated that the regiment (a crack one) who relieved them lost more men in the first four days they held it than the one company of Dukes had taken in with them.


During the period of fighting round Hill 60, St. Julien, and Ypres, the West Ridings were represented on the battlefields of France by some of its Territorial battalions, who arrived in France on April 14th, 1915, just at the time when their comrades were behaving so gallantly on Hill 60. It was a trying time for Territorials, for the methods of warfare introduced by the enemy had aroused a feeling of bitterness in our troops hitherto unknown in the British Army. Admiral Lord Jolin Fisher once said : "* If I am in command when war breaks out, I shalk say in my orders : The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility. Hit first, hit hard, and hit anywhere." And this seems to be the spirit inspired generally at that time.

It will be remembered that shortly after the outbreak of war the Territorial Force was called upon to volunteer for service abroad. Over 80 per cent. of the West Riding Division responded to the call, and the balance was speedily recruited. It is not too much to say, and should never be forgotten, that the patriotic action of the force in those early days of the war helped largely to relieve the military situation not only in France but throughout the Empire.

The Division (49th) (West Riding Territorial), under the command of Major-General E. M. Percival, and the 147th Brigade, was composed of the 1/4th, 1/5th, 1/6th and 1/7th Battalions of the Duke of Wellington's, who have fought together throughout the war, and was composed of field and heavy artillery raised from Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Otley, and York, of engineers from Sheffield, of three infantry brigades from the West Yorkshire. West Riding, Yorkshire Light Infantry, and York and Lancaster regimental districts, of Army Service Corps from Leeds and York, and Field Ambulances from Leeds and Sheffield. It left for France in April,. and has been continuously in the fighting line ever since. |

They at once occupied a very difficult section of the trenches. The men were proud of the trust reposed in them, and were confident of being able to hold it. bos Among the officers were to be found many well-known business and professional men from all parts of the Riding, who felt it their duty in peace time to train themselves for any national

emergency, and who, cheerfully and readily, have sacrificed all, if need be, to serve their country in the war. '

Shortly after they took over another section. From the enemy's lines there was a belt of four or- five miles of ground, on which from one moment to another no one could say that a shell would"

not fall. In it nothing was seen but roofless and wrecked towns, villages,. and farms, with few habitable houses left.

Page 41

Back Row-Lt. Hallwell, -


Photo by Mr: Hilton, Halifax. Lt. Balme. .

StaNDING-Lt. Hirst (Cleckheaton, k.), Capt. Andrews .(k), Lt. Trevor Riley (k)., Capt. Winter, Lt, E. P. Learoyd (now

Major 2/4), Lt. Norman Waller (k.) SEatEp- Rev. C. E. Dixon, Ca

, - Capt. R. E. Sugden (now Commanding), Lt. Mowatt, pt. and Q.M.~Fieldipg.' pt. Goldthorpe, Capt. Milligan, Major Chambers, Col. Atkmsqn, Capt. and AdJF.

Lt -Col. Hartley, Chaplain. - -- -Denotes Officers attached.

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Over this belt aeroplanes were constantly passing, and during the day-time only individuals could move along the roads, as a formed body of troops immediately invites the attention of the enemy's guns, and, even at night, the position of the roads being known, they are frequently swept by fire. As one approaches the infantry zome, no troops could remain unprotected by cover, and consequently both officers and men lived in dug-outs. Long, tortuous, and narrow trenches lead thence to the fighting line, in most cases giving cover for a man walking upright. Approaching the front the ramifications became extensive and very irregular, and the actual firing line is in some places only a few yards distant from that of the enemy.

Enormous numbers of sandbags were used in the construction and maintenance of these works, the division alone averaging an expenditure of over £860,000 a month.

The division took over this section, and at first suffered heavy losses, but thanks to the engineering talent among the officers and men, the lines were greatly improved and strengthened, with a proportionate reduction in the casualty list.

Most of this work had to be done after dark, and what with continued sniping and bombing, both day and night, the strain was very great; but there was at all times a remarkable spirit of cheerfulness pervading all ranks, together with a sense of mastery over the enemy in this amazing kind of warfare.

The men quickly won for themselves the recognition of army commanders, and also general officers more closely identified with their work, all of whom expressed their high appreciation of its excellent and soldierly behaviour, and its value in the field. This testimony was quickly emphasised by the many honours which were awarded for gallantry to officers, N.C.O.'s and men.

In July a new and more diabolical device had been adopted by the enemy for driving

burning liquid into our trenches with a strong jet, and by this means they compelled our men

to retire temporarily from many of the trenches in several places, and although the Dukes did not meet with the same disaster as in the first gas attacks at Ypres, yet they had many severe losses through this new device. July and August brought much hard fighting on the Yser, and many were their awards for conspicuous gallantry. One of the West Riding battalions, quartered on the canal bank, north-west of Brielen, was shelled by the enemy and suffered heavy losses. Many brave deeds were performed on the Yser. For many weeks the Germans bombarded our lines for days together, and gave the Dukes little rest ; indeed these were hard times. Sometimes 24 days in trenches, a few days front line, and a few days on the canal bank, and then when lucky a few days' rest. -

The following letter; from a former member of the Halifex Guardian staff, serving with First 4th, is interesting :- +-

''The Huns opposite us in our trenches are evidently first-class troops, and not Landsturms or short-sighted professors. We saw several through the periscope, walking about, coming in front of their barbed wire, and coolly inspecting us through telescopes. They were all of magnificent build, more like our guardsmen than the hen-pecked looking gas-poisoners we had expected. In the afternoon of our last day there, the Bosches announced, by means of a huge placard, the fall of Brest-Litovsk, and accompanied it by loud cheering. They all sounded to be round the notice, so we opened rapid fire and the notice quickly disappeared.

'* Whilst back in the wood here, we are all being fit out with new clothes and Wellington boots, and are now wearing the ' Duke of Wellington's ' shoulder badges, instead of the old ' T4 W. Riding." We have all been issued with a new smoke helmet, a most complicated affair, fitted with goggles and a ' dumb-tit' for a mouth-piece. They are most fearsome-looking things, grey in colour, and should help us in our policy of frightfulness when we cross the parapet. -

'* The bomb-throwers are busy practising ' attacks,' and in addition to their infernal weapons are being provided with 'knobkerries' for hand-to-hand fighting. Each platoon now has a ' team ' or squad of eight ' bombsters,' although everybody is being trained to replace casualties. Lately almost all the fighting has been done by bombers up saps, and 'we have been especially complimented on the way we kept the Huns in order.' Their bombs sometimes fail to explode, and are not as effective as our own, having no shrapnel inside. OT C

___ ** The French troops round here make very interesting souvenirs, such as rings and cigarette lighters out of German shells, -nose-caps and bullets, and eke out their scanty pay by selling

them te British troops, especially those back on the lines of communication, where souvenirs are scarce.

** I have now been in the army a year, and feel quite inured to the life, and manage to sleep along with thirteen other chaps, six or seven pairs of Wellington boots, equipment, kits, rifles, etc., in a tent intended for eight or nine. Rain has poured down for three days, and

the tent floor is inches deep in mud, and there's not much for dinner, but we grin and think af the better days at the back of the clock."

___ On August 26th the West Ridings' casualty list was exceptionally heavy, and the publication in local papers caused much sorrow; About the same time came the sad news of the disaster to our troops in Gallipoli, where the Dukes were represented by the 8th Battalion, who were in

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action on August 8th. How they carried themselves in that terrible hail of shot and shell is told on page

One of the 1/4th's tells in the Cleckheaton Guardian of a lesson the battalion had on this terrible new and diabolical invention of the Germans :- .


''The 4ths have 'had a packet' of nearly every form of frightfulness which the mind of the Hun can devise, but they have never yet been subjected to an attack in which liquid fire has been used. An exhibition of liquid fire, which some of us were permitted to attend to-day for instructional purposes, was therefore very interesting. The apparatus used had been captured from the Germans about six months ago. It consisted of a cylindrical tank, with a flexible metal pipe attached. Another cylinder containing compressed gas was also connected with the - apparatus, but the officer who was giving the demonstration explained that the second cylinder was unnecessary when the German tank was in proper order. A quantity of brown oil was poured into the tank. This, together with the gas, formed the fuel. The instructor told us that the flames which would proceed from a nozzle at the end of the pipe could not hurt anyone in the trench provided they kept well down, as the flames could only go upward, and not down into the trench. The spray of oil would be ignited at the nozzle of the pipe. He then asked for volunteers to go into the trench at which the fire was to be aimed. In response to this invitation the trench was quickly manned, and, eveything being in readiness, we were told to keep our heads down. Almost immediately we heard a roar like the blast of a furnace, and a huge volume of red fire and thick black smoke came hurtling over the trench. It was a frightful spectacle. I have stood at the mouth of the great furnaces at Lowmoor Ironworks, and seen the tongue of fiame leaping up into the sky, yet although the heat of those furnaces was hundreds of times greater than the heat given off by this jet of liquid fire, the spectacular effect of the liquid fire was much greater. The velocity with which it was thrown forward, the sinister colours, red and black, and the roaring noise which it made, all conspired to produce a shaky feeling about the knees. It reminded one of the fiery breath of a dragon and various other creatures of mythology. The instructor's assurance that we were safe so long as we kept well down in the trench, however, was soon proved to be correct, so as it was a cold day, with snow on the ground, we proceeded to warm our hands and appreciate the comfort of the fire. It died out, however, as quickly as it started, and we had to climb out of the trench to give some of the other spectators a turn. The instructor said the flame only lasted about three- «quarters of a minute, and in case the Germans tried it when we were in the trenches we must be prepared to look over the parapet the instant it ceased, because the Germans had a habit of charging directly the fire went out.

* Another gas cylinder was now attached to the tank, and we had a splendid view of the fire as seen from the manipulator's point of view. Springing from the nozzle of the pipe in a concentrated jet, it flared out horizontally for about twenty yards before it lost its force, though little tongues of flame ascended from the main flare all the way along. The end of the arc was hidden in a cloud of whirling black smoke.

'* As an instrument of frightfulness, liquid fire is a credit to the hellish aspirations of the Boche, but its futility as a weapon of offence was very evident. When it was first used it was only natural that its formidable appearance should yield it some small measure of success, but once its impotence to hurt was realised it ceased to be worth the oil it consumed. Least of all . jig. dlt 111,1er to demoralise the phlegmatic troops from the furnaces and foundries of the West iding." THE LULL BEFORE THE STORM.

From this time there was a long lull in the section of the British line held by the Dukes' Division. The time was spent in rearranging the units of the army, and in waiting for those great reinforcements of munitions which were so urgently needed. It was recognised that it was utterly impossible to make a victorious advance, or to do more than hold our own ground, when the guns of our enemy were so far in advance of our own. In England the significance of this fact was at last apparent, and the whole will and energy of the country were now turned to the production of ammunition, and here again Yorkshire was able to claim a great majority in the output of munitions. Not only were old factories put into full swing, but great new centres were created in Yorkshire towns. And finally in explosives, as in shells and guns, we were able to supply our own wants fully and to assist our Allies. It will therefore be seen that Yorkshire has played a double part in the breaking up of Kaiserism. During the lull, matters at the front were not at a standstill, for terrific fighting was proceeding continuously, ositions of great strength being captured and recaptured, every bit of ground gained being ercely defended, causing big gaps in 'the Dukes' ranks.

- Up to September 25th there was relative quiet along the whole Britsih line, except at the points where the normal conditions of existence comprised constant mine and bomb warfare.

lI't was then arranged that a combined attack should be made from certain points of the Allied ine.

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Opposite the front of the main line of attack the distance between the enemy trenches and our own varied from about 100 to 500 yards. The country over which the advance took place : is open, and overgrown with long grass and self-sown crops. From the canal southward our trenches and those of the enemy ran, roughly, parallel up an almost imperceptible rise to the south-west. From the Vermelles-Hulluch Road, southward, the advantage of height is on the enemy's side, as far as the Bethune-Lens Road. There the two lines of trenches cross a spur, in which the rise culminates, and thence the command lies on the side of the British trenches. Due east of the intersection of spur and trenches, and a short mile away, stands Loos.

. - One of the finest performances during the many days' fierce and continuous fighting that - followed our initial push at Loos, on September 25th, was made by the Dukes, of which two ~- battalions were engaged, and the story of the magnificent regiments who fought there will live - long in the annals of the nation. The men went into action as if they were on parade, moving - forward steadily and with no checks. They had their traditions to live up to, and not a man wavered. Though it is impossible to describe the operation they were engaged in with as much detail as might be wished, their work during those days of hard fighting, in mud and rain, over the chalk slopes of the ° black-country " of Flanders, 'will be inscribed in- the pages of: each - regimental history. ‘

The first part of the advance from Loos was screened from the enemy by the conformity _- of the ground, and for this reason but little rifle fire was encountered. The moemnt, however, ~ that the troops reached the upper slope of the hill, every available machine gun and rifle was : brought to bear upon them, with the result that fairly severe casualties were inflicted at this © 'point. The centre of this storm of lead was, of course, the redoubt, which the enemy had - eunningly built, not on the exact crest, but just on the reverse slope, so that the troops ~- attacking the hill were able to gain the top with comparative small opposition, but once there they were fully exposed to the machine guns concealed in the redoubt. Under the condiitons I have described, it was obviously impossible to hold the top of the hill as long as the redoubt was in the hands of the enemy. ' '

During the month of October the Territorials were kept specially busy. ** We have had our rest and been back again in the front line for a week," writes one of them. '" Last Saturday was probably the most exciting day the battalion has ever expreienced, for the Bosches shelled us continuously for over five hours, expecting to drive us from the saps -and front trenches. When they advanced to seize the saps, preparatory to bombing along the trenches, they met with a very hot reception, and none got back. We were congratulated by the Divisional Commander on the splendid way we repulsed the enemy, and feel quite proud heavy bombardment, when the enemy fired over 3,000 shells at our front line and communication of ourselves. Our casualti¢és, although severe, were not as numerous as was at first thought, the trenches having done insignificant damage, compared to the cost of the material expended. Our Commanding Officer, Lieut.-Col. Pickering, was wounded in the arm whilst out in front inspecting the barbed wire, a few days after the bombardment. We are all sorry to lose him, for he had proved himself a true soldier, and made many improvements for our comfort. Whilst being conveyed to the dressing station, Colonel Pickering remarked that ' although he'd only known us a short time, he was sorry to leave the best lot of chaps he'd met.' Major Chambers is now commanding the battalion, which is on the canal bank for a few days. The dug-outs on the canal bank have been much improved since our last stay, and as all the communication trenches have been ' gridded,' or floored with boards, to prevent them becoming sloppy, we expect to have a much more comfortable winter than we at first anticipated. In future we are taking blankets into the trenches with us, so that we shall not feel the cold, which at night and early morning, especially ' stand-to ' has been very severe lately.

''The Germans of late have wasted huge quantities of ammunition on space, much to our amusement, but their last attempt at shelling ' billets®' was most amusing. The road near the canal bank is lined with tall, straight trees, between which our engineers had spread dark» coloured blankets in such a way that at a distance they appeared like the roofs of billets or huts. The Bosches shelled these very energetically yesterday morning, much to our amusement, and we cheered enthusiastically when their 63rd shot brought down one of the blankets. Although the attack and bombardment produced a few days' sensation, we soon relapsed into our normal boredom, spending our days reckoning up the time to our next cigarette issue, or discussing the latest ' Charlie Chaplin ' films we saw during our last rest."

Another letter, a most cheery one under the circumstances, from a well-known officer, and it gives an idea of the long, weary and tiring duties of an officer at the front, and his daily ~ routine, can be taken as typical of the British Army at this period :-

" Like Bruce and his spider, I must try again. I wrote an exceptionally interesting letter to you four days ago, but it has been buried with other things in our mess dug-out, which was struck by two shells last Saturday, and after attempts to recover it, I find it impossible to do - so. So here goes again. We are 'safe in the trenmnches,' as ' Punch's' old lady said. I came

here with three other officers to take over our various company lines and stores last Thursday (October 14th, 1915).

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"*I am at present the only officer besides the captain in C Company, so I have plenty of work to do. I am generally on duty from midnight to 6 a.m., and all day long. We had three casualties when I was on duty last night. A rifle grenade which landed in Bay 1 of our position (we have 22 bays to look after) killed a sergeant and wounded two men. We also have a

platoon in reserve which we have to look after.

"*The main things I do are : (1) During bombardment I rush along to see where each shell has landed, and to dig out anyone who is buried; (2) get stretcher bearers to wounded, aqd get them down to doctor; (8) see that the dead are buried ; (4) improve the txjenches, and repair portions broken down by shells, etc.; (5) censor letters ; (6) ensure that sentries watqh day and night to see if the Bosches are coming; (7) get to know as much of the enemy as possible-where his machine guns and snipers are; (8) see that ammunition does not run short; (9) see that men change socks, keep fit, and have serviceable weapons; (10) see commandmg ooflicer qnd brigade officers when they come round to explain what is being done, and give any information


*The position our division holds is a very difficult one, as it is the front of a salienfi, anfl we get the enemy fire not only from before us, but from right and left as well. At night it looks as if we are isolated, for the Bosche flares can be seen going up on three sides of us. The trenches we have here differ from those we used to make at home in the second line in the O.T.C., in that sandbags are used in very large quantities. In the old country we could never get sandbags; I expect they were all wanted here. The bottom of the trench we now occupy is, roughly, 30 inches below the ground surface, and a wall of sandbags rises 4 feet above. I think, after the war, sandbags and petrol tins will remind me of the campaign more than anything else. Petrol tins can be seen everywhere. We keep in them our water, after carrying it two

_- miles.

** Sandbags are absolutely ubiquitous. They form our armour against all fire. We sleep in huts made of them. Our rations come up in sandbags, and we usually find a bit of sandbag on our bread or meat. We pack our luggage in a sandbag when we cannot get into our packs everything we want for the trenches. We learn bayonet fighting by sticking sandbags filled with sods or soil, and hanging from a wire like clothes on a clothes line. If the trenches are muddy we tie sandbags over our puttees to keep them dry and clean ; if we want a seat a sandbag forms our chair.

** If we want a bed, empty sandbags tacked across a wooden frame make a good substitute. If we want to make an earth dug-out snug, and to keep out mice, we line the walls with empty. sandbags. When we are shot a sandbag is sewn over the heads, and packed in where the oil sheet is not large enough to cover us. If we are blown to bits the fragments which remain are collected in a sandbag by the pioneer, and sandbag and contents are buried with all due ceremony and respect. Our letters are sent in a sandbag, and when your personal belongings are forwarded home after death, in nine cases out of ten they are despatched in a sandbag. Great, O! Great is thy name and place in the war, O! sandbag! Indeed, I do not know what the

war would be without thee !

'* We expected to leave this delightful spot-where we have had nearly sixty casualties to-day (Wednesday), but our relief has been postponed."

And this was the daily routine of our troops during the winter months. December, however, was a fateful month to the Dukes. On December 19th the men in certain trenches were in danger of being annihilated, and it was possibly owing to the supreme heroism of one of their men that such a catastrophe was avoided, and this day proved another Black Day for the West Ridings, for disaster befel the lst/4th Battalion of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, serious loss being sustained through a German gas attack, which was launched in combination with a curtain of heavy artillery fire, between four and five o'clock in the morning. There was a heavy casualty list, the reason given being that the men were caught by the gas while they were sleeping.

Afterwards the men were sent back from the front line trenches, where they remained for & time to take a well-earned rest. ‘


1916.-The early months of the y:ar were passed in a series of trench fighting, each day bringing with it raids on the enemy trenches round the Ypres salient, from 8th February to 2nd March, 1916, so graphically described in the work 'of the 9th (Service) Battalion. They also took part in the operations which resulted in the capture of some 250 yards of German trenches near Cabaret Rouge on the night of 15th-l6th May. At St. Eloi also several battalions of the Dukes were constantly engaged. It is difficult to follow in detail the fighting of these few months, which consisted, as I have said, in repeated attacks by both sides on more or less isolated mine craters, in many cases the trench lines having been destroyed by shell fire.

Pte. H. Kitley, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, wrote September, 1917 : ""I am near a cemetery where a lot of our 1/4th were buried in 1915. I came across a lot of lads'* names I knew at home. They are all well marked, very nice, and in good He probably referred to this disaster.

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Rumours just now were busy of a coming great battle on the Western Front, a sense of expectancy was general, a feeling that a decision was at hand which would alter the map of the war. Dr. Dillon, in the New Fortnightly, referred to it somewhat ornately :-*" The panoplied nations are moving steadily to a point at which their orientation towards one or other of the various possible bournes will have at last become visible. . . . . The Allies in especial are moving in a plane of emotional feeling and energy high above their everyday moods, breathing an atmosphere that feeds noble motive, quickens heart and brain, and brings the heroic within easy reach."" How far action will justify anticipation only time can prove, but the signs are at least significant, and it may well be that we shall look back upon July as heralding great changes. Momentous events occurred during the month of June. Russia had done mighty things, Austria had been thrust back by the Italians, Verdun yet held out, and

now the British forces in the West have awakened to a new activity.

Letters from our boys at the Front hinted of the big push that was expected, and people scanned the newspapers daily, looking for the names which they hoped not to see.


It was July 1st that the long-expected offensive in the West opened, and continued with more or less intensity for several months. The line selected for the British attack extended, roughly, from the outposts of Arras to our point of junction with the French on the River Somme. The French battle-front to our right, along which they were to co-operate, goes down as far as Soyecourt, the whole front being, roughly, some 30 miles. The opening stages proved very satisfactory and encouraging. The German forward system of defences was broken into, and several villages occupied. It soon became evident, however, that the Germans had made elaborate preparations for our attack, probably forewarned by the heavy bombardment which had been directed against the sector for some days previously. At any rate, rapid advance of the British was prevented by stubborn resistance, and it was only the superb gallantry of our men which enabled them to cling to the bulk of the ground they gained in the first onrush. In fact, after our initial success we suffered a check at the northern end of the line, losing positions that would have been of great value to us had they been retained.

It is freely acknowledged that the Germans concentrated the bulk of their forces and reserves against the British front, under the impression, doubtless, that the French would have their hands full at Verdun, and would be unable to conduct any serious offensive operations. Events have proved the Germans to be sadly mistaken, and consequently the progress by the Fiench was much more rapid than by the British. Our Allies fought gallantly, and carried position after position, advancing to within two miles of their objective-Peronne-an important railway centre. The British objective was, apparently, Bapaume. Its possession would have been very valuable, because it would give control of the heights which had hitherto baffled all our efforts-at Vimy, on the Aubers Ridge, near Neuve Chapelle, or on Hill 70, overlooking the plains of Lens.


To those who expected the Allies to break through the whole system of German defences and race away to Berlin almost without slackening, the week's results were disappointing. But there is another side of the picture. The fighting proved that the German deftnces were not impregnable, and that when once the elaborate entanglements, machine gun pits, dug-outs, etc., are swept away by artillery, the Germans are no match for the British or the French. The fact that the Allies between them during the week secured some 16,000 prisoners, while the French alone secured 76 guns and hundreds of mitrailleuses, shows the demoralisation which spreads among the enemy when he is on the losing side. When such a result can be attained where the Germans have have had the protection of trenches studded with machine guns, and villages transformed into miniature fortresses, one may expect a thorough debacle once the enemy's defences are utterly swept away and he is fairly on the run.

The offensive cost the British many valuable lives, but it is known the enemy suffered much more severely. All the British who participated in the opening stages had their convictions strengthened that they hold the whip hand-that, in fact, they can crush the Huns if they can get a fair chance. There was an inspiring optimism running through their ranks, and this is a spirit which boded ill for the Germans in the days that were to follow.


The first stage of the battle of the Somme came to an end, after continuing .uninterruptedly for five days. And one almost shrinks from recording it, so terrible was the Dukes' toll. Several of our battalions were engaged, and the West Ridings and other regiments lost heavily by the con- centrated machine-gun fire of the enemy. Our own barrage was so intense that the enemy trenches changed their form momentarily, yet the Germans climbed on to the dissolving trenches to fire at our men with automatic rifles, and actually carried their machine guns through the infernal bombardment into the open of No Man's Land in order to play more effectively upon our troops. In the case of one regiment in this fight, an officer and six orderlies were alone left unwounded.

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and this because .they had to remain in the head sap. One of the orderlies had previously been nearly buried in shell debris three times in delivering messages. The superb gallantry of these heroes is, alas ! but a negative consolation. But the devastation of modern warfare is terrible, and no offensive is possible without the exaction of a dreadful toll. The front-line trenches which the Dukes had left were destroyed under the intensity of the enemy bombardment, and there was virtually no cover for the remnant to try and regain.


The reports from Sir Douglas Haig and the special correspondents made no mention of individual battalions from this time, and only rarely of regiments, and the doings of local units at the front were more or less a matter of conjecture. As far as the public were concerned, however, information came through from private sources of the heroic exploits of officers and men of the Dukes, and these, read along with the casualty lists and the records of the distinc- tions conferred upon them, bore eloquent testimony to the courage and devotion of the men of the West Riding, and it did not require any special army orders to realise that they were taking a worthy part in the fighting that was in daily progress.

Company Q.M.S. Hirst, of the Dukes, writing to the local press after the battle, says :- '* Anyone who has a son or a relative serving in my battalion should be proud of them, as they took some very important points. The Boche, when he found that we had him beaten, started to give themselves up in hundreds, but their own artillery and machine guns were turned on to them, causing a lot of casualties. I have belonged to the West Riding Regiment 12 years, but the day of our success was my proudest day, for we were the talk of all the troops here."


The Division of which the line Battalion of the Dukes was a part was one of the oldest of the war, and, as usual, had the place of honour, and at the same time the toughest work, for they had to take the final series of German trenches, which were about 2,000 yards in front. On their right was the Division who were to take Beaumont Hamel, and on the left another Division who were to take Serre, whilst the Dukes' Division had to push on and take During the week all their guns were bombarding, and this gave the men much encouragement, the night before the attack being conspicuous for its intensity.

What happened when the order was given to go over the top on that memorable July day is described by a soldier, who was one of a bombing party :-*" After crossing our front line trench we got into artillery formation, 20 yards distance from each section, and that's the way we went on until we got to the German wire. After that we extended, and then the serious business began. The few Germans who were left alive after our guns had done their work we soon put out, and then went on to the second line, leaving a couple of men to bomb the dug-outs. When we got to the second line the fighting became desperate, and when we had finished there we went forward again to the third line, and here we had to wait for reinforcements, which were not long in coming up. After getting into formation again, we advanced right into a German attack, for the -- Division on our right were still taking Beaumont Hamel, and in our rush we had got right past them, and when the Germans saw us in front of the third line to their right, they turned their guns round and clean on to us, and we suffered heavy losses. We got into the trenches, however, at the finish, and had to stay there until Beaumont Hamel was cleared. In the meantime the enemy took advantage of our having to stay in the trenches, and rushed up his reinforcements for his last two lines of trenches, and our men were again severely punished. Although our efforts to take Puisieux, Serre, and Beaumont Hamel failed at this time, we succeeded in capturing these important positions later. (See " A Resumé '' page.)


During the two weeks' fighting commencing July lst, the Dukes had been in action daily, and if the regiment had not been specially mentioned it was only for military reasons, as many awards were made for gallantry on the field. Covering the whole period from the lst to the 4th of the month, the British prisoners totalled 5,000. On the 10th of July the 10th Battalion covered itself with glory by capturing Contalmaison and many trophies, and on the 11th the British troops completed the capture of the German first system of defence north of the Somme on a front of eight miles. On the 14th we broke into four miles of the German second system of defence north of the Somme and captured over two miles of it, including three villages, and Trones Wood was cleared of the enemy.

The fighting on the British front continued very severe-'' days and nights of continuous fighting,'' as one despatch put it, after the second week on the Somme battle front. But it is satisfactory to record we had completed the capture of the whole of the enemy's first system of defence on a front of about eight miles, and proceeded substantially towards the capture of the second line. The Germans held strongly fortified positions in the first line, including five villages, yvhlch were veritable fortresses, viz., Fricourt, Mametz, Montauban, La Boiselle, and Contalrpalson; fihese have all been captured, together with Longueval, Bazentin-le-Grand, and Bazentin-le-Petit. The Germans had also made effective use of Trones Wood and Mametz Wood to delay the British advance, and it was only after terrible fighting that these hiding-places

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were cleared. In the course of the operations the British captured 30 guns and at least 8,000 prisoners. The French continued their advance, and reached the last German line on the Somme. They got to less than a mile from Peronne. We were warned that the fighting would probably continue for some weeks, but the work of clearing the enemy from his strongholds proceeded methodically. Our losses were heavy, but the new army acquitted itself admirably, and the fighting teemed with deeds of heroism.


After the battle of the Somme the whole of the West Riding of Yorkshire was full of sadness, for after two years of war had gone, and in its course the lives of many young men had been sacrificed, there were few homes which had escaped the ravages of the war, and sorrow had been brought into nearly every street. The news of how their kith and kin faced death in the field was told by commanding and company officers to parents in letters home, and did much to allay their grief, and caused tears of pride and affection in place of sorrow-causing -& common sympathy which has bound the people together in a way not known before, and now we

see them striving to bear up and win through with a spirit which is characteristic to Yorkshire, hoping and believing that their sacrifice has not been in vain.


There's a little wooden cross 'way down the river Somme, Where lies a British soldier from Hell to Heaven gone. And a guardian angel hovers o'er and tries to tell the story ; ** Dulce et decorum est pro patria The sweetest little epic the world has ever known , Ends a brief career 'neath a bit of granite stone, While a rough-hewn cross of wood looks up in crowning glory. ** Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." %o #00 % %o # 00 x There's a little land called °" Blighty *' set in the silver sea, ; Which sent forth five million men to keep her children free. ‘ Five million men went off to teach the German vulture That passion isn't virtue, and murder isn't culture. By a parting troop train on a scorching July day, A woman said good-bye (there was nothing else to say), As a khaki figure kissed her and whispered-just her name, And through a mist of tears she saw the slowly moving train. The letters that he sent her were of a funny sort of kind, Written most in pencil on any paper he could find. Then one day he wrote her he was coming home on leave, It seemed too good for truth and she could scarce believe. She pictured him in gladness starting off for ° Blighty," And in silent prayer to Heaven she thanked the great Almighty. '< My man is coming home,'' she cried, as many had before, And as she got up from her knees, a knock came at the door. Many words were in the message, but three alone she saw : ** Killed in action,''-and the sun went out, so she could see no more. The vicar called to see ber, and the curate too, they say ; They spoke to her of Heaven, and she slowly pined away. One morn there came a note from a mate of his out there, Told of a brave deed done, in simple words and clear, Sent a snapshot of a soldier's grave in the fairest bit of France,

And the angels fillfd he: eye:< with tear: whjfh made the picture dance. * '

There's a little wooden cross 'way down the river Somme, Where lies a British soldier from Hell to Heaven gone, There's a woman left behind in solemn pride and glory, ** Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."

Halifax Courier. FLOREAT. --

No finer tribute could be paid to gallant soldiers than the message from Lieut.-General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, K.C.B., D.S.0. :-

To Officers, N.C.O.'s and Men of the VIII. Army Corps.

In so bi? a command as an army corps of four divisions (about eighty thousand men) it is impossible for me to come round all front line trenches and all billets to see every man as

I wish to do. You must take the will for the deed, and accept this printed message in place of the spoken word.

It is difficult for me to express my admiration for the splendid courage, determination and

discipline displayed by every officer, N.C.O. and man of the battalion that took part in the great attack on the Beaumont-Hamel-Serre position on the lst July. All observers agree in stating

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tha; the various waves of men issued from their trenches and moved forward at the appointed time in perfect order, undismayed 'by the heavy artillery fire and deadly machine gun fire. Phere: were no cowards nor waverers, and not a man fell out. It was a magnificent display of disciplined courage, worthy of the best traditions of the British race. ~~ - A

(' Very few are left of my old comrades, the original "" Contemptibles,'"' but their successors in the 4th Division have shewn that they are worthy to bear the honours gained by the 4th Division : at their first great fight at Fontaine-au-Pire and Ligny, during the great retreat and greater advance across the Marne and Aisne, and in all the hard. fighting at Ploegsteert and at Ypres.

.. . The 31st New Army Division, and the 48th Territorial Division, by the heroism and discipline" of the units engaged in this their first big battle, have proved themselves worthy to fight by the side of such magnificent regular Divisions as the 4th and 29th. 'There can be no higher praise. .

We had the most difficult part of the line to attack. The Germans had fortified it with skill and immense labour for many months, they had kept their best troops here, and had assembled north, east, and south-east of it a formidable collection of artillery and\ many

machine guns. , ‘ _- By your splendid attack you held these enemy forces here in the north, and so enabled our friends in the south, both British and French, to achieve the brilliant success that they have. Therefore, though we did not do all we hoped to do, you have more than pulled your weight, and you and our even more glorious comrades who. have preceded us across the Great Divide have nobly done your duty.

We have got to stick it out and go on hammering. Next time we attack, if it please God, we will not only pull our weight, but will pull off a big thing. With such troops as you, who are determined to stick it out and do your duty, we are certain of winning through to & glorious victory.

I salute each ofiicer; N.C.O. and man of the 4th, 29th, 31st, and 48th Divisions as a comrade; in-arms, and I rejoice to have the privilege of commanding such a band of heroes as the VIII.

Corps have proved themselves to be. . AYLMER HUNTER- WESTON, H.Q., VIII. Corps, >- ' Lieut.-General.

4th July, 1916. BEFORE AND AFTER.

- It is wonderful the fine spirit in which these young soldiers have entered into the war. One of the men in a service battalion of the Dukes thus compares the new life with li's as a civiilan, and shows the courage of our heroes serving in the West Ridings :-*" Only a few months ago the men comprising our battalion were civilians, knowing nothing of war or its horrors and consequences, and living in anticipation of pleasure and business. A few months-and where are they? Just try to picture what I write. It is growing dark, and the bats are flitting in and around the bushes on a lonely French byway, as we sit to wait the changing of troops from the trenches. *" What's that?'" you exclaim, but I calm your fears by telling you it is only a trench light two miles away. Coming faintly to our ears, we hear the steady tramp ! tramp! tramp! of hundreds of feet, and as the wind gently wafts in our direction we pick up the strains of a popular English song. Halt! The voice of the C.O. rings out and instantly all is still. Orders again ring out on the night air, and now they pass you-these clean-skinned {oaths of dear old Blighty, but never a word is uttered, nor a cigarette seen as they enter the ong trench eventually leading into the first line. We fall in the rear and at last arrive at our posts. Guards are changed, look-outs relieved, and another lot of Tommies goes back for a

four days' rest. EVERYTHING IS QUEER TO YOU,

and anxiously you ask questions, but before I can answer there is a vivid flash, followed by a terrific roar, as one of Fritz's 'oil cans ' bursts about 50 yards away on the parapet. You hear a groan and the words party' are quickly passed along. On asking if anyone is hurt you receive the reply that -- has gone under, and Sergt. -- is wounded. A party is quickly put on to make strong the parapet again, and occasionally a sniper's bullet will rip into the bags in front. Everything seems to have settled down to normal again when, quick as lightning's flash comes the whizz ! bang! whizz ! bang ! of Fritz's field guns, and for ten minutes you take what cover you can under the firing step. As the firing slackens you take your part and get the order ' stand to.' Fervently you hear the old hands say ' Thank heaven, let 'em have it boys.' For a few minutes everything is quiet, but suddenly you are blinded by a crescendo of rockets shooting into the air, turning the darkness into daylight, and behold ! half way across No Man's Land you perceive figures in blue-grey attire coming towards our trench in little rushes. Still, not a shot is fired until at last they reach the wire. Then, like the true British bull-dog, the machine guns begin to splutter and spit, and for five minutes pandemonium reins, but Fritz knows it is no good, and away he scuttles, leaving a goodly number of dead on the ground, whilst our casualties are only five wounded. The boys were here for eight days before being relieved for another four days in billets. This goes on weeks until the order comes to relieve -- division fighting at --. Nobody seems disturbed, and in a few days we find them

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in full fighting array, lined up, and being spoken to by C.O. What does he say? Listen! * Boys we may lose many. We may only lose a few but, bear in mind, that trench must be taken by 10 o'clock. Remember Loos! And don't forget to pay back in double the price of loss we suffered there.' In single file they go past, each man with his own thoughts;

doubtless thinking of a dear homestead, of a sweetheart, of a loving mother, but nothing deters him, and in an hour '


and, dashing across the open ground, they drive the enemy back. It is only 8.45, but they have gained the ground set cut for them and now await reinforcement, for they suffered heavily. At night the roll-call is taken, the men are dismissed, and before many minutes are gone every man is down, hard and fast asleep, utterly fagged and worn."


It must not be imagined that during the time we were preparing for another great attack that there was a cessation in the fighting, for such was far from being the case, every day swelling the list of killed, wounded and missing. Conversation with men home on leave, either from the trenches or from hospitals, gave the public some idea of what local battalions were doing at the front. Duties of an arduous and dangerous character were entrusted to them, and they were

performed with a resolution and determination that were a credit to officers and men, and to the districts from which they were recruited.


Among the many *' black days '' of the war, September 3rd stands out prominently as the anniversary of a date in 1916 which brought anxiety and sorrow to many homes in the West Riding. The Dukes went ''over the top '' in the Somme battles, fought for several hours, capturing German trenches, but were forced to retire subsequently. In this fierce fighting they suffered heavily, over 100 of them being reported either killed or missing. In only about a dozen cases, however, had news been received that men in this battalion were taken prisoners on that date. In many other instances the dreaded official intimation then came to hand that, in the absence of further news, the Army Council is ° regretfully constrained to presume '' that the soldier in question must have died on or about the date mentioned. After many months of waiting and hoping, the receipt of this circular renewed the anguish of the first report. As the anniversary comes round each year, the sacrifices of the lads will be appreciatively remembered,

and fihe sympathy of all will be extended to those who continue to mourn the loss of promising youth. '

CHARGE OF THE & 5ra, SEPTEMBER 3rp, 1916.

The following story of the battle, told by " One who was in it,'" and published in the

Halifax Courier, will be read with painful interest by readers whose sons or relatives fell in the battle :-

** September 2nd was a lovely autumn day, and the '4ths ' were billeted in wooden huts in a small village some six miles behind our lines. We had done some strict training, and every man knew his job, and was eager to be going and getting it done, but owing to the heavy rain we had been held up several days. Now the weather changed and everything was in our favour. Our artillery had heavily bombarded the enemy trenches for several days previously, and all his wire was blown to atoms. to

** We moved off from about 12 noon, and marched in fighting order to Woods, about one and a half miles from the trenches. There we had tea and lay about in groups on the hillside under the trees, smoking and talking matters over until about eight o'clock, when we had a supper of sausages and tinned rabbit Then came a round of visiting comrades in other companies and platoons, wishes were expressed for '' the best of luck," and after & final hand- shake the first platoon moved off just as it was dropping dusk. Then followed one of the quietest marches we ever did-no smoking, and each man too occupied with his own thoughts to sing or talk much to his neighbours.

'* We reached our position in the ' or three lines of shallow trenches, dug just in front of our first line, after one halt at a bomb store where we got supplied with bombs, about two o'clock on the morning of September 3rd-Cleckheaton Feast Sunday. Shall any who are left ever'forget it? It was a lovely mild night, and we sat or lay in the bottom of the trench waiting for the time to come. What it feels like, and what a man thinks while waiting, no one knows who has not experienced it, and it is beyond my power to put it into words. Our artillery was very quiet-just an occasional shell whistling over our heads-and the Germans so quiet that we wondered if they were still there. Then the order came 'Get ready.' Those who had dozed off to sleep wakened and stretched their limbs. Next the order came down, 'Ten minutes to go,' and we all saw to our equipment, got the bombs handy, and all in readiness.

OVER THE TOP. ** Dawn was just beginning to break, but there was a slight mist on the ground which pre-

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one from seeing very far. 'Five minutes to go,' shortly followed .by 'Two minutes to; 2231511 which order eveiy mtgn fixed his bayonet. Then 'Go,' and we were in No Man's Land in two waves, the first about fifteen yards in advance of the other. I was in the second wave, which was led by Captain Hirst. We covered about forty yards when the fun began. Our artillery opened like the crack of one gun, and the Boches' line was lit up with bursting shells. | "There seemed to be a shell for every yard of trench. The ground trembled, and the air seemed - full of iron, but still we kept on. Then an enemy machine gun on our right thinned our ranks. His artillery also opened fire, dropping several shells amongst us, but forward we went, leaving many a brave comrade. We dropped down for a rest when about forty yards from his line, and waited for our artillery to lift on to his support line, which shortly happened, and we rushed .on to the German line, where we met with no opposition, the only Germans there being dead or cowering in dug-outs, too terrified for anything. These we soon dealt with, sending them into No Man's Land, and making short work of any who hesitated, for we were not in the humour to be played with. Very few of them succeeded in reaching our lines, however, for it was impossible for a cat to live in No Man's Land, as the Germans kept up a terrific barrage. K was equally impossible for reinforcements or ammunition to reach us. The first line was our (B Company's) objective, so there we stayed for a while, while A and D Companies went forward

'for the enemy second. A CRUEL GERMAN TRICK.

'* Most of our officers and N.C.O.'s were gone by now, so every man acted on his own, as he thought best. I, with a companion-another bomber-made our way down the left to try to get in touch with the ' 5ths.' Some of this battalion had got mixed with us, but there were several hundred yards of trench with none of our lads in. 'We journeyed down the trench(!) I% was more like a ditch, with not a trace of a sandbag or grids, finding only a few dead German. "Then, fearing being cut off from the rest, we retraced our steps, and found that while we had been away a call had come for men to reinforce A and B Companies in the' second line, and that most of the unhurt men had gone forward. We spent a short time collecting wounded, and putting them in a dug-out close by until they could get attended to.

'* Thinking I should be of no use in the second line I again set off, but was stopped by one «of the most cruel tricks I ever saw. One of our chaps, who was wounded, was coming towards me, and stopped on the way to help one who was more seriously wounded along. Some Gerimnans in concealment on his right shot him in the back, killing him instantaneously. I dropped in & shell hole, where I was joined by one of the ' S5ths,' and together we had the satisfaction of accounting for three of the devils. Our lads in the second line were now heavily pressed, and fell back to our original position in the first line. Here we joined them, and soon the fighting waxed hot. On our right the trench was blown to an unrecognisable mass of debris, so the Germans were compelled to advance from shell hole to shell hole, and we had a splendid chance to pick them off, which we made the most of. We had one Lewis gun here, but unfortunately we were running short of ammunition.


'* The trench was in better condition on the left, and the Germans swarming down a com- munication trench were soon at us with bombs. These we held at bay until our stock of bombs began to run out. The position was now serious-Germans in front and on either flank, and nothing to hold them back only our rifles. We only held about thirty yards of trench, and those on 'the left flank were gradually being forced back a few yards at a time. Our only officer left-Lieut. P together with a ' officer, decided that the only thing left was to save ourselves, for it was impossible to hold on with so few men, no bombs, and running short of ammunition, and it was impossible to get reinforcements through to us. We had a lot of wounded amongst us, for we had collected them all to this part, so we informed them of our intentions, and allowed 'them ten minutes or quarter of an hour to get clear. It nearly broke our hearts to see the poor fellows,1l some hardly able to crawl. As soon as they got into the open the German snipers shot them down like rabbits. The sight filled us with fury, and we gave the Germans it so hot 'that it checked their advance for a while, and during the lull, all who were left-barely a dozen- made a rush in the open for our trench. We had not got many yards before we were spotted and fired on. I dropped down in a large shell hole where I found Sergeant (then Liance-Corporal) Sheard and other three men. It was then between 10.30 and 11 a.m., and we decided that our best plan would be to stay where we were till dark and then crawl back to our line. Can anyone describe the anguish of that terrible waiting? Hour after hour, with not a bite or sup, afraid - 'to stir for fear of attracting the enemy's attention, and expecting any minute a shell dropping amongst us, for both sides kept up a constant stream in No Man's Land. What a relief as we watched the sun sinking and then disappear! It was still too light to move, but we knew i% was only a question of minutes now.


''Then, Indian file, we wriggled forward like worms till within fifty yards of our trench, where we made up and made a rush for it. We rolled into our trench just as the Huns spotted us and opened fire with a machine gun, but all five of us were safe amongst friends again. We

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were put in a good deep dug-out, where we snatched a few hours' sleep, and then made our way to ---, where breakfast was waiting for us. Then followed one of the most painful experience a soldier has to go through-the roll call. An officer with the Q. M.S. read the list, and as each man was called he put down ' killed,' ' wounded,' or where we could give no information,. ' missing,' as the case might be. I am not allowed to give the exact number of casualties, but we all felt very deeply the loss of so many brave pals, and, looking back, it seems more like a dream than a reality, and one feels that one will yet wake and see their faces again. V.CO.'s were. earned that day in scores, but unfortunately in most cases valour ended in death. - I. should like to mention one case of &a chap with a bullet through his wrist, who carried: & bag containing 20 bombs just when we most needed them, and stayed till the last, firing with his left hand from the left shoulder. In that position, with his face to the foe, he met his death. The casualties included Lieut. J. Trevor Riley killed, Lieut. V. A. Horsfall missing, the total casualties being over 100 killed or missing, and a long list of wounded. . - _

~': On September 80th, Sergeant E. Smith, a well-known athlete, was killed. A letter from an officer of the battalion, Sec.-Lieut. Remington, to Sergeant Smith's wife, says :-'*' At the time of his death we were holding one of the support trenches in the great push, and he was killed by a shell. It will afford you some little consolation to know that his death was instantaneous, and thus without pain. His body has been borne behind the lines, and he was given a proper burial, and a cross erected to his memory. The exact spot of his grave I shall be pleased to let you have at some later date.'' He was one of the best runners Halifax had produced in recent years, and had a splendid record as an athle e

On the 14th and 15th of this month a battalion of the Dukes made a brilliantly successful attack on some strongly fortified German trenches. The casualties, considering the importance of the position gained, were not heavy. am proud to belong to a battalion which can produce such men,'"' wrote an officer. ' __ In The Cleckheaton Guardian of October, 1916, one of the Dukes' Scouts explains how he came to be wounded at this time. A new and much more extensive No Man's Land has recently been occupying the attention of the Scouts :- A -


___'* As one approaches nearer to the enemy's trenches, however, it is necessary to proceed with the Scouts' usual caution. One night we lay between two German saps for three-quarters of an hour listening, watching, waiting for something to turn up. The minutes dragged, and the silence became oppressive. All around us there were dark shadowy forms-only thistles, or bushes, or distant trees, but first one and then another would suddenly assume a striking resemblance to a prowling Hun. An imaginative artist has pictured No Man's Land as a region crowded with all sorts of fantastic and ghoulish inhabitants. It is a picture to laugh at in the security of a comfortable dug-out, or away back in the transport lines, but when one has laid in front of the enemy's trenches for a little while, conjuring up all sorts of foolish fancies, and quenching them again one by one, then even a seasoned Scout begins to sympathise with the artist, and murmurs beneath his breath, ' Only too true.'

'* At the end of three-quarters of an hour, however, the old Boche really woke up. He sent a flare up from the sap on our left. We took a careful note of the fact, as it proved that he was at home. Then he heard a sound of movement on our right, and a hoarse voice called out in some uncouth, savage tongue. The cry came over the dark, desolate wastes like the howl of

a wild beast in the jungle. Was it a challenge to us? We could not tell, but we lay low for quite a long time afterwards.

''The return journey was not marked by any special/incident. Of course the enemy's machine guns raked the landscape occasionally, but that occurs on nearly every night patrol.


'* The very next night, however, was one of the most exciting which our Scouts have taken Earl: in since they were formed. We set out, as usual, on a compass bearing. One would be opelessly lost in No Man's Land without a compass. After advancing a considerable distance under cover of a low ridge, which ran diagonally across from the British to the German trenches, we noticed a few yards in front of us a suspicious-looking pile of chalk. In response to an order from the officer every man lay down, and we spread out into fighting formation. Then one man crept stealthily forward to the earthwork. It turned out to be a hole about 4ft. square, and was evidently a German listening post, although at the time of our visit it was unoccupied.

** We took this as a sign of our near approach to the enemy's advanced trench, and therefore proceeded to crawl the rest of the journey. Yet the German trench was reached rather unex- pectedly. It was a very dark night, and we saw no sign of the trench till we reached a low ridge of utpurned earth. When we looked over the ridge there it was, just under our nose. A whispered consultation was held here.

** Plans having been formed, we were preparing to move on when two or three Huns appeared close to us. They were not in the trench, but came round the corner of some bushes, and were within five yards of us when we saw them. Subsequent events took place very rapidly.

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Springing to his feet our officer cried ' Henda Hoch !' (' Hands up !'). Instead of putting up their hands, however, the Germans-very unwisely-called upon us to ' Henda hoch.' Instantly our officer's revolver spoke, and one of the Huns cried in a different key. The leading men of our party at once followed the officer's example, and the enemy turned and ran, pursued by a hail of fire from our revolvers and rifles. They ran like rabbits, in spite of the fact that one at least

of their number was wounded.

‘ ** This little affair made it impracticable to continue our investigations, so the officer sent me back to warn our sentries in the front line that the patrol would return sooner than the time

at which the sentries had been warned to expect us.


** I took a careful compass bearing, and set off. Presently I was alone in No Man's Land-a rather novel position. With a revolver in my right hand, and the compass in my left, however,

I felt master of the situation.

** Alas ! pride comes before a fall. I reached our trenches all right, and delivered the message. Then I waited for the party to arrive. After a while they emerged from the gloom about 20 yards on our left, slowly and laboriously climbing over our serried ranks of wire. I climbed on to the parapet to let them know which way to come. Just then the Germans sent a flare up in the direction of our sap, and at the same time they opened fire on us with a machine gun. The bullets pattered on the ground close to where I was standing, so I slid back down the parapet again in a hurry. There was a rifle and fixed bayonet leaning against that parapet. I had not seen it, but I felt it when the point stuck into my knee. That is why I am now iemporsluily out of action again, with nothing better to write about than dressing stations and ospitals."'


On August 18th was commenced the great advance along 11 mile front from Thiepval to Guillemont and towards Ginchy, the tops of the ridge being joined in several places, and on Beptember 3rd in the combined attack by Franco-British from Ginchy to the Somme, Guillemont and Ginchy being captured. The Dukes' casualties in this severe fighting were very heavy, and the casualty lists included many well-known names, as did that of September 14th, 15th, and 16th. . On the 26th Combles was occupied by the Allies, and Thiepval captured by the British. 'The Dukes had seen much fighting at Thiepval, and many of their men had fallen before the %own was taken. On October 9th and 14th the Dukes were sharing in the victories north of Thiepval, and it was mainly owing to their dogged and repeated attacks that the British were able to make considerable progress. On the 23rd the British captured 1,000 yards of trenches 'in the direction of the Bapaume Road. These continued successes cannot be said to have daunted the enemy by any means, and they poured in reinforcements, determined at all costs to stop he British advance. This, to an extent, they for a time succeeded in doing, but on November 18th the British attacked the German positions on both banks of the Ancre. St. Pierre Divion was captured and the enemy front line penetrated on a front of five miles. On the 14th Beaumont Hamel and Beaucourt fell to the British attack. In all these successes it is only natural to believe that many regiments shared in the victories, but I have reason to know that when the complete story is told the Duke of Wellington's Regiment will stand high up in the Roll of Fame.


._ During the months of August, September, October and November they took part in the series 'of battles which were daily fought and won on the Somme, and the victories on the Ancre, which were designed, no doubt, to remove an awkward angle created by the British advance near Thiepval, and the check to them north of that place. The immediate objects were St. Pierre Divion and Beaumont Hamel, and valuable trenches north of Serre. These places were included in the general advance of July 1st, but the opposition was so strong that the attack has never been resumed until now. Its results must have been a surprise to the Germans, for they have openly boasted that their positions were impregnable. And they had good reason for the claim. The British found the defences to be stronger than anything yet assailed, and the security of the defenders is shown by the huge stores of provisions, ammunition, and the like contained in immense caverns cut into the hills. Thanks to effective artillery work and the surprise they were able to spring upon the enemy, the victory was won cheaply.

"_ The Germans, caught in their holes, suffered terribly in casualties.: In the light of the difficulties overcome, and the importance of the positions gained, the victory ranks among the 'most notable of the war, and the King expressed the country's admiration and thanks to Sir Douglas Haig in a finely worded message.


It, was in one of these attacks that Sec.-Lieut. Henry Kelly, while fighting with the 10th * 'Bervice Battalion of the Dukes, won the much-coveted Victoria Cross for one of the most gallant deeds of the war. The official announcement reads VioGoria Cross.-Temp. Sec.-Lieut. (now Acting Captain) Henry Kelly, West Riding Regiment.-For most conspicuous bravery in attack. He


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twice rallied his company under the heaviest fire, and finally led the only three available men into the enemy trench, and there remained bombing until two of them had become casualties and enemy reinforcements had arrived. He then carried his Company Sergt.-Major, who had been wounded, back to our trenches, a distance of 70 yards, and subsequently three other soldiers. He set a

fine example of gallantry and endurance."


Early in October, Company Q.M.S. Edwin English was severely wounded by gunshot, and died on the l1th October. Had he lived until January, 1917, he would have completed 21 years in the Regular Army. English had seen service in the Dardanelles, Sulva Bay and France, and was the holder of two medals for South Africa. In the casualty list of October 11th the Duke of Wellington's Regiment were very prominent, having 27 killed, 2 died of wounds, 188 wounded, 124 missing, and 6 suffering from shell shock, these being the result of the heavy, fighting in September. It has often been remarked that the Dukes are never in the pictures, applying this to '' the movies." We accept it for truth, but no compiler of records and casualty lists could truthfully say that the Dukes were ever '' out of the picture."" . , I have often wondered how many of the first Expeditionary Force will serve throughout this war. Not many, certainly, for they are now very few and far between the different units now fighting. Sergeant A. T. Bird went through Mons and was in the engagement there when nearly all C Company were wiped out. Another of his many engagements was Hill 60, so vividly described in these records. He had also served in the Boer War, and was with the Dukes at Driefontein, Paardeberg and Relief of Kimberley, making the supreme sacrifice on October 12th, 1916.


During these few months an unusual number of awards for gallantry by the Duke of Wellington's were announced in the list published November 15th, no fewer than 76 names being mentioned as recipients of military medals, the list including all the Territorial battalions serving at the front. And among the many names mentioned for promotion for gallantry in the field were many who were trained in the first battalion of Kitchener's Army, raised under Colonel Parsons (Halifax).


A friend of mine recently paid a high tribute to the 2/4th battalion. ' Of the old brigade,'" he said, '* not far short of 1,000 are now in France," where they had all done their ° bit '' with the other battalions, and many have passed with the gallant to the great beyond. Others were in Salonika. Horace Sykes, a D.C.M. winner, and Lieut. Innes, who won the Military Cross, were both former 2/4th men. And I am told that the names which have from time to time been on the 2/4th register would make three battalions of men, which is indeed a proud record.


In December, 1916, Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Sugden, whose promotion has caused so much satisfaction in the county, was home on leave, suffering from &a bullet wound in his right arm. - He spoke highly of the battalion which he is proud to command.

Lieut.-Colonel Pickering, late Commanding Officer of the 1/4th, now in command of & brigade, also paid a visit to Halifax and also expressed himself in tones of the highest praise of the gallant lads it had been his honour to command.

Other promotions of note are Colonel Springhall, who had command of the reserve unit of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General in France,


During any lull in the fighting our troops are never at a loss for trying some scheme to outwit the enemy, and many are the stories told of a '' rise '' being taken out of the Boche. The following story is told and vouched for by a West Riding Territorial :-

** One dark night a large party of men blackened their faces, armed themselves with bombs, and under cover of a sudden ' strafe' from our artillery they sprinted across ' No Man's Land,' jumped into the German trench, and carried all before them. Just before they arrived the mbardment lifted to the German support line, thus cutting off the enemy's retreat, and pre- venting him from bringing up reinforcements. From the British trenches the subsequent pro- ceedings were rather obscure. The fitful glare of busrting shells, and the flares sent up from the German trench, enabled our observers to discern the general features of the battlefield, but very little could be seen of the combatants.

''The affair lasted about half an hour. Then, in response to a previously arranged signal, our men came back. A sergeant of the bombers, who had been in the thick of the fray, burst into our dug-out with a face as black as a chimney sweep, and a brow like the village blacksmith's. He was a startling apparition, though his face was all smiles. What he must have looked like to the Germans one can hardly imagine. -

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"* By jove, what a ripping time !' he ejaculated.

"** Is it over?' we asked. THE DRAMA.

** Yes. We have been, and come back, and given them something to think about.' '* * Have you bombed them out ?' ~_-__*** Yes, we have blown them out. And I have used by revolver. I have only fired two shots, but I have killed two Boches. I met the first-a big, stout chap-before I had gone far along the trench. He was leaning against the side of the trench, but when I gripped him by the shoulder he turned on me. I fired point blank. The second man came running along the trench just as the first one fell. I shot him at five yards range. I could not find any more,' he finished regretfully. Then he added in a quieter tone, 'I wanted to get my own back for two. friends of mine who have gone under.'

* Having given us the news our friend the bombing sergeant said, ' Good-night,' and left us.

"* The drama of this memorable night, however, was not yet complete. The sequel was, in. a way, more interesting than the events recorded above. After the return of our raiding party the Germans, in a state of panic, must have sent out quite a number of patrols to guard their front against any further surprises. Two of these patrols accidentally met twenty yards in front of our wire, and mistaking each other for British they indulged in a desperate melee, frantically, bombing each other, whilst our sentries fired at them from the trench. The next day we found &a dead German in front of our wire."

During Christmas, 1916, the local Territorial units, with the division to which they belonged, were removed from the front line of trenches, and remained out of the danger zone for a well-

earned rest. WHAT WAR IS.

If it were only for the mud alone this war would still deserve the title of ** The World's Worst War."" A Stainland lad, in a letter home, refers to the Stainland lads serving in a battalion of the Dukes, and incidentally to the inevitable mud, says :-*" The village men appear to have had a very rough time of it. A few weeks back our battalion went into action, and I am sorry to say that we lost a lot of good lads, but I was lucky, for I escaped without a wound. But, my word, the mud ! In our last trenches, owing to the water and mud, my feet and hands felt like dropping off."

And so read all letters, and that is the story of all soldiers who are fortunate enough to get &a short leave home.

If you want to know what it really is like out there, imagine that you have had a dream, and in it you were suddenly snatched up from your home and put right down on the ground near where the fighting is now, and has been for the last three years, on the Western Front. You will see thousands of men in soup plate helmets tramping past you in '' the mud '' ; imagine you can see all the battle in progress-the bayoneting and the dead men. You go right in the trenches with the boys, and see them popping rifle grenades over into the German trenches.


" Pop '' goes a grenade, and you peep over '' the top '' and see it burst just over there among the Boches. It is risky work, you think. You see the incredible marches through mud to the trenches, the sea waves of men pouring incessantly across '' No Man's Land '' amid shell-bursts, the procession of German prisoners-hordes of them-coming back from the reaping, the endless limping of wounded and carrying of stretchers. Oh! these wounded-you see them in every attitude. You see the shells taken up to the batteries in bags slung on the sides of shaggy old war horses, their legs and bodies covered with mud. You see teams of mediaeval warriors on mediaeval war horses sloshing through the quagmire. In some places there are tram lines to the front, and strings of sleighs, each pulled by, a single horse-sleighs on which wounded men are drawn, not on ice, but along streams of mud ! You look down the front line of a long row of field guns and see the flames leaping out of them faster than you can count. You think that you have never understood before what it is like, or realised its awfulness, its strangeness, and its tragedy, and you thank heaven that it is only imagination, and you cannot help feeling a thrill run down your back when you think of your loved ones who have suffered all this.

This was war in 1916 and 1917. In 1914 and the early part of 1915, before the days of big guns on the Allies side, it was even worse that this. I have known men capture and fight in trenches wherein were the bodies of their comrades who had died there months before; even worse could be mntioned, but it is better to draw a veil over these things. There was no time and no men to spare for anything but keeping back the Germans until such time as our new armies could be trained, and our big guns and munitions were ready to meet our needs. They were the days of dogged and stubborn resistance, wondering how long the Kaiser's mad hordes could be kept back. Now we are fighting with a confidence that compels victory. We have an army sufficiently well equipped with munitions and guns who go forward to battle knowing that victory is theirs. '

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54 1917.-January found the Dukes once more in the fighting zone.


'* Once more the sound of the guns and life in the midst of ruins," writes one of the boys. *' After a rest of four weeks in one of the sleepiest and most uncomfortable villages in France, the battalion finds itself in a strange place, in a new part of the line, a village that has received much attention from the Huns. Scarcely a house remains, while the old church has received much battering, and our stay here will be unique in one respect-we are to follow the example of our early forefathers and become cave-dwellers.

-__ backwards upon the rest pericd one cannot but notice the great change for the better which takes place in the men when free from strenuous trench duty.

-. ** Wednesday and Saturday afternoons during rest had been set apart as half-holidays, and the battalion arranged a football competition. Complete sets of football equipment had been obtained from England, Halifax to be precise, so that sport could be indulged in wholeheartedly. Ninteen teams entered for the competition, and after many exciting tussles two-No. 11 Platoon C Company, and the Signallers-were left to face each other to fight for the honour of the best team in the battalion. Signallers won.

- **The last night in our rest village will also be remembered by many of us. The incoming brigade-men from a famous city-were amused at the Yorkshire lingo and charmed with the hearty reception they received. ‘

** Round my fire on the last night collected a strange crew. Literature, music, and politics were discussed in turn, and after two hours' enjoyment as a listener I turned to discover who my comrades might be. One, a driver of a medical cart, was M.A., B.Sc., of a famous university. Another, a storeman, was head of a famous city firm well known in the Stock and Share world. A third a representative of a famous firm, well travelled, well read, quite the polished man of the world, was doing his bit as a Sanitary Corporal. There was not much to choose between our ages, but the united amount of the four totalled upwards of 170.


*' The spirit of comradeship, which has tended more than anything else to make life out here agreeable, is nowhere more noticeable than when one is on the road. I and a comrade were leaving a town a few days ago laden with purchases. Night was approaching, and a drizzling rain made us wish our journey of eight kilometres was accomplished. All vans going in our direction were loaded, so we set out to ' foot ' it. We had proceeded only a short distance when an ambulance van overtook us and pulled up ahead. A corporal descended and approached with this greeting : ' Want a lift, chum? I recognised your badge. You are the 49th Division. I am going near to your village.' In a few seconds we were in that van speeding away.

" The corporal on hearing we came from Halifax informed us he also came from there. For a few minutes we had a lively chat. My companion knew him well, but had failed to recognise him in the darkness. Our newly discovered friend was ' Fireman Jim,' son of Ike Webster, whom I well remember playing many a strenuous game in the palmy days of the * Blue and Whites.' '

'* Another day on the road I called at a Y.M.C.A. hut, where many men were congregated previous to going to ' Blighty ' on leave. Opposite to me at a rough table sat a very young Tommy mudded to the eyes. I had not noticed he was without a mug of tea in front of him until he asked me if he could drink with me. In his hurry to leave the trenches he had forgotten his pay book, containing his leave money which his sergeant had been obtaining for him during the night, and he was without a sou. But that vas soon remedied. A feed was at once forth- coming, and many francs and half francs were passed down that table to help '" Chum '" on his way home. How true the general remark was : ' Pity any poor fellow who lands at St. Martin's Camp without a penny.'


'' Later in the day I called at a broken-down billet to inquire my whereabouts. Four men were seated round a rough fire on which some steak was cooking. A few words were sufficient to put me right, and I was about to depart when I had a unanimous invitation to share the meal. I was very hungry and needed no pressing. There was one mess tin, one knife, and one fork, and these I had to have, and also the largest piece of meat. My new acquaintances were Lancashire men, and sport was the topic of capsideration. Naturally I their leg' on Lancashire being a fine sporting county, but second to Yorkshire in all respects. Then the fun started, and for half an hour arguments were heated. Anyhow I managed to smooth matters by acknowledging Maclaren was a great captain, for did he not discover the one and only Barnes, and that there was no batsman whom I liked to watch more than Spooner.

'' We parted good friends, and arranged to meet next Whit Monday at Old Trafford." ___ More Battalions of the Dukes left England this month (January) for France, and never in the history of the war did soldiers show more anxiety for active service; every officer and

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man, inspired by the stories of gallantry displayed by the battalions which had gone before, showed an enthusiasm which has seldom been equalled. They were soon given the opportunity to show the quality of fighting material which was inherited by these brave lads from West Riding It has always been understood that the West Ridings were one of the finest regiments in the world, and every phase of the present war has confirmed the splendid reputation which has come down from an immortal past. They have set an example of which the whole nation may well be proud by their unflinching conduct in the face of grievous odds and the enemy's most diabolical weapons. The line battalions had many battle honours and traditions to their credit,. and could always be relied upon to hold their own against even the pick of the German army, and' notwithstanding that people wondered in April, 1915, how the Territorials of the West Ridings would acquit themselves in this epic war, all doubts were quickly set aside; but perhaps. the people at home can be pardoned if at any time they entertained the idea that after the departure of the first Territorials, in 1915, the fighting strength of the West Ridings was exhausted, and the efficiency and calibre of the later men _ for France was a matter of much comment. The people at home, however, were not long left in doubt, Shortly after their arrival in France, they proved beyond all doubt that wherever a Dukes' unit is repre- sented, whether it be new or old, they are a body to be reckoned with. The long training of these men had been a grievance with many of them, but it stood to their advantage in the hard days that were to follow, and if they had been known to grouse a little at times in their anxiety to get into touch with the Boches, they soon made up for shortcomings, as the following thrilling story, by one of the men will testify. He tells of their first move into the:

firing line :-

** ' Roll blankets in bundles of 10 and pack up ready to move off at 1.30.' And then what a scramble! How on earth all the necessary little things are to be packed in a haversack exceeds. imagination. What is to be left behind to make room for cigarettes? The extra rations or the woollen comforts? A bit of a study decides on woollen comforts. We might not see rations for a while, and one can always imagine himself warm, even if frozen stiff. And the water bottle-is it full? It must be, for we are going where water is more precious than gold.: And so, at 1.30, the lads march away loaded up, with the haversack fastened to the belt, and pack on back for part of the journey. Who's the happy soul with the two pint bottles slung round his neck. Oh, no! not whiskey |-only rifle oil. I wonder! His neck will feel like a cheese being cut by a wire after a few hours. On and over the bog road, ankle deep in mud, splashing through water, resting every hour. 'Oh, no Bill. My back isn't broken. Only badly bent.' Bo on until dusk, when we pass the point where we last held the line, splash, splash, splash, at every step. At last we reach the dug-out which is to house us for the night, and there meet all the battalion. After much deliberation and sharing, each company uses its allotted entrance and gets inside. All along the side are beds in two tiers; wooden frames covered with rabbit netting, and amazingly comfortable to a tired body. After a drink of tea and rum, and getting rations for the morrow, everyone is glad to turn in. Next morning, after breakfast and a clean up, everybody gets outside for breath of good pure air. 'What the -- is up? I nearly lost my heart and cap. I had just forgotten those heavies. I wish they would be a bit quieter.' And then one wonders how all the earth has been - remmoved to make this huge rabbit burrow, with eight or nine entrances, to bold 1,000 soldiers and all their impediments. Dinner, tidy up the place, and parade outside ready for moving off. But the time is not yet suitable, so we sit and smoke in the sunny air. And now comes


'* Rations arrive in the limbered waggon, but they cannot go further, so they have to be carried. But a committee meeting decides that they can be dumped here and pack mules brought up to carry them further later on in the evening, so 600. Tommies set off on a trudge to: take up the position in the line-quite a strange one,. for sometimes things move pretty quickly nowadays in the fighting line. Up hill, down dale, skirting the railway that was denied to us until a week ago, looking down on the sluggish, dirty, little river that has now made its name famous, on through the mud, past grim little reminders, such as ' Death Valley,' until we reach ' Suicide Corner.' And here we rest whilst Fritz sends his bursts of ' scrapnel ' right over the corner, just to show how it got its name. Of course it is all right as a spectacular show, but not calculated to ' put the wind up ' anybody.

'*' Well, boys! Come on! Get two bombs each and put them in your pockets.' And as on we tramp through --, then --, through water up to the ankle and higher still. ' Jolly hard work this, Bill,' and on we go. By now it is dusk, and Fritz is sending both shrapnel and hlg!) explosive on the off chance of hitting something, but just lives up to his reputation by sending them either 10 yards too far or too short, and so the column follows the guide-

picking weary feet up and planting them down, trusting to luck that underneath the water at no great depth lies some solid footing. '

'*' I must be a good scout! I've found a shell hole that nobody else has found. Wet! Oh, no. Only up to the waist !'

*** How does the stuff taste, Bill?

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Back J. E. Penny, 2/Lt. S. Reasbeck, 2/Lt. A. L. Partridge, 2/Lt. R. Graham, 2/Lt. W. D. Parsons, 2/Lt. H. Fisher, 2/Lt. H. A. Page, 2/Lt. G. L. Robbins, 2/Lt. H. Adams.

f FoUurRTH Row-2/Lt. J. A. Longmire, 2/Lt. A. E. King, 2!Lt. H. Hayward, 2/Lt. F. H. Cockroft, 2/Lt. E. W. Sidebottom, 2/Lt. J. A. Duncan, 2/Lt. R. S. Hughes, Lt. R. Hillas.

THirbp Row-2/Lt. G. E. Trenham, 2/Lt. S. Rhodes, 2/Lt. R. Key, 2/Lt. H. Armitage, 2/Lt. H. B. Trotter, 2/Lt. G. R. Shaw, 2/Lt. H. C. Milnes, 2/Lt. C. Wright, 2/Lt. C. H. Kilby, 2/Lt. S. B. L. Hall, 2/Lt. E. Butterfield, 2/Lt. H. W. Carter.

SEconb Row-Lt. E. T. Battye, 2/Lt. W. Wallace, Lt. J. Broughton, Lt. E. Kershaw, Lt. F. A. B. Doggett, Lt. S. A. Mallinson, Lt. R. Sayers, Lt. J. W. Denison, M.C., Lt. F. Kelly, Lt. T. P. Bradbury, Lt. F. Peacock, Lt. H. Johnson.

Front Row-Lt. W. Berry, Capt. E. A. Millard, Capt. C. H. Petty, Capt. J. W. Ramsden, Major J. Rodgers, Col. W. Tenison, Capt. B. A. Ball (Adjt.), Capt. J. W. Clark, Capt. B. C. Lupton, M.C., Capt. S, Wormald, Lt, W, McFarlane, CENTRE Froxt-2/Lt, L. M. C, Collins, 2/Lt. J. H. Lister,


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'* Blooming awful. Too gritty to taste nice. Have we to slide down that blessed place? Mind this rail. Keep to the right. This rise is greasy. Board over shell hole. Keep to the left of the line here. Mind the wire. Get up lad-it isn't bedtime yet.' And so on until at last we reach the point where the railway enters the cutting and caution is very necessary.

'* If a light goes up, stand still, as here the enemy can see ** Pat ! pat ! pat ! pat ! pat ! pat ! '*' What are you doing? If you don't keep still those blessed machine guns will get some of us. Get down here, sharp! You're asking for it, and right up there. For God's sake, get down, sharp.' And no sooner has the party slid down than up goes a heap of earth and a few

rails, just to prove how well Fritz has the place weighed up. On, up the path, until we reach a hill, and here we rest on the sheltered side whilst


goes on, but still just a bit too near or too tar. * Crack t

** Yes, sir, it isn't healthy just there. There's a sniper handy, and he gets on your nerves." ' Settle down, lads, and make the best cover you can. We spend the night here.'

** And so the lads, wearied out, get down, and huddle together, and with the aid of the over- coats try to keep warm.

** Blessed cold job. I wish it wouldn't freeze so hard. My legs are one lump of ice. I can't sleep here.'

*** Now, lads, turn out for rations. Back through the cutting, and meet them at the corner. 'Come on ! it will keep you warm !'

** Never a word, for though the lads are weary they know that rations and water for the next day are worth any amount of hard work and discomfort to get hold of. And so we ' carry on,' whilst explosions occur every moment at various points, and the star lights, which make everything within range so prominent, keep the sentries on the alert, and show that the enemy is not very far away, and the sharp echoing crack of the sniper's rifle begins to get on one's nerves.

*** Roll up for rations. Here you are-a loaf for four men, a tin of jam for you, sir. What! Bacon? Oh, yes-lend me your knife. How's that for the 12 of you? Water up. Come on, lads. A pint and a half for the day, so make the best of it.'

** All kinds of work to be done, for the position has only been held here one day, and every- thing is to consolidate. And meals! What a fortune a recipe book printer would have made ! And really tasty good stuff, too. Fried onions and bully beef, pork and beans warmed with bacon, or fried cheese and bully. And what more could you want? Even if a tin of milk among 20 men hardly serves to colour each share of tea, what does it matter, for it is wet, and that is everything? And at least one could tell you of a trifle made with the aid of a parcel from home-two or three biscuits, &a bit of his jam issue, more biscuits and more jam, flavour with rum issue, and finish with a bit of Swiss milk poured on. The sender of the parcel never dreamed of that, I'll be bound. Who says we can't settle down? All day long, scratch, scratch, fetching out earth here and stones there, fetching corrugated iron, tarpaulin sheets, bits of wood, sandbags, and any conceivable thing with which to build up a temporary shelter. And what though Fritz is playing the deuce and dropping continuously his heavies in a complete circle, whilst all that drop inside the ring are very considerately duds.


** And then about noon-what a storm of shells-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in lightning-like succession, repeated very quickly, with every shot hitting exactly the same place as its relative in the previous volley, and extras dropping elsewhere to throw up rails and earth. This is too hot to continue working and treat with contempt, so ' burrow in ' is the order, and one can see heads stuck up out of half-finished shelters, like chicks out of newly-hatched eggs, whilst terms of derision at Johnny's ineffectual strafe fly about. But this calms down, and work proceeds on the usual lines. By now the string of wounded has eased down, and only occasionally does the report of somebody's wound or death filter through back here. But this will never do. We must know something about the enemy, so patrols must go out to-night, work along the trench and report the whereabouts of Johnny. No sooner said than decides on. So the hours previous to midnight are spent in getting up supplies of bombs to the various patrols, and at midnight the stealthy few set off along the trenches, gaily enough, but with that little excited feeling at the pit of the stomach, for really we are only youngsters at the game, as yet. On and on,nstealing round the corners like burglars intent on murder, until at last it gets impossible to pull one foot out of the porridgy stuff without pushing the other one so far in that it is almost impossible

to get either out. So what next? Why! Straight out on top and continue stealthily and warily on until

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for here is anther party covering us with machine guns. Who is it-friend or foe? What vision? pass through the brain in the fraction of a second that decides the question. And as it is ' friend we join forces and decide that a few machine gunners and bombers shall continue the work. So off they go, and at last somewhere about 6 o'clock enter a village which the enemy has evidently just left and tried to destroy, for still the fires are raging. Back goes the report and companies follow up. Ah ! there they are. Three or four hundred of them trying to dig in like mad, but, ah ! our machine ers have them and spill a few bullets at them. Oh, yes, the range is a long one-some 700 yards, but judging by the way the enemy keeps his head down we have him guessing. No more digging in for him until after dark, for every time he attempts it the little demons spit and splutter round about. But in another little sector the game is the other way round. An enemy machine gun catches a party crossing the open, and ping ! ping ! ping ! say the bullets as they strike the trees and stones and whistle by.


** Why the -- doesn't that man run across? He'll surely get hit!' But, ' that man' is: so heavily loaded with equipment, rations, stores, pick and shovel, that he can't run across. But he gets there all right, and finds only a little hole in his gas helmet pouch, and mentally thanks the powers that be he carried his bombs in his helmet case, for he has turned the bullet. Still fortune smiles on us. And whilst various parties follow Fritz and keep him warm, the others consolidate the village and find billets. Oh, what joy ! Lots of dug-outs to explore. Tom comes back with a big smile and a German helmet, and Jim sets of. He finds a beer garden complete, the church ruined, with images falling, and lots of other stuff. *** Come on, lads! We'll have a beano.' So off we go and come back with bags of charcoal, nails, chairs, tables, brushes, mirrors, badges, and only weight has prevented them bringing an old battered motor car. Work ! Work ! Work! And now we live in a yard off Halifax Road, in an old shattered house, patched and cleaned up, sit on Johnny's forms, use his beds, use his stove, and burn his coal and charcoal, eat off his plates, drink from his mugs, and even ' old Hindenburg's ' picture doesn't make the taste any worse. And whilst we eat the parcels that have collected during the days in action, and read the letters, we sit and laugh at those night- mare events of the first few days." :

PORTENTS OF THE DAWN. .. ~ c - At dawn on Easter Monday, April 9th, the British on the Front began what has

been termed the spring offensive. The fight for St. Quentin and Cambrai, which had been in progress for some weeks, was regarded by many as the long-expected western offensive, and, although it was felt that some day the British would break out in a new sector, the news came in the nature of a surprise. The new move was on the front from Lens to Arras, the main objective being the formidable Vimy Ridge, the German bastion guarding the Flanders plain, which had defied British and French efforts for over two years. The '" push " was most successful. Vimy Ridge was conquered in a wonderfully short space of time, considering its strength. East and north-east of Arras, on the edge of the Ridge, German troops, penned in their dug-outs by our shells, were compelled to surrender in big batches, and before the day was out over 11,000 prisoners had been taken and over 100 guns captured. This striking success far exceeded any previous venture (in its initial stages, at any rate) on the Western Front. On the first two days' fighting on the Somme last year, for instance, the British and French between them took 9,500- prisoners. On the present occasion the Germans could not plead surprise, nor could they declare that they had ° retreated according to plan."" Artillery had been busy on the Lens-Arras front for days prior to Easter Monday, and the Germans knew an attack was in preparation, although they did not know the exact hour. As a matter of fact, they were overwhelmed by the deluge of shell-fire and the impetuosity of the infantry attack. Doubtless they had lulled themselves

into the belief that Vimy Ridge was impregnable; when they found out their mistake it was too late. ' '


The Buitish continued to progress, despite the atrocious weather, and the situation was developing favourably. The Germans hurried up reinforcements, either from other points of their front, or from their reservoir of reserves, of which there had been so much. talk, and the fighting The big guns of the British were brought up into position for another lunge forward, and, gratifying as was the success on Easter Monday, bigger disaster was awaiting the German legions. Two or three of their main pivots were in peril, and every day we expected news of a vital thrust by the Allies which would bring down the defensive structure like a pack of cards. Evidently there was a new " push " in the St. Quentin- Cambrai area, for an official message gave the first hint of a fine success there, the enemy's position on a wide front being captured. All the recent fighting on the west emphasised that the Germans were clearly <out-gunned and out-manned, and that it was only their elaborate defences, which they had months to. prepare and perfect, which were keeping the Allies from sweeping all before them. A satisfactory feature.of the Arras. offensive was the fact-as . testified by General Smuts-that despite the fierce bombardment on the German defences, there were

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more shells in hand at the end of the week than at the beginning-a@ striking indication that the labours of the munition workers at home were bearing fruit.

- On April 14th an interesting ceremony took place behind the lines. This took the form of a memorial gathering. It being two years since the Territorials entrained at Doncaster station for foreign service, few of the men then anticipated that they would be absent from England for

two years. CELEBRATIONS.

But the unexpected to many has happened, and to-day, April 14th, 1917, the remaining members of the battalion met together to celebrate their two years in this great world-wide war on active service.

'Tis now common knowledge the glorious records of the battalion at Ypres, and on the Somme. To-day, however, the scene is changed. The battalion, fortunately, is out of the trenches for a few days, resting near to a village of glorious memory, where many British not long ago laid down their lives for their country. The district has been used to war alarms since the beginning. It has in turn been occupied by the enemy and by the Allies. The ruins of an old church stand out prominently amid the low red-tiled cottages. The bare walls of the sacred edifice, blackened with flames, testify to the callousness of the Hun when he had to evacuate; the church was deliberately fused. Here and there the traveller upon the road comes across little groups of graves in twos and threes, officers and men, the honoured dead of our Allies, our enemies, and of our beloved own.

A common epitaph to be seen round here is ° Here lies the body of an unknown soldier." Sometimes the epitaph is in French, sometimes in English, but the dead of many nations are found often side by side.

Near to the ota cnuren stanas a ¥Y.M.C.A. hut, the gift of the students of Cambridge University. On April 14th, about six o'clock, members of our battalion, easily recognised by the familiar '' red,'' could be seen wending their way to the hut. Outside, the battalion Drum, Fife and Bugle Band, of 26 instrumentalists, under the leadership of Drum-Major H. Dean, played a choice selection until the hut was packed to the utmost with men who had stuck together through all kinds of weather and hardships for two long and strenuous years. Inside the hut, on the platform, the Divisional Band of 26 instrumentalists, under the leadership of Bandmaster Hendy, were at the post prompt to 6.30, and the following long and varied programme had been arranged, under the chairmanship of Sergeant-Major Stirzaker :-Selection, Divisional Band; song, ''The Eyes beneath the Pte. Crowther; humorous song, ** Archibald," Dvr. Mitchell; song, '* Mother Mine,'"' Dvr. Clark; piccolo solo, Musician Smith; sketch, " Character Studies,'' Cpl. Butler, R.A.M.C. ; song, °" Stonecracker John," Sergt. Jones ; selection, ""* The Bing Boys," Divisional Band; sketch, °" Mrs. Tubbins' Cat '"' : Mrs. Tubbins, landlady, Dvr. Lumb; Mr. Tubbins, her husband, Dvr. Swordy ; Mr. Tim Tibbs, the lodger, Dvr. Curl.

Interval of half an hours' duration for refreshments, during which the Divisional Band played many selections. March, °" Marching Through Georgia,'' Battalion Band ; song, ** The Trumpeter," Corpl. Collinson; sketch, "° Women,"" Corpl. Butler, R.A.M.C.; march, *" Stirzaker,'' Battalion Band ; song, '' Young Tom o' Devon," Pte. Crowther; song, " Roaming in the Gloaming,'" Dvr. Bwordy ; clarionette solo, °" Les Alsaciennes,'"' Musician Hughes; song, *" The Driver," Pte. Bykes; march, '" How's your Father," Battalion Band.

The march ° Stirzaker '' was especially written for the occasion by Drum-Major H. Dean, and named after the popular Regimental Sergeant-Major.

During the second part opportunity arose for brief speeches.

The R.S.M. called upon the' Colonel for a few words, but before he had the chance to speak he was given three rousing cheers, and the whole body of men rose and lustily sang " He is a jolly good fellow."

The Colonel quickly reviewed the work done by the battalion, mentioned the changes in com- manding officers, and advised the men to pin their faith made to the gallant men who have gone under; they were not forgotten. He wished all present the best of luck, and fervently hoped that the next anniversary would be spent in Halifax, or in its suburb, Cleckheaton, with an overflow meeting in ** Briggus."

Major Mowat, M.C., Captain Fenton, Captain Mowat, M.C., Lieut. Mander, and Reg. Sergt- Major Stirzaker, M.C., each spoke a few words, the main theme being good wishes and good luck for all assembled here. The '' Adj.'s'' speech was short, but his yarn will long be remembered. Towards the close the Divisional Band played popular airs, which were sung with a rousing chorus, especially ° Blighty." '" Auld Lang Syne" was sung at the close of the proceedings, and '" God Save the King '' brought an end to a memorable evening.

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Some time previous to this, February 17th 1917, the 1/4ths made a notable bombing - raid on the German trenches, and the, story of their thrilling experiences is told by one who took part in ii :- ee Lot > € e G " First of all the men were chosen from different companies-mostly.''' old: gweats,'"' tried and reliable men who had met with Boches before and shown: them the mettle West Riding chaps were made of. Of course we had some who were practically new to the job, but I never wish for a finer set of comrades than those who took part in this little " stunt." A well-known local officer was in charge of us, and a real time' we had while training.. We were billeted in cellars in a small village not far behind the trenches. There were trenches dug to represent the Germans' and we were shown maps and geroplane photographs of the part we were to raid, also an exhibition of an article the engineers use for blowing barbed wire up. We had a good time for a week, missing one spell of the trenches with our battalion, and: plenty of amusement,

which a crabby old Frenchwoman did not like.

"We had pork chops provided for a good feed before setting off but no one seemed to know the exact day, so we had to eat these before they went bad. Really we did not know the day until the night before, and there were not many in the secret then. When it arrived we had a final rehearsal in the morning; then took it easy, waiting for the hour to come. The ground was just thawing after a few days' hard frost and snow-some patches still white, others dark

where the snow had melted.

'* We had a good feed, and set off for the trenches about 9 p.m. on a lovely night for our job-black as coal, with a slight mist. It was pretty heavy work travelling up the communication trench, for the thaw had made the ground very soft. Men whom we met up on the way gazed at us with inquisitive eyes, for we must have looked a queer lot, some armed with bill-hooks, shillelaghs, revolvers, and short ladders, but an invariable ' Well, best of luck, lads !' came from them as someone was kind enough to answer their query of ' What's

O01 - WHAT'S oN>

____** When we had all reached our front line it was time to be going further, so in single file, an officer leading, and two S8.B.'s in the rear with a stretcher, we led out into No Man's Land. About half-way across was a ridge or drop in the ground of about 4ft., which we reached without being spotted by Boches, and here we halted for a few seconds waiting for the R.E.'s to do their bit with the device which was to destroy the German wire. We had not got long to wait. The thing went off with a terrific bang that shook the earth; our artillery opened fire at the same second on the German front line, and forward we went at the double. Naturally the Boches got the ' wind up,' and scores of lights ascended, but the mist hid us from them, while their machine guns swept our trenches high over our heads.

'* Our artillery soon lifted on to the German support line and communication trenches making & sort of pocket of the part we were to raid, and reinforcements coming u}; while we were in. We rolled into the trench like a lot of dogs after a rat, but each man knew his place and direction, one party making to the right, another to the left, and another straight- forward down a communication trench. A small party moved along on top of the trench a few yards in advance of those in the bottom, to warn them against surprise. Our leader, with a small party consisting of signallers, buglers, stretcher bearers, and a few runners, rem’ained on top, where we had made the gap in the wire, to direct operations and see that everybody found

their way back all right.

** Our left party were the first to meet the enemy. The first man was too terrified to move and threw up his hands, screaming for mercy as our sergeant dropped his rifle and grabbed him round the neck. A comrade who had escaped observation so far fired and wounded the sergeant in the thiih, but was quickly put to sleep, and the prisoner hoisted out of the trench and sent back in charge of two of our lads. The 'right' party also made a capture, but he

had to be otherwise disposed of.

'* On the way we had passed several dug-outs,. and fot hating time to explor Stokes' shells and Mill's bombs. down, one of which must;g have caught? thz tag-£013 just coming out, for one man turned his flash light down soon after, and-well, such sights are best left undescribed. By this time the enemy began to turn up in numbers, and one of their bombs dropped amongst us, wounding three. Our object had been: achieved, however, and so our officer gave the order to retire, a runner being dispatched to eack party, and two buglers blowing the same note simultaneously. There was no mad rush to get out, but quietly and orderly we got back into No Man's Land and our own trenches, bringing our wounded along

with us.

** What tales we had to tell each other! And what questions to answer, from officers and . comrades, when we regained our billet! The gag as we met each other for a few days after was * Well, how many did you kill?' Without a doubt we did well, and got a bit of our own back.

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From left to right. ~ Back Row.-2/Lt. G. Gordon, 2/Lt. H. G. Ingham, 2/Lt. R. M. Skelsey, Lt. and Qtr.-Mstr. E. B. Drew, Lt. J. M. Haxgh 2/Lt. E. W. Harris, 2/Lt. J. W. Hirst, 2/Lt. J. E. Ridgway, 2/Lt. A. K. Brook, 2/Lt. H. Skelsey. sos.


CEntrE Row.-Lt. and Qtr.-Mstr. G. W. Holmes, Capt. E. C. A. Taglis, Capt. W. F. Denning, Major J. C. Blatchford,

Lt.-Col. Gauntlett (C.0O.) , Lt. C. E. H. Pillow (Adjt.), Captain J. F. Sykes, Captain I. Stewart, Captain C. L. L. Gwnlhams(C P) Front Row.-2/Lt. G. Bevington, Lt. G. Dyson. &

0 10%. tu . se s km

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We have have had a lot of pummel since we first landed in France, and it felt fine to be able to give a bit. The only regret we had was for our sergeant, who died in a base hospital from wounds received-one of the best that ever walked, who lived a gentleman and died a

Several of the men who took part in this raid were afterwards awarded the military medal; their names were : 6598 Pte. J. Bowers, 1645 Pte. R. Knox, 1605 Corpl. G. A. Bailey, 5793 Sergt. F. Johnson, 1747 Corpl. E. Jackson, 2418 Sergt. J. 8. Sheard.

In March, Dame Rumour was busy in the West Riding to the effect that a battalion of local lads, with but short experience in France, had been severely hit. Happily the reports were untrue. What happened seems to have been this. A detachment of the battalion was sent to an advanced point. Around this part there was much fighting, and for a good while communt eation was cut of. Other men in the battalion in their letters have mentioned this, hence the rumours. But when things had calmed down again, and communications were restored, these men were found to be safe with but relatively few casualties.

On Sunday, April 15th, the Cameronia was torfiedoed by an enemy submarine. Among the troops on board were 84 of the West Ridings. The ship was struck at the forepart of the ship when about 200 miles from Malta, when only three days out. Fortunately most of the

troops were picked up by an escort ship. THE BATTLE OF ARRAS.

After two weeks and during all this month the tremendous battie was raging in the Arras district. It was fought on the north and south of the River Scarpe, and the Germans and British, represented by perhaps larger forces than in any of the great struggles of this unparalleled war, were locked in the most deadly combat. The position was comparatively open, and -in that respect differs from the Easter battle. There was, too, nothing of a surprise about the attack, for the Germans knew that Sir Douglas Haig would filing his men forward in this region. They have, and are making, the most desperate resistance. Previously they talked of giving ground so that they might save life; now they have hurled stream after stream of their reserves into the fray, and official and unofficial reports note the unprecedented sacrifice of men. At Gavrelles, for instance, where the British breached the German line across the Scarpe, the enemy drove eight distinct counter attacks within 24 hours, and their dead lie in heaps. Much the same occurred elsewhere. Our casualties were very heavy, but those who have witnessed the struggle consider them light in comparison to those of the enemy. It has been freely said that the Germans on the West were greater in numbers than at any previous time, but the quality of the men is much more open to criticism, and certainly we know that during these weeks a very severe drain had been made into the enemy forces, for the French and British alike have used their artillery with amazing destructiveness. The Germans, it was felt, realised that a critical stage had been reached, and that they must use every power, whatever the cost, to maintain their present line, else disaster confronts them on the West. They hinted as much in a dithyrambic communique. There were perfervid passages which talk of '" our death-defying infantry," and of the German at the front knowing *' that everyone at home is doing his duty unceasingly.'"' But more remarkable still were the passages which, as the War Office say, '' attribute to us designs we have never entertained, and then proving that they have failed completely."

All this time the Dukes were fighting incessantly, and though it was with a thrill of pride

we heard of their gallant deeds, it caused a tinge of regret to note that so many of the heroes made the supreme sacrifice.


On May 3rd-6th we had one of those battles which West Riding men have so frequently fought and won, their heroic dash against the enemy attack carrying them to victory, and alas ! many of them to death on so many occasions. I refer to the Battle of Aubers. The Dukes went over the top on the 3rd at 4 o'clock in the morning, and got into the German trenches, where- hand-to-hand fighting ensued before they reached the trenches. However, the German machine guns were turned on them, and they had to run the gauntlet. In the trenches the fighting was fierce, and many of the Dukes were killed or wounded. Lieut. C. Holroyd's company succeeded in reaching the Hindenburg line, but unfortunately they were unable to hold on, and very few of the company returned. Sec.-Lieut. J. D. V. Mackintosh was wounded and taken prisoner, Lieut. Holroyd (Halifax) reported missing and since presumed killed, and Lieut. G. M. Hill, of Halifax, wounded, were among the long list of casualties. Pte. Butterworth was awarded the for a special act of bravery in staying with a wounded officer through the night of the 4th and the early morning of the 5th (May) when he himself was badly wounded. The deed is described by Capt. and Adjt. J. B. Ellison, in ** Little Stories of Big Deeds ' page. Letters home prove the gallantry of one of the Dukes in rescuing a wounded comrade in this engagement.

Pte. G. Morton, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, has written home as follows :-

'* We went over the top on the 3rd, and our artillery put up a line barrage. When we got within reach of the German trenches, they opened machine gun fire on us, and a lot of our lads were wounded and a few killed. I got a slight shrapnel wound, but I am all right now.

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‘ i r ‘ ill got wounded t on the 5th and went up on the 6th for outpost duty, and Harry Gledhill go ) "xebfizflmieg. (”he t315m now gone dgwn to the base. The Germans must have had more killed

than us, as our barrage fire fairly lifted all in front of it."

I . H. Nicholl, writing to the mother, states : ** Yesterday (May 7th) Harry was, actin platoizqiluniler, and went putgwi h one of our officers to an advanced 'post, and a shell (Illl'oppegl and knocked down five men out of six "belonging to a Lewis gun section. ’I fancy some shrapne from this shell struck Harry, for he had a pieqe in .each leg, but I don't think he is semious. He owes his life to another of our lads, who carried him on his back all the way to the dressnlllg station. Here he was attended to, and our stretcher bearers forwarded him to hospital, and he

is now at the base." Corpl. Nicholl, in extending his sympathy, speaks highly of his wounded colleague.

I am proud to be in a position to record for the first time that it was a party of the Dukes who were 51a very first to cum Vimy Ridge. A proud feat indeed, and worthy of special mention.


In May the British and French continued their hard blows on the West. On Saturday and Sunday, April 28th-29th, our forces made their third great attack since Easter towards what is known as the Oppy switch line, north of the Scarpe, bearing towards Douai and leaving Vimy and Lens on the left. Arleux was taken and 1,000 prisoners or so brought. in. About the same time the French extended their positions appreciably north-west of Rheims, and on Monday night launched a general aggressive on Champagne, gaining ground and taking 520 unwounded prisoners and five guns. The British got to work again on Thursday morning on a front of over 12 miles. We advanced. particularly on the wings, but the tactics of the enemy have completely changed since the Easter fighting, and now they sought to stem the tide by launching counter attacks of the most violent character. It is evident that their instructions were to hold their ground at any cost. And that cost was great. A few hundred prisoners were brought in, and time after time the massing infantry were caught by the full power of our artillery with terrible results. The Germans reported persistently that °" the attempt to break through failed.'' That is comfort for their people, but this continuous fighting means more than that-it means shattering the German morale. Sir Douglas Haig's summary for April records that our prisoners number 19,343, including 393 officers, and the guns, trench mortars, and machine guns aggregate 954, among them being nearly 100 heavy guns. This does not represent the total losses of the enemy in artillery, many pieces of all kinds having been destroyed by our fire. To the end of March the prisoners were about 4,000. During April the French returns showed 21,530 men and 175 guns. A great list of dead and wounded must be added, and when consideration is also given to the loss of ground, and all hope abandoned of a successful offensive, it is clear that the damage inflicted upon the German arms and its effect upon the German people must be very considerable. In men and munitions the Allied armies in France appeared adequately equipped to exert this overwhelming pressure throughout the summer and autumn if that is necessary.

._ __ In the second week we secured 1,100 prisoners and two positions of great importance at Bullecourt and Roeux. Since then we have faced a series of terrible counter attacks. Sheer weight of numbers has forced us back at times, but we have retaliated successfully. The enemy spare nothing to hold an insecure position while firmer defences can be completed in their rear.

They are paying a heavy price, and their recklessness in this respect is but another illustration of their extreme jeopardy.


The third week of this month's fighting on the West had not been sensational, but it had been far from ineffective. Attacks and counter attacks were raged day by day, and, though the results may not be very great in territory, the solid fact remains that it is the Germans who had the least cause for satisfaction. They made no effort to spare life (especially in the neighbourhood of Bullecourt), and their casualties were much greater than ours ; they lost several hundred prisoners to the British and French, and when ground has been lost it has been what they have held so firmly during the last two and a half years. One notable feature is that the British now hold the whole of the Hindenburg line from a point one mile east of Bullecourt to Arras, except for a stretch of 2,000 yards immediately to the west of Bullecourt. That place is *' the key of important tactical possibilities,'' and that conclusion is emphasised by the frantic efforts of the Germans to regain it. But so far-and there is every indication that the process will continue-the Allies maintain their pressure and gradually move forward. Meanwhile the Germans are constantly bringing up reinforcements. Since April 9th, the opening: day of the battle at Vimy Ridge, they have used on the British and French fronts from Arras to Champagne,

over 90 divisions, the casualty lists alone paying a striking tribute to the part the Dukes played in this epic month.

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The first week in June was a good one for the Allies. Rumour had been busy about a new and great offensive *' somewhere between Ypres and Armentieres.'"' Within a few days had come a climax to many preliminaries. Our airmen had grown busier. Mr. Bonar Law said in Parliament that Zeebrugge alone was raided 24 times in April and May, when over 1,000 bombs were dropped, and there were, especially recently, accounts of attention to many other centres in the area embracing Bruges, Ghent, Ostend and Zeebrugge. It was a most effective reply to the isolated raids on this country, and a very gratifying feature is that our aviators are returning, almost invariably, without loss. On the Tuesday a Channel squadron bombarded Ostend and inflicted great damage upon workshops, dockyards, and shipping. There was no loss on our side, the shore batteries failing to find their range, and a counter-offensive by warships was disastrous for the enemy. They sent out half a dozen destroyers, which came within sight of Commodore Tyrwitt's forces, and that enterprising gentleman (he has been associated with much more naval fighting than most of his colleagues) engaged in a running fight at long range and sank the S820 and severely damafied another destroyer. The land fighting began in earnest on the Thursday morning, Sir Douglas Haig reporting a general attack on a nine mile front between Messines and Wytschaete, about midway between Ypres and Armentieres. The aim was to secure the ridge, which the lengthy and exceptionally informing communique described as ** one of the enemy's most important strongholds on the Western It was wonderfully defended, and of late troops and guns and devices of all kinds had been added, for the enemy from this position of vantage could see all the preparations in the British lines. For the defenders, we are told, the conditions were as favourable as an army could ever hope for, and the struggle became ** a gauge of ability." In that our gallant forces were supreme. They acted-infantry, artillery, aviators, tanks, and all other branches of the services-with " perfect combination." 'The result was that they carried ''the whole of the day's obectives.'' It forms, indeed, one of the great achievements of the war, and its results may prove far-reaching. Happily our losses are described as light. The Germans, on the other hand, must have suffered severely, for not only had they to withstand a terrific bombardment, but 19 mines, each containing 446 tons of explosives, were discharged with awful results to the defenders and their strongholds. On the old grounds further south the struggle was still fiercely proceeding. The changes in position were not sensational, but we '" nibbled '' successfully, and the prisoners continued to come in. Thus the British were engaged in two immense battles on the Western front.

PATROL'S COUP. Told by one of the party.

A brilliant little exploit was carried out by six members of the West Ridings one Sunday morning early in June, which I am pleased to say received its due recognition.

A party of six men-Corpl. Jackson, Lic.-Corpl. Mortimer, Ptes, Gallway, Stanley, Barker, Minaghan, and Hookham-went out quite early to take observations. After a few hours struggling in shell holes and dodging sentries, they reached the German lines. Corpl. Jackson and Pte. Gallway went down the trench to explore, and found a number of rifles outside a dug-out. The Corporal looked in the dug-out, and found several Germans apparently asleep. He hastened back to inform the rest of the party, but before he could return one of the Huns had awakened and was outside. On seeing Corpl. Jackson he fired at him at a two yard's range, but fortunately missed, and then seeing the game was up dropped his rifle as though it were red hot and threw up his hands. In a very brief space of time he was seized, flung over the parapet, and set with his nose in the direction of our trenches. The remaining members of the dug-out were similarly dealt with, and the total yield was seven prisoners, one corporal, one lance-corporal, and five men, one of whom was a Red Cross man. In broad daylight a happy party trailed across No

Man's Land without a scratch, thanks to the gunners covering them, and were hailed with delight by their comrades.

Breakfast was being served at headquarters when the happy six, dirty, with clothes mudded and torn, appeared down the road with their prisoners. Never have I seen six men look happier. They had faces of schoolboys on a holiday. There was a bustle among H.Q staff to be in at the reception; all were anxious to see everything. The Colonel was having his morning tub, but he was out of it in a moment and arrayed in a bath towel went to greet and congratulate the victors,

and view the prisoners. There was a flavour of the prehistoric about the meeting. Talk about Roman gladiators. I really think the prisoners had a fright.


One of the prisoners was able to speak English, but all of them seemed more than anxious to give information. 'The searching was another interesting sight. As usual, pockets were full of letters and photographs. One of the prisoners sported the ribbon for the Iron Cross. When interrogated by the Colonel as to how he obtained it he laughingly told us he did not know. He had been signalled out to receive it, but declared he knew no reason. He was chaffed so

much that he tore the ribbon away and threw it on the floor. The signalling sergeant is now the happy possessor.

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__ After the prisoners had gone through the searching ordeal, and found out théy were not, going to be butchered, a contentment settled upon them and they showed us how a Boche can smile.

The victors had the honour of escorting their capture to the Brigade, where they were inter- viewed by the General and the Brigadier. The General was immensely pleased with the victors, shook each man by the hand, joked with them about their clothing, and promised them their brave deed would not be forgotten. Corpl. (now Sergeant) Jackson already sports the M. Medal

for the raid which took place last February.

This was the third raid within a few weeks, all of which have been most successful. Informa- tion has been gleaned of the highest importance. The battalion is proud of these feats, and of

the men who so bravely carry them out.

Here we are now in an old part. The inhabitants for the most part know us, and have greeted us with delight.: On our former visit here it was our misfortune to leave behind us several members of our battalion. We were new then to fighting, and the losses weighed heavy upon us, and the memory of those men has been kept green. To-day, thanks to the foresight of the old officers with us, each grave has been visited and tended to. To-day the gardener is at work planting seeds, and during the whole of our stay here they will continue to receive attention. Arrangements are also being made for more substantial crosses. The following notice has just arrived from the G.O.C. :-*" It gives me great pleasure this morning to have the opportunity of congratulating Corpl. Jackson and the men under him on their gallant action last night in capturing a hostile post and bringing back seven prisoners. The skill and determination displayed by this small patrol of the West Riding Regiment is a fine example to others, and I have no doubt that Lieut.-Colonel Sugden will bring it to the notice of all ranks in his battalion."

On June 7th the Dukes took part in another attack on Hill 60, a battleground that will for ever be associated with the Dukes after the gallantry displayed by the 2nd Battalion on April 19th, 1915, and as on the first occasion the fighting was fierce, and no quarter was give" or asked. Lieut. A. Halstead led one of the attack against a hostile machine gun, capturing the gun and team of four men. For this he was afterwards awarded the Military Cross.


On June 8th the rapidity of the British attack caused confusion in Rupprecht's army, and by 7.30 in the morning the whole of the Messines Ridge, including village, with the complete 'system of defences was in the hands of the British troops. By noon Wytschaete and the shole «jlefensive organisation were the booty of General Plumer's army. The Dukes took a prominent part in this coup, fortunately with few casualties.

THE KING'S MESSAGE. '* Provunp or AcHiEvEnrnNt.'" His Majesty the King sent the following telegram to Field-Marshall Sir D. Haig :-

/' I rejoice that, thanks to the thorough preparation and splendid co-operation of all arms the 1mp§rta51t Messines Ridge, which has been the scene of so many memorable struggles, is again in our hands. '

'*Tell General Plumer and the Second Army how proud we are of this achievement, by

which in a few hours the enemy was driven out of strongly-entrenched positions held by him for two and a half years. nL

June 9th. ' (Signed) GRI."

___ The offensive in Belgium still continued, and Sir Douglas Haig said, " The full effect of these victories cannot be estimated as yet, but that it will be very great is certain."

On June 12th a company of the Dukes was on its way up to dig a communication trench when a shell dropped amongst them, killing several and wounding others. On the 15th, while 4a covering party were in front of our fire and returning to our trenches, they were rushed by the Germans, and after a gallant fight the Dukes succeeded in killing or capturing all the Germans with comparatively slight loss. The success .of the new British advance has a personal interest for Yorkshire, for the Second Army, which dealt so smashing a blow at the enemy, under the command of Sir Herbert Plumer,

Army Corps in France, and just two years ago he commenced his work as the Commander of the Second Army. Almost coincident with his selection for this important position, Sir Herbert was promoted 'to the rank of General. For some time he had no opportunity of increasing the

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fon that he gained in South Africa, but he has now struck with a vengeance. It may gpggaitnmtgrestato setgout the five Army Commanders in France at this time. They are-the first,

Sir Henry Horne; the second, Sir Herbert Plumer ; the third, Sir Edmund Allenby ; the fourth, Sir Henry Rawlinson; and the fifth, Sir Hubert Gough.

On June 28th Captain Mowat, Sec.-Lieut. Denby, and four men of B Company were instantly killed by a trench mortar. The six were buried in a little village behind. The transport men, led by Corpl. Ashworth (Captain Mowat was with the transport for a long time), formed the party, and a few odd ones joined in. - Major. Mowat, the Brigadier, Captain Fenton, Lieut.

Ackroyd, Q.M., and Transport Officers were present.

From now and during the whole of July the great offensive continued, but our good work was rendered as naught by the change on the Russian front. In Flanders we had a series of

persistent and very violent cannonades.

August brought with it man sad memories, for it was in August, 1914, that the British Empire went to war. The casualty list published in this book, although very incomplete, gives a faint idea of what the Regiment has suffered during the past three years. Each name in it represents a tragedy, but at the same time an eternal comradeship with the heroes of all ages.

The names are representative of all the West Ridings. It matters little about their place ; it matters much that they have all done the greatest thing of which they were capable. It is sufficient to say that the men of whom I have written have borne a noble part in the operationg

since the outbreak of hostilities.


Three years ago ** the contemptible tittle army," which included the 2nd Duke of Wellington's, first faced the Kaiser's hordes, and ultimately saved Paris. The epic of the first Expeditionary Force opened on August 23rd, 1914, and it is interesting to turn back and read the first message sent for publication by General French : ''The British forces were engaged all day yesterday and after dark with the enemy in the}! neighbourhood of Mons, and held their ground." The next day the British commenced their historic and skilful retreat, for, expecting to find one, org at most two, enemy corps against them, they found themselves attacked by four or five corps. How they extracted themselves from their peril has since been indicated : it is a story of valour and skill, and, let it also be said, of miracle, for our eighty thousand men were opposed by some 300,000 Germans, flushed with the victory and thirsty with the blood of Belgium, and on our right and our left the French were being swept back until it seemed that we should be surrounded. The public did not realise what the position was. That was hardly their fault, for the official news sources had not learnt to the people' with bad news, and the unofficial agencies were sweeping the papers with most remarkable stories. But the retreat went on. That was clear. The Allies were daily °" taking up fresh positions ''-that was a stock phrase of the communiques-and they did so until Paris seemed at the mercy of the enemy. Then came the change, '" the incontestable victory '' of the Marne. There was valiant fighting afterwards to guard the northern ports of France, but Germany had lost her chance, and her dream of European conquest had been shattered. From this time onwards the Allies, though inferior at any point in men and munitions, held their ground while they built up their strength. A year ago they proved their superiority; this summer they have definitely and finally changed the war to one of defence for Germany, and there is no more significant sign that that from the Channel to the Adriatic the enemy cannot hold positions which-if the word is possible in war- are It is true that the wheel of fortune has turne! adversely in the East, but even there the enemy has not succeeded in gaining a decision, tuough the forces opposing him are disorganised. The way may yet be long, but on the broad view of the facts, and knowing our immense power and the mighty reserve ot strength now being developed in America,. all intelligent thought becomes the more convinced that victory is assured.

During the month of September the Allies launched two more attacks in the West-September 20th at Menin Road, and 26th, Polygon Wood-in which the Dukes again distinguished them- selves, and again at Broodseinde Ridge, on October 4th, when Sir Douglas Haig continued his series of successful thrusts, and forestalled a very heavy German attempt to regain the ground lost by them in the British advance of the 26th Septmber. The casualty list of the Dukes for these engagements prove the heavy fighting in which they took part. On October 9th commenced the Battle of Passchendaele Ridge, or Polecappelle, which continued to the 12th. Brilliant success was achieved by our troops in these attacks. But splendid as were their gains, they would in all probability have been still more complete but for the execrable weather. © Sir Douglas Haig, describing this attack, says the advance took place over sodden ground. Fighting was very severe on the slope of the main ridge south-west of Passchendaele. After a short interval of fine weather rain set in with increasing violence, and impeded our progress, and it was decided therefore not to make any further effort to reach our final objectives. This was the fifth attack 'n the Ypres area in just over three weeks, and the second in four days. The enemy were fully

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prepared, but b dint of the most desperate hand-to-hand fighting with bayonet, bomb and pistol, in which the losses on both sides were heavy, and few prisoners were taken, our men did wonders. The West Ridings were commended for their dogged perseverance, and in their progress they waded through a thousand yards of ° bullet-whipped '' swamps, often hip-high in ice water.


The blows aimed at the German line about Ypres during these few weeks were as follows :-

- Prisoners. Sept. 20.-Battle of Menin Road 3,243 Sept. 26.-Battle of Polygon Wood ................ ece}. 1,614 Oct. _ 4.-Battle of Broodséinde Ridge ........................ 4,826 Oct. - 9.-Battle of Polecappelle 2,038 Oct. 12.-Attack before Passchendaele ........ Messe ses es ee}. 493 Oct. 22.-Houthulst Forest ..... [sees seee see eee ees nene nees 200

On each occasion the enemy was ready for us, as he proved by his shelling, and prisoners reported that special vigilance orders were issued. Never before has the enemy used machine guns for spraying his whole front regardless of any particular target. Our wounded men insist on the fact that they killed three to one, and never were so many killed in hand-to-hand fighting and by the bayonet. Officers were using their pistols freely all through the attack. The Germans had massed artillery on the centre of our advance, and used, especially, a good many gas shells.

When the full story of the West Ridings' work in these battles is told, it will stir the pride and love of the people at home; but the story will have to be told in a future issue. The long list of awards for gallantry and devotion to duty is, however, sufficient proof that their place was in the thick of the fighting. An official announcement, out of many, proves the gallantry of Pte. Thos. Platts, No. 19587, during these days :-*" For most conspicuous gallantry as a runner. He passed continually backward and forward through the enemy barrage, and regardless of personal safety, always carrying his messages promptly, although most exhausted. Awarded the Military Medal for the above. E. F. Faulkner, Lieut-Colonel, A.A. and G.M.G. to 22nd October, 1917." And the following letter, published in a local paper October 830th, also bears striking testimony to their constant and continued presence in the fighting line :-


The Duke's Battalion, which has perhaps more local lads in it than any, took part in the attack on ridge, and acquitted itself admirably. A considerable amount of good ground was gained, and prisoners taken by the division. The battalion were originally in reserve, but early in the morning were pushed into the attack. They had to advance through the German barrage, which had opened behind our front lines to catch the reserves. When they got to the front, about 1,000 yards had to be covered under very heavy machine gun and rifle fire from the Ridge. The men advanced through this as well as they did on parade, in spite of the fact that they had had five days and nights in water-logged shell holes without any cover. They then consolidated the new line under heavy fire, and held it until relieved the following night by a New Zealand battalion. ""I thought you would like to know that the local battalion acquitted themselves like men,'' their commander writes. _

N.B.-After an attack two days after by the New Zealanders, our brigade volunteered to provide stretcher-bearers to fetch in wounded. Each battalion provided 200 men, all volunteers, and received the thanks of the corps and the New Zealand Division.

The actions of Sir Douglas Haig prepared us for still greater news from the West front, but it is not often that he permits himself to tell us anything more than that we have ' attained all our objectives."" He, as a rule, leaves us to imagine the precise measure of the success achieved by his troops, and it is quite plain to see that he was more elated than usual at our great sweeping victory, when on November 22nd the whole of the British Press boldly announced : A Great British Brilliant Victory-'** A Day of Glory for West Riding Territorials." And truly the Cambrai victory has been a smashing blow to Germany. It is unnecessary to go again through the many engagements which this gallant regiment has engaged during the war. As I have said, they have been ever in the thick of it, and nothing proves more conclusively than that, with the single exception of July, 1915, not one month has gore by since the war started without casualties being sustained in this regiment. The local Territorials have also seen hard service. They left England in April, 1915, and promptly took a place in the trenches. Their severest losses were sustained in October, 1915, in December the same year (the gas attack on the Yser Canal), July and September, 1916, in the first Somme offensive, and May 3rd this year in the Bullecourt area. Here they were held up, but it is from this same region that they have sprung forward this week with such a startling and effective stroke. Many engagements have passed by without any official recognition of the worthy part they played, but at last honour is being given

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where honour is due, and in Sir Dougals Haig's account of the opening of the battle, a special and unusual tribute is paid to the *' remarkable progress '' of the West Riding men. The regiment has been hard hit many times, and again there will be the roll of losses, but the sorrow of many homes will at least be illumined by the pride of deed and recognition. The Dukes have added a new page to their wonderful history, and the record of it is here for all the

world to see. , The leading article of the Leeds Mercury, November 22nd, reads :


" All other interests to-day are eclipsed by the splendid news of General Byng's brilliant victory in front of Cambrai. Without deprecating in any way the achievements of our Allies, we may take an especial pride in this magnificent success as & triumph not merely for Briitsh arms, but as a special triumph for our home forces, and in particular for the Territorial units. English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish are all mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's despatch, and in most cases they appear to have been battalions of the Territorial Armies. It is good to find these gallant fellows at last being given the credit for their brave deeds, and their friends and relatives will thrill with pride as they realise that the men who four years ago were working in factories, shops, and offices, following their peaceful and inglorious avocations, have in a single morning smashed the great Hindenburg Line to smithereens.

*' Yorkshire will rejoice in the splendid part played by our own West Riding troops in this great success, and the special tribute paid to them by Sir Douglas Haig, who comments on their remarkable progress. How truly remarkable this was may be gathered from the fact that between Havrincourt, which they took at the very opening of the attack, and Anneux, which they had captured by mid-day, is a distance of six miles in a straight line. To cover such a distance, fighting every inch of the ground, is in itself a wonderful achievement. It becomes still more astonishing when we learn from the official report that they took by storm the village of Graincourt on the way. We doubt whether any finer work has been done by Territorials in the whole course of the war, and we are proud to be able to congratulate the West Riding Terriborials on their splendid achievement. The blood which made our county regiments famous in all the battles of English history still flows unimpaired in the veins of our Yorkshiremen to-day, be they North, or East, or West Riding.

'* Apart from these sources of a legitimate pride to us, however, this victory in front of Lambrai is a remarkable tribute to the power of British arms."


The British Third Army, under General the Hon. Julian Byng, says Sir Douglas Haig in this report, broke '' into the enemy's position to a depth of between four and five miles on a

wide front, and have captured several thousand prisoners, with a number of guns.'"' Tanks led the way for the troops from all parts of the United Kingdom, and Sir Douglas Haig makes special mention of the part played by West Riding Territorials, who took Havrincourt, Graincourt, and Anneux, and, in co-operation with Ulster troops, '' carried the whole of the German line north- wards to the Bapaume-Cambrai road.'' West Lancashire Territorial troops broke into the enemy positions east of Epehy. - West Riding Territorials captured Havrincourt and the German trench systems north of Villaz, whilst Ulster battalions covering the latter's left flank moved northward up the west bank of the Canal du Nord.

Later in the morning our advance was continued, and rapid progress was made at all points. English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh battalions secured the crossings of the Canal at and captured Marcoing and Neuf Wood.

DASH OF THE WEST RIDINGS. The West Riding troops who had taken Havrincourt made remarkable progress east of the Canal du Nord, storming the villages of Graincourt and Anneux, and, with Ulster troops operating west of the Canal, carried the whole of the German line northward to the Bapaume-Cambrai Road. North of Anneux, West Riding battalions have been engaged with the enemy south and south- west of Bourlon Wood.


Wrst Ripings' FINE WoRK IN THE BATTLE FOR CAMBRALI, ExTRAORDINARY ProgrEss MapE. REcorp DISTANCE COVERED IN RECENT ATTACE. The Press Association Special Correspondent says :

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By courtesy of the Huddersfield "Examiner.

Looking at the above clever cartoon one is led to believesthatithezauthor reading of the glorious achievements of the "* Duke's '' at Bourlon Wood, after retiring to bed, dreams that the ''Duke's'' invented a "tank'' of their own and advanced a la the soldiers of Troy in a Tank which was * camouflaged '' as their regimental badge. It had big steel tusks, which tore up the wire, and a trunk which discharged liquid fire on Fritz - It afforded excellent cover for the " Duke's" Snipers, and it had a strombos horn fixed into its mouth which paralysed the enemy.

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There has been no further advance reported to-day (November 24th), though fighting is going on with heavy rifle and machine-gun fire from the neighbourhood of Niveuvre and Bourbon Wood, which I take signalises some activity on our part. 'The Germans have evidently been rushing men and guns up into this area with all possible speed, and anything like surprise is now out of the question. What we get now has to be got by hard fighting.

So hurriedly is the enemy thrusting troops in here, and from such promiscuous sources, that one of our divisions has now taken prisoners from six German divisions. The Germans are also pushing guns with all haste into the neighbourhood of Cambrai, and their artillery fire has been on a good scale, but ineffective, though this afternoon it was rather better than anything since the battle began.

The weather is still so bad and the air so thick that it is hard work for any aeroplane to do anything. It is good enough, however for our men to fly, and to hold the supremacy of the battle area.


The great part which the tanks have played in these operations is well-known, and all one hears of it makes it more brilliant. Before the advance the Commander of the Tank Corps issued a general order, in which he said :-*" The chance for which the Tank Corps has so long waited has come at last," and there is no doubt of the use the Corps made of the chance when it came. One tank performed the feat of. doing a Balaclava act all by itself, and charged a battery of 5.9 guns. It fairly rushed the battery, and chased the gunners round their guns as if it thought itself to be a squadron of cavalry, playing on them with its machine guns, till all who were not killed or hors de combat bolted for cover. ' oe

After doing their first essential form of crushing the barbed wire to let our infantry through, and helping to clean out the trenches with their machine guns, the tanks. seem to have vied with one another in seeing who could go further into dangerous places where there was good work to be done. One group of tanks had a different time in an attack on Flesquieres, where a number of field guns were ranged, and met them with point-blank fire. None the less, they contributed very largely to the fine capture of that village, and it was one of the same tanks which went on with the victorious troops and led them to their later triumphs in the capture of Cantaing.


Marcoing, with its position at the crossings of canal was a point of importance, and was very strongly defended, so a dozen tanks were assigned to take care of it, each with its allotted part to play, and every one of the twelve got in and did precisely what it was set to do, like most of the tanks in the front line of attack. The armouring of these tanks was potted all over with peppering from rifle and machine-gun bullets.

The tanks showed, indeed, that under favourable conditions they can do all and more than all that was claimed for them. They enabled us to attack without the usual artillery bombardment, and to cut the wire, which, besides being very wasteful, necessarily tells the enemy that something is about to happen. By frightening the enemy infantry and keeping down their fire they

enormously reduced our losses in the attack.

__ I have not heard of any battalion which actually got through the Hindenburg line on the first morning without a single casualty, but I do know of two which only had one man wounded each. When one considers what the Hindenburg line was this sounds incredible, but it is true. I told at the time that in the part of the battlefield which I went over the following morning I saw not one British dead. Credit for that is due to the tanks.


The distance covered by some of our troops on the first day was extraordinary, men of one division going no less than seven thousand yards straight into " The Bite," which is believed to be at least one thousand yards further than the infantry have ever gone in an attack on entrenched positions in this war. These were West Riding troops, and, I believe they gathered in on their way more than half a hundred machine guns and a thousand prisoners.

A different kind of performance, but certainly as notable, was that of the Ulster troops on the left of the attack, who did not have tanks to help, to crush the wire, and, therefore, could not go frontally over the trenches. They had to bomb along the trenches to the left of the main attack, and this they did in one day for a distance of four thousand yards, from the neighbourhood of Havrincourt to a point on the Cambrai road.

All along the Germans were holding the trenches in strength and fighting at many points, especially at Aaronspoil bank some 60 feet high. On the canal bank they had extremely strong

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positions, with machine guns. Close beyond was a place known as Blag Street, which was a teal fortress, but nothing stopped the Ulstermen, except that they ran out of bombs for a time, and had to wait for supplies. When those arrived they went joyously on, and achieved what is probably a long distance record for that kind of fighting.


In the village of Graincourt there are said to be large underground works and suites of most luxurious headquarters used by German officers, who seem to do themselves the better the worse their men are faring. These are elaborately furnished and decorated, and hung with pictures, and so forth. In the same village a large electric light plant was run by German soldiers at work. The operation at Bullecourt was on its own scale an equally brilliant success. When we attacked the famous tunnel trench we had information that it was mined, and knew that steps must be taken to make the mines harmless as quickly as possible, or there would be trouble. By a most fortunate chance we were able to master the plan of the mines in the nick of time. 'The leads to the mines were detected, and the necessary cutting was then done to the wires.

Tales brought to-day by civilians coming from the village of Cantaing all insist on the harsh behaviour of the Germans, especially the officers, to the people in the occupied places, and the curé of the village, who is among the refugees, confirms all the stories. After the Germans had stripped the inhabitants of all they had, and requisitioned every kind of eatable and drinkable, the peasantry have lived on the supplies of the American Relief Commission, but whenever they could the Germans plundered them even of these supplies, and stole many things they did not venture to take by force. The peasants never dared complain, as they had no chance of justice from German officers, and only brought worse treatment down upon themselves and the neigh- bourhood. Some refugees look fairly healthy and well-nourished, but many of them are wretched sights.

Of course, there are no able-bodied men of military age amongst them, but only old men and boys, women, and girls.

- Day by day new light is shed upon the feat of the West Riding troops in the advance before Cambrai, and the following extracts from reports of War Correspondents and Sir Douglas Ha/ig pay a gallant tribute to "" Our Boys '' :- '

'* After a severe, swaying struggle, British troops secured Bourlon Wood. It was this wood which formed the scene of that part of the heavy fighting in which the men of the West Riding Territorials were engaged in the great battles west of Cambrai. It is plain that the battle for Bourlon Wood - and village has been one of the stiffest pieces of fighting even of the year 1917. When Haig speaks of the enemy's alternate thrust and resistance as ° fierce ' avd ' stubborn," we may take these epithets as a measure of the task put upon our men.


- __*""The village, which was taken and lost and re-taken in less than 48 hours, is of less importance than the wood which crowns the hill just above the village. Sir Douglas Haig describes it as and dominating high ground,' and in this phrase we have the key to the week-end bulletins. The 100-metre contour-line forms a shallow loop in the map just westward and partly to the south of the village, which lies in a deep little hollow below at the <€ross-roads. From this wooded crest the land falls away in a gentle slope into the vale of the Escaut (or Scheldt), and to the town of Cambrai, which is hardly five miles away from the edge of the wood, and within full view of the summit. Bourlon Wood forms the apex of the whole countryside for miles around, and it is its tactical value that both explains the bitter efforts

of the enemy to keep his grip on it, and the very considerable advantage we have gained by its capture.


-_ **The capture of Bourlon Wood, says a Daily News writer, is the crown of Sir Julian Byng's victory. It is difficult to see how, with Bourlon Wood once firmly established in British possession, the German line to the north is any longer to be held. On the other hand, retreat with an enemy force in a commanding position on flank and rear cannot be easy, and may be disastrous. Fighting of this kind is not the most picturesque or showy form of warfare. Success does not appear in the obvious form of long tales of guns and prisoners. But it may very well prove more decisive in the event than many a more dramatic triumph.


**The Yorkshiremen went through to the Cambrai road by Tuesday night-an advance of 7,000 yards, which I believe is a record, writes Mr. Pericval Phillips. Their general is very


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proud of them, and when I saw him at his headquarters this (Friday) morning, he told me that they had accomplished. every bit of their task with fine enthusiasm and willingness. I could. well believe it, for I met some of them afterwards, and they were in the highest spirits, tramping: along in the rain, muddy from boots to steel hats, their faces caked with grime and unshaven, and with a look of great weariness in their eyes. Yet they were laughing and joking with the: traffic of the highway, and some of them were singing a song, the refrain of which ended, 'I'm so tired I must go home, and I won't get drunk any more I' ~ +


'* On Wednesday the Yorkshiremen took Anneux, and then pushed up nearer Bourlon Wood. Mr. Phillips writes : A curious thing ha¥pened after they got this new front adjusted. Rome sharp-eyed Yorkshiremen looking at Bourlon Wood, saw human faces appear suddenly on what appeared to be green grass. 'The inspection showed it was a cunningly camoulflaged trench following the line of the wood, and covered with green canvas. ,

**The Yorkshiremen attacked it, and found it full of Germans, who ran away. About ten o'clock, however, a low-flying German aeroplane machine-gunned them, and they were enfiladed from the higher ground just south of Bourlon village, so they went back to their former position across the Cambrai road facing the wood. -


** As we state, the Bourlon positions were finally captured on Saturday, troops of varying regiments taking part. Yesterday Sir Douglas Haig issued a special Order of the Day, in which he says :-''The capture of the important Bourlon position yesterday crowns a most successful operation, and opens the way to a further exploitation of the advantages already gained in the eperations of the Third Army. During the past four days the troops engaged were called on to advance under conditions differing to anything ever attempted before. The manner in which they adapted themselves to the new conditions was in all respects admirable, and the results gained by their efforts are of far-reaching importance. Although practically all the divisions employed have already been engaged in severe and prolonged fighting this year, all arms and

services have met the frsh calls on them in a manner worthy of the highest traditions of the British Army."


''In mere matter of distance travelled, says the Times correspondent, the record of the Irishmen was beaten by the West Riding troops, who made the advance on Graincourt and Anneux, for they covered no less than 7,000 yards, which, so far as is known, is the longest distance covered by infantry in a single push in the war on this front. These troops, however, were not bombing along the trenches, but attacked direct with the aid of Tanks, and so went straight out across country.

__ ""In the course of their wonderful advance they took prisoners from no fewer than six different German divisions, including men just brought from Russia.

** It was cavalry who first got into Anneux, but infantry, with Tanks, took Graincourt, and were rewarded by finding most sumptuously appointed quarters in the German battalion head- quarters, which were good enough for an Army Corps Staff. In Graincourt there is also an elaborate electric installation, which was run by German Army Engineers.

** Since this first day there has been fighting before Bourlon Wood, where the Germans had trenches along the south side very cleverly camoulflaged with green canvas, which were first discovered when our posts saw men's faces appearing out of the ground.

" We have captured the trench line on the west side of the wood, being part of the Marquand Line, and also the quarry at the south-east corner, which was very formidably fortified and strongly held.

** As part of their spoils, the West Riding troops have got some 60 machine guns, with at least two Sin. howitzers, and a few field guns. They also have over 1,000 prisoners, and their own casualties are light."


**The West Riding troops captured prisoners from six German divisions on their march forward on the 20th inst.

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'* On the 21st November, 1917, they pushed up to the north-west of Bourlon Wood, and saw nothing of the enemy, in spite of the machine-gun fire which poured down the glade. They: saw nothing of him until they were surprised to see faces coming up from the ground not far away from them. They were the faces of German soldiers looking over a concrete trench artfully: camouflaged with green canvas along the edge of a wood.

'* A German aeroplane, one of the rare birds of this battle, from the enemy's side came over, flew low and shot at the Yorkshiremen with machine-gun fire; and with the rifle fire ahead of them, the position was too bad to hold with their strength at the time, and they withdrew a little until yesterday, when they attacked again behind a line of tanks, routing out a number of machine guns in the southern end of the wood. '

**This wood was held by the 214th German Division, who suffered heavily. Altogether the: West Riding men took over 1,000 prisoners and killed many of the enemy, so that they put out: of action a number far in excess of their own losses.-Mr. Philip Gibbs, in Chronicle."


The great British victory on the Cambrai front is a triumph of initiative. The conception: was brilliant, and the execution was brilliant, too. Where is that impenetrable line now? The: tanks and the Tommies probably know, for they have gone through it; but let no one ever: again refer to it as impregnable, because it is not so. Byng's men have tested its elasticity to some purpose, and the stretching is by no means at an end. We hail with as much enthusiasm as the victoriy itself the evidence it affords that the resources of British strategy are not exhausted,. that our military leaders are not so stereotyped as some would have us believe, that they can still devise new and original methods. Sir Julian Byng's victory will, we believe, mark something like a new era in this war of semi-stagnation. Henceforth the Hun, whatever methods he may adopt to delay the British advance, will have to be perpetually on the qui vive lest his indefatigable: foes should go one better and bring all his efforts to naught. I do not wish to over-estimate this achievement before Cambrai, though Heaven forbid that we should belittle it in any way. Ten thousand prisoners and a considerable number of guns, not to mention points of strategie: importance, cannot be dismissed as a bagatelle. Had the Germans won such a triumph over

Haig's gallant army, Berlin's bells would have been clanging and Berlin's schools would have been empty.

Of their share during this war the Dukes' part has been a noble one, and well have they upheld the high traditions of this gallant regiment. Their achievements have been many and great, for where their presence was demanded, no matter how terrible their task, the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment were to be relied upon to be there.

** Who dies if England lives?" asks Kipling. °" Aye, who dies if England lives." That is- the spirit that dominates the brave Dukes. They go forth to battle ready to do or die, and they always add fame to the name of the famous West Riding Regiment. Undoubtedly they have suffered terribly. At Mons, as I have written, they were in the thick of that terrible retreat, as they have been in all the hard fighting since. But the regiment has covered itself with glory- ** glory that can never fade '"'-and whilst the whole of the West Riding of Yorkshire will mourn the loss of se many of her fine sons, she will at the same time point with a proud finger to the wonderful deeds told in this book of men who have been reared in their midst.

When the war is ended I purpose publishing a second number of this book, and in the: interim I will be pleased to receive any incidents which may be of interest ; also to hear with a view to correction, of any errors or omissions which come to the notice of my readers. In the list of Honours and Awards there must be many omissions, but these, if possible, will be added

in the next book. JOHN J. FISHER.

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(Private) now Sergeant A. LOOSEMORE, V.C,

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Little Stories of Big Deeds by Officers, Non-Coms, and Men of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.

death which are recorded in this book.

Much care has been exercised in compiling this list of °" Little Stories of Big Deeds," but if by any chance names have been inadvertently omitted, I ask that some little indulgence may

be granted me, for in its preparation I have experienced an infinity of difficulty in securing the information desired.

In a subsequent edition, omissions, if my attention be called to them, shall be rectified.



Temporary Sec.-Lieut. Henry Kelly, West Riding Regiment.-For most conspicuous bravery in attack. He twice rallied his company under the heaviest fire, and finally led the only three available men into the enemy trench, and there remained bombing until two of them had become casualties and enemy reinforcements had arrived. He then carried his Company Bergt.-Major, who had been wounded, back to our trenches, a distance of 70 yards, and subsequently three , other soldiers. He set a fine example of gallantry and endurance.-Bec.-Lieut. (now Acting-Capt.) Henry Kelly, West Riding Regiment, another of the V.C. winners, was prior to the war a member of the staff of the Newton Street Post Office, Manchester. He is the eldest son of Mrs. Jane Kelly, widow, of 33, King Street, Moston, who has two other sons in the Army, the

younger of whom has been badly wounded in action. The family has a military history, for Mrs. Kelly's grandfather fought at Waterloo.

Pte. Arnold Loosemore, West Riding Regiment most conspicuous bravery and initiative during the attack on a strongly held enemy position. His platoon having been checked by heavy machine gun fire, he crawled through partially cut wire, dragging) his Lewis gun with him, and, single-handed, dealt with a strong party of the enemy, killing about twenty of them, and thus covering the consolidation of the position taken up by his platoon. Immediately: afterwards his Lewis gun was blown up by a bomb, and three enemy rushed for him, but he shot them all with his revolver. Later, he shot several enemy snipers, exposing himself to heavy fire each time. On returning to the original post he also brought back a wounded comrade under heavy fire at the risk of his life. He displayed throughout an utter disregard of danger.


8tx OctoBEr, 1914. 2xp Barramion, Wrst RipmGg REaiMENT.

Lieut.-Colonel J. A. C. Gibbs (wounded and prisoner), Major P. B. Strafford (killed),. Major E. N. Townsend, Major K. A. Macleod, Captain C. O. Denman-Jubb (killed), Captsin J. C. Burnett (O.C. Cyclist Company), Sec.-Lieut. H. K. O'Kelly (Special Reserve), 5540 Com-

pany Quartermaster-Sergt. J. E. Wiggins, 9158 Corpl. H. Waller, 7409 Pte. T. Ford, 7400 Pte.. J. Robertshaw, 7392 Pte. E. Hammond, 7777 Pte. H. Sansom.

l17tgx FrBruary, 1915. 2xp Barranron, Wrst Rining REGIMENT.

Captain B. J. Barton (Keserve of Officers), Captain E. R. Taylor, Captain H. K. Umfreville: (Reserve of Officers), Lieut. R. O°D Carey, Lieut. R. J. A. Henniker, Lieut. E. N. F. Hitchins,. Lieut. F. R. Thackeray, Lieut. J. H. L. Thompson (died of wounds received in action), 4169 Company Quartermaster-Sergt. E. Gilbard, 5109 Company Quartermaster-Sergt. J. Parker, 6900:

Company Sergt.-Major A. Hanson, 6056 Company Sergt.-Major W. Lister, 8803 Company Sergt.- Major J. Regan, 5567 Sergt. A. Pain, 6785 Lance-Corpl. F. Carrington.

h 31st May, 1915. 2xp Battauion, Wrst REaIMENT.

__ Lieut. C. C. Egerton (West Riding Regt.) (killed) (General Headquarters Staff), Lieut.-Colonel P. A. Turner, Major W. E. M. Tyndall, D.S.O0.; Captain B. J. Barton, D.S.O. (Reserve of Officers); Captain E. R. Taylor (killed), Captain E. N. F. Hitchins (attached 5th Signal Com- pany, Royal Engineers), Lieut. C. T. Young (3rd Battalion, attached), Sec.-Lieut. T. Hutton,. 6530 Sergt.-Major C. Shepherd, 5267 Acting Company Sergt.-Major G. Deacon (dead), 4757

Sergt. J. Nolan, 8692 Corpl. G. Fox, 7430 Lance-Corpl. T. Outhwaite, 10671 Lance-Corpl. E.. Drake (killed).

Page 80

wob' Tip ba oC 002 < oat. < Moc o crs ' 20s. 78 alcks 0C [lid. HAF “V513?” eile. C g,"‘3J.-" kos, 20 lu "ist January, 1916.0 ~ te 2xp BarraLion, Wrst Riping REGIMENT. |

Major L. B. Holliday (West Riding Regt.) (Territorial Force) (General Headquarters Staff), Bec.-Lieut. (Temp. Lieut.) M. H. King (West Riding Regt.) (Territorial Force), Major (Temp. Lieut.Colonel) J. C. Pickering (West Riding Regt.) (General Headquarters Staff).

Wrst Ripmcg REGIMENT.

Major (Temp. Lieut.-Colonel) R. N. Bray, Captain M. N. Cox, Captain C.: W. G. Ince, Lieut. (Temp. Captain) C. L. Hart (Special Reserve), Sec.-Lieut. P. Walsh (Special Reserve), Quartermaster and Honorary Major A. Ellam, 9438 Company Sergt.-Major C. R. Scurry.


Captain (Temp. Major) R. E. Sugden, Lieut. (Temp. Captain) M. P. Andrews (killed), Captain E. E. Sykes, Sec.-Lieut. F. A. Innes, Sec.-Lieut. T. D. Pratt, 601 Company Sergt.- Major A. McNulty, 2346 Sergt. J. Wilson, 2492 Lance-Corpl. D. Dow, 1234 Lance-Corpl. C Wood, 2108 Pte. G. H. Holt, 2400 Pte. J. Shelley, 2716 Pte. L. Stead.

Captain (Temp. Major) G. P. Norton, Sec.-Lieut. H. C. Golding, Temp. Lieut. K. Sykes, Bec.-Lieut. A. Mclintock, 1795 Lance-Corpl. T. J. Holland, 2858 Pte. H. Firth, 3291 Pte. E. Kay, 2934 Pte. G. Nowell, 2222 Pte. T. Wilkinson.

Captain (Temp. Major) C. M. Bateman, Captain‘N. B. Chaffers, Captain A. B. Clarkson, Captain S. F. Marriner (Adjutant) (West Riding Regiment,) Lieut. M. C. M. Law, 2879 Reg. \ Bergt.-Major O. Buckley, 2808 Corpl. J. Bury.

Further Distinction for Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Sugden.

Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Sugden, West Riding Regiment, of Brighouse, has been the recipient 'of general congratulations because of an added honour to his already - honourable military career. For conspicuous conduct and bravery in leading his men in a recent attack on the

fnemy strongholds he has been awarded a bar to the Distinguished Service Order he received ast year.

Major (temp. Lieut..Col.) L. Herapath, of the 2nd Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, is now filling a staff appointment as D.A.A.G, in the East Africa Expeditionary Force, Lieut.-Col. Herapath has served in France during the present war. After his return to England and a period of hospital and convalescence, he was appointed Brigade Major to the Highland Brigade Training Reserve, Scotland, holding that position till August, 1917, when he was selected by the War Office for the post which he now holds.


2480 Corpl. H. Calvert, 2165 Corpl. T. W. Limmer, $375 Pte. T. Brook, 3128 Pte. R. Bnowden.

Lieut. L. G. R. Harris, Sec.-Lieut. J. Brierley, 929 Sergt.-Major H. Smeath, 603 Sergt. N. Hinchliffe, 2222 Sergt. A. Pearson, 1502 Lance-Sergt. W. Gaynor, 426 Lance-Corpl. H. Batley, 1019 Lance-Corpl. J. Taylor, 2010 Pte. H. Mallinson, 48 Pte. L. Shaw.

Wrest Ripinga REceimENt SEervicE BatTaLION).

Lieut-Colonel F. A. Haydon, D.S.O0. (Reserve of Officers), Captain A. E. Miller (West

Riding Regiment), Temp. Lieut. H. H. M:Coll, Temp. Lieut. L. H. de Pinto, Temp. Lieut.. L. G. S8. Bolland.

Published in London Gazette, 28th January, 1916. (General Sir Ian Hamilton's Dispatches.)

Wrest Riping RraimENT SErvicEk BATTALION) (GALLIPOLI).

Major H. Gardiner, D.S.O0. (West Riding Regiment), Captain V. N. Kidd, (Adjutant, West Riding Regiment), 10394 Sergt. F. J. Williams (died of wounds), 11277 Pte. H. T. Smith, 14409 Pte. W. Haywood, 12016 Pte. W. E. Chambers (dead), 11833 Pte. A. Henderson.

A continuation of Sir Douglas Haig's dispatch includes as deserving of special mention the names of three well-known local officers in the West Riding Regiment, viz., Major R. E. Sugden, D.8.0. (Acting Lieut.-Colonel), Captain J. Walker (Temp. Major), and Sec.-Lieut. E. V. Blakley. Major Sugden received the D.S8.O. in June last year, and the following week was mentioned in dispatches. He is a member of the firm of Messrs. T. Sugden & Sons, Ltd., Brighouse, and is well-known throughout Yorkshire, especially in the football world. Captain Walker is a member of .the firm of Messrs. J. Walker & Son, Holme Bank Mills, Mirfield, and he also was mentioned in dispatches in June last year. Sec.-Lieut. Blakley lives at Moorfield Villas, Halifax

and is a popular member of the King Cross Cricket Club, having prior to the war established his place in the first eleven.

Tampa Lieut. Jagk Wilkinson,_on}y son of Mrs. Wilkinson, Rufford House, Halifax, has been mentioned by Sir Douglas Haig in one of his recent dispatches. Priro to the war, Lieut.

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~Wilkinson was an engineer at Messrs. Pollit & Wigzell's, Sowerby Bridge, and joined the First 4th West Riding Regiment when was was declared, being subsequently transferred to the Machine Gun Corps.

Reg. Sergt.-Major J. W. Headings (now Lieut., 10th Battalion) (11,67), West Riding Regiment, has been mentioned in dispatches. His home. is in Emscote Grove, Halifax, and prior to the war he was managing foreman for Messrs. Seed and Ingham, decorators, King -Cross Street. He was one of the pioneers of the National Reserve movement in Halifax, and re-enlisted in the Army soon after the war commenced. He accepted a post as instructor in

Kitchener's Army, and went to France with his battalion.

General Sir Douglas Haig's Dispatches, June 13th, 1917.

- Lieut.-Colonel R. N. Bray, Major T. F. Sugden, Major Walker, Captain En. Marshall, 'Sec.-Lieut. G. P. McGuire, Qm. & Hon. Lieut. T. Fielding, 2350 Company Sergt.-Major F. P. Stirzaker, 2164 Sergt. J. C. Walker, 2481 Corpl. H. Shackleton.

Major G. W. K. Crostand, Major Arn. Wheatley, Captain S. C. Brierley, Captain J. LL. ~Watson, Lieut. A. McLentock, 2667 Sergt. W. Fraser, 1117 F. J. Rogers, 2159 Pte. W. Swain. Lieut. M C. M. Law (died of wounds), Sec.-Lieut. P. F. Stuck, 71 Company Sergt.-Major «Joh. Horner, 2002 Sergt. J. Bateson, Sec.-Lieut. J. N. W. A. Proctor, Quartermaster & Hor. Lieut. J. Churchman, 32 Corpl. T. Webster, 2631 Sergt. T. S. Hepworth.

Lieut.-Colonel G. E. Wannell (S. B), Corpl, P. R. Simner, 11885 Reg. Sergt-Major G. P. Bennett, Lieut. G. R. C. Heale, D.S.O., 11867 Reg. Sergt-Major J. W. Headings.

2/Lieut. Joseph P. Castle, Capt. Tom Goodall, Capt. Herbert S. Jackson, Capt. Charles S. Moxon. ,


His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the appointment of the undermentioned officers to be Companions of the Distinguished Service Order, in recognition of their services with the Expeditionary Force :- .

Lieut.-Col. F. W. Lethbridge, Lieut.-Col. Geo. Ed. Wannell (9th Service Battalion), Major W. E. M. Tyndall, Captain John Curteis Bennett (2nd Battalion), Major G. E. Cockburn, Lieut.-Colonel Cary Bernard (Oth Battalion), Lieut. G. R. C. Heale, Lieut.Colonel Hy. Wrizxon

Beecher, Lieut.-Colonel C. J. Pickering, Major Gilbert Paul Norton, Major Charles Bateman (T.F.), Capt. & Adjt. Vivian Norwall Kidd (8th Service Battalion).

The Chairman of the West Riding County Association communicates a list of recent awards to the West Riding Territorial Force. Included in the list is Surgeon-Major E. G. Peck, formerly of Queensbury, 246th (W.R.) Brigade, R.F.A., whom we have previously recorded as having been awarded the Distinguished Service Order. The award is in recognition of

** Conspicuous gallantry in attending to wounded under heavy shell fire on September 80th and October 10th, 1916." ‘

Major Acting Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Jarnett Horsfall.-Whilst in command of his battalion

'he displayed the greatest courage and determination. It was largely due to his personal example that the operations of his battalion were so successfully carried out.

Major R. J. Barton, D.S.O., of the Reserve of Officers, who, like his father, had his wegimental service in the West Ridings, has been appointed Lieut-Colonel to command a battalion of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. The gallant officer served with ** The Havercake Lads '' in the Boer War, and, on the mobilisation of the Halifax reservists for the

present war, he was called up and attached to the 2nd West Ridings. He has done excellent work at the front, and has been mentioned in dispatches and awarded the D.S.O.

Captain Harry Gardner (2nd Battalion, attached 8th Service Battalion).-For conspicuous

gallantry and determination during operations at Suvia Bay on August 8th, 1915. He continued

to lead his men forward after being twice wounded, and only gave up after being wounded & third time. ‘

Captain Robert Clement Perks (10th Service Battalion).-For conspicuous gallantry during «operations. When landing a bombing party he was wounded in the face and rendered insensible. recovering he again took part in the attack. Whilst throwing bombs he was twice wounded

in the hand and foot, but continued to lead his men till rendered unconscious again by a further -wound in the face.


Temporary Sec.-Lieut. Frank Hubert Cauldwell Redington, West Riding *the enemy attacked down a communication trench, he went forward down the trench by himself

with a bag of bombs and held up the attack for ten minutes, until assistance arrived, when he «lrove the enemy back and established a block.

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Sec.-Lieut. Norman Hubert Rutherford, West Riding Regiment—Although joiuided, .he carried out a daring patrol, himself killing two of the enemy and capturing two prisoners. He obtained most valuable information and set a splendid example throughout.

Company Sergt.-Major Louis James West Riding Regiment.-He assumed cqmman'd of and led his company with great courage and determination. Later he greatly assisted in repulsing an enemy counter attack.

Lieut. Leonard Rothery, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, has been awarded the Military Cross. Lieut. Rothery is the elder son of Major W. U. Rothery, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, who is managing director of the firm of Messrs. Joseph Sykes Bros., Ltd., card clothing manufacturers, Lindley. Lieut. Rothey is 19 years of age, joined in August, 1914, from the Bradfield College Training Corps. He is an old student of the Huddersfield College School.

Sec.-Lieut. Herbert Osborn Browning, Tem.-Capt. Leonard Norman Phillips, West Riding Regiment; Tem.-Capt. (now Tem.-Major) Malcolm Robertson, General List, formerly West Riding Regiment.

SBec.-Lieut. William Boocock (now Captain), West Riding Regiment.-For conspicuous gallantry during operations. He commanded his company in a wood during six days of heavy shelling and sniping. Regardless of personal danger, he took our patrols time after time to clear up the situation.

Temp. Lieut. Lionel Wray Fox was gazetted for the Military Cross. The report says the award is for conspicuous gallantry in action. For many days he kept his guns in action under heavy shell fire, though the emplacements were destroyed at least once every day. He carried out his task and successfully destroyed the enemy's wire.

Sec.-Lieut. Aykroyd, M.C., shortly after the outbreak of war, joined the First 4th West West Riding Regiment, and went to the Front with them a year ago last April. He is a popular officer, and his men will rejoice with him in the distinction he has well earned. On enlisting he was only 19 years of age, having just finished his career at Rugby, and he was about to go to Cambridge to continue his education there. His elder brother, an officer in the R.F.A., was mentioned in the first list of dispatches.

Lieut. (Temp. Major) Charles Bathurst.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. By his coolness and exceptional judgment in action he was able, in spite of heavy casualties and severe fighting, to take over the frontage of another battalion at a time of difficulty and anxiety. His skilful leadership and power of control were most marked throughout the operations.

Sec.-Lieut. Hilton Furniss.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading his platoon with great dash and determination against very hostile machine-gun and rifle fire. He was twice wounded, the second time severely in some fourteen places, but in spite of this he continued to urge his men to hold their line until brought in at dusk by a stretcher-bearer.

Temp. Captain Alfred Percy Harrison.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Although wounded in the knee he continued to command and direct his company until all his objectives were obtained.

Sec.-Lieut. Edward Tanner.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading his platoon with great determination and dash against very heavy hostile machine-gun and rifle fire. Although wounded in the eye and rendered for some time unconscious, he went forward again on recovering, collected some of his men, and made a further attempt against the enemy front line, showing a fine example to all ranks.

Captain Amos Clarkson, M.C., Captain L. G. R. Harris, M.C., Lieut. Wrapp, M.C. Lieut. Geo. Turner, son of Ald. J. H. Turner, East View, Brighouse.

Temp. Sec.-Lieut. Graydon William Goldsworthy, West Riding Regiment.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When going to the rear to get his wound dressed he met a company of another unit without any officers. He rallied these men and led them against the enemy, persisting in the assault until compelled to fall out owing to exhaustion.

Temp. Captain Edward Henry Molyneux, West Riding Regiment.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He led his company with great skill and courage. They advanced under

heavy fire, and when wounded he continued to lead until again severely wounded in the leg. Sec.-Lieut. Leonard Shaw.

Lieut. Frank Bamforth, West Riding Regiment.-For conspicuous gallantry in action. Although wounded he remained at duty with his company. He was again wounded, but still remained at his post, carrying out his work with great courage and determination.

Temp. Sec.-Lieut. William Clarke, West Riding Regiment.-He took command of two eompanies until they were relieved. He showed great skill and determination in consolidating ground taken, and handled his men with great coolness.

Sec.-Lieut. (Temp. Captain) Basil Cantley Lupton, West Riding commanded and rallied a detachment with great gallantry under very heavy fire. He was wounded.

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ieut. Fox is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fox, of Roseneath, Halifax. He was educated at HIézlth Grammar School, whence he passed out head of the School. When only 17 years old he obtained in open competition the Senior Classical Scholarship at Hertford College, Oxford, and was also awarded the Rawson Exhibition. At Oxford he joined the O.T.C., and had just completed one year there and returned from his first training camp at Aldershot when war broke out. He was offered and immediately accepted a commission in the 9th Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment. In November, 1915, he crossed to France, and after undergoing for a short period a special course in trench mortar work, he went into the trenches, and since that time, with the exception of one short leave, he has never been out of range of the guns.

Captain S. H. Clough (6th West Riding), Sec.-Lieut. J. W. Denison (6th West Riding). C.S.M- W. Medley, M.C. and Medal Militaire .(1/4th West Riding). Sec.-Lieut. W. F. Luckman C.S.M,, C. H. Gartside.

Lieut. A. Halstead, West Riding Regiment, son of Mrs. Halstead, 8 Buxton Street, Lee Mount, and of the late Mr. Elijah Halstead, awarded the Miiltary Cross under the following circumstances : ** During an attack south of Hill 60 on June 7th, 1917, although wounded - in the knee, he personally led an attack with great bravery and promptitude against a hostile machine gun, capturing the gun and a team of four men. Lieut. Halstead was 23 years of age.

Sergt. J. Ellis, West Riding Regiment.-He took over temporary command of the battalion during the advance, and handled the men with the utmost confidence and skill, inspiring a fine example in the face of heavy fire. Awarded D.C.M.?

Temp. Sec.-Lieut. Philip Felix Lambert.--He displayed great courage and resource in taking command of his company in the advance. When the party was withdrawn at night he did good work in organising the defence of a captured trench. He set a fine example throughout.

Sec.-Lieut. Ethelbert Wood, attached to the West Riding Regiment, who has been awarded - the Military Cross, and recently received the decoration at the hands of the King, is the younger son of the late Mr. John Wood, Whitwell, Mansfield (formerly of Halifax), and brother of Mrs. J. Hepworth, Vine Terrace. He enlisted early in the war, and was for some months Sergeant- Instructor at the Brocton School of Musketry. In January last he was granted a commission, and went out to France in April. Prior to enlistment Mr. Wood was a member of the teaching profession, holding an appointment as organising master of an important school under the Sheffield Education Authority. Mrs. Wood, who resides in Sheffield, has received several letters, including one from Captain C. M. Durant, M.C., in the course of which he says : 'I take the liberty of writing to say how glad I am that your husband has been awarded the Military Cross he has so well earned. He was attached to my company, when all my officers had been wounded. He had to attack with men he did not know, and who did not know him. He acted very well

under trying circumstances, and won the admiration and respect of my men, which I think is he highest .

Captain Claude M. D. Durant, M.C. ; Captain Barclay Godfrey", Buxton, West Riding Regt.

Military Cross : Sec.-Lieut. A. Haigh, West Riding Regiment, attached Machine Gun Com- pany ; Sec. Lieut. Frank Muff, West Riding Regiment; and Temp. Sec.-Lieuts. V F. de W. W.

Vredenburg and Ethelbert Wood, attached West Riding Regiment; Sec.-Lieut. Frank Haslam, West Riding Regiment. ' -

Sec.-Lieut. William Croft Dickinson, who has been awarded the Military Cross, is the son of the Rev. William and Mrs. Dickinson, of Bourne House, Silsden. His father was formerly minister of Ebenezer P.M. Church, Halifax. He attended the Halifax Secondary School, and while there won a scholarship at the Mill Hill School, London.

___ Lieut. Leslie Guy Stewart Bolland (9th Battalion). -For conspicuous gallantry near Red Lamp salient on the night of 4th November, 1915. A German patrol of about 50 men attacked and enveloped the party covering some men working between the lines. Two of the covering party were wounded. After ascertaining that the working party had been safely withdrawn, Lieut. Bolland proceeded to withdraw his covering party, carrying one of the wounded on his

back, and receiving two bullets through his clothing while doing so. He displayed great courage and coolness throughout the operations. ' ~

Captain John Walker Clapham, son of Mrs. Clapham, of New North House, Huddersfield,

and grandson of the late Alderman John Lee Walker, a former Mayor of Huddersfield.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.

Lieut. John Vaughan.-For unflinching devotion to duty. Having led an attack with great fearlessness and dash under terrific fire of every description, he found that it was impossible to duve same hpme. Whereupon he ordered his men to fall back upon some shell holes, and engaged the enemy with rifle fire. He then organised and led another attack, displaying the same gallantry

___ Major Mowat, Captain Mowat, Reg. Sergt.-Major Stirzaker, Captain Alfd. Bairstow (Terri- toglal Force), Captain Michael Newell Cox, Captain Cecil W. Gason Ince, Captain Alfred Eric Mlllelj, Captain Fredk. John Fitz-James Cullinan (9th Battalion), Sec.-Lieut. Ed. Malcolm Cunningham (2nd Battalion, attached 9th Service Battalion), Lieut. Geo. Reginald Chas. Heale (10th Service Battalion), Company Sergt.-Major Lee (1/4th, Territorial Force), Captain Norman

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Bairstow Chaffers (Territorial Force), Sec.-Lieut. Charles Eliis Merrian Conbrough (Service Battalion).

Sec.-Lieut. John Petty.-For conspiéuous gallantry in action. For three whole days he set a splendid example as Bombing Officer, driving off the enemy counter attacks time after time.

14454 Company Sergt.-Major Ronald Shore. For conspicuous gallantry in action. When part of his company became separated and his officers were casualties, he took charge and led those near him with great dash in the attack. He also sent back valuable information of the situation.

Sec.-Lieut. Harold Hammond Aykroyd.-For conspicuous gallantry. Since taking charge of the Scouts he has done fine work, notably when he led two patrols during operations to discover the enemy's positions and movements. He led these patrols with great skill and determination, .and brought back valuable reports.

> Sec.-Lieut. Laurie Ritchie Armitage.-For conspicuous gallantry. Under heavy shell fire 'and sniping he accompanied another officer, and carried in a wounded officer a distance of 200 yards in full view of the enemy.

Lieut. Alastair F. Gloag (West Riding Regiment). -For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in leading his company to their objective through very heavy shell and machine-gun fire, during which he was wounded in the head. He continued, however, to show a fine spirit, cheering his men and encouraging them to hold on, until finally, compelled by overwhelming numbers to fall back upon a line of shell holes, which he held for some hours with great tenacity and courage.

The Military Cross has been awarded to the following officers in the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, for meritorious services in the field :-

Temp. Captain Richard Bolton, Lieut. Arthur Vernon Broadbent, Temp. Sec.-Lieut. (Acting Captain) John Selwyn Browning, Lieut. (Acting Capatin) George Burnley Bruce, Temp. Captain James Christopher Bull, Sec.-Lieut. (Temp. Lieut.) Arthur Driver, Lieut. Leonard Cordingley, Temp. Captain Edward Mitchell Huntriss, Lieut. (Acting Captaim) Tom Goodall, Captain Nicholas Geldard, Captain Edward Nixon Marshall, Sec.-Lieut. Herbert Raphe Bower, Lieut. John Norman William Atkinson Procter, Captain Harry Smith, Lieut. (Acting Captain) Austin Somervell, Temp. Captain Joseph Ernest Troughton, Major E. C. Palmer, Captain Cyril William Curtis Bain (attached M.G. Corps), Lieut. (Acting Captain) Edward Vernon Blakley, only son of Mrs. Blakley, Moorfield Villas, Halifax; Temp. Lieut. Horace William Harriman, Temp. Captain Ed. Mitchell Huntriss, only son of Mr. Edward Huntriss, Westfield, Halifax, Lieut. 6. P. Hayward, son of the Rev. A. E. Hayward, Rector of Emsley.

Lieut. Gordon Y. Bernays. Lieut. Douglas Black. 2/Lt. Herbert Hardaker. Lieut Sidney P. Hayward. 2/Lt. Arthur S. Jack. 2/Lt. Willie Knowles. 2/Lt. Harry Matcalfe. 2/Lt. Francis G. W. Pepper. 2/Lt. Joseph Thompson. Lieut. Eric William Harris.


Lieut. (Acting Captain) Barclay Godfrey Buxton, M.C. (M.C. gazetted September 26th, 1917), Lieut. (Acting Captain) John Bates Cockhill, M.C. (M.C. gazetted January 19th, 1917).


The following Military Honours were included in a supplement to The London Gazette, issued on Wednesday night :-

Second bar to Military Cross : Capt. Miles Henry King, M.C., West Riding Regiment. {(M.C. gazetted June 3rd, 1916; first bar July 26th, 1917.)


His Majesty the King has approved of the grant of the medal for distinguished conduct in the field to the undermentioned non-commissioned officers and men, for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty, whilst serving with. the Expeditionary Force :-

(Announced in the London Gazette, dated 22nd November, 1914.) Private T. Ford, 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment. (Announced in the London Gazette, dated 19th November, -1914.)

9692 Company Sergt.-Major A. E. Taylor, 2nd Battalion West Riding Regiment; 7851 Lance- Sergt. E. Pogson, 2nd Battalion West Riding Regiment.

Pte. H. Sykes, of the 1/4th West Riding Regiment, who was awarded the D.C.M. '* For conspicuous gallantry in standing by a man who had become incapacitated under heavy fire, and carrying him to a place of safety. Later he performed a similar gallant act."

12794 Pte. A. R. Dean.-At one of the worst parts of the line on the western front, the

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** International '' French, St. Eloi, Pte. Dean (9th Battalion) did most excellent work with a machine gun during the retaking of this trench by the British in February. The machine gun which he worked did much excellent service by keeping up a withering fire along the tops of the enemy's entrenched positions, to their distinct disadvantage and our special gain. Throughout - the engagement, until wounded himself, Pte. Dean worked calmly against great odds, and to his personal efforts much of our success on that occasion lay. Mrs. C. Cunliffe, New Street, Waring Green, has been informed that her brother, Sergt. John Greenwood, West Riding Regiment, has been recommended for the D.C.M. A native of Elland, and later a resident at Brighouse and Sheffield, his present home, he went to South Africa with Brighouse Territorials. > '

Information has come to hand that Pte. Sam Butterworth (20441), 2/4th West Riding Regiment, 62nd Division, has been mentioned in dispatches, and awarded the D.C.M. His officer writes : ** Pte. Butterworth found on the night of May 3rd a wounded officer, and, though wounded himself, stayed with him through the night of the 4th; afterwards he went down to the railway embankment for help, about 1,400 yards, but returned by himself and again stayed with the officer all early morning of the 5th (May) when he again came to the embankment for help. En route to hospital he was seen by a C.O., to whom he gave information, and volunteered to go out that night, after his wounds were dressed. He accompanied a party, but was unsuccessful owing to heavy fire. The wounded officer was found later through the informa- tion furnished by Pte. Butterworth, and brought in. (Signed) J. B. Ellison, Capt. and Adjt.'" 12167 Sergt. H. Pearson (@th conspicuous gallantry on the night of 22nd November, 1915, near Hooge. When a Lance-Corpl. of their battalion on bombing patrol had been mortally wounded about ten yards from the German trenches, Sergt. Pearson and Lance- Corpl. Rossall promptly went out, although a German patrol was advancing towards them. Lance-Corpl. Rossall drove the patrol off with bombs, and then he and the Sergt. went forward and brought in the wounded Lance-Corpl. e

12458 Lance-Corpl. R. Rossall (9th West Riding Regiment). -See above.

14755 Pte. S. Wakefield (10th Battalion).-For conspicuouus courage at Manquissart, on October 26th, 1915. . . .

:_15587 Pte. J. W. Hawkridge (10th Battalion), Q.M. and Hon. Lieut. R. Baxter (1/5th, T.F.), 11885 Sergt.-Major G. P. Bennett (9th Service Battalion). ‘ .

2808 Sergt. J. Bury (1/6th, TF.). -For repeated conspicuous gallantry.

- 11030 Pte. R. D. Davis (8th Battalion), 9636 Sergt. H. G. England (9th), 1644 Company Bergt.-Major G. A. Miler (1/5th, 28583 Company Sergt.-Major A. Stirzaker (1/4th, T.F.), . 3406 Pte. H. Sykes (1/4th, T.F.).

13206 Pte. H. Midgley.-For conspicuous gallantry during an attack in action. 6530 Sergt.-Major C. Shepherd.-For conspicuous gallantry during an attack in action.

9827 Company Sergt.-Major C. E. Metcalfe.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in action. Though wounded he refused to leave the line, and continued to carry out his duties. During the following days, while holding the front line trenches, he rendered invaluable assistance in reorganising the battalion, and set a splendid example to all ranks.

934 Sergt. A. Kirman.-For conspicuous gallantry. He led the advance of a party which stormed a main line enemy trench, and showed great determination. Though severely wounded he stuck to his duty for several hours.

2497 Pte. J. Walsh.-For conspicuous gallantry in action. When a whole machine-gun team were knocked out of action, he dashed forward and carried on single-handed under heavy shell fire

Three of the 1st (Fourth) West Ridings have earned commendation for distinguished conduct under fire in circumstances which are associated with the death of Captain Andrews, formerly

headmaster of Hipperholme Grammar School. These are Lance-Corpl. Charles Wood, Ptes. G. Holt, and J. Shelley.

Each of the men are the possessors of cards, signed by Major-General E. M. Percival, commanding the 49th West Riding Division, and which read : "* The Commanding Officer and Brigade Commander have informed me that you have distinguished yourself by your conduct ° in the field on the 14th August, 1915. I have read their report with much pleasure, and have brought it to the notice of higher authority."

- All the men are stretcher-bearers. Lance-Corpl. Wood is a son of Pte. William Wood, a member of the band of the Depot, and his home is at 4 Skye Alley, Square. Halifax. He is a brother of Mr. - Willie Wood, who is well known in band circles, and is an old boy of Holy Trinity School. '

The incident out of which the men are commended is described in a letter received by Wood's parents, viz. : ''There were three men killed and three wounded (two stretcher cases and one walking case), the result of a shell dropping on the top of a dug-out. The wounded men could not be taken down the communication trench very well; in fact, it seemed an impossibility, and the medical officer had given the order for the sick men to go down to headquarters immedi-

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ately, so Captain Andrews, who was always on the spot in these cases and did his best to help us, said, © Then there is only one thing for it. We must go over the top. I will lead the way.'

'* Over the top meant to get out of the trench and cross open country in full view of the enemy, because it was quite daylight. Had it been dark it would not have been much. We had not gone far when the enemy spotted us. You know what that meant for us. Anyway there must have been some bad shots, as we were fortunate enough to arrive within about twenty yards of our destination when Captain Andrews met his fate. He had volunteered to help one

of us, and, carrying at the foot of the stretcher, had not travelled twenty yards. . . . . He fell without a murmur. I did my best for him, and all to no purpose. The medical officer was sent for, but before. his arrival Captain Andrews had breathed his last. . . . . I had the

enclosed card presented to me a short while after by our battalion O.C. There are three recommended-G. Holt, J. Shelley, and myself."

Pte. J. E. Rowlands (1/7th). -For conspicuous gallantry on the night of 21st and 22nd Jur2, 1915, east of Fleurbaix.

Corpl. C. Landale (1/4th). -For conspicuous gallantry and resource on Yser Canal, 16th October, 1915.

355 Corpl. E. Ashworth (1/4th), 2281 Corpl. D. Black (1/5th), 421 Sergt. W. Warwick (1/7th), 8032 Pte. W. Thomas (2nd Battalion), 10741 Pte. W. Cryer (9th). f

1244 Pte. J. Ainley, and 12775 Lance-Corpl. A. Clarkson (9th Battalion). -For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as stretcher bearers on 24th November, 1915.

12460 Lance-Sergt. E. Powis (@nd Battalion) 12744 Sergt. T. W. Raithby (9th Battalion), 12944 Corpl. H. Horsman (@th Battalion), 12094 Pte. W. Bridgewater (9th Battalion), 3868 Pte. P. H. Garratt (1/6th), 838 Sergt. W. J. Robinson (1/6th).

1457 Pte. J. E. Rowlands (1/7th Battalion, West Riding Regiment, conspicuous gallantry on the night of the 21st and 22nd June, 1915, east of Fleurbaix. In company with two other men, he was engaged in repairing wire in front of the parapet when the enemy opened a rapid fire, and one of the men was severely wounded. Pte. Rowlands picked him up, carried him to a flank, and thence to the parapet, lifting him up until he could be assisted into the trench from the inside. He was obliged to cross over very rough exposed ground, under a heavy

fire, and fell twice, but with great bravery and resolution he held to his task until the man was brought into safety.

Lance-Corpl. Walter Astin, of the 2/4th West Ridings, 62nd Division, whose home is at 6 Ingram Square, Saville Park. He was in command of a Lewis gun team holding an advanced position. The gun was twice buried, and, on the second occasion the N.C.'s were disabled and the gun put out of action. Although holding part of the line where movement during the day was open to great risk, he obtained picks and shovels, and, along with the remaining members of his party, extricated the buried gun on each occasion. The matter was reported to the commanding officer. who sent another gun team, to provide relief. Lance-Corpl. Astin accepted the gun, but sent the relief team back, and continued to hold the position with his own team until the advance of the battalion. 'He showed a great example of coolness," says the official record, '" and high sense of duty."

Another bank official has been honoured by the award of the D.C.M. We refer to Sergt. F. E. Lumb, who at the outbreak of war was on the staff of the Halifax Permanent Benefit Building Society. He was the first of the staff to join His Majesty's Forces. He was the youngest son of the late Mr. Japheth Lumb, Upper Hathershelf Farm, Luddenden Foot.

2/6ths, C.S.M. T. Maude, Sergt. S. T. Mcleod. '

Lance-Corporal 'T. H. Clark, Distinguished Conduct Medal. His gallant deed was thus described : '* On October 16th, 1915, he was in charge of a party of bombers holding a sap head on the Yser Canal, within a few yards of the enemy's line. The end of the sap head was blown in by a trench mortar, and he was buried. He was dug out, found to be wounded in the leg, and was ordered off to the dressing-station, much against his will. Fifteen minutes later he was found barricading the end of the sap, and assisted to drive off three enemy bombing parties.'"

Pte. Currell was in the front line when the Germans made their big attack with gas on December 19th, 1915, the date when so many local West Riding lads were overcome. For brave

work on that occasion he was awarded the D.C.M. Pte. Currell (2588) was wounded on July 9th, 1916, and died from wounds on the following day.

Lance-Corpl. J. S. Shaw, West Riding Regiment.-Lance-Corpl. Shaw went out, with another man to repair a telephone wire. A shell burst close to his head, rendering him deaf. He continued to work, under heavy fire, until he had mended the line, returning to his post.

Lieut. H Shackleton, Machine Gun Corps, son of Mr. A. Shackleton, of Mount Tabor, has won the Military Medal. On the outbreak of war he joined the 1/4th, went abroad with them the following spring, and saw 14 months' service with them. He was associated with

much responsible gallant work, won three stripes, was nienticned in dispatches, and recommended for a commission. ~

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The D.C.M. was presented to Lance-Corpl. Leslie Sheard, West Ridings, of Mirfield. The presentation was made by Major Harold Wilson, the hero's Commanding Officer, who recalled Sheard's gallant action on November 17th, 1915, when he risked his own life for a considerable period in endeavouring to save a wounded comrade.

Company Sergt-Major D. F. McKrill.-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an attack. Although wounded early in the action, he remained with his company, greatly assisting his commander in rallying his men under machine-gun fire, until he was wounded for the second time. His fine example and pluck did much to encourage the men.

D.C.M.-Sergt. A. Kirman, Pte. J. E. Pickup, and Pte. J. Walsh, West Riding Regiment.

Bandsman W. Blakley, 1/7th Battalion, West Riding Regiment (T.F.).-For conspicuous gallantry and devotion on August 8th, 1915, on the Yser Canal. During the bombardment on this date he dug, practically unaided for two hours, under a heavy shell fire, to liberate a wounded man who had been buried beneath the parapet. His efforts were ultimately successful. Throughout the night of August 8th-9th he attended to the wounded with the greatest devotion, all the other strecher-bearers being incapaciated, and although he himself was suffering from


3367 Pte. F. Bracewell, 1/6th Battalion, West Riding Regiment (T.F.).-For conspicuous gallantry on the 20th July, 1915, on the Yser Canal, north-west of Brielen. His regiment, which was quartered on the éanal bank, was shelled by the enemy. Pte. Bracewell, who is a stretcher- bearer, was wounded himself in both arms and one leg, but with the greatest bravery and devotion he went to the assistance of another man, who had also been wounded. He dressed his wounds in the open, under heavy fire, two shells bursting close to him whilst so employed, and succeeded in getting him into safety. '

Pte. A. Bradbury, Sergt. R. Bradshaw, Pte. W. D. Crosland.

Pte. Wilfred Bancroft, 12 Ludhill, Southowram, is reported missing since September 3rd, 1916. Prior to the war he was employed in a Lincolnshire foundry, but enlisted, from Southo- wram, in the West Riding Regiment. He is 21 years of age. His mother received a letter from an officer stating how sorry he is to convey tue news. They had taken the first line trench, but were driven out, and Wilfred never came back. They are, however, strongly hoping he has been taken prisoner. On February 17th, whilst home on leave, Pte. Bancroft was honoured by the inhabitants of Southowram, when, at a gathering at the Mechanics' Institute, the: Rev. J. M. Walton, on behalf of the people of the district, presented him with a wristletimwatch, a brush and comb case, pocket wallet, cigarette case, and pipe, the gifts being an appreciation of his bravery, which gave him the honour of being the first D.C.M. winner in Southowram. - The incident for which he was awarded the D.C.M. took place on December 19th, 1915. The men in certain trenches were in danger of being annihilated, and the only way to save them was: té get a message to headquarters. Pte. Bancroft prevailed upon the officer to let him take :the message, and he did so. It was an exceedingly dangerous journey. He had to run for a considerable distance, and adopt various tactics to get through, in face of the Germans. It was daylight, and they fired at him not only with rifles but with machine guns. He had to eross a bridge, consisting of only three planks, over the Yser Canal, whilst still under enemy fire. He forged ahead, however, disregarding all danger, and after a marvellous journey reached headquarters unharmed.. His perilous adventure was the means of saving the situation. ‘

A meeting of the committee who had in hand the proposed presentation to Corpl. Ernest Ashworth, of West Vale, was held when he was home on furlough. This brave soldier has gained the distinction of being awarded the D.C.M., and is to be the recipient of a suitable present to commemorate the honour he has won for himself and the distinction he has brought

on the district. This is to consist of a gold watch, suitably inscribed, guard and medal, subscribed for by the local populace.

Seygit. J. W. Stott, Charlestown, Hebden Bridge, who has previously had conferred on him the Military Medal for gallantry, has been further honoured by the D.C.M.

Company Sergt.-Major Fred Gleedow, West Riding Regiment.-When the flank of the trench held by the battalion had been turned by the enemy, he rendered invaluable service by organising

the defence and encouraging his men, thereby greatly assisting in beating off the attack. He set a fine example at a critical time.


12413 Pte. B. Behan, 2nd Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment, had another distinction added to his long list of honours, when the King presented him with the Russian Order of St. George, at Newcastle. The medal was awarded for "' Conspicuous gallantry, initiative, and ability on the evening of the 19th April, 1915, during the taking of Hill 60. Pte. Behan and another man became separated from their company, and they at once attacked a German trench by themselves, killing three men, capturing two, and dispersing the remainder. Subse- quently when reinforcements reached them without officers or N.C.O.'s, Pte. Behan took command, and led the charge with great ability and complete success."

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Pte. Behan has a record that is perhaps unparalelled in this part of the country. On his tunic be at present wears four wound stripes, three service stripes representing 24 years' service, the order of the St. George of Russia, the D.C.M. ribbon, two South African ribbons, the King and Queem's, and six engagement bars. He has now to add one more gold stripe and the French Croix de Guerre, which has been also awarded him, and presented to him by the King at Buckingham Palace. Since re-joining the colours on December 21st, 1914, he has been four times wounded in France, and was in the Dardanelles and evacuation of Suvia Bay, so whan the medals are struck for the present war, two or three more will be added to a breast

already covered with the recognitions of devoted service.

At Newcastle the King asked him how long he had been with the regiment, and on receivin the reply gave his bearty congratulations on ' a fine breast of medals." The King also grante him special leave in order to pay a five days' visit to his home, 4 Allerton Yard, Gibbet Street.

MILITARY MEDAL. The London Gazette includes a long list of awards of the Military Medal to non-commissioned

officers and men. Among them are the following men of the West Riding Regiment :-Pte. G. Barwick, Pte. H. Chaplin, Pte. Conroy, Pte. F. Dickinson, Pte. F. A. Hookham, Sergt. W. LL. Johansen, Lance-Corpl. G. Johnson, Sergt. J. Kettlewell, Pte. T. Menaghan, Pte. (Lance-Corpl.) J. Mortimer, Pte. J. Mullarkey, Pte. A. Smith, Pte. J. Galloway, Pte. 8. Barker.

At the meeting of the Brighouse Town Council a resolution was passed congratulating a number of local soldiers who had been the recipients of honours during the present war, and the Mayor (Ald. Wood) expressed the hope that some time in the future the names would be included in a permanent memorial. The names are as follows :-Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Sugden (West Riding Regiment), D.S.0., and mentioned twice in dispatches; Major E. P. Chambers (West Riding Regiment), French Medaille Agricole; Company Sergt.-Major A. McNulty (West Riding Regiment), Military Medal; Sergt. R. Greenwood, D.C.M.; Corpl. A. Bailey (West Riding Regiment), Military Medal; Pte. T. Meneghan (West Riding Regiment), Military Medal; Pte. fiaig Greenwood (2/4th West Riding Regiment), Military Medal; Pte. J. Hind (2/4th West Riding Reigment), Military Medal; 26594 Pte. J. D. Smith (Keighley), 305544 Sergt. H. Allen (Slaithwaite), 240274 Pte. W. H. Archer (Blackpool), 2421386 Pte. P. Blakeborough (Bradford), 204463 Pte. J. Bloom (Mirfield), 265289 Corpl. C. Crook (Bingley), 200172 Pte. N. Dennis (Halifax}, 265883 Corpl. W. Emmott (Bingley), 265588 Lance-Corpl. C. Grainger (Sutton Mill), 242498 Pte. R. J. Yaxley (Sproule), 29465 Pte. J. Knight (Eardley), 201013 Corpl. A. R. Mitchell (Elland), 26616 Sergt. H. Partridge (Keighley), 241432 Pte. H. Schofield (Halifax), Sergt. J. S. Sheard (1/4th), Lance-Corpl. A. Hodkinson (2/6th), Pte. J. T. Nussey (2/6th), Pte. J. Williams (2/6th), Pte. J. Bates (2/6th), Pte. J. Birkett (2/6th), Pte. A. E. Mills (2/4th), Corpl. S. Jessop (1/4th), Pte. S8. R. Brabben (1/4th), Pte. J. Connor (1/4th), Pte. J. Dewar (1/4th). Sergt. J. Bateson, Sergt. W. H. Brassington, Lance-Sergt. H. Blackburn, Ptes. J. E. Bradley and T. Brook, Sergt. J. W. Crossley, Sergt. W. Dennison, Sergt. H. Fenton, Acting Co.-Sergt.-Major J. N. Flather, Sergt. P. Field, Corpl. H. Faulkes, Corpl. G. Cox, Co.-Quarter- master-Sergt. E. L. Gilbard, Sergts. F. GMedhill, G. W. Hanna J. S8. Hepworth, W. Hind, and A. Hodgson, Corpl. W. Hicks, Ptes. G. Harrison and .R. Hird, Sergts. J. Lamb, T. V. f iaverock, T. W. Limmer, and H. Lockwood, Sergt. P. Moran, Pte. H. C. Marshall, Sergt. J. Co.-Quartermaster-Sergt. J. Parker, Sergt. S8. Pedley, Corpl. E. Pickles, Co.-Sergt.-Major -p. - A. W. Richards, Sergts. J. Regan, J. Rogers, A. Senior, G. W. Sivell, and G. Storey, Lance- pa Corpl. C. Rhodes, Ptes, F. Short, R. Snowden, W. T. Spriggs, and W. Swain, Sergts. H. Waller (Todmorden), J. Watson, J. Webster, N. Wharfe, L. I. Whiteley, and J. Wilson, Ptes. H. Ainsley and W. Bowker, Bergt. A. Brooke, Ptes. T. J. Cartwright, E. Chamberlain, R. Crook, T. Gibb, W. Goldsborough, H. Haigh, Sergt. F. Hitchman, Ptes. H. B. Keeling, G. Kilpatrick, H. Lancaster, G. H. Mitchell, F. Muff, W. H. Nutt, A. Rowlandson, Corpl. G. A. Schofield, Corpl. A. L. Thornton, Liance-Corpl. F. Springs, Ptes. J. Short, W. H. Williams, and E. Wood, Corpl. A. R. Mitchell (Elland). '

Sergt. J. Bury, Pte. H. Bibby, and Pte. J. Scott (West Riding Regiment) have been awarded the Military Medal.

Ptes. M. Bamforth, J. E. Bartle, J. Binns, Lance-Corpl. A. C. Ellington, Ptes. T. Feather, H. Frost, Sergt. W. E. Gibson, Ptes. W. Hey, F. Hinchliffe, J. S8. Hodgson, W. Hoyle, A. Lee, F. Mallinson, J. A. Markinson, V. Race, Lance-Corpl. E. Rhodes, Corpl. W. W. Rossall, Ptes. H. Smith, 8. Wood, Lance-Corpl. J. Bailey (265851, formerly 2958 , Pte. L. Pilking- (266599, formerly 4122), Sergt. J. H. Whiteley (266131, formerly 3870), Pte. J. Williams (266835, formerly 4564).

_The Meritorious Service medal has been awarded to Corpl. H. Calvert (West Riding A.S.C.), J. Bates, J. Birkett, Sergt. F. S8. Bower, S. R. Brabben, Sergt. F. Fletcher, H. Greenwood,

J. Hind, A. Hodkinson, Lance-Corpl. S. Jessop, J. H. Leslie, A. E. Mills, Lance-Corpl. J. W. Varnham, and A. Whalley. '

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June 27th, 1916.

The Battalion Orders of the Duke of Wellington's in France contained the following state- ment :-*" The Commanding Officer has received a letter from the C.O. No. 5 Army Tramway Company R.E., in which he expresses his appreciation of the way in which the undermentioned N.C.O. and men have worked on the E to B tramway extension under most unpleasant con- ditions :-200977 Sergt. E. Greenwood, 300041 Pte. F. Austin, 202454 Pte. J. Sykes, 202356 Pte. W. Stott, Pte. J. Storkie.

** The Commanding Officer has much pleasure in bringing the above to the notice of all ranks. Sergt. Greenwood was in charge of this party."

Sergt. Rawcliffe Horton (85) (West Ridings), eldest son of Mrs. Horton, 678 West Mount, Linthwaite, has been awarded the Military Medal. His youngest brother, Dvr. Willie Horton (23) (R.F.A.), was awarded the Military Medal on May 19th.

Pte. Albert Bradbury (21) (West Riding Regiment), fifth son of Mrs. Bradbury, Eastwood Mount, Marsden, has been awarded the Military Medal.

Pte. Samuel Hird (West Riding Regiment), of Bingley, has been awarded the Military Medal for '" conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty whilst in the trenches."

12821 Pte. R. Atkinson (9th Battalion), 18324 Pte. W. Carter (9th Battalion), 2832 Sergt. H. Hartley (1/6th Battalion, T.F.), 12800 Corpl. R. Hartley (Ith Battalion), 1618 Corpl. R. Hodgkinson (1/7th Battalion, TF.), 13201 Pte. F. Johnson (9th Battalion), 1603 Pte. W. H. Murray (1/4th Battalion), 12460 Lance-Corpl. E. Powis (2nd Battalion), 15078 Pte. W. R. Webb (9th Battalion), 12628 Lance-Corpl. N. Lockwood, 13050 Lance-Corpl. Leigh, 18551 Pte. J. W. Atkinson.

*' Pte. W. D. Crosland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Crosland, 17 Manchester Road, Huddersfield.-For bravery and devotion to duty whilst employed as battalion linesman. Corpl. G. E. Wilkinson, son of the late Mr. R. A. Wilkinson and Mrs. Wilkinson, of Park View, Kirkburton.-Ror conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty.


The President of the West Riding of York County Association communicates the following recent awards in the 1/4th West Riding Regiment, several of which I have previously recorded :-

Sergt. J. Bancroft gallantry and good leadership on three separate occasions when patrolling No Man's Land under difficult and dangerous conditions.

Pte. J. Bowers (6598), Pte. R. Knox (1645), Corpl. G. A. Bailey (1605), Sergt. F. Johnson (5793), Corpl. E. Jackson (1747), Sergt. J. S. Sheard (2413), who, with others, took part in the raids on the enemy trenches on the night of February 17th-18th, 1917, causing severe casualties and capturing 18 prisoners.

Pte. H. Bibby gallantry on February 15th last. Pte. Bibby was in charge of &a G.S. limbered waggon, when his side horse was hit and killed underneath him. He then held the pole and led the remaning horse a distance of 14} miles to deliver the load.

Sergt. J. Whiteley (3870), Lance-Corpl. E. Bailey (20930), Pte. J. Falshaw (83050), and . Pte. L. Pilkington (4122).-For gallantry and devotion to duty under heavy fire during the raid

on the enemy trenches on the night of March 28th-29th, 1917.

Broxze ror Minrraryx Varour (ITALIAN).

Corpl. J. Walker (1535), Co.-Sergt.-Major W. Medley, Sergt. R. Ellinthorpe, Corpl. H. Shackleton, Lance-Corpl. G. H. Holt, Ptes. E. Braithwaite, and L. Stead. Corpl. Ed. Pickles (West Riding Regiment), Illingworth Villas, Hebden Bridge, has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery in recent fighting. Previously Corpl. Pickles' fine qualities had come to the notice of his superior officers, as earlier in the year he was mentioned amongst others recommended for the D.C.M. He never, however, obtained that distinction. The deed on that occasion nearly cost him his life. He and another went to the assistance of a colleague buried beneath a shefi crater. Pickles' comrade did receive the D.C.M.

Among those recently officially announced as having been awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field is Acting Sergt.-Major J. N. Flather (1/4th West Riding Regiment), who has been with them from the beginning. He is a draughtsman employed by Messrs. Pollit & Wigzell, Sowerby Bridge.

A communication reads :

'' 40th (West Riding) Division, British Expeditionary Force. 1455 Corpl. L. Thornton, 147th Trench Mortar Battery. Your commanding officer and brigade commander has informed me that you distinguished yourself in the field on 17th September, 1916. I have read their report with much pleasure, and have brought it to the notice of the higher authority..-E. M. Percival, Major-General commanding 49th (West Riding) Division."

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Temp. Sec.-Lieut. Frank Newsome, West Riding Regiment. -He carried out a valuable reconnaissance, displaying great coolness and ability. He has on many occasions done very

fine work. M.C.

Sec.-Lieut. Leonard Rothery, West Riding Regiment. -He led his company with great determination, and captured a portion of the enemy's position which had resisted several previous

attacks. M,C.

Temp. Sec.-Lieut. Maurice Odell Tribe, West Riding Regiment.-When five of a machine-gun team had been buried by a shell, he dug them out in the open under heavy fire. Had he waited for a lull in the shell fire the lives of these men would certainly have been lost. M.C.

Company Sergt.-Major Clement Skelton (6784), West Riding Regiment, son of Mr. H. Skelton, Pinder Farm, Pellon.-When the officers had become casualties he took command of two companies and showed great determination in consolidating the ground captured. M.C. -

Sergt. J. W. Crossley (1/4th West Riding Regiment), 127 Oxford Lane, Siddal, was one of those included in the last list of Military Medal awards, and he has had the congratulations ef his Colonel. Sergt. Crossley was one of the old Volunteers, and went to South Africa with them. He was afterwards a Territorial, and was in camp when war broke. out.

Sergt. W. H. Smith, awerded the D.C.M. for gallantry in the November operations around Cambra - Since goin to France in Janua.y 1917, he has been wounded twice.

J. Bibby, D.C.M., Low Bentham.-During a raid on the enemy's trenehes he pushed out three of the enemy and eaptured them with the assistance of a comrade. A machine gun was

also taken from this post and his action in rushing the post undoubtedly saved the second wave from being held up by machine-gun fire.

Sergt. F. Wood, whose home is at 10 Denison Square, Rastrick, was, on the morning of November 19th, 1917, with his company, and during a relief the enemy put up a heavy barrage on the track, killing two and wounding six men of the platoon. '"" In spite of continued states the official communication, and at great personal risk you assisted the wounded, and at the same time kept your platoon in hand. During the succeeding tour in the trenches your conduct was a splendid example to your men. ' '

Q.M.S. A. E. Mellor, 2/4ths, mentioned in despatches, was formerly on the staff of the Halifax Branch of the London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.

Private Fred Crowther, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crowther, 7, Kingswood Grove, Old Lane, Brighouse, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in the field. The award was made on December 19th, 1917, and he has received a letter from the Captain commanding, couched in these terms : It gives me great ploasure to know that no less than six others in our company have received similar awards, this being testimony to the good work we have accom- my congratulations on the honour bestowed upon you

Gorpl. G. Driver, Keighley. Whsn his platoon officer and sergeant had both become casual- ties, he rallied his men under difficult conditions and led them ta their objective. He brought his meh back at the end of the raid and then returned to No Man's Land to help a comrade, setting a splendid example of disregard to personal danger.

Cy.-Q.M.S. J. Parker, one of the old contemptibles, was twice mentivned in despatches and awarded the Medal for "bringing up ammunition to the firing line under heavy shell fire and bringing back wounded." >

Regt1-Sergt.-Major Metcalffe, also went out with the First Expeditionary Force as Drum Major, and his repeated gallantry from Mons to the present day has won for him the admiration of all ranks and the unique distinction of being awarded two bars to his D.C.M.

Capt. F. S8. Mowatt, writing to. Mrs. Sheard, wife of Sergt. J. S. Sheard, who died from wounds reeeived in the raid described on pages 61 & 64, said :-I want to try and express to you, how extremely grieved and sorry I am to learn of the death of your husband. He was wounded while taking a very prominent part in a special enterprise against the enemy on February 17th, 1917, and died in hospital. Sergt. Sheard behaved in a very gallant way during the operations , and I am enclosing a ribbon of the medal which he was awarded for his gallantry on that occasion.

It is a sign that his gallant behaviour was recognised and it will long keep in mind that he was a soldier who died a very noble death. ‘ ~ 2

Extracts from Sir Douglas Haig's Dispatch, December 25th, 1917.

"On other parts of the front our attacks had to be made across open forward slopes, which were swept from end to end with the enemy's machine guns. In combination with this attack on the Third Army Front the Fifth Army launched an attack at 4-30 a.m. on the l1th April, against: the Hindenburg line in the neighbourhood of Bullecourt. The Australians and West Riding Battalions engaged showed great gallantry in executing a very difficult attack across a wide extent, of open country, considerable progress being made."" (See the battle of Arras page 64.)

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Back Row, left to right.--Capt. Bailes, Capt. & Q.M. Bond, Capt. Porter. Lt. Fulton, Lt. Grantham. Lt. Meadows, w., Lt. Auts, Lt. Vasey, Capt. Bellew, Lt. Sinclair, k., Lt. Keillar, Lt. Greenwood, w., Lt. Wormsleys, Capt, Fletcher, w., Capt. Threappleton, Lt. Masey, w.

Middle Row, laft to right,-Capt. Goldthorpe, Capt. Hinchcliffe, Capt. Stoddart, Capt. Sutcliffe, Capt. Ellison, Major Fleming, Lt.-Col. Sugden, D.S.0O., w.. Col. Land, Major Learoyd, Capt. Waller, k., Capt. Clarkson, d., Capt. Sykes, Capt. Smith, Capt. Wharton, d., Lt. Shackleton, k.

Front Row, left to right.-Lt. Appleton, k., Lt. Cordingly, w., Lt. Smithson, Lt. Smalley, Capt. Longbottom» ut. Zohrab, Lt. Priestley, k., Lit. Peskett, k. Denotes w. wounded ; k. killed ; d. died, > '


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Oh the morning of the 7th, many English troops gained a footing in the South-east corner of Bullecourt. Thereafter gradual progress was made in the face of most obstinate reaistance, and on the 17th May London and West Riding Territorials completed the capture of the village. (See Harp Brows, page 65. a

On page 79 2/Lt. J. P. Castle, Captains Tom Goodall, Herbérf S. Jackson and Chas. 8. Moxon should read under Distinguished: Service Order. : ( rw T , ,: © Private J. Harrop, of the 2nd Duke of Wellington's Regiment, has received from Major-Gen.

Matheson, the officer commanding the Fourth Division, -a Card stating that -the General has received a report of his good work and devotion to duty, and wishes to congratulate him on his

fine behaviour.

Three Brothérs, Capt. C. W. G. Ince, Duke 'of Wellington’s Regt ,5'Major D. Ince, Durham L. I., and Capt. N. Ince, Manchester Regiment, have all been-awarded the Military Cross.

Pte. Richard Swallow (13485) (West Riding Regiment), who lives at Stainland, has been awarded the Military Medal. The official recognition of his meritorious conduct reads as follows :- ''In the attack on October 5th, 1916, this man, a stretcher-bearer, made five journeys with stretcher cases from trench O0.G.1 to Matinpuich dressing station. He was under heavy artillery fire on all occasions, and, although buried three times, was successful in getting his men to safety.""

The first Brighouse man of the ranks to win honours is Pte. James Harrison (West Riding iment) son of Mr. J. A. Harrison. He has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery, the special incident being during the recent advance. Along with a number of comrades he was blown up by a German shell, but fortunately he escaped serious injury, and went on working a machine gun to the great disadvantage of the enemy. -

Pte. Walter R. Thomas (6799) (West Riding Regiment), whose home is 14 Carlton Street, Halifax, has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery and gallantry in taking food and water under fire to the wounded.

Miurrarxy Mroar ror SEconp 4rg Max. The President of the West Riding of York County Association communicates a list of recent awards to the West Riding Territorial Force. Included is the name of Fte. S. Allen (8825) (2/4th West Riding Regiment), who has been awarded the Military Medal. 1539 Pte. R. Johnson, 2850565 Pte. J. W. Booth, and 8825 Pte. S. Allen formed a party ordered to lay and fire a Bangalore torpedo on the enemy's wire in front of Bullecourt, in conjunction with other similar parties. In the case, however, of these men the Nobel lighter would not act, and their torpede was not fired at the appointed time. They came at once under heavy fire, but remained and tried to ignite the fuse with a match but failed. After a few minutes' delay they tried again and lit the fuse and exploded the torpedo. Throughout the whole of this operation these men displayed at courage and devotion to duty, coming under machine-gun and rifle fire, and under the

ight of rockets.

Corpl. Alex. R. Mitchell, of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of " Gledhall,'"' Elland, and grandson of the late Mr. Henry Mitchell, of Holmfirth, has been awarded the Military Medal for distinguished service on the battlefield during the 7th and 8th of August. Corporal Mitchell enlisted in October, 1914, and went out to France in June, 1915. gainer ti); 30112118 the Forces he was employed by Messrs. Agur Halstead & Sons, Marshall Hall s, Elland.

Pte. H. Bibby, of the transport section, West Riding Regiment, has been awarded the Military Medal. He received the award on April 4th, and the Satchel states the following as being the deed for which he has rightly received recognition :--** He was bringing a load of material along a fairly dangerous road in & limber drawn by two horses, when the horse he was riding was shot by a burst shell and fell dead. The shell was followed by many others, but this did not prevent our driver from doing his duty. He hastily cut away the traces of the dead horse, held the pole of the waggon himself, and continued his journey with the remaining horse. That was

the fifth horse he had shot under him.

The King has been pleased to grant the Military Medal to 8438 Lance-Corpl. V. Lee, of the Duke ef Wellington's Regiment, for conspicuuous gallantry whilst working a machine gun at great odds at Beaumont Hamel on December 26th, 1916. Lance-Corpl. V. Lee was one of that * contemptible little army ' that went out in August, 1814. He was badly wounded at Mons. After getting better he was at North Shields, but was sent out again, and, as he says, got & little bit of his own back. Lance-Corpl. Lee enlisted 10 to 12 years ago, and -was for sever ears in the Army. On obtaining his discharge he became a postman at the Halifax G.P.O. He ived at Shakespeare Street, but his wife has now removed to Keighley. -

Pte. Herbert Crabtree (Duke of Wellington's), whose home is at 383 Shroggs Terrace, Halifax,. was wounded on May 3rd, He served ten months inthe campaign at Ypres, and was then invalgleexome suffering from the effects of gas poisoning and neuritis, subsequently returning to t nt.

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Pte. Norman Dennis (West Riding Regiment) was awarded the Military Medal in recognition of his exploits on August 4th, which are described by Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Sugden in the following letter to his mother You will be proud to hear that your son has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery. As a battalion runner he had to carry messages through during a very heavy, enemy bombardment, as all the other means of communications were cut off. Though wounded, he succeeded in handing his message through to an officer. I congratulate both you and him on his well-earned decoration, and sincerely hope he will completely récover from his wound."

Pte. Haigh Greenwood (West Riding Regiment) has written to a friend that he has been awarded the Military Medal. In letters home friends of this soldier state that he brought in three wounded men and an officer under heavy fire, and presumably it is for this act that he has been granted the distinction. Pte. Greenwood is 25 years of age, and joining the Brighouse ** Chums '' in February, 1915, went to France in January of this year. He was a noted Chess player, and won the Brighouse Chess Club cup three times, together with other prizes. His parents reside at 40 Back Firth Street, Rastrick.

Pte. J. Bailey has written to the parents of the late Pte. James Horsfall, 23 Edward Street, to say that it will be some consolation to them to hear that their son has been recommended for the Military Medal for the bravery and devotion to duty he showed whilst repelling a German bombing attack. He was hit on the head with a bomb and died instantly.

News has been received that Pte. J. H. Leslie (192700) (West Riding Regiment), whose home address is 5 Union Street, West Vale, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry in the field. He is a stretcher-bearer, and on April 25th distinguished himself by rescuing wounded from the war zone while under heavy fire. Pte. Leslie enlisted in September, 1914, and has been at the front two years. He was connected with St. Patrick's Church, West Vale, and . worked for Messrs. Waller's, West Vale. He has a brother in the army, Lance-Corpl. Frank Leslie, and his father served through the South African War. He has been three times previously recommended for the D.C.M.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dewar, 14 Blackwall, Halifax, have heard that their son, Pte. James Dewar (203629) (West Riding Regiment) has been killed. His name is mentioned in a list of fallen comrades referred to in a letter from the Front. He was only 19 years of age, and prior to joining the army was employed as a wire drawer by Messrs. Patchett, Sedburgh Mills. He enlisted in August, 1916, and went to the Front in December. He has had a distinguished career, having been twice mentioned in dispatches, in connection with gallantry on April, 10th- 21st, and May 10th-l1th. A fortnight ago he was included in the list of Military Medal winners.


Lieut.-General Sir J. Maxwell distributed a number of war honours to soldiers, discharged men, and next-of-kin, at the Leeds Town Hall. Among the recipients were the following members of the West Riding Regiment :-D.C.M. : Lance-Corpl. J. B. Shaw (handed to relatives); Military (£1038 d Capt. E. E. Sykes; Military Medal, Sergt. G. Betts, Corpl. H. Runch, Lance-Sergt. J. 8. eard.

The Military Medal has been awarded Corpl. J. Bailey (West Riding Regiment), Oddfellow Street, BrighOus'e, for distinguished conduct on June 7th. He has also been mentioned in dis- patches in connection with the Battle of the Somme. Corpl. Bailey, who is an old Volunteer, and a member of the National Reserves, has been at the front since soon after the war commenced. It is understood that his distinction has been earned by good work as a stretcher-bearer. He served in the Boer War, and has also been a member of the Brighouse Corporation fire brigade.


_ _ C.Q.Sergt. Maurice Denham (West Riding Regiment), fourth son of Mr. A. M. Denham, Liberal agent for Elland Division, has won distinction by reason of his excellent service in the field. He has been in France well over two years. He received from Major-General J. M. Babbington, commanding the 23rd Division, a letter in the following terms :-* Your Commanding Officer has informed me that you have distinguished yourself by conspicuous bravery in the field from 7th to l1th June. I have read their reports, and although promotion and decorations cannot be given in every case, I should like you to know that gallant action is recognised and how greatly it is

Pte. Sylvester Wood (West Riding Regiment), 55 Raglan Street. Awarded Military Medal June 8th; aged 23.

dPtggd J. Hind (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), 20 Woodside Place Awarded Military Medal; age -

Pte. Walter Lunness, winner of the Military Medal for Gallantry on the field, has been

wounded in the right foot. Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lunness, Prince Albert Square, Clayton Heights, Queensbury, Pte. Lunness enlisted in February, 1916, and went out to the - Front in June last. His twim brother, who was in the R.A.M.C., died on the hospital ship 'Gundola, in November, 1915, and two elder brothers are now serving in France.

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A presentation was made at the Halifax Barracks of Military Medals to Lance-Corpl. G. H. Holt, 26 Pollard Street, Halifax, and Bombr. W. Bates, Joseph Street, Bowerby Br1dge,_both - of whom are back in civilian life. Addressing a parade of over 200 men, Colonel Parsons said all soldiers set great store on medals, especially when they were earned by such deeds as those Lance-Corpl. Holt had done. In a war like this, the greatest war that had ever been in the history of the world, both as regards numbers engaged and fierceness of fighting, medals for distinguished conduct were harder to win than in any other campaign, and_therefore, .the men who did by their conduct win such medals had reason for a great amount of pride and satisfaction, and all honoured them. Lance-Corpl. Holt was awarded the distinction for his conduct on August 14th, 1915. His battalion was under heavy shell fire. Lance-Corpl. Holt was in charge - of the stretcher-bearers, and under heavy rifle and shell fire went out and brought in five wounded soldiers to safety. His officer was killed and he went out and brought him in. He was wounded in September, 1915, and unfortunately as a result of this wound had been invalided out of the


Pte. Joseph Binns, M.M. (West Riding Regiment), who lived at Greaves Place, Holywell Brook, has been killed in action. Pte. Binns was formerly in the employ of Messrs. R. and J. Holroyd, Holywell Green, but prior to enlisting had for a long time been parcels porter at Stainland Station. He was connected with Holywell Green Congregational School. In July he was awarded the Military Medal, the official account of the deed which brought him this honour being as follows :-*" Pte. Joseph Binns, Pte. Arthur Lee, Pte. James Mackinson. During an attack on the German position south of Hill 60 on June 7th, 1917, part of our battalion was held up by a German machine gun. Without hesitation these three men dashed forward and killed the enemy gunners. They then turned the machine gun around and fired it into the retreating enemy. Their brave act greatly facilitated and assisted our advance.'' Pte. Binns was 19 years

-of age.

Sergt. Kingham, Barracks Farm, Illingworth, has been awarded the Military Medal. It appears that he was the gallant N.C.O. who brought in Captain Waller, after the latter had been wounded. It will be remembered the officer died two hours after his rescue.

The gallantry of Lance-Corpl. T. F. Turner (West Riding Regiment) has been brought to the notice of the General Officer commanding for devotion to duty under shell fire, etc. Lance- Corpl. Turner, who is in West Riding Battalion which left England last January, was educated at Hipperholme Grammar School in the days of Mr. G. L. Bretherton. He was a well-known cricketer, locally, and was formerly connected with the Hipperholme Wesleyan Cricket Club, and on many occasions did he do excellent service for his eleven. He was also a member of the Banks' eleven, and was presented with a gold watch for the highest score of one season. He was employed on the staff of the Brighouse branch of the Halifax Commercial Bank, and it was from

there he left to join the army.

Mr. James Stott, farmer, Moor Hey Farm, Sowood, has received official intimation that his son, Pte. John W. Stott, has been recommended for the Military Medal for gallantry on May 28th and 29th last. The information has been communicated by the general commanding the 49th West Riding Division. Pte. Stott is just 21 years of age, and joined the West Riding Regiment on August 10th, 1916. After training he was sent with a draft to France on December 9th, 1916. From what can be gathered it appears Pte. Stott volunteered to carry out important duties on the dates mentioned, and was successful in his efforts. Pte. Stott worked on the farm (along with other brothers) previous to joining the «army, and is well-known in the district, being of a modest disposition.

At Armentiers, in 1916, one of our snipers was wounded and laid in a shell hole. Corporal Bennett, of the 10th Battalion, went out in a hail of fire and bandaged him. He was about to carry him in when he discovered another of the Dukes' wounded. While in the act of rendering him first aid he was killed--a gallant act, that was much commented on at the time by his comrades of the 10th Battalion. ‘


Major E. P. Chambers, of Brighouse (West Riding Regiment), has been appointed " Chevalier du Merite Agricole'' by the French Minister of Agriculture and the Medaille Agricole presented to him in recognition of his services to agriculture in the settlement of French claims. Major Chambers has served at the front for over two years. He was second in command of his battalion at the attack on Aubers in May, 1915. He was five months in the Ypres salient, the greater part of the time in command of his battalion, and afterwards in the Somme offensive. For some months past he has acted as Divisional Claims Officer, being attached to Divisional Headquarters. The honour conferred on Major Chambers is almost unique, only one other British officer being

given the distinction. Major Chambers is a member of the firm of Messrs. Chambers & Chambers solicitors, Brighouse. '

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Lieut. Allan Lumb, Elland, has received the following communication from E. M. Percival, commanding the 49th West Riding Division, dated September 17th, 1916 :-" 49th West Riding Division, B.E.F., 1455 Corpl. L. Thornton, 147th Trench Mortar Battery. Your commanding officer and brigade commander have informed me that you distinguished yourself in the field on the 17th September, 1916. I have read their report with much pleaseure, and have brought it to the notice of higher authority."


A large gathering assembled in the Mytholmroyd Primitive Methodist Sunday School to. honour and pay tribute to Captain Wm. Boocock, of the 9th Duke of Wellington's Regiment, a. Mytholmroyd native man, residing at Halifax, who was awarded the Military Cross for bravery. on the battlefield. Capt. Boocock enlisted as a private 18 years ago, and has thus risen to his . present position from the ranks. Amongst the large audience were the local members of the - Mytholmroyd V.T.C, Mr. T. Morgan was chairman. Captain Boocock was presented with a case - of cutlery containing 110 articles, which was inscribed : '* Presented to Captain W. Boocock, M.C:, . 9th Duke of Wellington's Regiment, by the inhabitants of Mytholmroyd, as a token of their appreciation of his great achievement. Presented on behalf of the above by Cer. Thomas Ashton,. Esq., Cer. Ashton made the presentation in a felicitous speech.


Out of the original First Fourths who were assembled three years ago and have now two and a halt years of war, there remains only a small portion. Death, sickness, and captures,. together with the granting of commissions and the transfer of officers to other regiments have reduced the strength of those original members from 1,100 to 70. Recently the battalion was irspected by the Corps Commander, who complimented the men on their smart appearance after- having held one of the worst sections of the line for some time.


Undoultedly one of the outstanding heroes of the war is Captain Miles Henry King, who has been awarded two bars to his Military Cross and twice mentioned in dispatches, an honour few men can claim. He has had a most distinguished military career.

Towards the end of December, 1915, an incident occurred which deserves mention in these- Stories of Big Deeds.

A machine gun of the 1/4th Battalion had been lost in the Ypres Canal during the crossing.. The next night 805 Sergt. C. Kershaw, a member of the Machine Gun Co., gallantly dived into the canal and recovered it. Some time afterwards, when home on leave, he was asked to give a full explanation of his act, but replied that he only did his duty as a member of the Machine Gun Co., but promised to give a full account when he returned on further leave. Alas ! the story will never be told, for Sergt. Kershaw has made the supreme sacrifice; but his gallant act will always be remembered as one of the Big Deeds of the War.

The Territorials are proud of the honour done them by the Army Order " In considera- tion of the services of Territorial Forces during the war,'' they are allowed to wearthe same mottoes and honours on their badge as are worn by their regular units.

Iu September, 1917, after still another big push, a private of the Dukes writes :-*" I think I ought to write a few lines in regard to the gush on the 20th, seeing a lot of local lads took part in it, and I may say that it was no small part either. Our battalion went over in the Third Wave, with the Anzacs on our left, and we went clean through the Boche. Time after time he tried to . drive our boys back, but it was of no avail. We had got there, and there we stuck until we were relieved. Altogether we went 2,200 yards, and we had 11 machine guns, 5 trench mortars,. a message dog, 6 carrier pigeons, and other material to our credit. The number of prisoners I don't know, but they left us 500 dead. Our artillery barrage was splendid, and the Boche who.

got out of it has reason to shake hands with himself. The push of the 20th will be another - honour to the long list already held by the Dukes."


Pte. F. A. Smith (killed in action) told in one of his letters home of how his battalion captured" a German flag. In a cheery letter he wrote :-

** The other night the lads in our trench entertained the Germans by singing a song or two,. which were applauded, not in the usual way, but by a volley or two that thudded and rattled

along our sandbag parapet. By way of an encore we gave them ' Has Anyone Seen a German Band,' which brought an extra round of applause from Mr. Fritz.

During the next day one of our look-outs spotted a German flag, which had been planted about half way between our trenches and their own. One of our men in 16 Platoon made

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his mind to secure the flag. At twilight he went out, and much to the amusement and surprise of his comrades, he brought back the flag. On one side were the words :

-_ "JOHN BULL " ' KAPUT. '




The man who brought in the flag was Pte. Harry Convoy, of Dock Street, Huddersfield. It was afterwards taken over by Captain Wheatley, with the intention of exhibition in Huddersfield."

Or in Pte. Smith's words,


The first men of the Dukes to go into action were the stretcher-bearers, who were sent out (at Hornem) by Captain Denman Jubb to collect the wounded of the West Kents. The bearers who went out with the 2nd Battalion are :-Bandsman (now Band Sergt.) Hemblys (gassed); Lance-Corpl. McGovern, D.C.M. (since killed); Lance-Corpl. Martin, Bandsmen Carvley (Halifax). (killed), Bird, Drury (killed), Humphreys (wounded), Culliton, M.M. (wounded), Kelly, M.M. (still on active service), Williams (prisoner), Murgatroyd (wounded and discharged), Clifford (twice wounded), Milen (wounded), Phillis (wounded), Dodman (wounded, now on active service), Carr (killed after being on active service three years and two months).

Captain C. N. Cheetham, son of Dr. W. H. Cheetham, M.D., of St. Oswald's Guiseley, has been wounded for the third time and is in hospital, November, 1917. His only brother was killed about eleven months ago.

Lieut. (Acting Captain) Barclay G. Buxton (West Riding Regiment) awarded bar to Military Cross.-His party had brought back five prisoners and one machine gun, and when they withdrew he stayed behind in No Man's Land to help collect the wounded. His keenness and energy before the raid and fine leadership during the operation were largely responsible for the success obtained.

The King has awarded the Albert Medal in recognition of his gallantry in saving life. Albert Medal in gold to Sec.-Lieut. Arthur Halstead, M.C., late of 10th West Riding Regiment. During bomb throwing instruction in France, July, 1917, a bomb was accidentally dropped. Lieut. Halstead placed himself between the bomb and a soldier who had dropped it in order to screen him, and tried to kick the bomb away, but it exploded, fatally wounding him:

2np Bar to Cross.

Captain M. H. King, M.C. (West Riding Regiment). -For making two most daring and valuable reconnaissance. Finding the far bank of a river unoccupied, he crossed and led forward men to consolidate positions of great tactical importance. Later in the day he again made a valuable reconnaissance of the river, locating the forward positions of our line in the face of hostile

sniping. Throughout the operations his fearless courage, initiative, and devotion to duty were of a very high order. D. 8. O.

Sec.-Lieut. J. P. Castle, youngest son of Mr. Thos. Castle, Heckmondwike. Lieut.-Colonel A. A. St. Hill.

Capt. & Adjt. H. Selwyn Jackson (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), is a son of county Alderman and Mrs. Jackson, of The Woodlands, Scissett. -


, Liieut.-Colonel Richard Edgar Sugden, D.S.O. (West Riding Regiment), of Brook House, Brighouse. D.S.O. gazetted June 3rd, 1916.

Add to Mentioned in Dispatches.

Captain F. W. Smith (West Riding Regiment), son of Mr. J. Smith, of Horsforth, Leeds, and formerly a master at Rishworth Grammar School, has been mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's

despatches. He joined the West Riding Regiment in October, 1914, and went out to France in the January of 1916 with his battalion, seeing much service there.

Sergt. H. Driver (Bingley), C.S.M. H. Haigh (Greetland), Corpl. H. Hall (Stalybridge),

Pte. H. Haigh (Lindley), Sergt. S. G. - 6 , Bergt. W. VVigllow|s (00132). erg G. Lee (Marsh), C.S.M. W. S. Wilkinson (Holmfirth),

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MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL. x Q.M.S. A. Hollingworth (Huddersfield).


17248 Sergt. Geo. Wm. Bayley (2nd Battalion), 2231 Corpl. Dauglas Black, (1/5th). 2/5bths Groix de Guerre. 2/4ths Meritorious S. Medal.

Pte. C. Chapman, Pte. E. Sunderland.

C.S.M. Charles Naylor, was on the 12th Feb. 1918. presented with the Croix de Guerre. A serving Territorial when war broke out, he proceeded to France with others of the West Riding Regiment in April, 1915. He was invalided home in February, 1916, with an attack of bronchial pneumonia, and went out again in December, 1916, and up to now has not received a scratch. He received the above distinetion for good work in the memorable gas attack of December, 19th, 1915, when so many of our lads made the supreme sacrifice, and again he distinguished himself in April, 1917, when the trench he was in was under intense bombardment. His brother, Arthur Albert, was killed in Gallipoli in Cctober, 1915, and a younger one, Leonard, was also killed in

September the same year in France.


No history of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment would be complete without special mention of the 8th (Service( Battalion who took part in the never-to-be-forgotten operation at Suvla Bay. This battalion was recruited at Halifax, trained at Grantham, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Johnston, D.S.O., and left Liverpool for Gallipoli, being part of the 32nd Brigade of the l1th Division. On the evening of 6th August they completed their journey from Imbros (Kephalos) te Suvla Bay, and, fortunately meeting with no mischance, the landing took place on B beach without opposition.

Soon after landing they were pushed on with the remainder of the 32nd Brigade to the support of the 34th Brigade, which was held up by another outpost of the enemy on Hill 10, and it is feared that some of our losses incurred here were due to misdirected fire; however, the 8th Battalion fought with great pluck and grit against an enemy not very numerous, perhaps, but having an immense advantage in knowledge of the ground. As they got level with Hill 10 it grew light enough to see, and the enemy began to shell. In the attack on Hill 10 Captain Lethbridge (now commanding the 10th Battalion in France) led his company with great bravery and skill, quite regardless of any danger. No one appears to have been present who could take hold of the two brigades, the 32nd and 34th, and launch them in a concerted and cohesive attack. Consequently there was confusion and hesitation, increased by gorse fires lit by hostile shells, but to the everlasting credit of the 8th Dukes and these other battalions from Yorks. and Lanes., this was redeemed by their conspicuously fine soldierly conduct. The whole of the Turks in the field who had witnessed the signs of hesitation were now encouraged to counter attack, but were driven back in disorder over the flaming Hill 10. The weather was very hot, and our troops suffered much from want of water, and although it existed in some abundance in some parts over which the Dukes were operating, there was no time to develop its resources, and the troops became dependent on the lighters and

pakhals, etc. This method in itself, however, proved inadequate, and it is not surprising that suffering and disorganisation ensued. »

The list of wounded on Augu=t 7th included Major Behrend, second in command, Capt. Kynoch, Captain Gardiner, D.8.0., Serpt. Williams, died on hospital ship, and Sergt. J. Spratt, who performed many deeds of valour in bayonet attacks at close quarters.

On August 8th and Oth fierce fighting took place in the attempt to take Anafarta Sagir and north and south ef SBulajik, and owing to hesitation and lack of cohesion on the part of our commanders, any advantage that our troops might have secured were nullified owing to the tremendous reinforcements which the Turks were allowed to march on to Suvla.

On the 9th August, at 4 a.m., the Dukes, with other units of the 32nd Brigade, were called upon for a task which must for ever be termed ''The Impossible," when all other means of retrieving their position had failed. General Sir Ian Hamilton resolved upon a movement equally as daring as it seemed impossible, and one that only as a last resource could be attempted. After consultation with General Hammersley and the General Staff Officer of the Division, he directed that the 32nd Brigade (The Dukes) should try and make good the heights before the enemy got on to them. Out of the thirteen battalions which were to advance at 4 a.m., four were now to anticipate that movement by trying to make good the key of the enemy's position at once, and under cover of darkness. At dawn on the Oth the attack was made, but it was very soon realised by the well-sustained artillery fire of the enemy (so silent the previous day), and by the volume of musketry, that the Turks had been strongly reinforced, and that the renewed confidence caused by our long delay in operations, the Turks' guns had been brought back, and after all

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. we were forestalled. This was a bad moment. Our attack failed, and our losses were heavy. The Commanding Officer, Colonel Johnston, was severely wounded early in the attack-the stretcher-bearers were carrying him back, but he insisted on being dropped while the men attended to others wounded. Major Travers, a gallant officer of the 2nd Battalion, was also early hit. Captain Dyson, who had previously served as Sergt.-Major in the 2nd Battalion, was also wounded about the same time and taken prisoner, and many other brave fellows fell that

day. After the battle, when the work or retrieving for the wounded was done there was no trace of Colonel Johnston or Major Travers.

It speaks very highly for the courage and tenacity of the men of the 8th Dukes that though their trials had been great their spirits were still unbroken; they fought like veterang of old. On the 10th they were again called upon to undertake another of those '* impossible '' tasks which are daily the lot of our gallant troops in this epic war. Another attempt was arranged to take the Anafarta Ridge, but it was considered that after the hardships of the last few days the l1th Division were not sufficiently rested to take a prominent part in the operations, but the 53rd (Territorial) Division, with Divisional supports were to attack, under General Lindley, with what further support could be afforded them. It was a high trial for troops who had never been in action before, and with no regulars to set a standard. The battalions fought with great gallantry, and were led with much courage by their officers, but the Turks were three times as strong as they had been before, and notwithstanding their bravery the 53rd Division gave way.

At a moment when things were looking most dangerous two battalions of the 11th Division came up on the left of the Territorials-they fought like demons possessed and the tide of the battle was turned-the Division were encouraged, and reorganised, they stood at bay and bloodily repulsed attack after attack, until the efforts of the enemy were spent, their shattered remnants began to trickle back, leaving a track of corpses behind them. The names of these two heroic battalions were not specified in the Corps Commanders despatches, and all England wondered from where they came. It was unfitting that such bravery should go unrewarded, and it seemed fated that their glory would be allowed to fade and go down with so many others unrecognised in this great war. When some time later Mr. Tennant stated in the Parliamentary Papers in answer to Mr. Stuart Wortley " That the 8th Service Battalions of the West Riding Regiment and the 6th York and Lancasters were the two battalions of the 11th Division referred to in Sir Ian Hamilton's dispatch of December as having at a moment when things were looking dangerous in the attack on Anafarta Ridge on August 10th last rendered very good service on the left of the Territorials,'"' there was a touch of pride in every home in Yorkshire and Lancashire.

Of the battalions who took part in this remarkable action of August 10th it will be seen none did finer work than the Dukes, who were led by Captain L. M. Shaw (of Brooklands), then second in command, the senior officer, Captain Kidd (afterwards awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry in several engagements), having returned to Brigade Office. Sec.-Lieut. Elmhurst, who had shown much bravery throughout the day was wounded and missing. Lieut. Whittham was wounded, and died after being carried on board a hospital ship. Lieut. Wright was also killed while leading his men nobly, and Sec.-Lieut. Edwards, a young officer who had

gone much valuable service from the landing in scouting-all rendered valuable services on that ay.

This was not the only occasion when this battalion, with others of the 11th Division, had shown their mettle, for who can forget the stories of how they leaped into the water to get more quickly to close quarters, or when they stormed the enemy in the darkness on the 21st August. On this occasion the battalion again suffered heavily : Captain Shaw wounded, Sec.-Lieut. Thurlow wounded, afterwards died; Sergt.-Major Hart, who had been repeatedly conspicuous by his bravery and devotion to duty was badly wounded; Coy. Sergt. Weir, who also had been conspicuous for his consistent work during the campaign was killed, as was also Sergt. Williams, who was bayoneted by a Turk, afterwards dying on the hospital ship. Previous to being carried

away by the stretcher-begrers the gallant Sergt., although mortally wounded, continued to give orders to his men. The Dukes had over 50 per cent. casualties on this day.

The Brigade suffered heavily at Hetman Chair and in the communication trench connecting that point with the south-west corner of the Ismail Oglu Tepe Spur. They fought with great bravery and great disregard of life-we are told in despatches. The battalion was one of the last to leave Suvla Bay, and if a shadow has been cast the whole of Gallipoli adventure by the loss of so many of our gallant and true-hearted heroes-many of them we shall never see again-some of them have had the mark of Gallipoli set on them for life. There will always be a feeling of pride in the West Ridings that their kith and kin faced " the impossible" with a spirit that won for them the special mention of the Army Commander and Parliamentary

Papers. Like their comrades of India, and at Mons, " They Saved a Division,'"' and now they are emulating these traditions in France.


After leaving Gallipoli the 8th were a short time in Egypt, leaving there to join in the task of driving the Germans out of Flanders; they reached France on the 1st July, 1916, the day of the big British and French offensive on the Somme. They first went into the trenches at Arras, and after being in this sector about a month were sent on the Somme as reserve to

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our Territorials, who were to take a prominent part in the big attack of September &rd, a full account of which I have already given. After four days in the trenches here they were taken out to prepare for the taking of the "* Wunderwerk '"' in the Thiepval salient. Here we had by successive rapid attacks, preceded by whirlwind bombardments, pushed our front line up to a point well within 1,000 yarxds-perhaps not over 700 yards from the mearest ruins of a house- of Thiepval. Ahead of them, towards Thiepval, however, the ground was one maze of trenches, immediately behind the German front line, which had been occupied and perfected by the enemy for two years. In the middle of this maze, about half way to Thiepval, was an elaborate stronghold of trench and dugout and machine-gun positions, which has been generally known as the Wonderwork or '* Wunderwerk. Down the salient from before Thiepval a small spur runs southward, of f&irly high ground, the highest point of which was at the Wunderwerk, whence the enemy was able across a dip with machine-gun and rifle fire to sweep the ground to Skyline trench and Mouquet Farm. It was decided to rush the Wunderwerk on the Thursday evening, and it was done extremely successfully. The regiments allotted to this undertaking were the 8th Duke of Wellington's (two companies, X and Z), and the West Yorks. (two com- games) on the right, with the 6th Yorkshires protecting the left flank, and sugported by .the

ork and Lancasters. The Wonderwork itself had been so pounded by our guns in the previous week or two that it was, when our men reached there, non-existent. In the trench, before and

around it, however, the enemy was in strength, and it was known that he attached great importance to the position. It was 6.30 in the evening of September 14th when the attack was made, and in six minutes Wonderwork was in our possession. After the short whirlwind bombardment, however, when our men came on, the Germans in most of the trenches declined to wait their coming. In some places where they did stand there was real bayonet fighting. From most of the line, however, the enemy merely ran, bolting across th open. One of the prisoners excused those who fled by exclaiming that our men came on ' like the wind," and did not give them any chance. Anyhow, the enemy ran, and, running from the bayonets behind him, he had no choice but to run into our barrage in front. It is believed that his casualties were very heavy indeed. It is a remarkable fact that every officer of the Dukes was hit, and the men took the position all on their own, under the leadership of Coy. S.M. Skelton, son of Mr. H. Skelton, Pinder Farm, Pellon, who was afterwards awarded the Military Cross for his gallantry. From the official announcement :-*" When the officers had become casualties he took command of two companies, and showed great determination in consolidating the ground captured.'' An award which was also made to Sec-Lieut. Clark, who afterwards took over the command. The Dukes went into action with nine officers, of whom three were killed, five wounded, and one missing, the officers being :-Killed : Captain Wood, Sec.-Lieut. Nathan, and Sec.-Lieut. Manhood. Wounded : Captain S. E. Baker, Sec.-Lieut. Farrance, Sec.-Lieut. Jones, Sec.-Lieut. Hamilton Cox (since killed), and Sec.-Lieut. A. Shaw. The 8th Battalion were relieved next

day by their own Territorials.

The total advance made was some 350 yards on a front of about 900 yards. But the important thing is that the Wonderwork with its important situation on the spur was ours, and the enemy could no more overlook the left of our advance in the Mouquet Farm direction. The Germans delivered two counter-attacks on the positions won on the following evening. One of these failed utterly from what looked like mere faint-heartedness. The enemy came up to within about 100 yards, and then attacked furiously with bombs. But as no bomb-not even the small German egg bomb-could be thrown much over 50 yards, the attack was utterly futile. Possibly the enemy thought that our line was nearer than it was. At all events they suffered very severely. The other attack, on the left of our new positions, where a sharp angle of the German front line runs close along our left flank, was more serious. There the enemy was at close quarters from the start, and there was fierce bombing, how fierce is shown from the fact that, besides other things, we used 1,500 bombs before the enemy was driven off. For long after this the story of the Dukes at Wonderwork was the topic of conversation in the Division, and ° the West Riding Trench '" there is a well-known landmark.

TOMMY ATKINS OF THE DUKES. Oricin or a Faxous Naxr.

Perhaps the best known and most noted name in the whole world is that of Tommy Atkins. Before the war it was a household name in this country, and since the outbreak of hostilities it has spread throughout the universe: By our enemies it is spoken in fear and admiration, and by neutrals and allies with pride. Very few people, however, know the originator of the name, and it will surprise and please admirers of the gallant Dukes to know that the originator was a private of this famous regiment. The story is told by Lieut-Colonel Newnham-Davis :- The great Duke of Wellington stood on the path which runs round the ramparts of Walmer Castle and looked out to sea. The day was one of splendid sunshine-it was at the commencement of the July of 18438-and the old soldier, at home by the seaside, had put on Eigflles, nankeen and duck, suitable to the day. He stood, one foot on the carriage of one of the little carronades, leaning lightly on a Malacca cane, and his eyes, looking over the sea, seemed to gaze beyond

the horizon.

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i NKC ae ioe cain. wien (e ee w iin on mean mers All san (Co me on onlien ald c nids d wan 0C 00 o


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Sranomo-Capt. Smith (w. in Gallipolli, k. in France), Lt. Wyatt, 2\Lt. Elmhurst (w. and m.), Lt. Whittam (k), Lt. Thompson, Lt. Hopswell (w.), 2\Lt. (now Capt.) Mulholland (w.), 2\Lt. Walker, Lt. Wright (k.), Lt. Jolly (w.), 2\Lt. Edwards, 2\Lt. Morier,

2\Lt. Harris (k. in France), 2\Lt. Carter, Lt. Best

Srzatep-Capt. Dyson (w and p.), Capt. Chute, Capt. Town, Major Isles, Major Behrend (w.), Lt.-Col. Johnston, D.S.0. (k.), Capt. Kidd, M.C. w. and dicd in France), Major T avers (w. and m.), Lt. and Q.M. Connell, Capt. Kyuoch.

& ° S NF

€ Jou


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Near him, and a little behind him, stood at attention a young staff officer of the Adjutant- General's Department, in undress uniform. He had brought some ‘fapers down for the signature of the Commander-in-Chief-for Hill was dead, and the Duke had been reappointed for life to the command-and before carrying the documents back to London he had asked a question, on & small matter of detail, which the War Office thought should, as a compliment, be referred to the Commander of the Forces. A name typical of the British private soldier was required to use


on the model sheet of the soldiers' accounts to show where the men should sign. It seemed a ridiculously unimportant matter to the young staff officer, and he was surprised when, instead of answering off-hand, the Duke had thrust his cane into the path of broken shells, and had then looked steadily out to sea. The great Duke stood without a movement, and the young officer waited. Before those eyes, which lfied over the rim of the world, was unrolling a vast panorama of all the gallant deeds he had seen done in war. He was searching in a memory stored with recollections for the man who should best typify the dogged gallantry of Britain's private soldiers. Before him, as in a picture, passed that desperate fight to hold Hougoumont, and then his mind travelled back to the olive groves and the vineyards of Spain ; to the snow-topped Pyrenees, and the purple ridges and the black cork woods of Portugal. He felt again that gripping of the heart-strings he had endured as the thin stream of red coats crawled up the rocky cliffs into the Seminary at Oporto; he saw the dancing line of British bayonets sparkle as they came to the charge at Busaco; he looked again in imagination on the dreadful breach held by the dead at Badajos; but no one name came more clearly to his mind than another. Travelling ever backwards, memory carried


him to a blazing sun and scorched plains-to the savage storm of Assye, and to the fierce fight in the darkness before Seringapatam; but still the name he searched for did not come. Now he was in the Low Countries on his first campaign, fighting his first action. He saw again the clear rain-washed blue of that September sky, the line of windmills on the horizon, the pink and blue and yellow houses by the canal blinking in the morning sun, the distant spires of Bois le Duc. His regiment, the 38rd, a corps of veterans, stood in reserve. He knew that his officers were waiting to see how the boy colonel would handle his regiment under fire. His first experience was to be a trying one. The French were in superior force, and in the cloud of smoke before Him he could see that the first line of the British were being pressed back. Firing still, turning at any point of vantage, the red coats were yet giving way; the French light troops flung at them to complete the disaster were almost in the British ranks, and on the left a squadron of French cavalry cantered, waiting an opportunity to charge. Then young Wellesley put the


discipline of his regiment to one of the severest tests known in warfare. At the word of command every company swung back into column-leaving thus wide lanes through which the hard-pressed troops in the firing line could retire. Grimed with powder, cursing in anger, the men dashed through, and like closing gates the companies of the gallant old 33rd swung back again. The French were so close on them that some of the men were bayonetted before the word to fire was given. Thrice the Brown Besses spoke-volleys as steady as though the regiment - was firing on inspection parade-and then the word to advance was given, and with bayonets fixed the 33rd moved forward to take up the ground from which the other regiment had been forced to retire. The three volleys had done their work, the ranks of the French had crumbled away before them, and the cavalry had drawn off like a trail of mist. The day was won.

How Tommy Atkins REautsED.

Wellesley rode back to where on the ground, on the first line his regiment had held, were little groups about men who had fallen. The men of the band were already busy with their stretchers. He rode to where the right of his line had been. There on the ground lay the pride of the rank and file, the right-hand man of the Grenadier Company, Thomas Atkins. Six foot three he stood in his stockinged feet; twenty years he had served His Majesty ; he could neither read nor write; he was the best man at arms in the regiment, and one of the steutest hearts in the world. One of the bandsmen who stood by him had bound up his head where a sabre had slashed him, he had a bayonet wound in his breast, and a bullet through his lungs. He had prayed the bearers not to move him, but to let him die in peace where he had fallen. Wellesley looked down on him, and

P‘he man saw the sorrow in the young commander's face. " It's all right, sir,'"' he said in gasps. It's all in the day's work.'" And then the blood gushed out of his mouth. * * * * * *

The Great Duke turned to the young staff officer. "* Thomas Atkins," he said, shortly. The

officer saluted and withdrew. As the sound of his footsteps on the path died away the Duke turned once more to the sea.

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In the appended list the men are privates except where otherwise stated, and the figures

following are indicative of the age.

Although much care has been exercised in the compiling of this list, many names have been inadvertently omitted. In a subsequent edition of this book the omissions, if my attention

be called to them, shall be rectified.

It would, however, be an absolute impossibility to publish anything but a casual list of


October, 1917.



soNG. Written and dedicated to the memory of CAPTAIN N. W. HADWEN. ' of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, killed in action July 1st, 1916.

Who can count the sore hearts in our country to-day, Who can number each home hushed and lone, Who can measure the tears which are falling so fast, Or record every crushed mother's moan?

We have lived long in pain, and hoped on in vain, While our nation with war has been curs't; We have tried to be brave, with our back to the grave, And imagined Death daren't do its worst.

But the bitterest blow has befallen, when we read Some loved name on Fame's world-honoured scroll- Those who answered the call, and have given their all, And the price they have paid is the pall.

There are deeds that were witnessed by angels alone, Who kept watch o'er our boys brave and bold ; Oh ! the stories we long most to put into song Are the tales that will never be told.

Chorus :

So we'll bare each bowed head, as the dear names are read

Of the boys who have faced Hell's fierce wrack ; And we'll drop a sad tear, with a pride-mingled cheer, For the boys who will never come back. Oh ! the boys we have loved, and the boys who loved us- Brave, bright Tommy, and staunch and true Jack,

Deathless memory shall keep ever green each proud name,

Of the boys who will never come back. HEATHER.

The Soldier.

If I should die, think only this of me : _ That there's some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England. There shall be In that earth a richer dust concealed ; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware . .

1914. Aug. 24-Capt. C. O. Denman Jubb, aged 38.



Guest, 23 Jubilee Road, Siddal-31.

1 24-Thos. Greenwood (6513). 21 Goit Side, Luddenden.


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-J. Lindley, Ainley Top, Elland. -Major Stafford. Be p 24-J. W Greenwood, West Parade, Mytholmroyd-22. ,, 25-Sergt. Wm. Spencer (58338), steward West Ward Liberal Club-33. Oct. 20-Lance-Corpl. Holmes, Heptonstall Road, Hebden Bridge-83. ,, 21-C. Crowther (5911), Cleethorpes (formerly Halifax)-37. Nov. 8-Geo. Taylor, 3 Darcey Hey Lane, King Cross. 8-Bernard Talbot (9312), 7 Brunswick Yard-27. 11-Lance-Corpl. Hy. Beaumont, Mirfield Moor, Cooper Bridge-86. 11-Irvine Sutcliffe (10580), 25 St Mark Street, Booth Town-20. 11-Jos. Gledhill (101583), 2 Alexandra Street, Claremonnt—19 11-Jas. Gillespie (8416), 20 Copley Street, Haley Hill-3t. Dec. 14—Chnstopher Stephen Hegney, 6 Swan Street Crossfields, Halifax. , 14-Harry Grout (or Park) (10752), 25 Brunsw1ck Street-18. -C. Tell, 25 Bank Bottom, Elland. No date-A. Shaw (7691), Victoria Street, Haley Hill. 1915. Jan. 20-Jas. McHugh, Cliffe Cottage, Rishworth. ,, 81-Edwin Harrison, Heathfield Street, Spa Well, Elland-47. Feb. 1-Corpl. Drake, Hol well Green. , 234-G. W. Bobertshaw (10512), Heaton Terrace, Mytholmroyd-18. 1 24-Sergt.-Major Nelson Farrar, Southowram-31. , 24-Harry Batty (107683), 27 Snmmergate Street-22. ,, 28-Herbt. Brooke Bradford -21. ;; -_ _-Sergt. H. Howie, formerly Halifax Mar. 2-Co. Sergt.-Major Jas. Seccombe (9639), 84 Portland Road, New Bank-26, » - 7-Arthur Hamlet, Lee Street, Todmorden-22. », 15-Thos. Fielding (14244), 12 Bath Place, Woodside-25. 1, - 19-Walter Pollard (7710), 1 Bell's Fold, South Parade-299. April 5-David Kennedy (9569), 1 Bank Street, Crossfields-28. 1 - 9-John Leach (11268), 24 Grey Street, Range Lane-23. , 17-Jas. Sowden, Woodland Terrace, Pecket Well. ; 18-Geo. Arthur Nutting (11438), 6 Lister's Court, Pelion Lane-25. ,, 18-H. Bebee (6816), 16 Garside Street, King Cross-29. , 18-Jos. Wm. Fort (12401), 3 Ernest Street, Queen's Road-43. , 18-Wm. Herbt. Haigh, 7 Wallis Street, Sowerby Bridge-28. ;, 18-John Duffy, 8 Ff t Court, off Dungeon Street, Halifax-25. , 18-Sergt. W. MacDonald Burnley, formerly Hahfax , 18-Jack Kershaw (9310), 5 South View, Hebden Bridge. , 18-Tom R. Ashworth, Lower Mill, Mldi ole, Hebden Bridge. , 18-Corpl. James Hy. Taylor, formerly 1pponden—29 , 18-Tom Campbell Fletcher, 2 Forest View, Cousin Lane, Wheatley-21. ;, 20-Bertram Doyle (10488), 32 Warley Street. . 22-Corpl. Lawrence Huppler (8669), 22 Brinton Terrace-27. May 5—Arthnr Beverley (14024), 54 Savile Park Street-21. ,s - 5-John Willie Foster (14038), 2¢ Drammond Street-28. ; - 5-Ernest Gregson, 34 Ashbourne Grove-32. »» - &5-Lance-Corp!. H. Hodgson (14034), The Hollins, Triangle-19. » - 5b-A. Howarth, Clarendon Street. Mytholmroyd-20. )» - 5-Harold Moms, 14 Horne Street-26. ), - 5-Ernest Wharton (12192), 19 Lewis Street-30. » - &-Walter Evans (10320), 12 Stannary Street-20. , - 5-Sergt. Fred Stansfield, Langfeld Road Todmorden-27. ; - 5-Oscar Nixon (10683), Commerclal Street Denholme-23. 1» - &5-Ernest Murgatroyd (14037), Rough Hall, Wainstalls-21. »» - 5-T. Irving, Lightcliffe Road, Brlghouse—22 » - b-Randall Drake, Westgate, Clifton—23. , - 5-J. W. Turpin, 8 New Street, Brighouse-21. », - &-Percy Taylor (14012), Delph Hill House-22. ;; - b-John Fitzpatrick, 17 Duke Street-30. ) - 5-H. Hill, Waterloo Street, Booth Town. ) - b-A. E. F. Draper (14026), Manchester, formerly Halifax-22. , - &-Bernard McNea (12415), 39 Park Square, Northowram-80. » - 5-Cyril Millar (14017), 10 Highfield Place—18 ,., - 5-Geo. Plews, Rowley Farm, Sowerby-19. » - 5-W. A. Thomas, Blackpood, formerly Hebden Bridge-18. . ,» - &-Louis F. Tinker (14025), 28 Elmfield Terrace-22. , - b-A. Townsley (11230), Perseverance Road, Queensbury. ; - &5-Thos. Weedon, 12 Waterloo Street, Booth Town. , - 5-George Garforth (14036), 72 Pear Street—23

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»» - 6-Lance-Corpl. James Edward Brook, Albert Square, Brighouse-16. ,, 13-Corpl. Jonathan Turner (9220), 5 John Street, Elland-25. y, 81-Clarence Walker, 1 Lower Hope Street-28. a -A. Chapman, Undercliffe. June 28-Geo. Dewhirst, 35 Woodside View-20. Date not known-J. A. Woodhead, 148 Bacup Road, Todmorden. Aug. 21-A. E. Gill (11479), 10 Bethel Street, Lee Mount-29. a -W. Broomhead, Closes Road, Brighouse-25. Sep. 14-Job L. Naylor (12722), 23 West Hill Court-21. ,, 22-Wm. Walton (1942), 4 Foundry Street-28. Oct. 2-Fredk. Win. Horsfall (1296), 15 Mason Street, Hebden Bridge. ,, - 3-Ira Priestley (11050), 12 Rosebery Terrace-22. 1 16-Cyril Rothery (12756), 34 Moorfield Street-22. ,, 20-Herbt. Duckworth, 3 Westbrook Terrace, Commercial , 30-Harry Willie Naylor (12725), 20 Mill Lane, Booth Town-20. ,, 31-Vincent Kelly, 15 Crossley's Buildings, Shroggs Road-21. + -Fred Job, Brighouse-20. Nov. 3-Jas. Edward Cawthra (12633), 2 Back Cross Hills-26. , - 7-Lieut. Savile Whitaker, Burnley, formerly of Halifax. , - 7-Drummer G. A. France (11832), Horsfall Yard, Range Bank-20. ,, 11-Enoch Davies (7305), 21 Bangor Street, 'King Cross-31. - ,, 12-John Priestley, 21 West Street, Lindley-22. ,, 22-Lance-Corpl. Ernest Lakey (14990), 11 Fitzwilliam Street, Halifax-21. p -Sergt. Chas. McCusker, 47 Grove Terrace, Pye Nest-34. Dec. 10-Bentley Metcalfe (12714), Salisbury Place, Booth Town-29. ,, 15-Sec.-Lieut. John Raymond Lister, The Knowle, Rastrick-19. ,, 19-James Willie Bates, 28 Summergate Place-19. ,, 19-Roland Whipp, Ripponden-20. ,, 19-Harry Varley, Cornholme-89. ,, 19-A. Radcliffe, 8 Northcliffe Lane, Southowram-36. ,, 21-Harry Dugmore, 77 Harmony Place, Mountain-18. ,. 22-Geo. Carroll, 8 Swan Street, Crossfields-388. ,, 24-Andrew Winter, 16 Back Terrace Street, Sowerby Bridge-34. ,, 24-Robt. Hy. Smith, 11 Back Beacon Terrace, Claremount-30.

1916. Jan. 31-Lance-Corpl. Jas. Ed. Blezzard, 42 Terrace Sreet, Sowerby Bridge- ¥ , 3l1-Jas. E. Lord (7990), 134 Spring Hall Lane-29. Feb. 21-W. E. Walker, 19 Peech Street, Pellon Lane-22. , 25-Sec.-Lieut. Eric A. W. Wood -20. ' , 26-Arnold Douglas Brigg, Bradford, formerly of Ovenden-20. , 26-Kelita Dixon, 2 Trooper Lane-31. ) -Jas. Mortimer, Milner Royd, Luddenden Foot-24. Mar. 2-John Cogan, Toothill Bank, Rastrick-41. 1 - 2-Jas. Brennan, 8 Coach Fold, Haley Hill-21. ,( 2-Sidney Greenwood, 48 Town Lane, Warley-33. ,r 2-Hy. Edward Goddard, 35 Lombartl Street, King Cross-24. 1, - 2-Jas. Armstrong (12607), 3 Terrace Street, New Bank-28. , _32-Wm. Renenan, 26 Holroyd Street, Mount Pleasant-31. | 1 22-Ernest Leather, 6 Manley Street Place, Brighouse-22. , 23-Harry Briggs, 7 Skye Lane, Sowerby Street, Sowerby Bridge-34 , 25-Harry Ambler, Middleton, Lancashire (native of Rastrick)-40. ,, Halliday (15322), 6 Musgrave Street-24. April 7-John Holmes, 4 Dean Clough-21. ,, 17-Herbt. Hitchen, Sandbed Villas, Eastwood-89. 1, 25-Sergt. J. F. Rider, Field Lane, Rastrick-23. , 26-Willie Mason, Cross Villa, B'kisland-22. ,, 2%6-Geo. Hy. Anderson (17637), 8 Moore Street, Siddal. ,, 26-Alfred Greef, New Street, Elland. .. 27-Albert Mason, 30 Beech Hill Terrace, Halifax-19. ; -_ -Geo. Dobby, Green End, Wadsworth-21. May 1-Willie Thorpe, Square, Mytholmroyd-34. , 17-Lewis F. Teal, 2 Clough Terrace, Sowerby Bridge-830. , 17-J. B. Cockcroft, Carr Farm, Sowerby-28. , 21-John Smith, 6 Paradise Row, King Cross-26. , 24-Jas. H. Ball, 18 Hanover Street, Sowerby Bridge-35, , 29-Albert Eastwood, 2 Wakefield Road, Sowerby Bridge-33. $> -Jos. Dobby, formerly of Old Town, Hebden Bridge-21. June 10-W. Sykes, 16 Lock Street, Caddy Field-33. 1 - 8 or 9-John Venables, 16 Thornton Street, Fenton Road-20.

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,, 25-Chas. Hartley (7370), 2 Albert Gallery, Haley Hill-30. ,., 29-Rfn. Harry Dunnington, 7 Lime Tree Avenue, Elland-23. July 1-Lance-Corpl. Chas. Hitchen (14648), Ripponden-20. 1-Lieut. Noel Waugh Hadwen, Kebroyd, 1-Norman Waterhouse, The Nest, Mytholmroyd-26. 1-Sergt. Hubert Moodycliffe, 28 Great Albion Street-29. 2-W. H. Waite (11506), 115 Woodside-21. 2-O'Dell (17544), Halifax Lane, Bottom, Luddenden-20. 3-West Town (4316), 15 Southfield Terrace, Hipperholme-23. 3-Herbert Flint, 15 Nelson Street-24. 4-Albert Crowther, Phoebe Lane Terrace, Siddal. 5-Lance-Corpl. Albert Henry Nutter (11483), 19 Pall Mall, Mytholmroyd-27. 7-Sec.-Lieut. Geoffrey Otho Chas. Edwards, Pye Nest-39. 7-Fred Ogden (15104), 117 Shay Lane, Ovenden. 7-J. B. Fairbridge, 3 West Grove Terrace; missing. 20, 7-Lewis Hey (11499), 7 Vicar Street, Booth Town-32; missing. 7-Sergt. W. Gidley, 4 Godley Road-22. 7-Lance-Corpl. Sam Raby, 22 Stephen Row, Northowram-20. 8-Dick Hirst, 17 Gooder Lane, Rastrick- 21. 10-Haywood, Birds Royd, Brighouse-32. - 10-George Henry Scotford, 18 Ingram Street, Savile Park-20. 12-Albert Riley, New Street, Stainland-42

15-John McHale, 4 Old Bank-26. 16-Thomas Wm. Wild (11274), 44 Albert Street, North, Haley Hill-30.

17-Kay Farrar, Delph Hill, Rastrick-33. -Geo. Stott, Station Road, Holywell Green-26. 18-Sec.-Lieut. Arnold Nicholl, 2 Third Avenue, Manor Drive-25. »: 19-Frank Sharp (2576), 13 Albany Terrace, Lane-22. , 230-Lieut. Willie Lyon Anderton, Cleckheaton. . ,, _ 30-James W. Gladwin, 9 Back Shaw Lane-22. . Died at Clipstone Camp. No date-Captain H. P. Travers, Willow Hall; missing. .

9 9 9 9 99 99 99 9 9 92 9 9 j 99 99 99 9 9 9 9 99 9 39 99 9 9 3 9 39 99 3°



1915. April 22-Jas. Noone, 36 Park Place-25. May 5-Chas. Rd. Burnham, 26 Lily Lane-42.> . . 1 10-Paul Law, 34 Burnley Road, Luddenden Foot-19. ; 10-Corpl. Rymer, Cleckheaton. ,; 11-Ben Casson (2175), 21 Savile Park-83. , 12-Corpl. J. H. Scarborough-20. ; 19-Sydney Hargreaves, 7 Prescott Street-19. , 21-H. Bell, formerly Woodside. ,, 28-John Little, 62 Hare Street-85. June 4-Sidney Wilson (2486), St. John's Lane-27. > - » - 4-Lance-Corpl. Walter Singleton, 389 Catherine Street, Elland. ; - _ 6-Hall Hepworth, Charles Street, Elland-24. » 10-Lieut. Ernest Lee, Burnley-29. » 14 Captain M. P. Andrews, Hipperholme. , 16-Edwin Copley (2148), 28 Eton Street-19. » 16-Harry Washington (1648), Bank Buildings, Luddenden Foot-25. 1 17-Horace Boocock, 3 Harrow Street-21. » 31-Corpl. Lewis Whiteley, Brighouse-20. Aug. 12-Sergt-Major McCormack, Drill Hall, Elland. ; 14-Corpl. Norman Hirst (1166), Terrace, Clifton. » 14-Donald Thornton (8471), Thorn View, Elland. » 14-Arthur Lumley (2222), 33 Claremont Street, Sowerby Bridge-21. », 13-Maurice Standeven, 16 King Street, Sowerby-18. » 14-Lance-Corpl. Jas. Riach (1442), 35 Birkby Street, Wilson Road, Wyke-44. , 14-John Thos. Aked (2965), 10 Oak Street, Hanson Lane-20. . » 16-W. Lund (3409). , , 21-Percy John Tolley, 11 Hollins Bank, Sowerby Bridge-22. » 24-Samuel Smith (2193), 3 Penuel Place, Siddal-23. , 28-Albert Edward Shaw, North View, Holywell Green-30. 11 25-J. F. Cocker, Brighouse. » 25-Oswald Winard, 12 Baines Street, Battinson Road. Sep. 25-Chas. Edward Hodgson (2409), Royal Oak Hotel, Clare Road-19. Oct. 16-Liieut. Ernest Taylor, son of Mr. J. H. Taylor, South Emsall, formerly of Halifa » 16-Osmund Appleyard (3457), 29 Ashbourne Grove-26. CC 1 16-C.M.S. Vernon S. Tolley, 11 Hollins Bank, Sowerby Bridge-25.

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16-Thos. Eastwood, 50 Lower Hollins, Sowerby Bridge-28. 16-J. Dent (1197), Scarr Top, Upper Greetland-26. ' 16-Lieut.-Sergt. Frank Wilkinson Wright, 9 Cambridge Street, Hebden Bridge-21. 16-Thos. Clarke, 4 Mellor Square, Mill Lane, Brighouse-18. 16-Herbt. Southern, Thornhill Road, Rastrick-20. 16-Sergt. Hardisty, Cleckheaton. ; 16-E. Womersley, Cleckheaton. ;) 16-H. Collinson, Cleckheaton. , 16-Harry Tilley, 3 Broad Street-32. 17-Arthur Clee (2607), 26 Milk Street, Crossfields-32. 17-Alfred Packwood, 30 Bradley Street, Walker Lane, Sowerby Bridge-20. 17-Fred Clarkin, Back Foundry Street-34. ;, 19-Sergt. J. Lovelace, 21 Holt Street, King Cross-34. ,, 19-Norman Muff, Brookeville Avenue, Hipperholme-22. ;, 20-Sergt. Frank Long, 33 Stannary Street-88. 1 24-Lance-Corpl. Clement Ogden, 20 North Bridge Street-28. », 27-Fred Roberts, 8 Firth Street, Rastrick. ;, 31-Clifford Eastwood, Stod Fold, Mixenden-18. 1; -_ -Sergt. J. H. Green, Edward Street, Brighouse-26.

Nov. 3-J. A. Stewart (2065), 13 Spring Grove, Newstead-23. 7-Willie Jagger Priestley, 45 Claremount Road-25. s - 9-Corpl. Edgar Wormald, 56 New Street, Elland-27. ;, 10-Lance-Corpl. Arthur Rangeley, 7 Church Lane, Lower Edge. ;, 12-Dyson Thomas, Milner House, Luddenden Foot-21. ;, Rowley (123), Cleckheaton. , 17-Edgar Thornton (8130), Elland Lane, Elland-20. ;, 20-John Gold, 8 Lane Side, Luddenden Foot-28. 21-Albert Edward Dyson (2795), 42 Bradshaw Lane, Holmfield-18. , 21-Harry Birkby (1709), 16 Allerton Place-21. ‘ , 21-Wm. Hy. Emmett, 26 Sowerby Street, Sowerby Bridge-81. » 2l1-Maurice Thomas (2171), 54 Fern Street, Booth Town-21. | ,, 23-Joe Cawood, 33 Union Street South-24. © ' , 23-Norman Crowther (3288), Victoria Road, Elland. _ ' 1 24-Arthur Wilcock, 28 Mitchell Street, Sowerby Bridge-24. 1; 25-Dawson (1628), Cleckheaton. »» -C. Lapsley (8798).

Dec. 2-P. J. Boland, 10 Tanhouse Hill, Hipperholme-30. 1, _ b5-J. W. Dinsdale (2466), 6 New Brunswick Street, Halifax-22. »» - 6-Corpl. James Arthur Cobb-24. Worked at Campbell's. »» - 9-Rowland Walker, Grange Terrace, Lightcliffie-21. » 11-Cecil Hirst, 10 Glen Terrace, Clover Hill-18. » 18-Lance-Corpl. Edmund Lord Ashworth, Sandygate, Hebden Bridge-29. »» 14-Alfred Sharman (2248), 22 Stirling Street-28. 1 19-Sec.-Lieut. John Armitage Hartley, 3 Park Side, Halifax-22. , 19-BEric Aked (2478), Harewocd House, West End-29. 1 19-Arthur Brumby, 5 Wellgate, Lindwell, Greetland-24. » 19-Corpl. Percy Albert Fletcher (1300), 7 Pleasant Street, Commercial Road-20. »» 19-Liance-Corpl. Joseph Albert Shooter (1397), 12 Crystal Street, Hanson Lane-190. ; 19-Fredk. David Thompson, 31 Hall Street-23. ) 19-Harry Crossley (1717), 27 Cross Hill-39. 1 19-Norrie W. Marshall, 16 Hope Hall Terrace-19. », 19-A. Pearson, 2 Bedford Court-20. 1 19-Herbert Briggs, 49 Green Lane, West Vale-835. »» 19-Frank Brown, 2 Water Hill, Friendly-25. »» 19-Ermnest Trewartha, Calder Bank, Hebden Bridge-32. 1 19-Percy Elsie, Serpentine Road, Cleckheaton-21. . » 19-Lance-Corpl. Edward George, Station Road, Holywell Green-23. s 19-Herbert Lister, 128 East View, Lee Mount-26. 1, 19-Leonard E. Roberts, 33 St. Alban's Avenue-19. »» 19-Sergt. C. W. Akroyd, 15 Albert Road, Sowerby Bridge-22. , 19-John Edward Firth, 31 Milton Terrace-20. » 19-Walter Canning, 54 Alma Street-23. , 19-Wilfrid Shaw (2178), 10 Pellon Lane-20. » 19-Sergt.-Major McKay, Cleckheaton. 1 19-John McClarnon (1847), 8 Dobby Hall-48. ; 19-William Smith, 183, Lee Bank-34. » 19-Fred Wade, 20 Exeter Street, Sowerby Bridge-20. » 19-John Wm. Netherwood, 34 New Marsh, Burnley Road, Sowerby Bridge-25. » 19-Christopher V. Crevey (2139), 13 Fleet Street-85.

99 99 99 29 99 93

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,, 19-George Robinson, 12 Mellor Square, Brighouse-19. ,, 19-Walter Green (2134), 25 Clement Street, Pellon Lane-21. ,, 19-Edmund Parker, Ashday Cottage, Southowram-18. ,, 19-Sergt. Frank Chappell, Briggate, Elland-20. OC ,, 19-Signaller Reggie Wright (1619), Barnby Crossing, Newark-18. ;, 20-Sec.-Lieut. Frederick Wm. Oswald Fleming, Fern Dene, Halifax-19. , 20-SBergt. Marshall Jagger, West Vale-26. , 20-Frank Murgatroyd (2141), 21 Wilson Road, King Cross-19. ;, 20-Charles Reading (2538), 29 Catherine Street, Elland-20. ,, 20-Charles Harold Wild, West Grove House-18. ,, 20-Jack Smith, Ainley Top, Elland-19. ,, 20-Isaiah Haigh, 7 Gardener Square, Well Lane-22. ,, 21-George Bates (3549), 28 Garden Street, New Bank-22. ,, 21-Henry Watson (2186), 6 Shaw Street, King Cross-24. ,, 21-Corpl. Sam Morton (2536), 39 Saddleworth Road, West Vale-28. , @2-Lance-Corpl. Horace Highley, Turk's Head Hotel, Sowerby Bridge-24. , 23-Tom Quinn, 34 Holroyd Street-23. ,, 24-Lance-Corp!l. Owen Mitchell (1027), 26 West Hill Court-21. , 25-Ephriam Atkinson, 4 Mason Square, Ovenden-83. , 26-Fredk. Wm. Bull, 101 Scar Bottom-86. 1916. Mar. 26-George Thomas Mitchell, 18 Edward Street, Sowerby Bridge-28. April 24-Oswald Gledhill, 68 Portland Road, New Bank-38. June 27-Harry Hollingrake Simpson, Holywell Green. July 3-Captain Ernest Ed. Sykes, Oldfield-30. 1 - 4-Edgar Frederick Foster (1593), 1 John Street, Greetland-20. . _ 4-Harry Stephenson (2803), 24 Holroyd Street, Commercial Road-29. s - 5-Corpl. F. Haigh, 1 Jackson Yard, Temple Street, New Road-23. ; - &5-Fred Billington, 21 Albama Street, Queen's Road-23. 1 - 5-Frank Hensby (2250), 71 Thomas Street South-25. , - 5-Robt. Grundy, 10 Bath Place, Woodside-27. 1, - 7-Willie Brearley, 75 Albert Road, Sowerby Bridge-21 ; missing. 1, - 7-John Brennand, 2 Upper Bell Hall-19. 1» - 7-Fred Sutcliffe, 4 Style, Triangle-23. , - 8-Cyril Whiteley (1880), 28 Charlesworth Grove, Pellon. , - 8-Sec.-Lieut. Wm. Stanley Booth, Hipperholme Grammar » - 9-Thomas Needham, 9 Carlton Street, Halifax-31. 1 10-Edward Schofield, Hoyle's Buildings, Bailey Hall Bank-35. , 10-Willie Normanton, 85 Terrace Street, Sowerby Bridge-20. 1 10-John Edward Whiteley, 39 Paradise Yard, Elland-20. » 11-Lance-Corpl. Ethelbert Morton, 67 Quebec Street, Elland-24. ; 12-Lance-Corpl. John Robert Poole, 17 Dover Street, Claremount-26. , 13-Sergt.-Major A. Howarth, 22 North Bridge Street-8383. , 13-Vine Sutcliffe, 45 Tuel Lane, Sowerby Bridge-19. 1 14-G. R. Hornsby (2758), 3 Church Street, Elland-30. 1 14-W. Clegg, Church Bank, Cragg Vale-89. 1 15-Lance-Corpl. Thos. Alfred Hand (1964), Church Street-31. »» -Milton Stevens, Oakhill Road, Brighouse-22. as -J. H. Rogan, Oak Villas, Hebden Bridge-24. » -Bergt. Thos. Henry Clarke, D.C.M., 2 Dombey Street, off Francis Street-29. , 17-Harry Dobson (4385), 6 Well Street, Charlestown Road-85. »» 19-Geo. Balmforth (1181), 18 Cross Lane, Blackley. 1 20-Herbt. Seaman, 16 Stannary Lane-18. , 20-Clement Crabtree, 2 Laurence Street, Lee Mount-18.


Big]. 627——H'a.r1'y Schofield, West Street, North Parade-28.

Feb. JA-J. F. Bell, 86 Hartley Street-82. April 15-J. W. Drake, 13 Hays Lane, Mixenden-29.


May 15-Ebison Crowther (2337), Lower Brig Royd, Ripponden-21. July 15-Halstead Nunn (3072), 11 Martin Street, Booth Town. Aug. 20-Ralph S. Moss, Mold Green, Huddersfield-21. 1 24-Norman Gledhill (3176), 1 Scarborough Steret, Elland-16 Nov. 4-George Lee, 58 Station Road, Holywell Green-22.

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1916. Mar. 31-Edwin Arnold Sladdin, 23 Gladstone Road, Halifax-27.



2, 484 WHo Haves Givex Tarim Lives. |___ _ >; =_ Below are names of men serving with the colours from Huddersfield, the Colne Valley, Holmfirth, and surrounding districts, whose deaths have been reported during the year 1916, The following is a summary of the losses in particular regiments :-

Officers . ... ... .. H 29 Duke of Wellington's Regiment . ... {I. ... _ 198 King's Royal Rifle Corps . e King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry o West Yorkshire Regiment 21 Northumberland Fusiliers 16 Royal Field Artillery ... 15 Colonial Regiments 16 Other Regiments 2.20 122 Navy 15 Total _... c.. - 484

Together with the 354 names recorded up to the end of 1915, this makes a total, since the outbreak of the war, of 838 up to December 80th, 1916.

The names of the men in the Duke of Wellington's Regiment are :-


July 1-Major A. N. Wheatley, Woodlands, Mirfield. Died of wounds-30. 4-Sec.-Lieut. W. Preston, Hill Crest, Halifax Old Road. Died of wounds-25. ,, - 8-Lieut. G. W. Quamby Walker, Croft House, Slaithwaite-20. Aug. 15-Sec.-Lieut. A. A. Nuttall, Carrs Road, Slaithwaite. Fatally wounded-20. Sep. 3-Sec.-Lieut. C. B. Newman, West Leigh, Marsden-20.

Captain Harold Ernest Whitwam (27) (West Riding Regiment), elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitwam, Clifton House, Golcar, has been killed in action October, 1917. He served in the Colne Valley Territorials for five or six years before the war, joining the ranks. He was lieutenant when he went to France, and after six months' service was invalided home suffering from poison. He acted as instructor in musketry at Strensall for more than twelve months, going out .to France only. a month ago., He was a - member of the firm of Messrs. B. and J. Whitwam & Sons Ltd., Stanley Mills, and was an active worker at St. John's Church Sundgr School, where he was both teacher and organist.


Pte. F. A. Smith, killed in action"October 16th, 1915, fiiithflg to his parents (who live at 22 Stoney Cross Street, Taylor Hill, Lockwood) 19th June, 1915, tells how Lieut. Leslie Crowther of his platoon met his death. ° Lieut. Crowther,'"' he says, '" was especially popular with his men. On Tuesday, 15th June, he was out on patrol, accompanied by Captain Stott, Lieut. Liddal and Corpl. Convoy, when they ran straight into a German patrol of six men and a bomb-thrower. One of them instantly hurled a highly explosive detonator, which killed Lieut. Crowther instantly. Lieut. Liddal, who was nearest to Licut. Crowther, immediately emptied his revolver on the Germans, who took to their heels, making for their trenches. The remainder of the patrol, acting with great gallantry, returned for assistance, taking back stretcher-bearers, and carried back the dead lieutenant under heavy rifle fire. Lieut. Crowther was buried opposite the battalion head- quarters, the service being conducted by the Colonel."

1915 DUKE OF WELLINGTON'S REGIMENT. April 18-Pte. George Moorhouse, 5 Waterside, Lockwood. Killed on Hill 60. Formerly reported May Norman Fox, Lowerhouses, Aldn db 'For . ' ay e. Norman Fox, Lowerhouses, mondbury. Formerly reported issing. Aug. g—gge. adwflard Jenéiins, Netheroyd Hill. Diedyof wounds—5:24.po CC as missing 93 -Pte. W. Haywood, Burnlee, Holmfirth. Formerly reported missing i ipoli Dec. - -Pte. W. Beckett (3450). Died of wounds. ¥ TcP mussing in Gallipoli. §» -Lance-Corpl. Harold Connor, 83 Clegg Street, Springhead-17 39 -Pte. Huxley, Saddleworth.

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Tor Row-Lt. Leslie Crowther (k.), Lt. T. T. Nesbitt, Capt. 8. C. Bfierley, Capt. I. Stewart, Lt. H. C. Gol ling, Lt. F. Sykes, 2\Lt. TI. L. Lidell, Lieut. D. P. Middlemost.

Minpous Row--Lt. Taglis, Lt. John Haigh, Lt. C. E. Sutdliffe, Lt. G. R. Ellis, Lt. N. Senior, Capt. Stott, Lt. Keith Sykes, Capt. R. Rippon, Lt. Sproulie, Lt. E. E. Ainley, Lt. G. L. Sharpe.

Totrrou Row-Major Demetriadi, L.P.M.D., R.A.M.C., Capt. A. N. Wheatley (k), Major G. P. Norton, Major G. W. K. Cros! ind, Lt.-Col. H. Wilson, Capt. Rendall (k), Capt. J. E. Eastwood, Capt. Senior, Capt. Black.

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-Pte. A. L. Smith (2464). l, - -Pte. J. Sullivan (1420).

,, 16-Pte. H. Grundy, 100 South Street-20. ,, 19-Pte. Harry Pogson, 57 Thomas Street, Northgate. Died of Wounds-19.

R -Pte. Joseph Milton Walton, Oak Vlew, Greenfield-38. ,) 19-Pte. George Wm. Lovell, 6 Clara Street, Fartown-22. __ 11 -_ _ -Pte. Harold Sykes, 41 Hill Top, Paddock. Killed by a sniper-27.

1916. Jan. 3-Pte. H. Naylor (8547). ;, - 8-Lance Corpl. H. R. Dearnley (8865). ;, - 83-Pte. A. Buckley (947). 1, - 83-Pte. G. Burke (9836). , - 3-Pte. J. O'Brien (1385). Died of wounds. , - 8-Pte. Harry Hirst, 5 Gladstone Buildings, Marsden. Died of pneumonia whilst training-41. -Lance-Corpl. J Walker (1278). Died of wounds. 7-Pte. E. Dearnley, Northgate, Almondbury. 8-Pte. Harry Castle, 9 Cross Lane Newsome. Died of wounds-23. 12-Pte. E. Sykes (2746). Died of wounds. -Pte. C. Hollingworth (2228). Died of wounds. -Lance-Corpl. C. E. Bentley. Found drowned near the camp-41. Feb. 28-Pte. E. French, 8 Old Post Office Yard, Castlegate. Killed by a shell-25. Mar. -Lance-Corpl. E. B. Hanson, Honley. 2-Pte. I. Lockwood, Denby Dale—28

2-Pte. Arthur Holhns, Cowcliff{e-25. -Lance-Corpl. Perey Wood, 8 School Lane, Paddock. Died of wounds.

-Corpl. G. W. Crosland, Thlrstm Honley. Killed whilst leading a bombing charge. 2-Pte. Arthur E. Williamson, Shepley 4-Sergt. H. A. Liversedge, Meltham Mills-27. -Corpl. Willie Sykes, 6 Newgate, Holmfirth. - -Pte. Leonard Buckley, Netherthong-25. Aprll 27-Pte. James Bridge, Church Terrace, Holmfirth. Died of wounds. May 11-Pte. Jo'hun Sykes, 25 Newsome Road. Wounded on August lst, and died from con- sumption, probably caused by exposure-23. 28-Pte. (G. H. Moore, Quarmby, Lindley. Died of hysteric seizure. ,, Willie Bray, 14 Lidget Street, Lindley. Died in hospital-24. June 27-Pte. G. H. Nichol, Taylor Hill Road, Lockwood. Died of wounds. July 1-Pte. W. L. France, Machine Gun Section, 53 Wood Top, Slaithwaite-837. , - 1-Pte. (G. S8. Green, Grange Cottages, Marsden. Died of wounds-20. ,, - 2-Corpl. Willie Swann, 18 Union Street, Lindley. Died of wounds-25. 33 -Pte. George Collier, 48 Baker Street, Oakes, Lindley-29. 2-Sergt. John Thomas Ward, Netheroyd Hill Road, Cowcliffe-22. -Pte. Arthur Dawson (26), Pte. George Willie Dawson (23), brothers, Hinchlif Mill, Holmfirth. 1 - 2-Lance-Corpl. H. Hobson, hetherthong—25 -Pte. L. H. Jessop, 30 Victoria Road, Lockwood. Died of wounds. -Pte. Harry Morrison, 3 Clara Street-20 M -Pte. George Alfred Greenwood, Longroyd Bridge-22. as -Sergt. Jack (fill, 27 Station Road Golcar-22. , - 3-Pte. P. Crltchley, Lockwood's Yard 'Duke Street-19. 1, - 2-Lance-Corpl. G. Gibson, Clayton West. §» -Pte. Albert Helm, Hade Edge, Holmfirth. Died of wounds-20. -Sergt. E. Taylor, 25 Water Street, Huddersfield. Died of wounds-24. iss -Pte. F. J. Lister, River Edge, King's Mill Lane. Died of wounds-22. » - 8-Corpl. John Willie Gibson, 12 Clough Lane, Paddock-28. ,, - 3-Pte. Albert Heald, Pymroyd, Milnsbridge-25." , - 8-Pte. J. S. Charlesworth, 111 Castlebridge. Died of wounds-21. , - A-Lance-Corpl. Stanley Milnes, 94 Hebble Cottage, Bradford Road-19. , - 4-Pte. James Albert Thomas, 143 Rashcliffe Road-27. », - 4-Pte. -J. W,. Birmingham, Castlegate—2O 4, - 5-Lance-Corpl. Norman Clayton,' Kirkmore Place, off Northgate-26. », - 5-Pte. J. Corden, Binn House, Marsden-28. , - &5-Drummer Harry Beardsall, Oliver Lane, Marsden-22. ,) - 5-Pte. H. Frances, Lawton’s Terrace, Delph-25. 1 - 7-Corpl. J. E. Sheard, 6 Birkby Lodge Road-28. ;; - 7-Pte. W. Holt, 28 Back Freehold Street, Primrose Hill-30. $3 -Lance-Corpl. R. F. Wood, Primrose Hill-21. -Pte. Herbert Surtees, Coldwell Street, Hoylehouses-30. 14-Sergt. A. W. Carter, Kirkburton-27.


99 33 39 33


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Tor Row-Lt. C. V. Rigby, Capt. J. 8. Pearson, Lt. Harris, M.C., Cipt. G. Haigh, Capt. A S. Bruzaud, 'R.A.M.O., Lt. G.

: Beaumont, Lt. H. Whitwam (k), 2\Lt. F. Bamforth, M.C., Lt. Phillips.


- Mroriz Row-Capt. W. G. Bagnall, Rev. T. W. Hunt, M.A. (Chaplain), Major Tanner, Col. G. W. Treble, C.M.G., Capt. A. B. Saner (Bedfordshire Regt.), Major S. W. Wilkinson, Rev. J. Leech, B.A. (Chaplain), Capt. W. Brook.

Borrox Row-Lt. C. H, Lockwood, Lt. J. W. Ramsden,


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9 9

99 C

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14-Pte. Herbert Sykes, Coldwell Street, Hoylehouse-19. __ -Corpl. J. W. ngson, 29 Cliffe End Road, Longwood. Died of wounds-22.

-Sergt. George Warwick, Pine Wood Grove, Marsden-36. -Sergt. H. Hall, Pine Wood Grove, Marsden-3836.

-Pte. George Pownall, 127 Edgefield Terrace, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge.


25-Pte. John Kaye, 70 Scar Lane, Milnsbridge-22. , . Eric Kelghall, 87 Wellington Street, Oakes. Killed by a shell-17.

. W. Palfreeman, Sowood Green, Stainland. Shot by a sniper-22. 29-Pte. Sykes Walker, 45 Kirkgate-40. . C. T. W. Rigby, Field House, Denby Dale-42. 290-Pte. C. Widdowson, Denby Dale-24. 290-Pte. S. Smeaton, 36 Manchester Street-36. 31-Sergt. J. W. Shaw, 13 Warehouse Hill, Marsden. 3l1-Pte. F. Douglas Wood, Honley-25. 31-Pte. E. Mitchell, 5 Back Stanley Street, Lockwood-20. 31-Corpl. A. Greenwood, Longroyd Bridge-22.

28-Pte 28-Pte


2-Pte. J. Roberts, Leymoor Road, Longwood. Believed to have been killed-23. 2-Pte. J. I. Taylor, 11 Bentley Street, Lockwood-21. 2-Pte. H. Taylor, 112 Rashcliffe Hill, Lockwood-49.

2-Pte. W. H. Ball, Cockley Hill, Kirkheaton-21. 3-Sergt. J. W. Ettenfield, 223, Yews Hill Road, Lockwood -22. -Sergt. C. Cox, 318 Knowle, Crimble, Slaithwaite. -Pte. R. Whitterton, Halifax Old Road, Fartown-32. -Pte. J. W. Holden, Church Lane, Moldgreen-31. -Sergt. F. Gilling, 15 Thornton Lodge Road-21. 4-Pte. F. Wood, 83 Leeds Road North-20. 9-Pte. W. Beaumont, 39 Damside Road-28.

-Pte. B. Allsop, Uppermill.


24-Pte. T. Richardson, Machine Gun Section, 17 Main Road, Primrose Hill-22.

. F. S. Wright, Halifax Old Road-27. -Pte. R. Sales, 20 Corby Street, Birkby-17. -Pte. G. Hall, Dalton Fold Road, Dalton-19. 21-Pte. F. Horner, 427 Woodlands Terrace-21. . 21-Sergt. H. Earnshaw, D.C.M., Meltham. Killed by explosion of defective bomb-21..

1-Pte. C. Cunningham, Denby Dale. 3-Pte. G. Pearson, Lascelles Hall-23. 3-Pte. F. Armitage, Holmebridge-20. -Pte. F. Horner, 427 Woodhouse Terrace, Leeds Road. -Pte. F. O'Melis, Crown Bottom, Holmfirth. Died of wounds-27.


Died of wounds-26.

1. N. Rainbird, 18 Carr Pit Lane, Moldgreen-283.

Died of

3-Company Sergt-Major H. F. Dyson, 10 Manor Street, King's Mill Lane, Damside—24;




10-Pte. E. Stephenson, 98 St. Thomas 11-Pte. H. Thewlis, 124 Bradf 13-Pte. L. Firth, 7 Nettleton , 15-Pte. J. Iredale, 14 Armita 15-Pte. R. Herbert, High L

-Pte. L. Sandford, Ash H 16-Pte.


-Pte. -Pte. -Pte. -Pte.

17-Corpl. G. K; East 17--Pte? H. T

W. Brierley,

W. Wadsworth, Fieldhouse L

M. Fahy, 7 Fre

._F. Durrans, 16 Wellington

2 Ottiw

8 Chapel Hill.

Wrigley Mill, Diggle-24.

, Ash "Tree Farm, Thurstonland-21.

Street, Lindley. Died of wounds. 202 Cliffe End, Longwood-24. 3-Pte. J. Fox, 168 Back Albert Street, Lockwood-34. 3-Pte. S. G. Gledhill, 5 Thornhill 3-Lance-Corpl. W. Berry, 4-Pte. J. F. Broadbent, 2 4-Sergt. Webster, Mossley. -Sergt. W. W. Buckley, 6-Pte. A. Rhodes

6-Pte. G. H. Collinson, Corporation Tenements, Kirkgate. Died of wounds-37.

G. Iddon, 17 Back Beech Terrace, Bradford Road North-19. 8-Sergt. W. Frazer, 2 f

Avenue, Oakes, Lindley-21. 4 Meltham Road, Lockwood-20. ell's Terrace, Leeds Road.

Died of wounds in German hospital-35.

's Road-23.

ord Road. Died of wounds-22. Died -of wounds-21.


C. Greenwood, Foundry View, Dobeross-83.

uastwood, 11 Jackro oodrich, 15 Robinson St

. A. Giggle, 44 Scar Lane, Milnsbridge-23.

ge Street, Primrose Hill. aithe Farm, Marsden-22 ouse, Underbank, Holnfirth-24.

H. Ellis, 48 Fitzwilliam Street-20.

yd, Newsome-28. reet, Apsley-27.

Died of wounds-19.

f Crosland. Moor-20.

ane, Leeds Road-33. ehold Street,; Primrose Hill-19.

Page 116


18-Pte. M. Freedman, M.M., 1 South Street. 18-Corpl. E. Littlewood, Hinchlif Mill-265. , 19-Pte. F. Spence, 54 Long Lane, Grove Dalton. Died of wounds. 21-Pte. D. Waterhouse, Woodside, Marsden. Died of wounds-27. 20 21-Lance-Corpl. J. B. Smith, Dyson Street, Grove Place, Dalton. Died of wounds-19. 21-Pte. W. Drinkwater, Wingate Avenue, Cowlersley. Died of wounds-19. 21-Pte. W. Raynor, 19 Allen Row, Paddock-20. -Pte. J. Mills, 15 Hill Top, Lindley-21.

-Pte. 8. Hirst, Greenfield-40.- , -Ptes. H. Slater, - Pugh, and W. E. Mills, Mossley.

23-Pte. E. Wood, 12 Royds Terrace, Marsden-19. , 24-Corpl. A. F. Lewis, Linfit Lane, Kirkburton. Died of wounds-31.

99 99 99 91 99 99 99 99 9% %9 43%


f -Pte. J. C. C. Shorrocks, Spring Terrace, Binn Road, Marsden-27. , 28-Pte. A. Cliffe, 17 Union Street, Lindley-21. , ar -Pte. C. Lord, Dewhurst Road, Fartown-23. a» -Pte. F. Clegg, Milnsbridge. Died of wounds. a> -Pte. E. Horsfall, 190 Halifax Old Road. Died of wounds.

., 830-Pte. J Singleton, Back Union Street-28. ,, 80-Pte. 8. Casey, 22 Victoria Terrace, Lockwood -21. Oct. 2-Pte. H. Roberts, 6 Balmforth Yard, Milnsbridge. Found drowned at Clipstone-24. e -Pte. W. Beasley, Farrars Arms, Greenfield-21. ,, - 4-Pte. E. Kilburn, West Parade-20. ., - 5-Pte. R. Bottrell, The Knowle, Shepley-19. , - 6-Corpl. H. Beighton, Carrs Road, Marsden-28.

39 -Sergt. C. Kent (2884), Slaithwaite. as -Pte. E. Wood (1616), Marsden. ,, - 9-Pte. J. Hirst, Round Close, Hade Edge-82. 1, -_ -Pte. J. Mellor, Carr Lane, Holmfirth. Died of wounds-28. ,, - -Lance-Corpl. E. Smith, Thoogsbridge-27. a» -Pte. L. Coldwell, Underbank. Died of wounds-25.

,, 12-Pte. A. Munro, Magdale, Honley-19. ,, 12-Pte.F. Ainley, Rose Street, St. Andrew's Road-22. ,, 12-Pte. P. Rattigan, 11 Watergate-82. ,, 12-Pte. J. Battye, Tatt Row, Kirkburtun-29. ,) -_ --Pte. 8. Crowther, 7 Haigh Square, Dalton-19. ,, 12-Pte. A. Hirst, 99 Whitehead Lane, Primrose Hill. Died of wounds-21. ;, 13-Pte. H. Burch, M.M., Upperhead Row. , 25-Pte. N. G. Barritt, Colnebridge-23.

,, 25-Pte. N. Chippindale, 16 Causeway Side, Linthwaite-28. 25-Pte. A. Toyne, Slaithwaite.

Nov. 2-Signaller H. Atkinson, Hinchlif Mill, Holmfirth. Died of wounds-21.

o -Pte. G. Bentley, 40 Eldon Road, Marsh-26. » -Pte. W. Platt (attached K.O.Y.L.I.), Platt Lane, Dobcross-24. , - 4-Pte. A. Swallow, Lower Hall, Kirkheaton-20. a» -Pte. P. Rattigan, 102, Kirkgate-25. »» -Pte. J. Davies, Horest, Denshaw-22. a> -Pte. O. Brierley, Church Street, Delph-81.

,, 10-Pte. F. Foster, 61 Northumberland Street-30. ,, 138-Sergt. A. Gledhill, 46 Cliffe End Hill, Longwood. Died of wounds-34. ,, 15-Corpl. Charles Royle, 25 Victoria Street, Lindley. ,, 19-Pte. P. Halstead, 1 Armitage Road, Milnsbridge. Died of wounds-29.

a> -Pte. A. Hirst, Potters, Slaithwaite. Died of wounds. , 20-Pte, EF. Hill (attached Royal Warwick Regt.), Lowerhead Row. Died of wounds-18. ,) -_ --Pte. A. Hirst, 15 Dowker Street, Milnsbridge. Died of wounds-21.

, 20-Pte. G. Crosland, Oakfield House, New Hey Road, Oakes-25. , 24-Pte. H. S8. Hanson, 166 Scar Lane, Milnsridge. Died of wounds-23.


Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Bamforth, F. (25020), Huddersfield ; Boocock, J. C. (24728), Queensbury ; Buckley, Act.-Corpl. R. (201751), Halifax; Crossley, Corpl., LL. (14854), Heckmond- wike; Dolphin, A. (23032), Bradford; Glasse, C. (16189), Todmorden; Graydon, Sergt. J. K. (14258), Halifax; Green, Lance-Corpl. T. (18985), Keighley; Hoggerty, Corpl. T. (10582), Keighley ; Hall, Lance-Corpl H. (11151), Bradford ; Hayden, H. (12673), Halifax; Holland, T. E. (24029), Bradford ; Howell, J. (23033), Shipley; Lawley, Sergt. E. (11168), Bradford ; Ridley, W. (24137), Ravensthorpe; Shackleton, A. (10824), Apperley Bridge; Shaw, H. (16215), Huddersfield ; Skeen, H. (23257), Huddersfield; Tomlinson, F. (23993), Dewsbury; Turner, T. {10840), Bradford; Wade, C. (24922), Bradford; Whitelock, Lance-Corpl. C. (18996), Bradford ; Wood, S. (20169), Liversedge; Woodcock, J. L. (290152), Bradford; Craggs, Liance-Corpl. E.

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(20520), Bradford; Gartside, Corpl. W. (10761), Huddersfield; Allott, W. C., Huddersfield ; Bowles, J., Halifax; Braddock, N., Swalwell; Broadbent, S., Huddersfield ; Dawson, Sergt. L., Bradford ; Foster, Lance-Corpl. G. W., Hebden Bridge; Gough, C., Adwalton; Hanson, Corpl. A. H., Huddersfield; Hardcastle, E., Silsden; Hartell, G. Atherstone; Hutton, S8. R., Hudders- field ; Jackson, J., Newcastle; Lamb, W. K., Bradford ; Lucas, 8. A., Needham Market; Nussey, Bergt. E., Earby; Oddy, A., Bradford; Peel, H., Honley; Pemberton, P. J. P., Menston; Rawnsley, Corpl. J., Bradford; Saunders, T., Ampthill; Sheldon, Sergt. T., Bradford; Stinson, G., Grimsby; Sudworth, E., Willington Quay; Taylor, M., Barnoldswick; Thornton, A., Brighouse; Whitehead, W. K., Elland; Barnfather, Lance-Corpl. G., Choppington; Caton, R., Huddersfield ; Cowling, F., Leeds; English, T., Stanley ; Haigh, G., Huddersfield ; Hardy, Lance Corpl. F., Huddersfield; Holmes, Sergt. C. H., Mirfield; Holmes, F., Halifax; Jones, J., Huddersfield; Smith, T., Gilsland; Sykes, N., Bradford; Wrigley, B. A., Huddersfield; Young, N., Marsden; Pte. Wm. Ellithorn, 71 Institute Road, Eccleshill; F. Johnson, M.M., first Yeadon man to win Military Medal; Sergt. Ernest Nussey, Colne Road, Earby.


Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Denton, Sergt. W. C., Halifax; Hitchew, Sergt. A., Brighouse.


Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Aspinall, H., Lightcliffe; Barnett, J., Newcastle-under- Lyme; Barraclough, C., Dukinfield; Bloomer, A., Brierley Hill; Brown, R., Stockton-on-Tees; Carter, H., Halifax; Conroy, J., Halifax; Dobson, F., Bruntcliffe; Drake, Lance-Sergt. W., Elland; Elliott, C., Denholme; Ellis, Lance-Corpl. F., Brighouse; Embleton, W. H., Outwood ; Frank, H., Barnsley; Gill, M., Gomersal; Gledhill, I., Halifax; Gooch, Corpl. J. H., Halifax; Hanson, H., Halifax; Hensby, E., Halifax; Hirst, A., Dingle; Hornsby, R. B., Elland; Jackson, Lance-Sergt. S., Hebden Bridge; McLaughlan, G. A., Ashington; Mitchell, H., Halifax; Penny, R., Liversedge; Riley, J., Ripponden ; Rispin, H., Bedale; Shelley, J., Halifax; Slinger, E., Halifax; Smith, C. H., Liversedge; Staveley, S., Bridlington; Steele, Corpl. H., Halifax ; Stubbs, F., Sowerby Bridge; Sykes, W., Halifax; Sykes, J. W., Dewsbury ; Taylor, J., Ripponden ; Viney, A., Halifax; Whiteley, C. H., Halifax; Wood, Corpl. C., Halifax; Green, H. W. (203691), Halifax; Greenwood, W. (201210), Halifax; Gadsby, H. (204248), Halifax; Cook, G. W. (17808), Halifax; Stead, F. A. (18386), Brighouse; Wells, I. (29260), Halifax;

Mallinson, F. (4087), Brighouse.


Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Boothroyd, N. (29840), Crosland Moor; Sutcliffe, G. (306913), Ripponden; Garside, Corpl. W., Huddersfield; Craggs, E., Bradford; Priestley, LL. (15706), Halifax; Hind, Ar., 146 Chain Street, Bradford; Pickersgill, H. (23459), Halifax; Fossey, E. G. (200349), Halifax; Thomas, H. (201750), Brighouse; Rutherford, G., Halifax; Thompson, Sergt. H., Halifax; Crossley, A. (19569), Halifax; Smith, H. (200,022), Halifax; Hemsley, S. (807197); Greenwood, A. (28994), Halifax ; Barrow, D. (201616), Halifax; Bates, R. (202231), Sowerby Bridge; Dyson, E. G. (202105), Halifax; Hind, H. (200952), Hebden Bridge ; Walker.J . (201270), Halifax; Cockroft. S8. (31341), Halifax; Mounsley, G. (201685), Halifax.

PREVIOUSLY MISSING, NOW REPORTED DIED AS PRISONER OF WAR IN GERMAN HANDS. Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Yeadon, J. (18883), Guiseley; Gaunt, C. H., Huddersfield ;

Greenwood, H., Birstall; Casson, J., Whitehaven; Smith, F., 46 Hopwood Lane, died a prisoner in Germany, May 6th, aged 20.


Duke of Wellington's Regiment.-Burton, C., East Dereham; Taylor, T., Bradford : W. A., Winshill. J radford ; Brown,


Limeut.-Colonel A. G. Horsfall (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), has been killed in action. H_e joined the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment in 1897, as a Second- Lieutenant, and most of his service was in India, first with the 2nd Battalion, and afterwards

with the 1st Battalion.

___ For a short time he was ip South Africa during the Boer War, and from 1910 to 1913 he did a spell of duty at the Halifax Barracks. He then returned to India, where he was at the

Page 118


outbreak of war. Writing from the front an officer says : " Our losses in non-commissioned officers and men have been comparatively slight, but this does not compensate us for our great loss in the death of the commanding officer. He was loved and revered by everyone, and was - indeed a father of a large family more than a commander of a small unit."

Lieut.-Colonel A. G. Horsfall, D.8.0., was the only son of Mr. J. G. Horsfall, C.I.E. (formerly of the Madras Civil Serwce), of Hollenden, Exmouth. Born in 1876, he was educated at Charterhouse and Sandhurst. He was gazetted to the Duke of Wellmgton s Regiment, and served continuously with them, for the most part in India and Burmah, and for a short time in South Africa. He was in India when war broke out, but joined his battalion in France as second in command at the beginning of October, 1916, receiving command the following December.

A keen polo player, a fine shot, a student of languages and customs in the various countries in which he served, he was remarkable for his keenness in all that he undertook, and, above all, for his zeal for his profession and fine enthusiasm and energy in everything Whlch concerned hls regiment. In connection with the operations in France in April, 1917, he was awarded the D.S.O0., for *" the greatest courage and determination. It 'was largely due to his personal example that the operations of his battalion were so successfully carried out. The value of his

services cannot be over-estimated."'

A telegram was received by Alderman and Mrs. H. Mander, containing the sad intimation that their third son, Captain Alfred E. Marder, of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, was killed in action on October 9th, 1917. The following letter has been received

from Lieut.-Colonel R. E. Sugden :-

''It is with great grief that I inform you that Alfred was killed yesterday, on the Oth October, 1917. He was shot through the head whilst gallantly leading his men in the attacks. His death will leave a personal blank in my life, he was such a top chap in every way. He had only had his company a short time, but he improved them immensely, and his men would have followed him anywhere. The place where he is buried will be notified later to you, and his personal effects will be forwarded. His work was always most thoroughly done, and he never spared himself when in the line. I do not think anyone took less sleep than he. Officers and men alike miss him tremendously. I offer you my very deep sympathy, and do sincerely hope and believe that his very gallant end will give you real consolation and pride, and help you immensely to bear your loss. Both he and his brother were top-hole white men."

Captain Mander was 38 years of age. He joined the Army on September 14th, 1914. He and his brother, Lieut. P. G. Mander, endeavoured to enlist as privates at the outbreak of war, but both were given commissions. Deceased went to France at the end of 1915, and in June, 1916, was given his captaincy. Hg had seen some of the heaviest of the fightmg, and in July, 1916, was wounded. His brother was wounded a month afterwards. Captain Mander's injury was to the back and thigh, and, after treatment in hospital in France, he went back to

the fighting line again.

The deceased officer, a graduate in Arts of Trinity College, Dublin, was engaged as second master of the Crossley Schools, Savile Park, being resident in Halifax for about ten years.

He was very keen on sports, and played Rugby football for Coventry, and hockey whlle at Halifax, with the town eleven.

He took a keen interest in Masonic matters, and held rank as assistant-chaplain of Savfle fiodge, Elland. He was also a brother of Elland Mark Lodge, and of the Chapter of Sincerity, alifax. Hamilton-Cox, Sec.-Lieut C. F., Duke of Welhngton s Regiment. - Holt, Captain J. W., Duke of Wellington 8 Reglment Jackson Lieut. D. R. F., Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Marrlott Lieut. O. D., Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Tiptaft, Lieut. W. R., Duke of Wellington's Regiment, attached M.G.C. Lieut. N. R. G. Holland M.C., was a prominent worker in connection with the Moortown Church, Leeds. He joined the Armv in Janudrv, 1916, obtained a commission in the West Riding Regiment six mcnths later, and was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in the field. He resided at Roundhay, und held office as sidesman at Mcortown Church, as well as being founder and conductor of the Young Men's Bible Class.

Traill, Capain A., R.A.M.C. (attached 'Duke of Welhngton s Regiment). -Died. Sec.-Lieut. Donald Halliday Lyon (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), who was killed in action on the 20th inst., was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lyon, 2388, Burley Mount, Leeds. He was educated at the Leeds Grammar School, which he left last year, and had beer

at the Front four months.

Sec. Lleut Jury, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Jury, 16 Elmfeld Road, Birkby, dled of wounds. He was in his 24th year, and was a member of the firm of Messrs. F. Jury & Co., woollen merchants, He was a member of the local Territorial Battalion at the outbreak of war. Captain Reginald Maw Pinder, killed in action, was the youngest son of Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Pinder, of Horsforth. He was educated at: Retford Crammar School and Leeds Univer: city,

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and was a cadet in the Officers' Training Corps when he was gazetted to a commission in the West Riding Territorial Force.

Mrs. Sykes, Oakfield, Halifax, has received official intimation that her son, Captain Ernest Bykes, of the West Riding Territorial Regiment, was killed in action on July 3rd. * _- Brigadier-General Brereton writes : °" I regret to have the sad task of writing to you concerning your son's death on the night of July 3rd. I can only say that the Brigade has lost a most gallant officer, and the battalion an officer very hard to replace. Your son was known for his gallantry, and his men, I know, would have followed him anywhere."

The deceased Captain, who was 30 years of age and unmarried, was the third son of the late Mr. John Edward Bykes and of Mrs. Sykes, Oakfield, Halifax. He was educated at Heath Grammar School, and later at Giggleswick. On leaving school he was for a time with his father's firm, Messrs. Miles Sykes & Son, Ltd., linoleum and floorcloth manufacturer, Sowerby Bridge and Northallerton. A few years ago he became a director of Messrs. Homfray & Co., Sowerby Bridge, where he remained until going on war service. Having had seven years' experience in the Territorials, he was asked to rejoin on the outbreak of war, and promptly did so, taking a commission as lieutenant. His previous military training proved of great value to him, and whilst the Battalion were at Doncaster he was promotéd to the rank of captain, being in charge of "C* Company. At home, as well as abroad, he was a most popular officer, showing kindly consideration for his men and earning their loyal devotion. He was regarded by all his company, not merely as an officer, but as a friend, and there was not a man who would not cheerfully do anything for him. '* We would follow him anywhere," was a common expression amongst his company, because the men knew him to be an officer who was prepared %o face any danger with them-to lead them, and not to drive them to work from which he personally shrank. This was his spirit to the end. After being invalided home for a time in the spring of this year, he was, by request of his former colleagues, given charge of his old company, with whom in the past year he had been through so many changing scenes. He had the option of taking duty at the base instead of going into action, but he preferred the latter, and kept with his ''own boys," by all of whom his kindly ways and generous deeds will be sadly missed, and also long remembered by those fortunate to come through the struggle alive. 'T'wice this year, for conspiciuous acts of gallantry, he has been mentioned in dispatches, and on January 14th had the proud distinction of being awarded the Military Cross. How he valued this honour is reflected by the little incident refererd to shortly before he met his death when he removed the décoration ready for further action. He had also been recommended for the Legion of Honour, and it is hoped this further tribute to his bravery might yet be awarded. Whilst he was home in May, to undergo an operation, a number of his local friends presented him with a sword of honour and a rose bowl. He was also the recipient of a token of appreciation from wounded members of his own company. He was a member of the Halifax Club and the Halifax Bowling Club, and in practically 'all sports was an enthusiast.

Mrs. M. L. Sykes, mother of Captain Sykes, was present at Victoria Hall, Leeds, on August lst, 1917, and received from General Sir John Maxwell, Captian E. E. Sykes' Military


Captain J. W. Holt (West Riding Regiment), a cashier, West Yorks. Bank, Huddersfield, killed in action August 27th; aged 36. Mr. Holt was a son of the late Mr. James Holt, of Halifax, and Mrs. Holt, now of Hipperholme. He was in his 37th year, and joined the Territorial Battalion at Huddersfield in November, 1914. He went out to France as a private in April, 1915, and was gazetted second lieutenant in June, 1915, with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, then stationed in Halifax. He afterwards proceeded to Clipstone, and was appointed to a temporary captaincy during his training there. He proceeded to France in 1916 to join the Duke of Wellingon's Regiment, and after serving with that regiment for a few weeks was transferred to a Service Battalion of the West Riding Regiment.

___ Bec.-Lieut. R. E. Davies, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, has died from wounds received in action. He was 28 years old, and leaves a widow, to whom he had been married only about two and a half years. His father, the late Rev. A. J. Davies, of Taunton, was very well known in Huddersfield, having been minister of the Baptist Church, Milnsbridge, from 1892 to 1900.

Lieut. A. Halstead (West Riding Regiment), son of Mrs. Halstead and the late Elijah Halstead: of 8 Buxton Street, Lee Mount, died at 12-40 on August lst, of bomb wounds, right leg multiple, wounds left leg, accidental. -

Lieut. Halstead was only 23 years of age. In pre-war days he was on the staff of the Aquffax‘Datly Guardian, and warmly esteemed by all his colleagues. He had been awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in the field. The facts officially stated thus :-

** During the attack south of Hill 60 on June 7th, 1917, although wounded in the knee, he personally led an attack with great bravery and promptitude against a hostile machine gun, capturing the gun and team of four men."

He was later transferred from the front line to the base in order that he might act as bombing instructor to new men out, and although the War Office message is brief, it seems clear

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that it was in this important work that he met with his death. . He was a capital type of young officer, with a full knowledge of what duty meant and the

responsibilities which followed on promotion.

Sec.-Lieut. Vernon Adams Horsfall, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hora{all, Kingsto® Dene, Halifax, who was posted on September 3rd last year as ° missing, wounded, and believed killed," and on the 25th of the same month as '' missing only," is now officially presumed to Aave been killed on the first date. For the last 30 years the deceased officer's father has been organist at Bolton Brow Wesleyan Church, with which institution Lieut. Horsfall had also been

connected from childhood.

Captain Kenneth Edward Cunningham (Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment), who was reported wounded and missing on May 3rd, 1917, is now reported to have died of wounds on that date. He was the eldest surviving son of the late Mr. C. J. Cunnnigham and Mrs. Cunningham, of Muirhouselaw, St. Boswells. He was 32 years old, and married Mary Isobel Murray, the daughter of Major and Mrs. Allison, Fuller House, Kettering, Northants.

Captain Cunningham will be remembered in Halifax, where for some time he resided, when engaged on the staf of Dean Clough Mills. He is a relative of Mr. C. W. Crossley, J.P., of Halifax and Ripponden. Captain Cunningham was seriously wounded earlier in the war, and when he had recovered resumed his duties at the front.

Captain N. W. Hadwen, aged 30, was the second son of Mr. F. W. and Mrs. Hadwen, Kebroyd, Triangle. A well-developed man, and of smart soldierly appearance, the deceased had a brilliant career, and his untimely death on the battlefield caused deep regret, not only in the Ryburn Valley, but also in Halifax and district, where he was well known. He was educated at Lockers Park and Harrow, and achieved considerable distinction. He was a keen cricketer and musician, and for some time was captain of the Lockers Park cricket team. After com- leting his studies he went to London, and at the outbreak of war was a successful architect, ing a partner in business with Mr. Guy Dawber. He joined the Army in September, 1914, and had a strenuous time on active service. He was named Waugh after his grandfather, who was the last M.P. for the Borough of Cockermouth.

'* Dear Sir,-I very much regret to report that your son was killed in action whilst leading his company on July lst. He is a great loss to me and to the battalion. I had recommended him for promotion. He made an excellent officer in every way. Please accept the deepest sympathy of myself and brother officers in your loss-Yours truly, R. N. Bray (Colonel Gom-


Perhaps the most widely known Upper Calder Valley man to fall so far during the war is Bec.-Lieut. Jas. S. Shackleton, news of whose death created a pang of regret in the Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd districts, both of which had been his home. Lieut. Shackleton was a member of an ancient and honourable family, and indeed was the last of that line to carry on the business of a fustian merchant at Machpelah.

Mr. W. H. Ostler (Secretary to the Halifax Education Authority) and Mrs. Ostler will have the sympathy of many friends. Their youngest son, Sec.-Lieut. Thomas Ostler, is reported to have been killed in action on June 7th. He was educated at Heath Grammar School, and was later on the staff of the West Yorkshire Bank prior to joining the West Riding Regiment in Beptember, 1914. He went to the Front in April, 1918, and recieved his commission the following November, being transferred to the West Yorkshire Regiment. He was 22 years of age.

His eldest brother, Lieut. Alan Ostler, is serving in the Army, and another brother is with the Indian cavalry at Bagdad.

Lieut. Willie Gardner, of Elm Hurst, Frizinghall, Bradford, killed in action, was a well- known man in the commercial life of the city.

Lieut. James Trevor Riley, who was killed in action while leading his company, was the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Riley, Oakleigh, Halifax, and was 22 years of age. He was educated at Oundle, and obtained his commission in November, 1912. Immediately on the outbreak of war he volunteered for active service, and went to the Front in April, 1915. Whilst acting as bombing officer to the battalion he was wounded twice. When he recovered he went back to France and was given command of &a company just before the attack in which he so gallantly lost his life. During this attack he was wounded twice by the time they got to their objective, the second time badly; and when asked by one of his men to be allowed to bandage him and take him behind, he refused to do so, saying : " Oh, I am all right; keep pegging away at them.'' (The expression, '' keep pegging away,'"' was one that he was fond of using in the various games he took part in.) Shortly afterwards he was hit again, and this time it proved to be fatal. Surely a very gallant and noble end! He was an enthusiast at

all games, especially being well known in golfing and football circles. He was also a strong swimmer. .

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The General commanding the Division wrote: "I wish to tell you how grieved I was to hear of your son's death on 3rd September, 1916. He was a gallant officer, who behaved with great coolness under fire, and set a fine example to all under his command. He was in the responsible position of Company Commander when he was killed. His death means a serious loss to his battalion, and is much felt by his brother officers and his men." His Commanding Officer wrote: '* On behalf of the battalion please allow me to offer the deepest sympathy of all officers. He set us a fine example of cheery courage in all circumstances, and the battalion

has lost a much loved and respected officer."

Over 200 letters were sent to his father, ranging from generals down to men in the ranks, all speaking of his great bravery and gallant conduct in action.

Lieut. Donald R. F. Jackson, killed in action, son of County Alderman P. R. Jackson, of Woodlands, Scisset.

Lieut. Benjamin Wm. Pounder, killed in action October 9th, 1917, cnly son of Mr. Benjamin Pounder, Langthorpe, Moortown, Leeds.

Sympathy will be extended to Mr. H. H. Waller, J.P., and Mrs. Waller, Lyndhurst, West Vale, who have received a telegram stating that their only son, Captain H. N. Waller (West Riding Regiment), was killed on Tuesday. The news has come as a great blow to the parents, and will be received with regret by all in the district, where the Captain was widely known. He was educated as Charterhouse School, and subsequently entered the business of Messrs. Waller Bros., West Vale. Prior to the war he was in the local 'Ferritorials, and went to the - Front in April, 1915, being promoted to the rank of captain on June 24th, 1916. He was 26

years of age.


w Tgnfiei widow of the late Lieur.-Col. J. H. Bowes- Wilson has received the following letter from the ar Office :- Madam.-I have it in command from His Majesty the King to inform you as next-of-kin of the late Lieut.-Col. J. H. Bowes-Wilson, of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, that this officer was mentioned in a despatch from Fietd-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, dated 7th November, 1917, and published in the sixth supplement to the '"London of the 14th Desember, 1917, for "gallant and distinguished service in the field."" I have to express to you the King's high appreciation of these services, and to add that His Majesty trusts that these public acknowledgements may be of some consolation in your bereavement.

I have the honour to be, your obedient servant, M. S. GRAHAM, Col., Asst. Military Secretary.

Lieut. G. W. Quarmby Walker (West Riding Regiment), youngest son of Mr. B. H. S. Walker, Croft House, Slaithwaite, killed in action 8th October, 1916.

Mr. B. H. S. Walker, of Croft House, Slaithwaite, received the following letter from Major- General Percival, Divisional Commander :-

49th West Riding Division, . Oth August, 1916. Dear Mr. Walker,-I am sorry that I have been too busy to write before now to tell you how very much I regret the loss of your son, who was killed in action on the 8th of last month. He can have suffered no pain, as he was killed instantly. He was doing good work in the responsible position of command of his company. I think you will like to know that he was considered a very keen and promising officer. Assuring you of my sincere sympathy.-Yours sincerely, E. M. Prrcivar.

, In &a letter to the father, Lieut.-Colonel D. Watt states that Lieut. Walker was killed Blatantly and painlessly by a shell in the early hours of Saurday morning. The letter continues : * He viable;1 ofii’qlatmg in command of a company, and had done excellent work all the time he was out here.

Lieut. Arthur Hall Scholefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scholefield, Camrose, Claremont Road,.West Kirby, and formerly of Sowerby Bridge and East Moor, Rawson Avenue, Halifax, was killed on May 18th. Having returned from patrol duty he was talking to his commanding officer when he was struck by a bullet from a machine gun, being killed instantly.

. Lieut. Alfred Edison Hirst, of the West Riding Regiment (T.F.), younger son of Mr. El Hirst, proprietor of The Cleckheaton and Spenborough Guardian, killed in France. Lieut. Hirst joined the National Reserve as a volunteer at the outbreak of the war, and was drafted to the Cleckheaton section of his regiment, and some months ago obtained his commission on the field.

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Before the war he was associated with Messrs. E. and A. Smith & Co., Ltd., wire manufacturers, Cleckheaton, and had taken an active and most useful part in promoting the Boy Scout move- ment in the town and district. He was 24 years of age, and a young man of fine ideals and amiable disposition. His elder brother is with the same regiment.

Letter from Captéin N. W. Hadwen, night before Battle of the Somme :-

June 30th, 1916.

You will have seen in the paper about activity here. We go over to see the Boches at dawn to-morrow. I believe that if our division (IV.) is successful it will mean a good deal. I don't think the attack can fail, but at present my head hasn't room for any idea except my own little company patch. I know they will do well, and this is all that seems to matter after five days' bombardment. The troops are full of life. I've never seen them in such good form. The

weather is improving, which means a lot to us.-NoRL.

Dr. Wood, Headmaster of Harrow, writes after Captain Hadwen was killed : °° You know how I loved him, and how highly I appreciated his bright and manly spirit. He was one of the very best and dearest in that noble company of Harrow boys who have given their lives for

their + HOW CAPTAIN HADWEN DIED. . France, July 16th, 1916. Dear --,-In the first place I don't think it is necessary tor me to tell you that I was extremeiy sorry to hear about Captain Hadwen's death, or that you have the very sincere sympathy both of myself and all those who are left in the regiment who knew him, both officers and men. He was universally liked and respected by everyone. There was nobody in the whole regiment keener to stop the continuous trench warfare and get to grips with the enemy, and I don't think there was anyone in the regiment who lived quite so much and so entirely for the one purpose of getting on with and finishing the war successfully as Noel. I remember wher he was sent to the Divisional School, some weeks before our push, that he was frightened he would not be back in time to join in, he begged me to keep him informed as far as possible as to how events were shaping, so that by hook or by crook he could get back to us in time. When ne first joinea up to the regiment, after being gassed, he did not seem to be at all well for the first two or three weeks, but after that he improved and had been in very good health for some time back. On the morning of our advance 1 saw and spoke to him a few times, and he was very cheery, and like everyone else, full of confidence. After we actually started to advance I did not see him again, and can only tell you what I have gathered from men in his company. His Sergeant-Major was with him until practically the finish, and tells me that he was going about in a quiet, cool way, directing his company. He moved away to the left, to see how one of his officers was going on, and then the shel came and knocked Noel out and about eight or ten of his men. Noel was killed right away, and some of the others were killed and some wounded. I am extremely sorry to have to tell you such a sad tale, and can only say, as I have done before, that from the C.O. down;, we all sympathise with you all, and are very sorry to have lost such a good soldier and friend, I have heard both officers and men talking about him with great regret since the event; this is the highest testimony he could have from those with whom he has lived out here.-I remain, yours very sincerely, R. HoLpswoRrTX.

Dear --,-As near as I can tell you it would be about 9-30 a.m. when the shell came and wounded four men and killed Captain Hadwen, and leaving myself and Private Porter, his servant.

Mr. Hadwen was in front, while I came in the rear of him, and just as he was attempting to cross a trench the shell came, and it must have lifted him to one side, which accounts for me not being able to trace him. At the time he was carrying a roll cf barbed wire which he had taken from a wounded man.

I know that our late Company Officer was proud of his company, very proud indeed, and those are the words he used personally to myself on the eve of the battle. He did his yery utmost, and by the time he met his death we were very near the Boche front line, and he was still pushing on when the end came; also, he was smiling to see how his men were going into action, all smoking like himself, and cool.

I only wish he was with us still, and the whole of the company simply worshipped their late Company Officer, and they all felt the loss as keenly as yourself.

His last words were, "Come along lads, and show the Boche what ° B' Company can do.''-Yours very truly, A. W. RicHarps, C.M.S.

Pte. Nettleton, a well-known and popular footballer, was killed by a shell in the streets whilst on duty April 13th, 1916. Pte. Nettleton was well known in the sporting world as a half-back for Halifax in the days when Halifax team held a commanding position. It was in the season 1898-9 that Nettleton first appeared with Halifax Rugby team. That year the Halifax team was augmented by many

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mew players, Nettleton's new colleagues being : W. Stone, W. Birch, T. Dewhirst, R. Falcon, §. Greenwood, N. Williams, A. H. Thomas, T. P. Fearnley, F. W. Cookson, T. Thristan, W. Walters, R. A. Parker, F. Mitchell, and I. Bartle. He had become well known as half-back with Rigg, Morley, Joe Arnold, and Mallinson as partners. Strangely «enough, Mallinson has 'been to the Front, but had to return owing to a shattered hand. Nettleton's associations with Halifax were continued a few years, and it is well-known that such were his abilities that he could have had wider honours had his disposition been that way. But he was very retiring, and was quite content to give of his best to his town's team, and that he did with distinction. Off the field or on, he won a wide circle of friends, who will miss him very much.

An old Orphanage boy, he left that institution 26 years ago. For 20 years he worked for H. Fletcher & Co., Ltd., dyers, Bowling Dyke. ‘

Pte. Chas Pickett, of Salterhebble, was killed by a shell within three hours of being relieved, after undergoing the full hardships of a week in the trenches.

._ Pte. Walter Jesse Jackson (65169), Machine Gun Corps, was killed on June 9th. Pte. Jackson was 21 years of age, and was the son of Mr. Walter Jackson, 386 Queen's Road, the former well-known Halifax and Yorkshire three-quarter back, whose grief is intensified by his wife's death occurring the same week as that on which his son made the supreme sacrifice. Pte. Jackson joined the Colours on May 27th, 1916, being up to then employed as a driller by J. P. Farrar, and his name is on the roll of honour at St. Augustine's, with which church he had had a life-long connection. Brother sportsmen and others will, one and all, join us in our heartfelt sympathy with the bereaved father and husband, whose two other sons, Sergt. Fred Jackson (Duke of Wellington's Regiment), and Pte. Milford Jackson (Machine Gun Corps), are both serving their King and country. Pte. Milford Jackson has since been killed.


Mr. Jas. Milligan, Green Mount, received a telegram from the Secretary to the War Office, informing him that his youngest son, Sec.-Lieut. R. O. Milligan (West Riding Regiment), was admitted to the Red Cross Hospital, Letouquet, on June 8th, with gunshot wound in left arm. The wound, the telegram states, is severe. Sec.-Lieut. Milligan, on the outbreak of the war, was tutor at a college in South Africa. Vacating this position in order to serve his country, he came home to enlist in August, 1915, joining the Honourable Artillery Company as private. In that capacity he went out with the regiment to France in January, 1916. The following December he received his commission, and was transferred to the West Riding Regiment. ' HALIFAX CORONER'S SONS WOUNDED.

Captain E. H. Hill, the coroner, has received intimation that both his sons are wounded. Bec.-Lieut. G. M. Hill (West Riding Regiment), slightly, and Sec.-Lieut. J. E. V. Hill (K.O.Y.L.I.), on May 3rd, severely in the right arm. Sec.-Lieut. G. M. Hill was educated at Malvern College, and obtained a classical scholarship at Clare College, Cambridge. He graduated with honours in the classical tripos in 1914, and obtained his commission in September, 1914.

Information has been received that Sec.-Lieut. Jos. A. L. Brooke (West Riding Regiment), was wounded in action on the 2nd inst. He is son of the late Mr. Wm. Brooke, and a nephew of Mr. Aspinall Brooke, Fenny House, Hipperholme, with whom he lives.

Capt. Robert C. Perks, D.S.O. (West Riding Regiment), second son of Mr. T. P. Perks, barrister, of Leeds, has been wounded a third time. Happily the gunshot injury from which he is suffering is not serious, and a telegram sent by him on Tuesday from Southampton described it as "a clear flesh wound only, healing nicely." Captain Perks was previously wounded in the Somme Battle, and in the Messines Ridge fight.

Sec.-Lieut. W. Gilchrist. Lieut. A. E. H. Sayers, attached to Trench Mortar Battery. Sec.-Lieut. Scott. ' °

Sec.-Lieut. C. S8. Floyd, son of Mr. J. Peel Floyd, of Netherthong, Huddersfield, wounded 'October, 1917, for third time. '

Sec.-Lieut. J. T. Ickrigill, gassed, is the son of Mr. Jeremiah Ickrigill, Oakworth Road Houses, Keighley.

__ Lieut. Harold Pearson, D.C.M., Tanks Corps, wounded, won his D.C.M. when serving with 'West Ridings, December, 1915.

Sec.-Lieut. Alan Butler, gassed, youngest son of Mrs. Butler, Castleford.

Lieut. E. W. Haton, wounded, is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haton, Laurelhurst, Dewsbury. '

Sec.-Lieut. J. W. Bennett, wounded, is the son of Mr. Bennett, 63 Tanfield Road, Birkby.

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Captain H. Sparling (Duke of Wellington's), severely wounded, is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Sparling, Saw Wood House, Thorner. When war broke out he was a student at the Leeds University. He was given a commission in July, 1915, and since September, 1916, he has been serving in France.

Lieut. Raymond O'Brian left for France as Lance-Corpl. in the 1/4th, April, 1915. He was wounded at Ypres in December of that year, and was again wounded. He afterwards

received a commission in the West Yorks. He is the son of Mr. O'Brien, Editor of the Halifax Guardian.

Wounded.-Duke of Wellington's Regiment : Askroyd, R. (201612), Halifax; Akroyd, F. (202296), Elland; Allot, P. (268346), Brighouse; Allinson, P. (200923), Halifax; Ambler, H. (302542), Halifax ; Appleyard, H. (202511), Halifax; Armitage, D. (201561), Brighouse; Atkinson, -. (202510), Halifax; Bairstow, A. (201714), Halifax; Beaumont, G. (202256), Holywell Green ; Beevers, Lance-Corpl. E. (201657), Brighouse; Binns, Lance-Corpl. A. (201657), Halifax; Back, F. (12621), Halifax; Bowers, V. (201309), Halifax; Brown, W. (202512), Halifax; Chapman, T. P. (202426), Halifax; Clegg, H. (202549), Todmorden; Cockroft, Sergt. J. G. (200774), Halifax ; Cockshott, E. (302125), Elland; Crabtree, Sergt. P. (200719), Halifax; Craven, F. (202104), Halifax; Dewhurst, W. (202445), Todmorden; Dey, F. W. (200751), Halifax; Duggan, Corpl. J. (201407), Halifax; Feather, E. (201683), Halifax; Feber, R. H. (202855), Todmorden ; Fenwick, E. (201264), Halifax; Foulds, W. (200800), Halifax; Frankland, S. (202411), Sowerby Bridge; Gray, H. (201410), Halifax; Graydon, F. (202069), Halifax; Harrison, J. H. (201065), Halifax; Henderson, R. (202013), Halifax; Highley, A. (202073), Halifax; Hirst, A. (267303), Brighouse; Holroyd, W. (200954), Northowram; Holroyd, W. H. (201328), Sowerby Bridge; Horsfall, T. (202319), Sowerby Bridge; Hoyle, Sergt. J. S8. (201832), Halifax; Hoyle, Lance- Bergt. W. H. (200455), Halifax ; Illingworth, F. (201578), Halifax ; Irwin, A. (202527), Sowerby Bridge; Jennings, Corpl. E. (201360), Halifax; Kershaw, W. (202205), Todmorden ; Kitchen, C. (302228), Halifax; Langhorn, Lance-Corpl. T. (201593), Halifax; Law, W. (200969), Halifax ; Mahoney, Lance-Corpl. J. (201809), Halifax; Midgley, J. H. (202415), Elland; Mitchell, E. (202470), Halifax; Nellist, Lance-Corpl. H. (201674), Halifax; Parrish, G. (201456), Halifax ; Pattison, A. (201522), Halifax ; Pearson, W. (202515), Halifax; Perfect, Lance-Corpl. S. (201527), Halifax; Rhodes, H. (202284), Brighouse; Rothery, Lance-Corpl. C. (201345), Halifax; Rowley, G. (201474), Rastrick; Sellars, Lance-Corpl. H. (238007), Halifax; Serbert, F. (200763), Halifax; Skipper, A. (201456), Halifax; Smith, A. (201554), Halifax; Spencer, J. (202247), Halifax; Spink, A. (202295), Brighouse; Stott, W. (202356), Todmorden; Stuttard, A. (200918), Bowerby Bridge; Sunderland, A. (292385), Walsden; Sunderland, Lance-Corpl. E. (202386), Halifax; Sunderland, V. (201020), Halifax; Sutcliffe, H. H. (202559), Hebden Bridge; Sutcliffe 8. (201854), Elland; Suttle, E. (202384), Halifax; Taylor, Lance-Corpl. G. (202130), Stain- land; Taylor, H. (201253), Hipperholme; Thomas, C. H. (202033), Halifax; Thompson, A. (201649), Halifax; Thorpe, G. (201740), Halifax; Thrippleton, Lance-Corpl. W. (201187), Rastrick; Turner, Sergt. F. C. (201348), Halifax; Ulrick, Lance-Corpl. G. H. (201026), Halifax ; Wade, G. (201480), Halifax; Waldron, W. A. (201095), Halifax; Watson, H. R. (201549), Halifax; Webb, P. (200602), Brighouse; Whittaker, A. E. (202575), Halifax; Wigney, E. (202509), Hebden Bridge; Wood, W. (204448), Halifax; Woodhead, A. (201540), Halifax; Wright, Lance Bergt. W. (200902), Sowerby Bridge ; Dawson, J. W. (18609), Hebden Bridge ; Faulkes, J. (307706), Halifax; Normanton, H. (8307780), Ripponden; Normanton, J. (2048319), Ripponden; Stillings, J. M. (307507), Wyke; Swift, H. E. (201677), Halifax; Larkin, H. A. (201792), Halifax; Wharvell, (12704), Halifax; Allsopp, G., Huddersfield; Alves, G., Gorebridge; Anderson, Lance-Corpl. E., Leeds; Andrews, C. H., Bradford; Askew, C. E., Moseley; Atkin, J., Leeds; Battye, L., Huddersfield ; Bell, E. E., Otley; Best, W., Delph; Beeton, C., Halifax; Booth, H., Huddersfield ; Booth, J. F., Huddersfield; Briggs, A., Bradford ; Cass, M., Mirfield ; Cotton, G., Huddersfield ; Cousins, H., Halifax; Crake, A., Leeds; Hailwood, A., Hellifield; Hargreaves, M., Skipton; Hargreaves, A., Halifax; Heaton, Sergt. A., Bingley; Hebblethwaite, E., Leeds; Helliwell, W., Halifax; Hill, T., Keighley; Hinchliffe, Lance-Corpl. J. T., Meltham Mills; Hodgson, Co. Q.-M.-Sergt. A., Cleckheaton; Hollings, E., Bradford; Howe, F., Elland ; Hudson, E., Bradford; Hutchinson, Lance-Corpl. G. H., Heckmondwike; Hutchinson, T., Doncaster; Jermy, C. W., Norwich; Johnson, J., Holywell Green; Kay, B., Worksop; Kempster, P. R., Kirkburton ; Laudin, D., Huddersfield; Ling, A. T., Darlington; Lowe, J., Oldham; Lunn, Corpl. H., Huddersfield; Lyons, J. E., Halifax; Mackenzie, Co. Q.-M.-Sergt. S., Cleckheaton ; Middleton, H., Bradford; Mitchell, A., Huddersfield; Murgatroyd, D., Keighley; Norton, J., Keighley; Parker, C., York; Pearson, A. E., Golcar; Pollard, L., Marsden; Raynard, J. E., Leeds; Ringham, J., Grimsby; Robinson, J., Barnoldswick; Runkee, G., Hull; Rushworth, S., Bingley ; Schofield, S., Moseley; Scott, T., Tuxford ; Smith, Act.-Sergt. C. W., East Stockwith ; Smith, J. J., Barnoldswick; Stansfield, H., Halifax; Stephenson, Lance-Corpl. G., Huddersfield ; Storey, C. H.. Sheringham; Taylor, H., Halifax; Thewlis, H., Huddersfield; Thompson, Sergt. A. W., Huddersfield; Thorpe, W., Huddersfield; Timmins, E. B., Huddersfield ; Tophpm, H., Rastrick; Wadeson, J., Ingleton; Watson, A., Shipley; Webb, E., Huddersfield; Whitehouse, H., Halifax; Wills, J. T., Barnoldswick; Wood, A., Huddersfield; Wright, S., Calverley; Bottomley, O., Halifax; Bratley, C. T. L., Grimsby; Bruman, H. J., Guiseley; Kelly, T., Keighley; Marshall, J. H., Tingley; Mellor, E. R., Huddersfield; O'Hara, J., Brampton June-

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Ellis, C., Bradley; Fletcher, Lance-Corpl. A., Halifax; Forrest, J. F., Halifax; Gee, P., Halifax; Gerraghty, T., Oldham; Green, H., Huddersfield; Harris, J. A., Todmorden; Henry, M., Keighley; Kelly, C., Dewsbury; Kershaw, W., Keighley; Marsden, H., Halifax; Naylor, G., Great Horton; Robinson, W., Lepton; Sunderland, J., Luddendenfoot; Taylor, S., Slaith- waite; Thomas, W., Burley-in-Wharfedale; Trigg, F., Claythorpe; Wood, T. H., Stockton-on-Tees ; Aked, Acting Lance-Corpl. T. (201563), Halifax; Darlington, H. (201130), Rastrick; Eccles, W (267835), Halifax; Howarth, M. (241507), Halifax; Johnson, Corpl. B. (14426), Brighouse; Ludlow, J. W. (201636), Halifax; Mitchell, W. (201488), Halifax; Wilkinson, H. (202200), Salterhebble; Wilson, R. (24699), Brighouse; Clough, A. (201816), Halifax; Dennis, N. (200172), Halifax; Greenwood, W. (200949), Halifax; Dodsworth, C., Batley; Keighley, H., Keighley; Micklethwaite, C., Huddersfield ; Pell, H., Spalding ; Phillips, Corpl. V. W., Skipton; Sykes, J., Brighouse; Varley, J., Marsden; Albion, J. E. (203560), Halifax; Allister, W. C. (267400), Todmorden; Dunn, F. (267399), Halifax; Jordan, C. (201220), Halifax; Longbottom, Lance- Corpl. F. (267525), Brighouse; Pearson, J. A (201366), Halifax; Sutcliffe, J. (201565), Halifax; Tate, T. E. (267589), Halifax; White, H. (267788), Halifax; Fletcher, Sergt. W. (12423), Halifax; Oswald, W. (10769), Halifax; Bloomer, G. (267553), Hebden Bridge; Chatburn, W. (202740), Halifax ; Firth, W. (18212), Brighouse ; Greenwood, S. (23792), Halifax; Hazel, Lance- Sergt. R. (242879), Halifax; Todd, R. (208025), Halifax; Turner, J. W. (260026), Halifax; Webster, Sergt. W. E. (242538), Halifax; Clough, A. (201816), Halifax; Dennis, N. (200172), Halifax; Greenwood, W. (200949), Halifax; Aked, Actg.-Lance-Corpl. T. (201563), Halifax; Darlington, H. (201130), Rastrick ; Eccles, W. (267835), Halifax; Howarth, M. (241507), Halifax ; Johnson, Corpl. B. (14426), Brighouse; Ludlow, J. W. (201636), Halifax ; Mitchell, W. (2014488, Halifax; Wilson, R. (24699), Brighouse; Crowther, J. H. (12630), Halifax; Shuttleworth, H. (24719), Halifax; Warrington, Lance-Corpl. A. (24795), Elland. tion ; Repton, Lance-Corpl. F., Wirksworth; Robinson, W. H., Baildon; Scully, A. E., Bingley; Buckley, A. (307751), Halifax; Horsfall, C. W. (22836), Halifax; Brook, W. (19570), Halifax; Justice, Lance-Corpl. H. (200292), Halifax; Ward, W. (24796), Sowerby Bridge; Clegg, T. W. (203624), Hebden Bridge; Kelly, Lance-Corpl. G. W. (201711),Halifax ; Thorpe, F. H. (304184),

Lumuddenden Foot. Duke of Wellington's Regiment : Ballan, P., Witton Park; Barnforth, M., Halifax ; Brook,

G., Idle; Crake, A., Leeds; Crouch, Act.-Sergt. W., Halifax; Crowther, J., Elland; Darby, J., Huddersfield ; Dawson, D., Huddersfield ; Dodson, G. A., Keighley; Edwards, S., Mossley ; Ellis, H., Dewsbury; Grossman, S., Bradford; Haley, F., Bradford; Hanson, L., Huddersfield ; Holmes, A. D., Otley ; Johnson, J. W., Keighley; Kitto, J., Barnoldswick; Laverack, J., South Shields; Matthews, S., Haworth; Mercer, F., Bradford; Middleton, W., Huddersfield ; Priestley, H., Sowerby Bridge; Richardson, T., Choppington; Shaw, Lance-Corpl. A. J., Holmfirth; Shepley, J. A., Sowerby Bridge; Smith, A., Earby; Smith, R. S., Huddersfield ; Stephenson, H., Huddersfield; Stretch, Corpl. S., Leek; Taylor, H., Longwood; Turner, A., Huddersfield ; Walker, H., Leeds; Williams, W., Earby; Wood, F., Huddersfield; Wood, C. E., Hull; Young A., Amble; Booth, F., Bradford; Brennan, T., Halifax; Christopher, W., Greenfield; Crerar Lance-Sergt. W., Bradford; Dyson, J. R., Kirkheaton); Elliott, Liance-Corpl. J., Morpeth; Fisher, Lance-Corpl. M., Brighouse; Frankland, E. W., Ilkley ; Groves, W. A., Hetton-le-Hole; Hackney, J., Leeds; Hanson, A., Elland; Holt, B., Bradford ; Hutchinson, Corpl. H., Keighley ; Jay, A. V., Bradford; Lee, S., Huddersfield; Leeming, H., Pateley Bridge; McGrail, T., Huddersfield; Marsden, E., Longwood; Peaker, H., Slaithwaite; Phillipson, Lance-Corpl. W., Settle; Redfern, A., Marsden; Renton, F. J., Idle; Saul, E., Ingleton; Thornton, Sergt. H., Bradford; Webster, T., Todmorden, Wilkinson, J., Wyke; Ainley, S. H., Golcar; Ainsley, E., Amble; Armitage, A., Batley; Babbs, J. H., Brierley Hill; Barrett, G. H., Skitpon; Batty, M., Sedbergh; Baxter, N., Bradford; Carter, A., Elland; Chaplain Corpl. J., Keighley; Dennis H., Huddersfield ; Ellis, E., Huddersfield ; Fletcher, E., Cheadle; Frankland, R., Guiseley; Gilhespy, Lance-Corpl. R. A., Newcastle; Haigh, A., Golcar; Hall, P. H., Wakefield; Hedley, E. B., Newcastle; Jefferson, H., Drffiield; Lee, W., Huddersfield; Lisle, H., Ashington; Mills, G., Huddersfield; Mitchell, F., Hebden Bridge; Naylor, H., Heckmondwike; Owen, G., Royton; Pearson, C., Halifax; Priestley, L., Barnoldswick; Ratcliffe, B., Liversedge; Rawnsley, D., Bingley; Senior, W., Bradford; Senior H., Holmfirth; Sharp, W., Cleckheaton; Sheard, W., Huddersfield ; Simpson, J. A., Halifax; Slocombe, Sergt. W. L., Marsden; Smith, W., Hudders- field; Smith, M., Leeds; Smith, J. W., Burley-in-Wharfedale; Sunderland, S., Mytholmroyd ; Sutcliffe, R., Halifax; Taylor, T. W., Castle Eden; Townson, R., Skipton ; Turner, W., Hudders- field; Walker, R., Skipton; Walmsley, Corpl. A., Delph; Ward, E., Bradford ; Whitehead J. T., Bradley; Wilkinson, H., Slaithwaite; Wilson, M., Bradford; Wood, E., Halifax; Woodhead, W., Barnsley ; Bentley, J., Gomersal; Burnett, W., Keighley; Fisher, P., Cleckheaton; Hudson, L., Bradford; Landale, Sergt. C., Hebden Bridge; Lee, S., Barnoldswick; Smith, G., Halifax; Thornton, W., Huddersfield; Whiteley, C. E., Earby ; Collins, A. (242546), Halifax; McPartland, M. (200892), Halifax; Wideman, A. (29642), Sowerby Bridge; Boyle, J. (17428), Halifax; Chapman, Lance-Corpl. A. (23973), Halifax; Claxton, H. (23880), Todmorden; Crowther, F. (29192), Todmorden; Fielden, T. (18572), Todmorden; Gears, Corpl. A. (14572), Halifax; Haigh, J. (28959), Sowerby Bridge; Hey, Lance-Corpl. W. (14647), Ripponden ; Johnson, D. W. (29845), Todmorden ; Kershaw, J. W. (12519), Brighouse; Nicholl, A. (29485), Halifax; Speak, G. (23089), Todmorden; Walker, T. J. (12790), Halifax; Whitehead, W. N. (18350), Queensbury; Ambler,

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T., Halifax; Atkinson, C., Hlddersfield; Bennett, J., Skipton; Binns, Sergt. C. T., Keighley; Bishop, A.,“Skipton; Burridge, J., Barnoldswick; Craven, H., Bradford; Crowther, H., Halifax ;

Duke of Wellington's Regiment: Blanshard, Act.-Corpl. T., Leeds; Branker, Sergt. A., Skipton; Davies, T., Sowerby Bridge; Eastwood, S., Dukinfield; Farrington, W., Bramhall; Foster, A. H., Mexborough ; Halliday, A., Jarrow; Horton, H., Cleckheaton ; Milton, J., Hipper- holme; Snowden, H., Birstall; Thornton, J. W., Huddersfield; Whitehead, N., Milnsbridge ; Tidswell, H. (22798), Halifax; Berry, J. H. (202424), Sowerby Bridge; Judge, T. (806835), Halifax; Siddal, J. (202287), Ripponden; Close, C. (23983), Halifax; Cunliffe, J. (11450), Huddersfield ; Degnan, M. (11180), Leeds; Earnshaw, A. E. (24017), Denholme; Foster, Sergt. A. (18172), Bradford); Garnett, E. (29472), Mirfield ; Gibson, Co.-Sergt-Major F. (9514), Hudders- field; Gilbert, F. (23892), Huddersfield; Greenwood, T. (23002), Todmorden; Gregg, R. L. (23320), Bradford; Helliwell, Sergt. C. (23862), Halifax; Heywood, F. (2983875), Bradford ;

Hoadley, Lance-Corpl. T. (16582), Horley; Holmes, J. (24751), Todmorden; Hayle, Lance-Corpl. E. (23894), Huddersfield; Ingham, A. E. (24045), Bradford; Jones, Lance-Corpl. J. (14560), Castleford; Kirkby S. (24762), Cleckheaton; Malatski, Lance-Corpl. M. (10877), Bradford ; Metcalfe, Lance-Corpl. J. (23626), Cross Hills; Moore, Sergt. J. (24098), Bingley ; Myers, Sergt. H. (9800), Leeds; Newsome, B. (16199), Bradford ; Nutton, J. (19258), Huddersfield ; Pennington, Lance-Corpl J. (265900), Oakworth ; Pilcher, N. J. (11019), Bradford ; Pitchforth, J. W. (23917), Huddersfield ; Preston, E. (265376), Skipton ; Priestley, Sergt. H. (14664), Halifax ; Regan, Sergt. B. (12753), Halifax; Roberts, Lance-Corpl. H. (22849), Huddersfield; Rothwell, J. W. (24713), Barnoldswick ;.Sharman, T. (308063), Pool; Sheridan, E. (29383), Huddersfield ; Shillito, Lance- Corpl. H. W. (18757), Pateley Bridge; Stanley, A. (29589), Huddersfield; Stockdale, T. (19929), Earby ; Taylor, A. (16131), Bradford; Thewlis, J. (204469), Huddersfield ; Thornton, J. (24144), Huddersfield; Whitham, Lance-Sergt. E. (24104), Skipton; Widdopp, Corpl. L. (6075), Ludden- den; Widdopp, Lance-Corpl. P. (19094), Bradford; Wilkinson, F. (12603), Keighley; Wood, Corpl. H. (11879), Silsden; Yates, J. (24803), Halifax; Alderson, F. G. (29213), Huddersfield ; Armitage, J. (20885), Bradford; Bailey, Corpl. C. (12620), Halifax; Banks, Sergt. G. (7842), Bradford ; Beaumont, W. (11278), Huddersfield ; Bell, Lance-Corpl. T. F. (23612), Otley ; Booth, J. W. (24864), Halifax; Bradley, E. (11289), Bradford ; Caine, P. (17915), Huddersfield ; Capstick, §. (24869), Otley ; Charles, T. (28879), Paddock ; Blanshard, Act.-Corpl. T. (9809), Leeds; Branker, Bergt. A. (265709), Skipton; Davies, T. (200908), Sowerby Bridge; Horton, H. (24747), Cleck- heaton; Milton, J. (12710), Hipperholme; Snowden, H. (14483), Birstall; Thornton, J. W. (241269), Huddersfield; Whitehead, N. (807858), Milnsbridge; -- J. A., Halifax; Long, J. A., Sheffield; Longmire, J., Skipton; Love, FE., Keighley; Lunn, H., Keighley; McDermott, J., Bradford; Machon, S., Sheffield; Maidens, G., Boston; Matchett, A., Borrowash; Metcalfe, Sergt. F., Shipton; Mitchell, W. C., Elland; Moran, J., Brighouse; Morwood, P., Wrawby; Nicol, T., Earby; Nobbs, W. S., Norwich; Norman, C. W., Wigston Magna; Norman, C., Leicester; Nurse, H. J., Newcastle-on-Tyne; O'Herlily, J., St. Albans; Palmer, J., Fence Houses; Patrick, R., Grimsby; Pearson, J. W., Greenfield, Lancashire; Priestley, N., Hudders- field ; Pullen G., Bradford ; Raistrick, Sergt. H., Bradford ; Ramsbottom, W., Darwen; Ratlidge, Sergt. J., Keighley; Rhodes, O., Greenfield; Riding, Lance-Corpl. T., Kildwick; Ridley, H., Fulham, S.W.; Robinson, Lance-Corpl. T., Claughton; Robinson, H., Caton; Robinson, J. W. Wheatley; Rushworth, H., Queensbury ; Russell, F., Ruskington ; Sands, E., Batley ; Shevill, S., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Simpson, J., Skipton; Smith, I., Huddersfield; Smith, W., Heckmondwike ; Smith, S., Keighley; Smithies, H., Stainland ; Somers, E., Bradford ; Southern, Lance-Corpl. P., Barnoldswick; Stone, M., Keighley; Sunderland, Lance-Corpl. W., Bradford; Swale, Corpl. 'T. A., Pateley Bridge; Taylor, R., Halifax; Thorn, E., Hemel Hempstead; Topham, S., Wallace, J., Whitburn; Walton, F. W., Bradford; Ward, R., Dewsbury; Waters, J. B., Ipswich ; Keighley; Tumilty, D., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Twigg, I. J., Rotherham; Wade, C. Halifax; White, Corpl. A. C., Appley; Wilson, J., Bradford; Wilson, Lance-Corpl. E., Halifax; Wilson, A. E., Haworth; Wilson, H., Goole; Wood, A., Huddersfield; Appleby, Sergt. W., Keighley; Atkinson; M., Shipley; Atkinson, Lance-Corpl. H., Yeadon; Authers, E. F., Tonbridge; Banks, F. F., Sheffield ; Bates, J., Bradford ; Bates, C., Bradford ; Beaumont, J., Huddersfield ; Beresford, J., Longstone; Best, Lance-Corpl. C., Bradford; Blakeborough, F., Huddersfield; Booth, E., Huddersfield ; Boothroyd, G., Morley; Budd, W. S., Keighley; Butler, R., Clitheroe; Butterfield, R., Bradford ; Clarkson, Corpl. J. W., Grindleton ; Conway, J. A., Mossley; Core, J. E. Skipton; Cowgill, W., Colne; Curry, Sergt. F., Heaton ; Dale, Corpl. G., Menston ; Dawson, E., Bradford; Dewis, Corpl. H., Keighley; Driver, J., Keighley; Dyson, W., Elland; Ealham, L., Halifax; Earnshaw, Lance-Sergt. A., Bradford; Farrow, T., Fence Houses; Fielden, F., Halifax; Flannigan, H., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Fretweel, Sergt. D., Castleford; Gears, Lance-Corpl. A., Halifax; Goodship, J. J., Bradford; Greenwood, F., Bradford; Halliday, W., Bradford; Hardwick, E., Sheffield; Hardwick, F., Cleckheaton; Hardy, G. B., Bradford; Harrison, Co.-Sergt.-Maj., R., Linton; Hart, W., Huddersfield; Harwood, H., Hebden Bridge; Heap, A., Huddersfield; Helliwell, F., Wheatley; Hewitt, F., Marsden; Hey, Corpl. H., Huddersfield;

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Hill, Corpl. R., London ; Hill, C. H., Bradford ; Hill, G., London ; Hindle, W., Halifax ; Holmes, J. L., Barnoldswick; Hopkins, M., Bradford; Howard, F., Wainfleet; Hutchinson, B., Keighley ; Ingham, J. G., Barnoldswick; Jackson, A., Huddersfield ; Jarratt, H., Huddersfield ; Kaye, £1, Huddersfield ; Kenefick, Sergt. M., Huddersfield ; Kilner, J. W., Bradford ; King, A. C., Grimsby ; Laskey, J., Manchester; Leather, H., Huddersfield ; Lightfoot, Corpl. E., Keighley ;* Lightowler,

CAPTAIN W. B. Purvis.

Captain W. B. Purvis (Manchester Regiment), officially reported killed in action, is a prisoner of war in Germany. He was 27 years of age, and the elder son of the Rev. W. Purvis, Vicar of Cotton Stones. In September, 1914, he joined the ranks, and later obtained a com- mission. It was only a few days before his reported death that he received his company. He was educated at Rishworth Grammar School and Durham University. Before enlistment he was a member of the Leeds staff of the Royal Insurance Company. He joined the 1/4th West

Ridings, and was transferred to the Manchesters when he received his commission. His only brother, Lieut. R. Purvis, is in the R.F.C.

THE 5rg AND 7tg BATTALIONS. By H. R. MinEs, '" Old Volunteer."

The history of the 5th and 7th Territorial Battalions of this famous regiment, raised in Huddersfield and the Colne Valley respectively, does not differ from that of similar units in this and other parts of the country, except in one particular. Almost from the inception of the Volunteer movement-which, as the nucleus of the Territorial Force, has borne such abundant fruit in these later days-the districts from which they are recruited have been closely associated. In the days when the Huddersfield Volunteers (the 6th West Riding of Yorkshire Volunteer Corps) were first raised, in November, 1859, followed by companies at Holmfirth (the 32nd) in May, 1860, at Mirfield f the 41st) in November, 1864, and at Meltham (the 44th) in July, 1868, the strong- volunteer spirit prevailing in that part of the West Riding on the Lancashire side of the Pennine Range, locally known as the Standedge, found expression in the Saddleworth Corps. Joint parades of the whole of these companies were sometimes held, but in 1861, when a union was suggested, with the object of forming an administrative battalion, the Saddleworth Corps declined

to agree on the ground apparently that its identity might be lost in that of its more powerful neighbour. |

In February, 1861, however, when the existing volunteer battalions were linked up with territorial regiments-and the honour was conferred upon this district of associating it officially with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment-all the companies named were united to form the 2nd Volunteer Battalion. Its recruiting area extended from Mirfield, through Huddersfield and the Colne and Holme Valleys-embracing, of course, the Holmfirth and Meltham areas, and crossing the Pennine Range between Marsden and Diggle-right to Mossley, where the counties. of Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire meet on the one side, and to the boundary of the borough of Oldham, at Lees, on the cther. For a quarter of a century, down to the formation of the Territorial Force, the volunteer activities of the men from this wide expanse of rugged country were continued under one control. They trained and attended the same camps together, and during that time, under a succession of able commanding officers, and some particularly good adjutants-in this connection the name of Brigadier-General (then Captain) C. V. Humphreys, who afterwards commanded the lst Battalion in India-a splendid feeling of '' esprit de corps '' grew up in the battalion.

Under Lord Haldane's scheme, however, it was decided to divide the district, and the bulk of the old 2nd Volunteer Battalion became the 5th Battalion, whilst the remainder was left to start the new 7th Battalion, with a recruiting area from Longwood, on the western boundary of Huddersfield, to Mossley and the borders of Oldham. The task of raising this new battalion presented many difficulties. The great wave of socialism which resulted in the return of Mr. Victor Grayson for the Colne Valley Parliamentary Division was then at its height, and though in the fight for freedom now in progress, Mr. Grayson has been numbered amongst the wounded, his teachings in those early days did not help those who were engaged in the task of gaining recruits. But, as often happens in an emergency of this kind, the right man was forthcoming for the task. Colonel G. W. Treble, C.M.G., who had just been appointed Postmaster of Huddersfield, was gazetted to the command. He had had a long record with Civil Service Volunteer units in London, and commanded the Post Office Battalion with such success through the South African War that he was decorated by the King. By a series of lantern lectures illustrative of camp life, by mill gate meetings, and in a variety of ways, he persevered with his propaganda work, and in a comparatively short space of time he had the honour of reporting that his battalion-which in its earlier days was humorously dubbed * Victor Grayson's Own, "'- was up to strength.

When the Territorial Force was mobilised at the outset of the war, the West Ridings Brigade was in camp on the North Yorkshire coast, the 5th under Colonel W. Cooper, V.D., and the 7th


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under Colonel Treble. 'The former had 35 years' service to his credit in the battalion, having risen from the rank of private to the command, and was very popular with all ranks. The training, which took place in Lincolnshire and at Doncaster, was carried through with great enthusiasm. One striking incident of those days is worth placing on record. The 5th required 250 men to bring it up to strength, and Colonel (then Major) Norton, D.S.O., was sent to Huddersfield to secure the necessary men. After a lightning campaign conducted with much success by Colonel Norton and the local recruiting committee the men were raised in a very few days. Old Territorials who had left the district returned, some from long distances, to rejoin the old battalion, preferring " the Dukes "' and a Yorkshire battalion to those raised in the districts where business had called them. Others who never had any thought of soldiering before joined the ranks, and the 250 marched proudly to their battalion. They were the flower of the young manhood of the district. Many of them have distinguished themselves in the campaign, and not a few have been promoted to commissioned rank; some as members of the company which Colonel Norton then commanded, of whom practically every third man has become

an officer.

The training completed, the two battalions left Doncaster for France with their comrades in April, 1915. In the meantime Colonel Cooper. who volunteered for active service, was for health reasons deputed to raise the 2/5th Battalion, and has since been entrusted with important duties in another branch of national service, for which his professional training as a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects admirably fitted him. His old comrade, Colonel R. R. Mellor, T.D., who was for many years the popular commander of the Holmfirth Company, had a similar duty to perform in regard to the 2/7th Battalion. Whilst it therefore fell to the lot of Colonel Treble to lead his battalion into France, the honour of commanding the 1/5th devolved upon Colonel Harold Wilson, of Mirfield, an officer who had served for many years in the Volunteer and Territorial battalions, and who went out to South Afirca with the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Contingent of the West Ridings active service company. They were two well-set-up and efficient battalions, a credit alike to the districts in which they were raised and to the

distinguished regiment to which they were proud to belong.

Nearly three years have elapsed since they went out to take their places in the fighting line. In France and Flanders the 49th Division, to which they were attached, has gained a name of which they and those belonging to them have every reason to be proud. 'The second line battalions, which went out at the end of 1916, were attached to the 62nd Division, and they also have fully maintained the honour of their county and regiment. Until the " fog of war ' lifts and we are able to learn in detail all that the battalions have done, their deeds cannot be properly estimated. But the lists of honours and casualties that have been published regarding them vindicate in some degree the effectiveness of their services, right down to the brilliant victory gained by the Third Army under General Byng in the neighbourhood of Cambrai, in which, according to the official communique, the West Riding Territorials played such &a dis- tinguished part. ' In addition to Colonel Norton, the D.S.O. has been conferred upon Major G. W. K. Crosland, a Huddersfield medical practitioner, who went through the South African War with the Medical services, and afterwards joined the 5th Dukes as a combatant officer, and for a long time commanded a company in France. It is interesting to note that another member of the family serving with a unit of the same regiment is Lieut. T. P. Crosland, a grandson and namesake of one of the earliest commanders of the Huddersfield Volunteers, who also represented his native town in Parliament. Lieut. J. B. Cockhill, who was awarded the M.C. earlier in the campaign, has recently had a bar added for another signal act of bravery, and Lieut. Douglas Black, son of Major Black of the South Wales Borderers, one of the most popular Quartermasters the 5th Battalion ever had, won the D.C.M. and the French Croix de Guerre as a non- commissioned officer before recieving his promotion to commissioned rank. In addition, several M.C.'s, D.C.M.'s and M.M.'s have come to the officers and men of the battalion, whose success has been noted with pride by their comrades and friends of the battalions generally.

As to the casualties, amongst the names that come most readily to mind are those of Colonel Rendall, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, who went out as adjutant of the 1/5th Battalion, and Captain Denman Jubb, of the 2nd Duke of Wellington's, his immediate predecessor in that position. The latter made the supreme sacrifice in the early days of the war, whilst serving with the 2nd Battalion, but the former remained with the 1/5th for some time in France until his promotion to the command of a Territorial unit of the York and Lancaster Regiment. It was whilst fighting with them that he was wounded and taken prisoner and died in honourable captivity. Major A. N. Wheatley, of Mirfield, beloved of his men; Captain T. Bentley, who received his commission from the ranks, and afterwards became Adjutant of the 2/5th Battalion and Regimental Sergt-Major; C. E. Tiffany, one of the stalwarts of Volunteer and Territorial who gained promotion in the great test of war, are also amongst those who have been called upon tlo lay down their lives for King and country. The name of Captain Arnold Sykes can scarcely be omitted from this list of the battalions' honoured dead. It is true he fell whilst fighting with a unit of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, and many traces of the heroism 'of himself and his men were found in the vicinity, showing that the enemy had paid dearly for his sacrifice. But he had all his early training with the 2nd Volunteer Battalion of the Duke of

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(Wellington's, in which he served from Subaltern to Captain. Though he had retired, he joined immediately the call came, and after serving at the depots at Halifax and Pontefract he was, at his own reiterated requests, sent to the front, and died a soldier's death for a cause which he of all men held dear.

Since the two battalions went to the front, both Colonel Wilson and Treble have returned home. Many commanding officers have succeeded them, notably Brigadier-General H. R. Headlam, D.S.0., of the York and Lancaster Regiment, who left the impress of his genial personality and true soldierly qualities upon the men of the 1/5th ; and Colonel Walker, of Mirfield, formerly of the 1/4th (Halifax) Battalion, who is spoken of with affection by officers and men of the 1/5th, whom he now commands. '* Men may come and men may go,'' however, but the task in hand must be proceeded with, and it redounds to the undying credit of both first and second line battalions of the 5th and 7th Duke of Wellington's that-as members of the Terri- torial Army, which stood in the breach in the critical days of the war-they have, through all the changes and chances of this campaign, so worthily maintained the traditions of the great regiment to which they have the honour of being attached.



Honorary Colonel Sir E. H. Carlile, T.D., M.P.

Lieut.-Colonel W. Cooper, V.D.-Officer commanding the battalion. Is raising, equipping, and training the 2/5th Battalion, which is now acting as a Special Reserve Battalion to the Line Battalion now in France. He volunteered for general service with the Line Battalion, but has been entrusted with the work of raising the 2/5th owing to the state of his health. He has had 35 years' service, and is a very capable organiser. He was promoted to the rank of Lieut-Colonel some four years ago. In civilian life Colonel Cooper is an architect, and does a great deal of ecclesiastical work. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

*Lieut.-Colonel Harold command of the 1/5th Battalion since the duty of raising the 2/5th Battalion was imposed upon Lieut-Colonel W. Cooper, V.D. Colonel Wilson served with the Huddersfield wntinient of the West Riding Regiment during the South African War, and, along with Colonel Charles Brook, of Kinmount, Allan, N.B., and Durker Roods, Meltham, was admitted to the honorary freedom of the borough of Huddersfield on May 23rd, 1901. Is a member of the firm of Messrs. Wilson and Ingham, card clothing manufacturers, Mirfield.

*Major Lionel B. Holliday.-Assistant Provost Marshal to the West Riding Division, under General Baldock. Only son of the late Mr. Thomas Holliday, and grandson of the late Mr. Read Holliday, founder of the firm of Read Holliday & Sons, Ltd., chemical manufac- turers, bt. Andrew's Road, Huddersfield. The firm has now become part of British Dyes, Ltd., established with the assistance of the Government for developing in this country the manufacture of aniline dyes and colours.

*Major G. W. K. Crosland.-A well-known member of the medical profession, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., London, 1892. He is one of the honorary surgeons of the Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, and hon. consultative surgeon of the Calder Farm Reformatory. He was formerly one of the school medical officers under the Huddersfield Education Committee. He was a civil surgeon in the Bouth African Field Force. ‘

*Major G. P. Norton.-SBon of Mr. G. P. Norton, and a member of the firm of Messrs. Armitage & Norton, chartered accountants, Huddersfield. Educated at Cambridge University.

*Major and Adjutant J. L. Robinson.-Only son of Mr. F. W. Robinson, J.P., and a member of the firm of Messrs. John Robinson & Son, dyers, Field Works, Leeds Road. Adjutant to the 2/5th Battalion. -

*Captain J. E. Eastwood.-Son of the late Mr. Charles Eastwood, and nephew of Mr. Daniel Eastwood. Is a member of the firm of Messrs. D. Eastwood & Sons, wool merchants, St. Peter's Street, and manages the Bradford branch of the business.

*Captain A. N. Wheatley.-A member of the firm of Messrs. H. Wheatley & Sons, woollen manufacturers, Hopton Mills, Mirfield.

*Captain E. Senior.-Son of Mr. James Senior, of Shepley, head of the firm of Seth Senior & Son, Ltd., brewers. *Captain S. C. Brierly.-Son of Mr. S8. H. Brierly, partner in the firm of Messrs. Liddell & Brierly, woollen manufacturers, Marsh. Captain J. F. Sykes.-Son of ex-Alderman C. F. Sykes ,J.P., and a member of the firm of Messrs. Godfrey Sykes & Son, manufacturers, Moldgreen.

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Captain I. Stewart.-Elder son of Mr. John Stewart, partner in the firm of Messrs. Kaye &. Stewart, worsted manufacturers, Broadfield Mills, Lockwood.

Captain A. E. Lister.-Officer commanding the administrative centre, 5th West Riding Regiment, Huddersfield. Partner in the firm of Messrs. Graham & Jessop, contractors, and son-in-law of Alderman Jessop, a former Mayor of Huddersfield.

*Captain A. B. Stott.-Son of Mr. T. H. Stott, Ivy Dene, New North Road, manager of the Cloth Hall Street branch of the London City and Midland Bank.

Captain H. Hanson.-Son of Mr. J. H. Hanson (Messrs. Abbey & Hanson, eivil engineers).

Capain J. L. Watson.-Private secretary to Mr. T. Julius Hirst, J.P., of Meltham Hall. Staff Captain to the 2nd West Riding Brigade.

Captain G. E. Bedforth..-Son of Mr. Michael Bedforth, Croft House, Huddersfield. Was originally in the 1/5th Battalion, but was transferred to the Divisional Staff of the 2/lst West Riding Division. Is now temporarily in command of the 3/5th Battalion. .

Captain R. Rippon.-Son of Mr. Joseph Rippon, Park Drive, and a member of the firm of Rippon Bros., Ltd., carriage and motor manufacturers.

Captain G. R. Ellis.-Son of Mr. Geo. Ellis, woollen manufacturer, Mirfield. Temporarily attached to the Flying Corps for a course of instruction.

Captain P. to T.F. Reserves. Promoted recently from the rank of quarter- master.

Captain G. B. Faulder.-Son of the late Mr. Faulder, of Messrs. Stothart & Faulder, formerly merchants in Huddersfield. Attached to the Brigade Staff. .

Captain and Adjutant F. H. S8. Rendall.-Of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Regiment. Served in the South African War. Adjutant to the 1/5th Battalion now serving in France.

*Captain and Quartermaster A. Black—Qt the Welsh Borderers. Served in the Zulu and South African campaigns. © ,

*Lieut. N. Senior.-Son of Mr. Hy. Senior, Shepiey. Lieut. W. J. M. Sproulle.-Son of Dr. Sproulle, Mirfield.

Lieut. D. P. Middlemost.-Son of Mr. H. Edwin Middlemost, and a member of the firm of Middlemost Bros., woollen manufactuters, Clough House Mills, Birkby.

Lieut. C. W. D. Kaye.-Step-son of Mr. C. W. Keighley, J.P. (Messrs. Lockwood & Keighley).

Lieut. Keith Sykes, M.C.-Son of the late Mr. Alfred Sykes, Thongsbridge. Inspector of the staff of the West Yorkshire Bank.

Lieut. T. P. Crosland.-Son of Mr. T. P. Crosland, J.P. His grandfather, Colonel T. P. Crosiand, was Colonel of the Huddersfield Volunteers, and represented the borough in Parliament for a short time.

Lieut. T. T. Nesbitt.-Nephew of Mr. Frank Wallace (Wallaces, Ltd.).

Lieut. F. A. Sykes.-Son of Mr. E. Percy Sykes, and grandson of Mr. J. H. Sykes (Edward Sykes & Sons, Gosport Mills). - ko.

Lieut. J. M. Haigh.-Son of Mr. Edward Haigh, Haigh's (Huddersfield), Ltd., wholesale clothiers.

Lieut. J. W. Clapham.-Grandson of the late Mr. John Lee Walker, a former Mayor of Huddersfield. '

Lieut. It. M. Pinder.-Son of a medical man in practice at Horsforth. Lieut. (+. Glover.-Son of a Warwick engineer.

Lieut. R. C. Ife.-Son of Mr. Charles T. Ife, of Birmingham. Lieut. W. C. Thornton, LL.B. (London).-Son of Mr. William Thornton, architect, of Dewsbury. Lieut. D. C. Lyall.-Son of the managing director of Messrs. John Barron & Sons, Leeds. Lieut. T. (Goodall.-Solicitor, with Messrs. E. B. Wilson & Topham, Mirfield. Lieut. I'. Bentley.-Son of Mr. T. Bentley, Hillhouse.

Lieut. J. Walker.-Partner in Messrs. Hall, Walker & Norton, solicitors, Huddersfield. *Sec.-Licut. L. T. Crowther.-Son of Mr. Norman C. Crowther, Huddersfield. Sunny Bank,

Egerton. __ (Killed in action.) Sec.-Lieut. C. E. Sutcliffe.-Nephew of Mr. Edward Sutcliffe, malster, Mirfield.

Sec.-Lieut. E. E. Ainley.-Son of Mr. J. G Ainley, Martin Bank, Almondbury, who formerly carried on a worsted manufacturing business at Kirkheaton.

Sec.-Lieut. J. L. Liddle. Sec.-Lieut. H. C. Golding.

Sec.-Lieut. S. E. Sykes.-Bon of Mr. Chas. Sykes, J.P., Broomfield, Fixby. Sec.-Lieut. A. N. Mclintock.-Son of Dr Mcliintock, of Marsden.

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Sec.-Lieut. M. Jubb.-Son of Mr. Alfred Jubb, founder of Albany Printing Works, St. John's Road. Sec.-Lieut. G. L. Sharpe.-Son of Mr. A. C. Sharpe (Messrs. Sharpe & Sharpe, chartered accountants, Huddersfield). Sec.-Lieut. P. N. King.-Son of the late Mr. S. A. King, J.P., of Shepley. Sec.-Lieut. G. L. Tinker.-Son of Mr. Arthur Tinker (Messrs. Geo. Tinker & Sons, auctioneers). SBec.-Lieut. N. Rippon.-Son of Mr. Joseph Rippon, Park Drive. Sec.-Lieut. B. W. Pounder.-Articled to the Town Clerk of Leeds. Bec.-Lieut. C. E. Taglis.-Son of the Vicar of Denby. First officer of the 5th West Riding Regiment to be wounded. Sec.-Lieut. E. D. Hoy. -Son of Lieut. Hoy, York. Sec.-Lieut. E. T. Sykes.-Son of Mr. James Sykes (Messrs. Armitage, Sykes & Hinchcliffe), solicitor, Honley. Sec.-Lieut. C. S8. Moxon.-Son of Mr. A. E. Moxon (Messrs. G. Moxon & Sons, coal merchants, Huddersfield). . Sec.-Lieut. A. B. Broadbent.-Son of Mr. H. E. Broadbent, Raven's Dean, Edgerton. Sec.-Lieut. A. N. Sharpe.-Son of Mr. A. C. Sharpe. Sec.-Lieut. E. G. Watkinson.-Son of Mr. F. T. Watkinson, Glebe Road, Marsh. Served in the Territorials, and rejoined on the outbreak of war. Later he received his commission. At present with the 2/5th Battalion at Thoresby. Sec.-Lieut. J. G. Bodker.-Ouly son of the late Mrs. Bodker, Folkestone, and son-in-law of Mr. Tom Bentley, 132 Halifax Old Road, Huddersfield. Sec.-Liieut. C. A. Williams.-Son of the late Rev. Bennett Hesketh Williams, house master at Uppingham School. Under-manager to Messrs. John Taylors, Ltd., woollen manufacturers,

Colne Road Mills. Sec.-Lieut. A. R. Haigh.- Son of Mr. Wright Haigh, Arnold Street, Birkby. Sec.-Lieut. J. B. Cockhill.-Son of Mr. J. R Cockhill, Huddersfield. Sec.-Lieut. W. Aubrey Taylor.-Son of the late Mrs. T. W. Taylor, Rokeby, Cambridge Road, Huddersfield. Sec.-Lieut. D. R. Jackson.-Son of Mr. P. R. Jackson, Skelmanthorpe. Gec.-Lieut. G. B. Bruce.-Son of Mr. Alfred Bruce, Springfield, New North Road. Sec.-Lieut. H. S. Jackson.-Son of Mr. P. R. Jackson. Sec.-Lieut. L. D. Gledhill, and . 7 Sec.-Lieut. G. R. Gledhill.-Sons of Mr. Walter Gledhill, manufacturer, Waterloo Bridge Mills. Sec.-Lieut. M. S. Hardy.-Son of Dr. A. E. Hardy, Bradford Road. Sec.-Lieut. J. A. of the late Mr Allen Haigh, and connected with the firm of Messrs. James Haigh & Sons, dyers, Colne Road. Bec.-Lieut. O. Walker.-Son of Mr. A. E. Walker, Sunnybank, Edgerton. Sec.-Lieut. J. H. Ward.-Son of Mr. J. H. Ward, accountant, and grandson of the late Mr. John Ward, formerly Chief Constable of Huddersfield. . Sec.-Lieut. E. Shaw. ‘ Bec.-Lieut. J. C. Ambler.-Formerly in the Cheshire Yeomanry. Sec.-Lieut. H. D. Wraith.-Son of Mr. L. H. Wraith, Cushendaw, Guildford. Was Local Government Board auditor in the West Yorkshire District, and resides at Tikley. Joined the 23rd Royal Fusiliers (Sportsmen's Battalion), and received &a commission in April. Lieut. J. W. Hirst.-Son of Dr. H. Hirst, Apsley. Was senior officer of the O.T.C. at Epsom College, and was a medical student at Cambridge prior to receiving his commission recently. Bec.-Lieut. J. R. Whiteley.-Son of the late Mr. 8. J. Whiteley, Eldon Ban, Berry Brow, and a director of Messrs. Joshua Whiteley & Co., cotton spinners, Albion Mills, Huddersfield. Bec.-Lieut. H. Paul.-Son of Dr. L. Gordon Paul, Huddersfield borough analyst. Was a brewer at Messrs. Guiness's Brewery, Dublin. Bec.-Lieut. A. K. Brook.-Son of Mr. A. J. Brook, Hazeldene, Edgerton, and a director of Messrs. Sykes & Tunnacliffe, Almondbury.


Captain A. L. McCully.-New North Road. Captain W. Robertson. -Marsh.

BATTALION WEST RIDING REGIMENT. (CopNE TERRITORIALS.)‘ Hon. Colonel Viscount W. Lewisham.-Temporary Major, Staff.

*Colonel G. W. Treble, C.M.G.-Officer commanding the battalion. Joined the Civil Service Volunteer Corps in 1883, and was appointed Lieutenant in the Army Post Office Corps in 1889, subsequently becoming commander. Served throughout the South African War, was promoted to the rank of Major early in 1900, and to that of Lieut-Colonel in July of the same year. Also in 1900 he was enrolled a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Mentioned in despatches four times. Has been postmaster of Huddersfield since March, 1908, and previously held a similar appointment at Canterbury.

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Officers of the 1/4th (7.) Battalion (2nd Group.)


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Officers of the 1/4th (J.) Battalion (2nd Group.)

Standing Capt. Denning, Major Richardson, Major Mowatt, Capt. Goldthorpe, Capt. Winter, Capt. Sykes, k., Capt. Sutcliffe, Major Learoyd, Capt. Helliwell, Lt. & Q.M. Fielding, - Andrews, k. ’

Sitting - Major Walker, Canon Burn (Chaplain), -_ Lt.-Col. Atkinson, Lt.-Col. Hartley, Major Chambers, Capt. Lawton, Lt.-Col. R. E. Sugden, Major Fleming.


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Lieut.-Colonel R. R. Mellor, T.D.-Officer commanding the 2/7th.-Son of Mr. J. R. Mellor, Holmfirth. As Major Mellor he was second in command of the 5th Battalion West Riding Regiment till his retirement in February, 1913, after 26 years' service. One of the most popular and best-known Territorial officers in the West Riding. A fine shot, and the winner of many shooting trophies. Has done much to foster the Territorial movement in Holmfirth and the district. Was asked in October last to raise the second 7th. Captain Burbury.-Yorks. Regiment, Adjutant. Major Gilbert Tanner.-Partner in well-known firm of cotton spinners, Saddleworth. Major Mitchell House, Slaithwaite, partner in the firm of Messrs. Harry Taylor & Co., woollen manufacturers, Albion Mills, Meltham. Major S. W. Wilkinson.-Second in command. Woollen manufacturer, Mirfield. *Major W. U. Rothery.-Managing director of Messrs. Joseph Sykes & Bros., card clothing manufacturers, Lindley. Has recently commanded the battalion in the firing-line, Colonel Treble being in this country on sick leave, while Major Wilkinson, the second in command, is in hospital suffering from a sprained foot. Major Rothery enlisted as a private in the 2nd Volunteer Battalion of the '" Dukes," and attained the rank of Colour-Sergeant before resigning. When the Territorial Force came into being he accepted a commission in the 7th Battalion, and was formerly in command of the Milnsbridge Company.

Captain J. H. Crossley.-Slaithwaite. With Messrs. G. Woodhead & Son, chemical manufac- turers, Slaithwaite. *Captain Robert Taylor.-Son of the late Mr. Robert Taylor, Myrtle Grove, Golcar. One of the partners in the firm of Messrs. Barnicot & Taylor, solicitors, John William Street, Hudders- field. ~

Captain W. G. Bagnall.--Gentleman, Uppermill. Formerly Unionist candidate for Colne Valley Parliamentary Division. *Captain J. W. Clark.-Son of the late Alderman Clark, cotton spinner, Mossley. *Captain W. Brook.-In the postal service at Huddersfield. Served with Royal Engineers in South African War. *Captain J. F. Chambley.-Woollen manufacturer, of the firm of Messrs. Jonathan Chambley & Son, Dobecross. *Captain George Haigh.-Fern Bank, Linthwaite. Son of the late Mr. George Haigh, of Slaithwaite. *Captain C. H. Lockwood.-Son of Mr. Arthur Lockwood, Laurel Bank, Golcar, of Messrs. Charles Lockwood & Sons, Ltd., woollen manufacturers, Black Rock Mills, Linthwaite. *Captain E. E. Radclifie:-Mossley. Nephew of the late Mr. Robert Radcliffe & Co., woollen manufacturers, Mossley. (Wounded in action). *Captain H. E. Whitwam.-Son of Mr. Joe Whitwam, Clifton House, Golcar, and a member of the firm of Messrs. B. & J. Whitwam & Sons, Ltd., woollen manufacturers, Stanley Mills, Golcar. (Killed.) *Captain G. Beaumont.-Eldest son of Mr. John Beaumont, of Dogley Villa, Kirkburton, and a member of the firm of Messrs. Geo. Beaumont & Sons, Rowley Mills, Fenay Bridge. *Lieut. J. W. Ramsden.-Only son of Mr. Robert Ramsden, stockbroker, Huddersfield. (Wounded.) *Lieut. L. G. R. Harris, M.C..-Mentioned in despatches. Dentist, Doncaster. Has three brothers serving with the forces. *Lieut. C. V. Rigby.-Son of Mr. R. V. Rigby, manager of the Huddersfield branch of the West Yorkshire Bank, Ltd. Machine gun section. Lieut. F. E. Phillips.-Consulting engineer, London. *Lieut. J. E. Wood.-Formerly in the Land Valuation Office at Huddersfield. Lieut. W. B. Sykes.'-Slaithwaite. In the postal service at Huddersfield. Now at Grimsby with the 27th Provisional Home Service Battalion. *Lieut. Frank Bamforth, M.C.-Lewisham Road, Slaithwaite. Meat and Food Inspector under the Birmingham Corporation. Formerly in similar position at Oldham, and Rate Collector and Sanitary Inspector to the Slaithwaite U.D. Council. *Lieut. Rothery, M.C.-Eldest son of Major Rothery. Joined from the Officers Training Corps, Bradfield College. ‘ Lieut. T. C. Rapp, B.A., M.C.-Saltburn. Joined from Officers Training Corps, Cambridge University. (Killed.) *Lieut. T. M. Formerly a railway official in Scotland. *Lieut. William Varley Haigh.-Son of Mr. Sam Haigh, of Langholme, Slaithwaite. With Slaithwaite Spinning Co., Ltd. *Lieut. S. Wormald.-Agent at Lees, near Oldham, for Messrs. Samuel Law & Sons, English Card Clothing Co., Ltd., Cleckheaton. Lieut. C. J. engineer, Leven, Fifeshire. *Lieut. R. Jagger.-Commercial traveller, with Messrs. Glendinning Bros., Ltd., Huddersfield. *Sec.-Lieut. Reginald Rapp.-Saltburn. Son of Mr. T. W. Rapp, Saltburn. Had a brilliant career at Coatham Grammar School, and passed to Cambridge with an open exhibition for history. At the outbreak of war was reading for Holy Orders. Applied for a commission in the West Riding Regiment, in which his brother, Lieut. T. C. Rapp, was serving. (Killed

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in action in June.) Sec.-Lieut. B. C. Lupton, M.C.-Officers' Training Corps, Cambridge Umversxty of Leeds. *Sec.-Lieut. C. W. C. Bain.-Officers' Training Corps, Oxford *Sec.-Lieut. K. C. Fisher-Brown.-Schoolmaster, Scarborough. *Sec. Lieut. J. F. Beckwith.-Member of the firm of Messrs. Beckwith & Co., woollen merchants, Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield. (Wounded in action.) Sec.-Lieut. J. Brierley, M.C.-Mentioned in despatches. Son of Mr. J. L. Brierley, Claremont, Huddersfield.

*Sec.-Lieut. C. W. Pogson.-Son of Coun. J. Pogson, The Beeches, Slaithwaite, of Messrs. Pogson & Co., yarn spinners, Bridge Street Mills, Slaithwaite. Sec.-Lieut. Bernal Sykes.-Son of the late Mr. Alfred Sykes, of Thongsbridge. Formerly assistant solicitor in the Town Clerk's department, and now with Messrs. Dickens and Aked,

solicitors, Halifax. Sec.-Lieut. G. W. Walker.-Son of Mr. B. H. S. Walker, Croft House, Slaithwaite. With

Messrs. Pogson & Co., Slaithwaite. (Killed.) *Sec.-Lieut. C. W. Lockwood -8rd son of Mr. Arthur Lockwood, J.P., Laurel Bank, Golcar,

and of the firm of Messrs. Charles Lockwood & Sons, Ltd., woollen manufacturers, Black Rock Mills, Linthwaite. *Sec.-Lieut. J. C. Greaves.-Greenfield. With Asa Lees & Co., Oldham. Sec.-Lieut. W. A. Hinchchiffe.-Son of Mr. A. E. T. Hinchcliffe (Messrs. Armitage, Sykes & Hinchcliffe, solicitors. Huddersfield). *Sec.-Lieut. H. Barber.-Stubbin, Hinchliff Mill. Son of Mr. W. H. Barber (Messrs. W. H. & J. Barber, Clarence Mills, Holmebridge) *Sec.-Lieut. K B. Mackenzie.-Architect. Son of Dr. Mackenzie, of Lockwood. *Sec.-Lieut, N. T. the firm of Mr. Fred Lawton, woollen manufacturer, Bridge Mills, Holmfirth *Sec.-Lieut. G. B. Howecroft.-Architect, Uppermill. *Sec.-Lieut. W. S. Shaw.-Son of Mr. Arthur Shaw, tailor, of Golcar and Huddersfield. *Sec.-Lieut. J. Radeliffie.-Architect, Greenfield. *Sec.-Lieut. J. H. Charlesworth.-Son of Major Charlesworth, Wesley House, Slaithwaite. *Sec.-Lieut. T. P. Bradbury.-Son of Mr. Jose h Bradbury, sollcltor Uppermill. *Sec.-Lieut. H. R. Rowbotham -Son of Mr. Edward Rowbotham, sohcltor, Oldham and Uppermill. Fruit grower in Worcester. Sec.-Lieut. H. S8. Netherwood, M.C.-Son of Mr. Netherwood (Messrs. Netherwood & Lee, accountants, Huddersfield). - Sec.-Lieut. Luke Mallinson Tetlow.-Eldest son of Mr. John Tetlow, The Royds, Cleckheaton. Member of the firm of Messrs. Critchley, Sharp & Tetlow, cardmakers, Prospect Mills. Before joining the West Riding Regiment had been learning the manufacturing business in the ngl’ne Valley, where he was well known and very popular. (Was killed in action on May 29th.) *Sec.-Lieut. J. L. Tetlow.-Brother of the above officer. *Sec.-Lieut. T. Wilfred Berry.-Younger son of Alderman J. Berry, The Elms, Park Drive, Huddersfield. *Sec.-Lieut. G. C. Hodgson.-Music teacher. Bec.-Lieut. C. Lawton.-Bank clerk, Lees, near Oldham. *Sec.-Lieut. J. H. Lawton, Int. LL.B.-Brother of the above-mentioned ; also of Lees. With Town Clerk of Oldham. *Sec.-Lieut. J. Reynolds.-Son of Mr. John Reynolds, Meltham *Sec.-Lieut. L. D. Breare. *Sec.-Lieut. S. Ruf. ¢ *Sec.-Lieut .G. Clifford.-Son of Mr. John Clifford, of Huddersfield. " *Sec.-Lieut. J. H. Beaumont.-Son of Mr. John Beaumont, Dogley Villa, Kirkburton. *Sec.-Lieut. G. A. Shaw. *Sec.-Lieut. A. L. Gibson. (Killed.) *Sec.-Lieut. J. G. Maisey. SBec.-Lieut. C. N. Barker. *Sec.-Lieut. R. 8. Patten. -Waste dealer, Mossley. Bec.-Lieut. Clay.-Leeds. Sec.-Lieut. Cyril B. Newman.-Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Newman, of Marsden. Leeds University Contingent (senior division) Officers' Training Corps. Bec.-Lieut. Donald Hanson.-Youngest son of the late Mr. J. W. Hanson, and Mrs. Hanson, 20 Wood Street, Longwood. Was articled with Messrs. Dan Crossley and Crosland. auctioneers, Halifax and Hebden Bridge. Bec.-Lieut. Harold Edward Wood.-Bradford. Bec.-Lieut. Clarence Stott.-West Vale. Bec.-Lieut. Reginald Thornton.-All of Leeds University Officers' Training Corps. Beo.-Lieut. Sldne O. Heywood. Bec.-Lieut. J. Maden -Isle of Man. Bec.-Lieut. H. Sparling.-Leeds.

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Bec.-Lieut. A. E. Millard. Bec.-Lieut. A. Dacre.-Conservative agent, Cleckhpaton. , *Capt. and Adjutant B. T. Burbury.-2nd Yorkshire Regiment. *Capt. and Adjutant J. 8. Pearson.-Son of the late Mr. H. E. Pearson, and of Mrs. Pearson,

of Cliffe Ash, Golcar, and of the firm of Messrs. Pearson Bros., Ltd., woollen manufacturers, Slaithwaite and Golcar. , *Lieut. T. S. Teesdale:-Quartermaster. Drill Hall, Milnsbridge. Lieut. A. J. East.-Quartermaster. Formerly of Slaithwaite.


*Capt. A. S. Bruzaud..-R.A.M.C. Medical practitioner, Greenfield. Formerly house surgeon at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. *Major H. W. Williams, M.D.-R.A.M.C. Holmfirth.

* Denotes Officers who went out with the Pattalion. - Many of the others not marked followed shortly after, or in due course.


Sir Douglas Haig's dispatch dated 19th May, 1916, makes special mention of many units who did excellent work during the period from December, 1915 (the date when he assumed the chief command) and 30th April, 1916. One of the battalions mentioned was the Oth (Service) Battalion of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.

The 9th Battalion was mobilised about 9th September, 1914, at Bovington Camp, near Wool, and consisted principally of men recruited from Keighley, Bradford, Huddersfield and Halifax districts. (One company consisted solely of men recruited at Ilkley.) The battalions were fortunate in having as their commanding officer an old campaigner of the Dukes in Lieut.-Col. F. A. Hayden, D.S.O., who had seen service in South Africa with the 3rd Battalion, the Adjutant being Captain A. E. Miller (then Sec.-Lieut.), the Quartermaster being Hon. Lieut. and Quartermaster W. Cleaver. The battalion continued in training at Bovington until December, 1914, under very trying conditions, being transferred to Wimborne, where they went into billets. They spent the winter at Wimborne, returning to Bovington in April, 1915. To the delight of all ranks in June they were again on the move, this time to Horsley Park, Winchester, and from there to Wareham, to finish their course of musketry. *

By now it was recognised that the battalion were thoroughly efficient in every department, . and on the night of July 14th, 1915, the battalion marched to Winchester, and went out to France, in command of Lieut.-Col. F. A. Hayden, D.S.O0., as part of the 52nd Brigade of the 17th Division. The Quartermaster, Lieut. Cleaver, was transferred to the lith Battalion. The b2nd Brigade was under the command of Brigadier-General F. C. Surtees, C.B., D.S.0., and the 17th Division commanded by Major-General E. T. D. Pilcher, C.B. The battalion entrained at Winchester, and crossed to France via Folkestone and Boulogne on the " Onward." The night was spent in Boulogne, and next day then entrained and travelled up country to Wizernes, detraining there, and marched to billets at Equerdes. From there they marched to Ouderdom, billeting on the way at Hazebrouck and Godewaresselde. The first shot in France by this battalion was not fired at a German, but by R.S.M. G. P. Bennett (just after leaving Hazebrouck, where they had halted by the roadside), as an act of kindness, to kill &a dog, which was found badly mauled through being run over. They were first attached for instruction to the 2nd Royal Scots, of the 3rd Division, and went into the trenches for the first time in small parties, at a point just south-east of Dickebush, and subse- quently took over part of the line alloted to them when the 17th Division relieved the 3rd Division. By this time the men of the 9th Battalion were a fully trained unit, and capable of taking their part in the heaviest fighting. They were in the trenches until October, 1915, when they returned to Godewaresselde for a month's rest, prior to taking part in the more serious fighting which was shortly to come, and during this time the battalion was commanded by Major Johnstone, Lieut.-Col. Hayden having been sent to the base on sick leave on August Tth, subsequently returning to England. At the end of October they again moved up the line, and went into the trenches around Sanctuary Wood and Maple Copse. From there Lieut.-Col. Hayden was again in command, but on December 2nd he left to take over command of an gifqers’ ;l‘.rammg School at Poperinghe, being succeeded by Major Cary Barnard, of the Wiltshire giment. After the battalion left Sanctuary Wood they were sent up into the ramparts at Ypres, and then forward into the trenches at Hooge-four days out, then four days in Ypres, and four days in Hooge trenches. During this period, although no action on a great scale had been fought, nevertheless our troops were far from idle or inactive. Although the struggle had not been Intense, it .had been everywhere continuous, and there were many sharp local actions in which this battalion were continually engaged. Of the numerous local actions referred to, the total number, omitting the more minor raids, amounted to over 60, of which the most important were : The operations at The Bluff, the Henzollern Redoubt, and at St. Eloi; the mining operations

and crater fighting in the Loos salient and on Vimy Ridge; and the hostile gas attacks north of Ypres, in December, 1915.

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Artillery and snipers were practically never silent, patrols were out in front of the line every night, and heavy bombardments by the artillery of one or both sides took place daily in various parts of the line. In the air there was seldom a day, however bad the weather, when aircraft was not busy reconnoitring, photographing, and observing fire. All this was taking place constantly at any hour of the day or night. In short, a steady and continuous fight was always going on. - One form of minor activity which was particularly active during the period mentioned deserves special mention, namely, the raids or '' cutting out parties,'' which were made at least twice or three times a week against the enemy's line. They consisted of a brief attack, with some special object, on a section of the opposing trenches, usually carried out at night by a small body of men. The character of these operations-the penetration of the enemy's trenches, the hand-to-hand fighting in the darkness, and the uncertainty as to the strength of the opposing force-gave peculiar scope to the gallantry, dash, and quickness of decision of the troops engaged, and this method of fighting appealed specially to these gallant lads of the West Riding, who frequently displayed much skill and daring in these operations; and Sir Douglas Haig had not been long in chief command before they were brought specially to his notice. No battalion had a harder task than that given to the 9th Battalion on December 19th, 1915, for the Germans made one of their heaviest attacks on Ypres. It was a trying time for these gallant men. Their Commanding Officer and Adjutant were wounded (the Adjutant after- wards having his leg amputated), and their casualty list numbered 25 killed and 80 wounded, but their glory was great. The Commanding Officer, Lieut.-Col. Barnard, was awarded the D.S.0., the Adjutant, Captain Miller the M.C., and many other awards were made for gallantry and devotion to duty on this day. The work of Pte. Brogan (who was awarded the D.C.M.) as Adjutant's Orderly, is worthy of special record. After the 19th December the battalion was withdrawn from the line to the White Chateau at Kruistraat for three days to recuperate. They afterwards went up to Hooge trenches, where they spent their Christmas Day of 1915.


No man who fought at Ypres Salient and the Bluff will ever forget those experiences. After several days' heavy shelling, bombing attacks would be launched by the Germans in the early morning, and they would succeed in capturing our trenches. Our counter-attack would then . be immediately organised, which would enable us to clear our trenches of the enemy, and to pursue him to his own. But further south the enemy were more successful. On the northern bank of the Ypres-Comines Canal there is a narrow ridge, 30 to 40 feet high, covered with trees (probably the heap formed by excavations when the canal was dug), which constitute a feature of the flat-wooded country at the southern bend of the Ypres Salient. It runs through our territory almost into the German area, so that our trenches pass over the eastern point of it, which is known as the Bluff. Here, on March 2nd, 1916, the 9th Battalion took part in one of the fiercest engagements of the war. Their trenches were almost obliterated by the German bombardment, following which a sudden rush of hostile infantry was successful in capturing these and other front line trenches immediately north of the Bluff-some 600 yards in all. Two of these trenches were at once regained, but the others were held by the enemy in the face of several counter-attacks, but after 17 days' fighting the whole of our objective was captured, but not without great loss. During this period both officers and men of the Dukes distinguished themselves by their conspicuous bravery. In the midst of the intense bombardment a well-known Ilkley officer said to Sergt. H. Greaves, of Yeadon : '"Have you ever read © Dante's Inferno?' "' *" Yes,"" said the gallant sergeant, '" but hell was never in it with this." A company from Ilkley were practically all wiped out, and every officer and N.C.O. in the battalion was more or less on the casualty list. At one time they were 23 days in the trenches. Truly can it be said that these boys, recruited from Keighley, Ilkley, Settle, Yeadon, etc., upheld the traditions of the regiment, and won a special notice in Sir Douglas Haig's dispatch. ' '* For excellent work during the period mentioned, in carrying out or repelling local attacks and raids." In this, the first, dispatch of Sir D. Haigh after being promoted Commander-in-Chief, th Oth was one of very few service battalions that gained a ** mention." ' Then followed more stiff work at St. Eloi, etc., and right up to date have they continued their good service.

ener (J


It was this battalion of the Duke's that shared with others of the 69th Brigade the honour of capturing Contalmaison on July 10th, 1916, and again in September, 1917, were in at the capture of Hill 60-a battleground that had previously been made famous for the gallantry of the 2nd Battalion in April, 1915. This battalion, recruited from Keighely, Settle, Barnoldswick, etc., has won many honours since its arrival in August, 1915, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Bartholomew, D.S8.0. They had been in training since September, 1914, and proved themselves most efficient soldiers. First at Trencham, W. Surrey, then Aldershot and district, Folkestone, Maidstone, and finally Bramshot, they had exceptional opportunities for developing and training,

Page 138


and when the time came for them to take their part in the real fighting, they were looked upon as one of the best service battalions in the country. , On their arrival in France they were quickly sent into the fighting line, staying one night in St. Martin's Camp, then entrained to Watten Camp, and after an eight miles' march to Nor Lunlingham, they went from there to Erquingham. Then after two days' rest this young battalion of the West Ridings was given the great honour-for such it must be deemed-of taking over the trenches from the lst Battalion Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders. Few battalions of Kitchener's army have been so honoured-by taking over from a line battalion. How the battalions fought at Loos, and the subsequent battles, is told elsewhere; suffice it to say that both officers and men have always been in the thickest of fighting. Their honours bear comparison with any service battalion in the Army, and one of their officers, Lieut. H. Kelly, gained the coveted Victoria Cross, the greatest honour which the country can bestow upon a brave soldier. Spen Vamury HrroERs. On the Somme they were under the command of Lieut.-Col. Haynes, and captured many guns and prisoners at Contalmaison, the Brigade being specially commended by the General Commanding. At Munster Alley, on 29th August, 1916, the battalion, supported by Canadians: and Australians, took part in a big attack on the enemy trenches. The fighting all round was by groups of soldiers, in some cases without officers, led by sergeants or privates with a sense of leadership, and the fine stern courage which is characteristic of our troops. On this day two of the companies had all their officers killed or wounded. Many brave deeds were done, and many were the awards gained by the battalion. Lieut. (now Capt.) R. C. Perks was awarded the D.S.O., Sergeant Eley the Military Medal, for laying telephone wires under heavy fire, thus: enabling the battalions to carry out the operations successfully, and there is no doubt that his work aided the Australians to carry out the movements allotted to them. In achieving hig object, however, Eley was twice buried, and extricated himself with the greatest difficulty. Although they had only been in France a few months, they were now old and tried warriors, for they had packed up in this short time a wonderful record of severe engagements. They were quite immune against any new inventions of the enemy, and their coolness was remarkably displayed on one occasion when travellnig in a train to relieve the K.R.R., the train was pulled up to allow the K.R.R. to change with them, they were shelled by the Boches. It was a trying and dangerous time, but to their everlasting credit every man sat cool in the carriage until _ the firing ceased. It was a great test for young troops, and a severe ordeal, but they: stood it like the Dukes of old. . Their good work of 1916 has been continued. In the Big Push of 1917 the battalion again did splendid work, and their commanding officer, writing to the local press, says : '* We are out of the line, after a most successful fight, in which the Dukes most particularly distinguished themselves. . . . . Our lads were admirable, and we have received the congratulations of everyone from the Commander-in-Chief down."

-- -O---


Sec.-Lieut. A. Haigh (West Riding Regiment, attached M.G. Corps), Military Cross.-Whilst in command of a battery of eight machine guns he controlled and moved his battery with the greatest courage and good judgment, and when the officers of a neighbouring battery had become casualties, temporarily assumed command, and rendered valuable aid. Although wounded in the leg he remained with his guns until relieved. . ' Sec-Lieut. Frank Haslam (West Riding Regiment), Military Cross.-For two nights in succession, when in charge of a wiring party of sixty men in the front line, he kept them together, and got the work done, in spite of repeated heavy bombardments, both by gas and ordinary shell. Although suffering from the effects of gas himself, and scarcely able to speak, he insisted on being allowed to remain on duty, setting a splendid example of pluck and

determination. Temp. Sec.-Lieut. Vivian F. de W. W. Vredenburg (attached West Riding Reiiment), Military Cross.-During a raid on the enemy's trenches, he continued to hold on after the hour of withdrawal until satisfied that both parties had got safely back. During the entire period he crawled up and down his line under heavy fire, controlling and directing the fire of his men, and, after finally seeing every man into our front line trench, he again returned to '"" No Man's Land '" under heavy machine-gun and rifle fire to superintend the search for wounded. Sec.-Lieut. Frank Muff (West Riding Regiment), Military Cross.-On two nights he carried out highly successful offensive patrols, each time displaying great dash and determination. On the first occasion, keeping his men well in hand, he was able to surprise the enemy and inflict casualties. Two nights afterwards he again successfully rushed the enemy, driving him, in spite of heavy trench mortar, bomb, and machine-gun fire, and accounting for some twenty of the enemy. Temp.. Bec.-Lieut. Ethelbert Wood (attached West Riding Regiment), Military Cross.- He led his company in the attack upon a very strong position. On two occasions he crawled over ground swept by gun fire and covered by snipers, in full daylight, to report the situation to his company commander, and when the situation became so critical that it was neces-

Page 139




Page 140


Group of Officers taken at Lichfield, 1915.

Standing, Left to Right.-2/Lt. H. Holmes, Regt. Sgt.-Major J. A. Rollinson, Capt. J. T. Murray, 2/Lt. Geoghan, Lt. Bennett (Medical Officer), 2/Lt. W. H. Bucknall, 2/Lt. J. R. Lister, 2/Lt. Tidy, 2/Lt. A. E. H. Sayers, Lt. Swayne, 2/Lt. F. H. Millichap, Capt. E. M. Huntriss, M.C., Capt. J. J. Horsfall, 2/Lt. H. C. Bladen (killed), Lt. C. Mac Durrant. 2/Lt. H. R. B. Fenn, 2/Lt. F. J. Bidwell, Lt. M. C. Hoole, 2/Lt. Sutcliffe, 2/Lt. G. G. Piachaud, 2/Lt. G. W. Harpley, 2/Lt. King, 2/Lt. J. G. W. Stafford, 2/Lt. N. P. Greening, 2/Lt. D. W. L. Daniels, 2/Lt. E. J. Lassen,

Kneeling, Left to Right -2/Lt. A. W. B. Fenn, Lt. J. R. Roxburgh, 2/Lt. J. Middleton.

Seated in Chairs, Left to Right-Major A. H. Kelly (2nd in command), Lt.-Col. W. G. Hatherwell, Com- manding Offiicer), Capt. A. G. Lias, (Adjutant).

Seated on Ground, Left to C. H. D. Kimpton, 2/Lt. J. H. Henderson, 2‘/Lt. A. H. K. Jones, Lt. C. C. Gilbert, Capt. L. F. Reincke (killed), Lt. C. E. Wood, 2/Lt. G. Hammerton, 2/Lt. J.T. Capt. I. Webster, 2/Lt. J. S. New e.

- 138

Page 141


sary to withdraw, he carried out the order with such skill and coolness that there were no casualties. Corporal George Schofield (now Bec.-Lieut.), of Upper Bridge, Holmfirth, was awarded the Military Medal for brave and valuable reconnaisance on the nights of Sep tember 17th and 18th, 1917. Lieut. Schofield is the son of Coy.Q.M.S8. George Schofield, of the Dukes, whe is now serving at the Depot, and late Drill Instructor at Haworth.

A supplement to the "London Gazette'' contains statements of services for which officers of North Country Regiments were awarded the Distinguished Service Order as announced on October 27th, 1917.

Temp. Major, acting Lt.-Col. Francis Washington Lethbridge, West Riding was successful in leading his battalion through heavy fire to attack, capture and hold the furthest objective. By his presence in the front line, both during the attack and subsequent counter- attacks, the position was maintained and consolidated. His fine example imbued all ranks with enthusiasm.


Number and Name. Place of Internment.* (Privates unless otherwise stated.) (H) =Hospital. GERMANY. New Nos. Ban. - 7979 Abson, G. ... 2 Doeberitz. 242799 16111 Adams, R. B. ... 2/5 Hameln. 12609 Addison, Act.- Sergt E. 2 Saltau 235184 Aedy, L. 2 Dulmen 18128 Allat, Lance-Corp] TL. l.. 2 Dulmen 15617 Alhbone, W. F. ... 2 ... _ Limburg. 805858 - 4619 Allott, H. ... sk ese 2... - _ _... - Heuberg. 241008 - 3862 Allpress H. 2/5 Limburg. 4321 Anderson, J. 4 Giessen. 266683 4267 Anderson, P. 2 Dulmen 10656 Andrews, P. 2 Dyrotz. 10513 Armitage, A. 2 Senne. 17896 Armitage, A. Dulmen. 24931 Armitage, B. D. ... 2 Munster. 6692 Ashby H. ... 2 Muncheburg. 10347 Ashton, S. ... 2 Senne. 178388 Atkinson, T. 4 Soltau. 78360 Atkmson W. . 2 Friedrichsfeld. 10318 Atkinson, Lance- Corpl R. W. 2 Soltau. 241654 Avison, Corp] W. .. 2/5 Soltau. 10618 Ayrton, A. ... 2 Parchim. 7518 Bainbridge, F. 2 Parchim. 9230 Ball, J. - ... 2 Doeberitz. *10678 Bancroft, H. 2 Switzerland. 242771 - 16082 Banks, 6. .. 2/5 Parchim. 241511 4906 Banks, J. R 2/5 Dulmen. 240171 - 2173 Barber, H. 1/5 Heuberg. 267285 Barker, M. . 2/6 Limburg. 29869 Barraclough, 2 Friedricisfeld. 266414 - 3818 Barrett, Lance-Sergt A. N. l.. s. - 2/6 _ ... - Langensalza. 13549 Barrett, T. 2 Limburg. ® 235272 Barrett, W. sek 5 2 ... __ Limburg. 240751 Barton, Lance-Corp pl. P. W. ... ee. 2/6 Dulmen. 241787 5228 Bassmdale, .o ... 2/5 Zerbst. 8418 Batchelor, W. 2 Hameln. 7687 Bateman, W. 2 Mannheim. 24961 Baxter, A. ... 2 Cassel. 18227 Baxter, A. ... 10 Cassel. 28842 Bazeley, J. ... ... ... ... .. 2 .. __ Cassel. *9080 Bamborough, J. ... 2 ... - Minden. New Nos. ~> Bun. 240658 - 3271 Beardsall, Sergt. P. 2/5 ... _ Limburg. 285237 Bearton, Act. -Corpl. P. w. « _ Dulmen.

10662 Beasty, Lance-Corpl. 'T. 2 ... _ Limburg. 9310 Beddall, Sergt. P. 2 ... _ Cassel. MIll7 - 4020 Bedford, A. eek sek ese ese - 9/8 __... - Parchim. M1810 - 5255 Beels, A. W. se -= ... - 8/5 __... _- Friedrichsfeld. 24962 Bell, Act. Lance-Corp] e 2 ... __ Boltau.

Page 142

15544 Bellfield,

C. J.

240690 - 3338 Bennett, Lance-00.151 H.


242018 Booth, F




New Nos.

201880 204169

10478 Bentley,

104211 Bentley, 5045 Berridge,

A. G. G. H. ...

11601 Berry, W. ... 24486 Bewsher, R. 8564 Biddulph, J. W. 17875 Blshop, L. (.. 8325 Bishop, J. E. (.. 9293 Bishop, Lance-Corpl. J.

19663 Blanchard, Lance: Corpl -C.

6761 Bolton, w. 6611 Bonser, H. ae 16150 Booth, Lance- Corpl OH. ©0467 Booth H. .. ..

5860 Bowers, Sergt. T.

108387 Bowers,

J. W.

6812 Braceshaw, W. E 8408 Bracewell, J.

7774 Bradley 18319 Bradley,


7614 Branagan, J. 24441 Brewin, H.

10615 Brier, E.

24959 Brittain, 7495 Britton,

c." S. ...

7525 Broadhurst, H. 10508 Broderick, E.

8936 Brook, I.

18387 Brook, G. ... 4992 Brooks, Sergt. E. 10219 Brooks, E. ... 6700 Brown, A. ... 6424 Brown, H. ... 241530 Brown, W. ...

17609 Browning,


9925 Broxup, W.

9971 Brunning

, J.

20032 Buck, Lance-Corpl a. 15081 Buckle E. G.

5402 Buckley, 18182 Buckley, 28782 Buckley, 5231 Bull, A.

7747 Bunn, H.

8179 Bunting, 14293 Burklen, 8383 Burrall,

9955 Burton, Lance-Corp] A. E.

35106 Battye

J. E.

A." C. F. ... Sergt. W.

4046 Anderson p T ~

Belshaw, Bec. -Lleut 8B. A


Lieut. J.

7846 Butler, L. 6570 Byner, T. ... 10551 Byrne, R.

28731 Capstlck 7695 Cardwell, 4263 Carney, 8270 Carr, T.

H. A. S. SergtEB

8511 Carroll, T. 2655 Carter, J. A ».. 8192 Carter, S.

3487 Carter, Lance-Corpl. J. B.

8679 Carter, H. ... eee 10584 Carter, G. A. 8/12578 Caulfield, F.

Lance Corp] J.

Lance-Corpl J. W.

e e o

a oe

* o e


o o o o go ooo eee





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ust bP hg - ia

Limburg. Langensalza. Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Parchim. Parchim. Doeberitz. Limburg. Dulmen. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Dulmen. Dulmen Limburg. Hameln. Doeberitz. Doeberitz. Merseburg. Parchim. Limburg. Limburg. Ingoldstadt. Munster II. Munster. Dyrotz. Dyrotz. Friedrichsfeld. Dulmen. Dulmen. Doeberitz. Merseburg. Furstenburg. Alten Grabow. Limburg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Sprottau. Limburg. Limburg. Langensalza. Limburg. Cassel. Limburg. Parchim. Furstenburg. Limburg. Minden. Friedrichsfeld.

Darmstadt. Strohen. Frieburg.

Cottbus. Gustrow. Dyrotz. Cassel. Soltau. Hameln. Doeberitz. Soltau. Giessen. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Parchim. Doeberitz. Munster.

Page 143


5511 Caveney, M. 2 240945 Chappell, E. ee. 2/5 235195 Chapellow, -. 2 9072 Child, Corpl. H. ... 2 7204 Christian, J. & 2 235276 Clapham, F. o 2 8341 Clark, L. ... a. 2 8584 Clarke, Dmr. A. J . 2 26753 Clark, J. ... 2 241554 Clarke, P. S. 2/5 MA1Gl12 4907 Clayton, LL. 2/5 241994 5477 Clegg, S. & 2/5 19557 Clegg, G. ... 10 8366 Clements, F. 2 9138 Clifford, W. 2 6047 Clifford, S. ... 2 235192 Coates, M. 2 241619 5030 Cook, W. ... 2/5 241622 5033 Cook, A. W. 2/5 5940 Cookson, W. 2 8857 Costall, S. ... 2 7981 Costigan, P. 2 6947 Cousins, T. G. ... 2 2116 Cowgill, E. 1/6 241941 5411 Cox, A. E. ... 2/5 5854 Cox, G. 4 6442 Coxon, W. ... 2 235246 Crabtree, F. 2 10665 Crampton, P. 2 10553 Craven, Corpl. F 2 4720 Crawshaw, J. 5 17260 Cripps, Lance- Corpl C. 2 241527 Crossland, W. 2/5 241190 4173 Crowther, A. R. 2/5 10494 Cruddy, J. 2 7692 Cunningham, W. . 2 235015 24966 Curtis, Sig. F. C p 7612 Dack, E. ... 2 6854 Dadswell C.-8. -Ma;| T. W. ... 2 1/5

242517 Burton, C. ... 265189 Crabtree, J.

203429 Boatwright, - New Nos.


285249 241630

7086 Dalton, 8. (old No. 5655) 7500 Davey, F. . ». 8108 Davies, Lance-Corp] 8. 7748 Dean, J.

2507 Denham, 7670 Dennison, Bentley,

5947 Denton, C.-S. -Maj T. ... 10591 Depledge, L.

8580 Dickens, 6702 Dickson,

7454 Dixon, B. ... DIXOD, Act.-Corpl. OF. ... 6510 Docker, Corpl. F. 7299 Dodd, C. ... 10528 Dodsworth, T.

7729 Doe, C.

4164 Dolan, J. ... 24303 Dosser, H. .. 183888 Drake, L. ... 24304 Draper, R. 7504 Dudley, P.

8138 Duff, E.

2292 Duffy, J. 5044 Dvkes, R. . 10692 Eastwood, T 235282 Eccles, G.

Corp] A. O. ... P.

Sec -L1eut

Sergt. G. C.

b9 b9 b9 bo bo b bo bo bo bo PLT or - bo i» bo no to


bo bDw\tOb3LOtOtOng r Cr

Pog o

Wittenberg. Dulmen. Hamberg. Senne. Burgsteinfurt. Wittenberg. Friedrichsfeld. Doeberitz. Minden. Munster II. Minden. Parchin. Cassel. Muncheberg. Dyrotz. Frankfurt. Cassel. Cassel. Limburg. Strohen. Senne. Giessen. Doeberitz. Limburg. Friedrichsfeld. Giessen. Doeberitz. Friedrichsfeld. Switzerland. Soltau. Nurnberg. Limburg. Soltau. Hameln. Frankfurt. Zerbst. Dulmen. Limburg. Soltau. Nurnberg. Wittenberg. Doeberitz. Nurnberg. Hameln. Munster. Trier.

Soltau. Merseburg. Minden. Limburg. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Doeberitz. Soltau. Friedrichsfeld. Parchim. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Limburg. Dulmen. Parchim. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Parchim. Merseberg.


Page 144

204574 5/4569 Edgerley, Corpl. J. A.

9136 Edwards, Corpl. J. 8682 Ellerbeck, Lance- Corpl R.

7501 Edwards,

13124 Ellis, G.

9707 Ellison, A. _ 28855 Elsworth, J. E.

7986 Emery, M. ... WwW.

14068 Emmott,

235281 Emmott, H. 235283 England, C.




10272 English, F. A.

24468 Esmond, F.

10480 Evers, J .

14435 Farnell, J. H. 11919 Faulkner, F.

24506 Fawcett, R. 241952 Fenwick; C.

8708 Ferrer, W. ..

3460 Field, S.

10175 Finch, S.

24234 Firth, G. 2389 Fisher J.

20242 Fishwick, F..

10360 Fitch, J.

5787 Fletches, H: ~

6714 Flack C.

24974 Flannagan, T. 10564 Foley, Lance- Corp] -B. 9714 Forbes, L. ... 15570 Ford, Lance-Corp] CA. 8425 Foster Sergt. G. ...

*28830 Foster 8.


241535 Garside, Lance-Corp! B

5552 Franks, H. - 8094 Freeman, H.

10592 Frost, E. 9410 Fry, E.

3090 Garnett, H.

10565 Garside, A.

*24312 Fox, R.

28959 Eamshaw, 269183 Fethney, -. New Nos.

241749 Garside, F.


203693 -


12548 Gathercote, W. 28848 Gaythorpe, A. A.

10969 Gerrard, 15027 Gill, J.

10538 Gillett, S. ... 10561 Gooderham, W. D. W.

24316 Goodwill,

5000 Cromersall, 8261 Gordon, E. . 10049 Grant, A. ... 18764 Grav, J. W.

10228 Griydon ,

28755 (Greed, J.

5085 Green, R. 7778 Green A.

10808 Greenhalo'h Sergt ... 23067 Greenhalgh, Lice.-Corpl. J. W. F. 7490 Greenwood, J. _ ... 13089 Gunningham, H. ... 235226 Gunson, Act.-Sergt. C. 30089 Hayne, G. H. - ... 4228 Haigh, W. ...


4945 Haigh, H.

24758 Haigh, E.



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b ‘

Jued &

bo ®t

Cassel. Zossen. Soltau. Stendal. Giessen. Parchim. Zerbst. Doeberitz. Limburg. Limburg. Dulmen. Dyrotz. Cassel. Wittenberg. Burgsteinfurt. Cassel. Limburg. Langensalza. Alten Grabow. Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Cassel. Limburg. Wittenberg. Wittenberg. Dulmen. Friedrichsfeld. Parchim. Munster III. Wittenberg. Limburg. Nurnberg. Dyrotz. Muncheberg. Dyrotz. Limburg. Muncheberg. Soltau. Limburg.

Gustrow. Munster. Cassel. Cassel. Munster. Merseburg. Merseburg. Cassel. Limburg. Schneidemuhl. Wittenberg. Limburg. Parchim. Limburg. Switzerland. Limburg. Osnabruck. Hameln. Frankfurt. Manaheim. Soltau. Cassel.

Giessen. Minden. Dulmen.

Page 145


241374 201439

~ 241071


2140621 Hey,

19440 Haley, 9732 Hall, C.

12215 Hamer, A. E.

J. E.



9980 Hammond, Lance-borpl R. H.

23818 Hampson, G. 268001 Hanks, T. R. 10487 Hardw icke, C.

T. ...

3209 Hargreaves, C.

7826 Harper, 7848 Harris,

7517 Harrison, E. 10514 Harrison, C.

W. T.

112835 Harrison, J. W.

24322 Han-won Act. Lce. .-.Corpl F. l 29350 Harnson, J. ... 9712 Hartley, H.

10463 Ha rtley,

20548 Hartley, 4588 Harvey,


J. W. J. W. ... 3644 Haw, Lance-Corpl J. L

10568 Hawkins, J.

3958 Hawksworth, N.

8490 Healey,

28836 Heaton, J. W

23779 Hebron,

18385 Kelliwell, Corpl. H.

4046 Hensby,

5289 Hepworth, S. T. ..

T031 Hest-r, 7223 Hextall,

A. T. G.

Sergt N.

8/10360 chks, T.

New Nos.


241778 266547


235204 Holloway, C.






12395 Hewitt, Corp]

10760 Hickman, A. 23828 Higgitt,


4658 Hiley, W.

5839 Hill, G. 7728 Hill, F.

24240 Hillas, Lance. Corp] OJ.

73835 Hillier,

8050 Hines, T. H.


12324 Hird, F. 242017 lest F, ... 0193 Hlscutt Bdsm. F C 5259 Hobson, F. 242001 Hobson, A. 4026 Hodgson, E. 8201 Hodson, J.

7651 Holden,


5088 Holdsworth, C. H 18184 Holdsworth, J. H. 6477 Holmes, G. 8079 Holmes, H.

5275 Ho kmson J. W

2640 Horsfall

4030 Horselev , W.


14839 Hudson, J. W.

3798 Hughes, J. W.

8468 Hughes, H.

16421 Hughes,


7436 Hume, B.

5108 Hutchinson, J .

10416 Hutchmson J.

6070 Hutton.


5106 Hyde, J.

4887 Ibbertson. Ii

10520 Inman.


. (att. toKOYLI)

12186 Ireland, J. P.

bo fund &

mmmwwwwwww\waww bo

bo Ot

2/5 2/4




bo b i -~ to to - # to to bP bo


2/5 2/5

2/5 1/6


2/5 5 2/5 2 2/5

2/5 1/5


4 2 9

Friedrichsfeld. Friedrichsfeld. Senne. Parchim. Cassel. Limburg. Dyrotz. Parchim. Friedrichsfeld. Dryotz. Muncheberg. Wittenberg. Schneidemuhl. Jimburg. Limburg. Merseburg. Purchim. Limburg. Dulmen. Limburg.

Munster. Dulmen. Frankfurt. Limburg. Cassel. Limburg. Munster III. Limburg. Doeberitz. Giessen. Langensalza. Cassel.


Dulmen. Limburg. Giessen. Dulmen. Switzerland. Dulmen. Wittenberg. Senne. Lirgburg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Limburg. Soltau. Limburg. Langensalza. Gustrow. Dulmen. Limburg. Fnednchsfeld. Merseburg. Zerbst. Wittenberg. Giessen. Cassel.

Cassel. Minden.

Schneidemuhi. Gustrow. Parchim. Limburg. Munster. Ingoldstadt. Ingoldstadt. Friedrichsafeld. Senne II. Senne.

Page 146

265427 240625


240246 241069 807034

24269 Jackson, J. 28746 Jackson, J. 235290 Jackson, W. 83807 Jacobs, T. W.:

5617 James, 10221 James,

J. T. Corpl. A.

2193 Jarman, Lance-Corpl. H. 3218 Jenkins, Lance-Corpl. H. 81938 Jesson, J. H.

4652 Johnston, F. 7226 Johnston, Sergt. w. 17245 Johnstone H.

7758 Jolly, 14632 J olly 24978 Jolley,

24401 Jordan,

J. w" R. T.

235291 Joy, B.

©1526 Joyce,


16328 Joynson, Lance- Corpl A.

2383 Kaye, 3951 Kaye,

J. H. S.

4658 Kell, E.

10366 Kellett,

306835 Judge, 17224 Kane,

New Nos.


267223 267903

240928 2630832


267911 241121

241764 242020 240751

4152 Kelly, 4884 Kelly, 10493 Kelly,



G. Corpl J. J.

14108 Kelly, Corpl P. 8624 Kennedy T. . 7686 Kennedy, W. 11226 Kenworthy, Corpl. _C. 23682 Kershaw, A.

285202 Kewley, 10663 Killen, 2743 Lamb, 23780 Lamb,


Se} gt J. T.

6604 Lane, W. .. 24334 Langdale T. H.

24218 Lawes, 29140 Lawles

A. l.. s, J.

8474 Laycock, R. 5151 Leadbetter, R.

1597 Leak,

10516 Leaver,

3787 Lee, S

J. ergt. W.

10006 Lee, Corpl. J. TP. ...

Lee J.

(10495 in 2nd Bn )

7608 Leemlng, P. 9650 Lerpiniere, Drmr. A. C.

5364 Lewis, 9956 ledle 7/1788 leme

H. T. ... r, Drmr. B

4033 Linton, EH. ...

23827 Lister, 5202 Little, 5507 Lodge,

3/10350 Lister, H.

J. N. G. E. J.

34832 Longbottom H.

10505 Longm

an, W.

7471 Lonsdale, W. 24247 Lottey, H .E.

10754 Lowe, 28942 Lowe ,

7042 T.unn, H. (late 4264 1/4 Bn)

A. ... W.

8450 McCormlck J. 23799 McDamelson, A.

240100 McEvoy, Sergt. «Instr. R. H.

7545 McKenzie, A.

G. H.



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bo bbabDLOOlbthbbw

Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Nurnberg. Doeberitz. Limburg. Dulmen. Doeberitz. Dulmen. Cottbus. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Cassel. Limburg. Limburg. Zerbst. Munster II. Limburg. Limburg. SBoutau.

Soltau. Gardelegen.

Limburg. Gustrow. Doeberitz. Soltau. Hameln. Gustrow. Limburg. Cassel. Cassel. Senne. Lechfeld. Zerbst. Parchim. Cassel. Cottbus. Zerbst. Brandenburg. Wittenberg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Soltau. Soltau. Limburg. Friedrichsfeld. Muncheberg. Minden. Parchim. Limburg. Dulmen. Senne. Cottbus II. Cassel. Wittenberg. Dulmen. Doeberitz. Doeberitz. Limburg. Cassel. Gustrow. Nurnberg. Parchim. Minden. Soltau. Doeberitz.

Page 147

241791 240883

12144 McManus, J. 23882 McShane, Corpl. J.

5570 McWilliams, J. 5233 Mallinson, W.

3674 Mann, Corpl. H. ...

266630 Marshall,

241085 Martin, E. ...


New Nos.


16356 Mason, T. 5261 Mather, J. 6786 Maude, A.

240755 May, Lanceborpl w.

7247 Meller, J.

9809 Mellish, W. _

14956 Mellor, F. W.

20151 Meltham, L.

23885 Melville, W. 8656 Kennedy, W. 24218 Lowes, A.

Larcombe, éec -L1eut

7158 Merrett, W.

11910 Metcalfe, Corpl. A.

8515 Midgley, H. 7947 Milnes, J.

16039 Millett, Corl H.

1992 Mills, L 23798 Mills, P

235210 Milnes, F. ... 5402 Mincher, J.


7/8470 Mitchell, G. A.


241528 241802



201471 _


7523 Mitchell, A.

16355 Molyneux T. 17717 Moreton, Sergt. D..

19618 Moreton, F.

6758 Moody, J. B. A. 242794 Mood H. H. _... 3245 Moone y, Sergt. J. S8.

12327 Moorby, J. 5627 Moore, B.

6755 Moore, G. W

24395 Moore, A. 290211 Moore, W.

4926 Moorhouse, H 5246 Moorhouse, H.

10646 Moorhouse, I.

265328 Moorhouse, E.

10225 Morley, J.

5049 Murphy, Lance: Corpl C.

24058 Myers, J. 8309 Neal, F.

4453 Needham, F C 9052 Neill, Lance-Corpl. G.

8426 Nelson , E6.

7423 Newby, G. R.

9285 Newns, S.

5321 Newton, Lance- Sergt H.) 8462 Newton, Lance-Corp! C.

8064 Nlcholas, A. 10474 Nicholson, F.

24056 Nicholl, Lance- Cfirpl P 8.

8113 Nixon, Lance- Corp] w. C.

8689 Nicholl, Corp 7681 Nlckson, H.

24946 Noble, B.

2409 Noble, Lance Com] G H 240261 Norman, Set-gt

7268 Oakes, Gorpl ST

12248 Northin, R. 8301 Oakley.




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homa AJ 1) a,

. J or


H a

Soltau. Limburg. Giessen. Soltau.

- Soltau.

Gustrow (H).

Zerbst. > ~- Friedrichsfeld.

Soltau. Senne: Limburg. Friedrichsfeld. Dyrotz. Dulmen. - Friedrichsfeld. Parchim.

Hamelin. Strohen:

f Sdltafi.

Soltau. -

- Wittenberg. - Doeberitz.

Limburg. Soltau. Daulmen.

e o Zbrb“. a 064 pie: .. - Dulmen.

Doeberitz. Munster. Langansalza. Dulmen. ‘ Dulmen. Giessen. Friedrichsfeld.s _. Minden. Dulmen. Nurnberg. Dulmen. Limburg. Limburg. Wittenburg.

. Parchim.

Heuberg. Freidrichsfeld. Friedrichsfeld. Dulmen. Dulmen. «. Quedlinburg. Ciessen. Wittenberg. - Friedrichsfeld. - Doeberitz. Wahnbeck. Dulmen. Munster. Liesborn. Merseburg. Dulmen. Soltau. Soltaun. __ Stralkowo. Hamburg (H).


Merseburg. Dulmen. Alten Grabow. Friedrichsfeld ,

Page 148

8056 Ogden, E. 18707 Ormondroyd R.

9906 Parker, Lance-Coral. J..

10454 Parker, Sergt. W. 6917 Parkin, S.


6076 Parkinson, J. A. (att. 10 K.O.Y.L. I)

12375 Parkinson, J. 23716 Parkinson, D. 6657 Parlour, W.

New Nos. 208825 Parr, Act.-Lance-Corpl. E.


241664 241525





201585 241076


241854 -


267059 207262

24890 Parsons, A. J. 7590 Patefield, H. 4824 Peace, E. 9797 Pearson, Sergt H. 24982 Penketh, J. 29843 Phlhpson, T. W. 29258 Philpott, H. 6985 Plckenng, G. H. 24065 Pickersgill, H. 13182 Pickles, W. 13737 Pickles, LL. 20463 Pickles, C. 5961 Porter, A. 9172 Preston, Corp] J. 14630 Preston, J. 7559 Prestow, J. 241821 Procter, T.

8082 Purkiss, Corpl. A. J.

9030 Pusey, F. ... 4922 Ramsden, H. 7246 Rawson, H. 235152 Raybould, J. 8977 Read, F. ... 7543 Redmond, S. 20134 Reynolds, E. 4929 Rhodes, S8. H. 241623 Rhodes, E. C. 10339 Rice, Corpl. T. 8273 Richards, G.

9472 Richardson, Corpl A.

11856 Richardson, L. 10720 Rickett, I. ... 6927 Roberts, C. ... 9939 Roberts, J. T. V. 10382 Robertshaw, C. 8027 Robinson, H.

12753 Robinson, Lance- Cm pl.

23515 Robinson, A. 5280 Roebuck, F. 7977 Rolfe, A. 23853 Roes, G. ... 8849 Rothery, A.

3969 Rothery, Sergt. T.

6685 Rouse, H. ... 38824 Rowe, W. 5912 Rush, C.S.M. J. 5370 Russel, A. ... 7866 Ryan, T. 7582 Sager, H. 8107 Salt, J. 10086 Sanders S 285217 Schofield, L. 24405 Scott; R. W. 10690 Seaton, A. . 1568 Seed, H 17897 Senior, J. F 4941 Shackleton, A. §197 Shackleton, H.


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Boltau. Schneidemuhl. Soltau. Limburg. Gustrow.. Senne II. Boltau. I imburg. Oldenburg.

Wittenberg. Dulmen. Neuhammer. Cassel. . Soltau. Dulmen. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. Doeberitz. Hamelin. Cassel. Limburg. Langansalza Wittenberg. Doeberitz. Limburg. Dulmen. Dulmen, . Soltau. __ Dpebentz Limburg. © Dyrotz. Limburg. | Limburg: '


Minden. . Soltau. Doeberitg.

- Friedrichsfeld. Boltau.

Dulmen. Limburg. Merseburg. Merseburg. Doeberitz. Friedrichsfeld. Limburg. ' Limburg. Limburg. Hameln. Friedrichsfeld. Dulmen. Soltau.

Dulmen. Limburg.

. ._ Mecklenburg.

Dulmen. Muncheberg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Burgsteinfuart. Cassel. Friedrichsfeld. Merseburg. Limburg. Dulmen. Dulmen.


Page 149

New Nos. 4496 Shaw, S8. H. a.. 6597 Shaw, Corpl. A. E. 204629 5967 Bhaw, G. L.






Rees, Sec.-Lieut. W.

269185 Perrow,

Purvis, Cain. w. B.

14985 Shaw, H.

20372 Shaw, J. E 48397 Sheeran, J.

267935 Shepherdson, W. - 8979 Bherwin, Lance-Corpl w. 16528 Shinn, A.

24438 Sinister, Corpl. w. 6. 8968 Simmons, Lance-Corpl. H. C.

6740 Simonds, Corpl. P. 1688 Simons, Drmr. W. 26740 Simpson, H. A. ...


28996 Simpson, E.

10310 Singleton, F. 8359 Sirrel, A. ... 300182 Siswick, F. W. 2818 Slater, A. P 6484 Smart, Lance- Corp] CA. 9365 Smelt, T. F. H. ... 3031 Smith, Sergt. 8. F. 3415 Smith, Lance-Corpl. O. 3846 Smith, W. 6546 Smith, Sergt. T. C. 7285 Smlth J. ... 7668 Smith, J. 7621 Smith, V. 7680 Smith, A. ... 8810 Smith, Lance-Corpl w. 8. 28851 Smith, W. 3/12155 Smith, Lsnoe-Corpl C. A. 241856 Smith, Lance-Corp] J. E. 267258 Smlthson, A. . 23764 Snowden, T. 10273 Spencer, C. J. _ ... 24102 Stanley, Corpl. 8. 10433 Steel, J. ... 7828 Stephenson, C.

7576 Stewart, J.

28925 Stobarts, W.

4966 Sugden, C.

7489 Sutton, 8. J.

204678 Swallow, H.




New Nos.

306940 241524

3517 Swift, J. H.. 4738 Sykes, P. (att. 10 K.O.Y.L. I) 6859 Sykes, H. ... 7523 Sykes, A. 20483 Bykes, D. 235219 Sykes, A. 300081 Sykes, W. 7538 Taylor, R. ... 3858 Taylor, A. E. 6707 Ta lor, J. L. 28785 Ta. ylor, W. LL. 2641 Thompson, T. 9126 Thompson, B. 235099 Thompson, 'T.

300183 Thomas, A.

24690 Shephert,

7291 Thornton, A. 4529 Thornton, T. T. 4920 Thwaites, C. 9064 Tierney, Lance- Corp] J..

III 20276


2 20 1/7 (.. 21st Manchester Regt Bua. 5 2

22A 2 2 4 1/0 2/5 2 2 o o o 2 2

2 2 2 2 2


Giessen. , Alten (Grabow. Dulmen. Limburg. Limburg. Friedrichs{eld. Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Ingoldstadt. Limburg. Cassel. Doeberitz. Dyrotz. Dulmen. Limburg. Stondal. Munster II. Hameln. Nurnberg. Zerbst. Doeberitz. Doeberitz. Cassel. Muncheberg. Friedrichsfeld. Doeberitz. Limburg. Minden. Dulmen. Limburg. Limburg. Doeberitz. Minden. Doeberitz. Doeberitz. Hameln. Limburg. TLimburg. Doeberitz. Cassel. Dulmen. Munster. Munster. Heuberg. Dulmen. Dulmen. Limburg. Dyrotz. Dulmen. Zerbst. Cassel. Soltau. Nurnberg. Minden. Cassel.

Doeberitz. Hanover.

Dulmen. Stendal.

Page 150

148 24950 Tillotson, A. - ... ... .. 0... ... -- Cassel. 7706 Tindall, G. .. Merseburg.

2 2 6949 Tombs, B. ese kkk 0} 2 ... _- Friedrichsfeld. 241744 - 5176 Topliss, T. see ses ol.. o.}. 2/56 __... - Dulmenr. . sk ok.. #/§ ... 2 2


241076 - 3969 Rothery, Sergt. T. Dulmen. 7569 Towle, R. ... . Parchim. 20044 Town, A. J. a+» Limburg. 241762 5198 Townend, J. L. ... 2/5 Dulmen. 26758 Turner, J 2 Cassel. 241858 Turner, C. ... .. - #@/5 - ... _ Limburg. 6773 Turner, J. ... 2 Stendal. 7424 Turner, H. ... ».. 2 Merseburg. 241063 - 30942 Turney, J. ... 2/6 ... - Dulmen. 203893 8172 Turton, H. 2 Limburg. 10600 Twitchett, J. F. ... 2 ... _-_. Friedrichsfeld. 241891 5354 Tyas, A. ... 2/5 Gustrow.

29017 Varley, F. ... 2 Cassel. 4530 Vott, Sergt. J. 2 ..... Gustrow. 7307 Wade, H. 2 ... _. Merseburg. 10126 Wade, A. ... 2 Doeberitz. 235229 Wadsworth, Corp] °C. E. 2 Soltau. 667908 5542 Walker, C. 2 Mulheim. 7402 Walker, F. ... 2 Friedrichsfeld. 28787 Walker, H. 6. 2 Limburg. 6730 Waller, Sergt. J "... 2 Friedrichsfeld. 6021 Wallis, J. ... 2 Friedrichsfeld (Russia). 7683 Walsh, J. ... 2 Parchim. 8392 Walsh, J. ... 2 Doeberitz. 6793 Walton, C. 2 Cassel. 8122 Walworth, H. 2 Friedrichsfeld. 22735 Ward, S ... 8 Limburg. - 240861 Ward, W. ... 2/5 Dulmen. 20480 Washington, A. 2 Limburg. 7284 Watson, W. 2 Doeberitz. 24389 Waugh, Lance-Corp] A. «s 2 Limburg. 8967 Weake, H. co o 2 Doeberitz. 240761 3447 Webster, Sergt. S c. 2/5 Soltau. 6732 Wedgewood, «. .. 1/6 Dulmen. 308172 16158 Weston, G. 2/7 Limburg. 11759 Whalley, Lance- Corp] T. 2 €.. Soltau. 241748 Whalley, R. .. 2/5 Limburg. 29046 Wheelwright, W. 2 Limburg. 7825 White, G. ... 2 Heilsberg. 7923 Whiteley, S. 2 ... -_ Doeberitz. 7660 Whiteman, E. 2 .. - Doeberitz. 16201 Whiteside, J. T. 2 Cassel. 267248 Whiteoak, H. 2/6 Dulmen. 7952 Whitting, H. ... 2 Doeberitz. 7288 Whittingham, J. 2 Munster. 300184 Whitwan, J. 2 Dulmen. 22888 Whyles, Lance- Corpl J. R. ... 2 Limburg. 8672 Wildman, J. 2 Hameln. 265826 2898 Wilkinson, T. ... ..,. - 2/6 Dulmen. . 306450 3873 Wilkinson, C. kk - 1/7 .... _- Dulmen. 7911 Wilkinson, G. 2 Osterrade. 242812 8263 Wilkinson, R. ... ee 2/5 Parchim. 266624 Tillotson, -. ask ok.. - 1/6 ... New Nos. Bn. > 9090 Willcocks, Corpl. J. 2 Zerbst. 7922 Williams, H. 2 Dulmen. 8156 Williams, T. 2 Limburg. 9330 Williams, Corpl. J. 2 Dyrotz. 8913 Wllhams, Bdem J. 2 Neubrandenburg. 18603 Williams B. .. 2 Munster III. 8019 Williamson, J. . 2 Sagan. - - 201681 3994 Wilson, Act. 2/4 .._ Limburg. 212706 - 16108 Wllson, A. H. ... 2/5 Schneldemuhl 10815 Wilson, Lance- Sergt H. 2 Soltau. 24278 Wilson, R. .. 2 Limburg.

Page 151

® 149

202016 Wilson, E. we kk ol ee} _ ... - Limburg. 14290 Windle, A. 2 Limburg. 200322 1700 Winearls, W. 2 Cassel. 10383 Wombwell, J. ... 2 Limburg. 202422 - 5195 Wood, R. ... ... _- 2/4 __... - Dulmen. 242005 - 5491 Wood, J. B. 2/5 - ... - Limburg. 235156 - 8310 Wood, L. ... 1/4 - ... _ Limburg. 9711 Wood, Lance-Corpl H. ... 2 Friedrichsfeld. 23758 Woodcock N. ... 2 - Friedrichsfeld. 266127 Woodhead E. .. - 2/6 _ ... - Limburg. - 9278 Worster, T. W. 2 Doeberitz. 7000 Wright, J. T. E. 5 ... __ Aachen. 7280 Wright, J. H. ... 2 Dulmen. 241015 3873 Wyatt, C. °... 2/5 Dulmen. 267910 - 2648 Yeadon, J. 2 ...- Limburg.

NoTE.-The men shown as at Wahn or Limburg may be either (i) actually at those places (or at ordinary working camps affiliated to them), or (11) in occupied territory in France.

TURKEY. Bn. Place of Internment. 11588 Calver, E. .. .. 8 Afion-Kara- Hissar. 10016 Hazlewood, A. E. 1, att. 2 Army C. Sig. Co. R.E. ... Angora. 7646 Henderson, (G. 1, att. 34 Div. Sig. Co. ... Afion-Kara-Hissar. 5454 Murphy, C.M.8. F. 1, att. 34 Div. Sig. Co. ... Constantinople. 17271 Smith, Corpl. E. R. 1, att. 8. & T. Corps Afion-Kara-Hissar.

*It should be noted that the places of internment are liable to frequent changes. All correspondence should be carried on under old Number.



The Halifax Guardian Prisoners of War Fund was established in June, 1916, directly upon disclosures published of the terrible plight of the interned men. These revelations sent a thrill of indignation throughout Great Britain. It was universally felt that something must be done to sweep away the loose methods by which the interned men were supposed to be looked after by various associations and funds. Just as it was clearly proved that German ferocity knew no limit, so it was made unmistakably plain that whatever had been done here and there up to that time was cruelly insufficient. Many of the men were in what can be described only a a piteous plight. So the Halifax Guardian appealed to a generous public for financial aid on behalf of the imprisoned men from this locality. 'The plan of operations was well conceived, and later when, under Government auspices, the Central Prisoners of War Committee was formed, this was emphatlcally shown by the Halifax Guardian Fund being officially chosen as the sole Care Committee for imprisoned men of the local regiment-the Duke of Wellington's-and all its battalions. Regulations were drawn up making it impossible to send parcels of food, clothing, etc., to prisoners belonging to the Dukes by any association or fund other than the Halifax Guardian Prisoners of War Fund. That duty was willingly accepted, and has been faithfully carried out ever since. How readily the public endorsed the new and improved scheme is demonstrated by the fact that in fifteen months a sum approaching £11,000 was realised, and this is being steadily augmented week by week.

The system of working may be briefly explained. The names of all prisoners of war of the Dukes are sent to the offices of the Halifax Guardian in George Street, Halifax. There they are dealt with by a clerical staff, and all records carefully kept. The packing department is at the extensive premises formerly the York Café, which is utilised as a bonding warehouse also, under close Government supervision. This latter arrangement is of the highest value, since it enables purchases of dutiable goods to be made at considerably below current market prices, thus saving the money of the Fund, and permitting the despatch of larger parcels to the prisoners. The work of packing is carried out by a large number of voluntary workers, who attend daily at York Buildings for this purpose. How greatly the work has increased is shown by the fact that there are at the time of writing (September, 1917) over 640 names on the Guardian records, and as each man must receive three parcels per fortnight of the approximate weight of 10lbs. each, it follows that close on 2,000 parcels are despatched every fourteen days. 'The cost, of course, has also greatly advanced, and in spite of all possible economy in administration £400 is necessary each week to cover the outlay The parcels not only include food, but clothing and all kinds of necessities which the prisoners require. Each box also contains a postcard which the prisoner uses to send back to England. This sets out the date, number and condition of the parcels when received, and other details. Thousands of these cards have reached the Guardian office, and of all a record is kept, and soldiers' wishes as far as possible observed.

Page 152


Over the entire arrangements there is a Management Committee, which exercises control and supervision, and on which the Mayoress of Halifax, Colopel Ppreqns, the Commandant of the regiment at Halifax, and representatives of the surrounding districts act.

The care of the prisoners, in short, has grown into a mammoth undertaking, and as its maintenance depends entirely on voluntary subscriptions, all possible financial assistance is urgently needed. The cost of working is extremely small, nearly everything being willingly done by volunteers. As a consequence the prisoner gets the benefit of all the money subscribed.

The names of the ladies and gentlemen who are in constant attendance for packing, writing, and other duties are as follows :-

Miss Gladys Bancroft, Craigmore, Savile Park, Halifax. Mrs. Blakey, Moorfield Villa, Savile Park, Halifax. Miss E. Bolton, Trinity Place, Halifax. Mrs. Bromwich, Rutland, Greenroyd, Halifax. Miss Trevor Baldwin, Ashfield, Sowerby Bridge. Miss A. Crabtree, 6 Park Road, Halifax. Miss Dorothy Dinsdale, 6 New Brunswick Street, Halifax. Miss Clarissa Dinsdale, 6 New Brunswick Street, Halifax. Mrs. L. Drury, Landon House, Halifax. Mrs. Finlayson, 27 Craven Terrace, Halifax. Miss Dorothy Farrar, Heathstone, Queensgate, Halifax. Mrs. Feather, Nunroyd, Skircoat Green Road, Halifax. Miss L. Greenwood, The Nook, Huddersfield Road, Halifax. Mr. G. H. Greenwood, Springlea, Huddersfield Road, Halifax. Mrs. W. P. Greenwood, Springlea, Huddersfield Road, Halifax. Miss Muriel Greenwood, Huddersfield Road, Halifax. Mrs. Howarth, Radnor, Lawrence Road, Halifax. Mrs. Frances Howarth, Linden Lea, Linden Road, Halifax. Miss Gladys M. Howarth, Linden Lea, Linden Road, Halifax. Mrs. Holdsworth, Bleak House, Halifax. Mrs. Holmes, 62 Abbey Walk, Halifax. Mrs. H. R. Ingham, Dean House, West Vale. Mrs. Jackson, Elcho House, Balmoral Place, Halifax. Miss Winifred Longbotham, The Gables, Halifax. Mrs. M. E. Mitchell, 16 Haddon Avenue, Halifax. Mrs. J. H. Oates, Aysgarth, Greenroyd, Halifax. . Mrs. Riley Patchett, Avondale Place, Halifax. Mrs. E. Y. Priestley, 11 Clare Road, Halifax. Mrs. E. M. Phillips, The Barracks, Halifax. Miss D. Rawsnley, Ashleigh, Halifax. Mrs. W. W. Smith, High Garth, Warley, Halifax. Mr. J. W. Smith, High Garth, Warley, Halifax. Miss Marion Scott, Prince's Gate, Halifax. Miss Stafford, Norfolk Place, Halifax. Miss Gladys Smith, Stonehurst, Linden Road, Halifax. Mrs. Spencer, Lyndene, Illingworth. Mrs. Sheldrake, Linden Road, Halifax. Miss M. Thomas, 18 Westfield Place, Parkinson Lane, Halifax. Miss Muriel Turner, 7 Elmfield Terrace, Halifax. Miss Clara Thomas, 18 Westfield Place, Parkinson Lane, Halifax. Mrs. Thomas, 9 Second Avenue, Manor Drive, Halifax. Miss Marion Wadsworth, Savile Grange, Halifax. Miss Whittaker. , Miss Marion Whitaker, Carlton Villas, Gibbet Street, Halifax. Mrs. R. B. Webster, Lynnwood, Lawrence Road, Halifax. Miss Dorothy Waddington, Murley Moss, Halifax. Miss E. Walker, Arden House, Halifax. Miss B. Walker, Arden House, Halifax. - Mrs. Wayne, Eversley Mount, Halifax.

Contributions should be sent to the Guardian War Prisoners' Fund, George Street, Halifax. Cheques should be drawn ** Guardian War Prisoners' '' Fund.


Lieut.-Colonel Parsons, The Barracks, Hallifax. Mr. Spencer, Lyndene, Illingworth. Miss A. Wishart, Wards End, Halifax. Mrs. Bates, 35 Rowson Avenue, Halifax. ' Mrs. Whittles, The Gables, Halifax. o

Page 153


Miss M. Howarth, Radnor, Halifax. Miss Whitaker, Heathfield, Halifax. Mrs. O'Brien, Heath Park Avenue, Halifax. Mrs. Longbotham, The Gables, Halifax. Miss Kay, Hall Ings, Southowram. Mrs. Sykes, Ing Royd, Halifax. Mrs. Wimpenny, 23 Ramsden Street, Huddersfield.


Corpl. E. J. Lodge, No. 1 Company, Duke of Wellington's, The Barracks, Halifax. Q.-M.-Sergt. Paling, 7 Thrum Hall Lane, Halifax. Sergt. Palmer, The Barracks, Halifax. Sergt. Thorpe, The Barracks, Halifax.


Halifax began to show care for its Duke units within a month of the European War beginning, and in a sense, its loads of home thought comprising not merely smokes, but wearables that were most useful, and a variety of comestibles which were more welcome still. Down to the present the stream has continued flowing, and through this one agency the consign- ments to the battalions of the Halifax Depot have run into several thousand pounds. The method of procedure, without exception, has been to ascertain each regiment's necessities from its C.O., to buy the goods on wholesale terms, and then to leave the C.O. to share them out equally, irrespective of whether men hailed from Halifax or no. A single load has cost up to £350. In addition, many thousands of local men in the ranks, either friendless or with relatives too handicapped to send them help, have been taken under the wing of the Fund. Dukes' prisoners of war were regularly dealt with nearly two years Central Prisoners' Committee came into being, and as far as was possible this Halifax centre endeavoured to check the duplication of parcels for men interned. It is believed this organisation indeed was among the earliest to get to work on prisoners. For the purposes of this book the foregoing completes in skeleton form the Fund's story as regards the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment; but as a local effort it had a duty to other native sea and land fighters, and whoever was traced felt its cheering touch. This individual attention was a phase uncommon in the earlier days among relieving associations, but the example has, happily, been widely copied. In January, 1916, . most: of: the voluntary agencies in the West Riding for sending comforts to the troops were grouped in a sort of pooling arrangement, to prevent waste of effort and material. Special permission was at that time officially given to this Halifax Fund to continue separately, a recognition of its value to fighting men. Up to then, and since, there has been no clashing with the work of the Halifax Mayoress's Ladies' Committee, which has also rendered magnificent service to the Duke of Wellington's units. -It would take a volume to describe all that the Halifax Courier Fund has done, and how it was done. It can but be indicated. That newspaper coaxed in subscriptions, and initiated a collecting-box system, first invading streets, then the workshops. 'It is a pathetic fact that one of the earliest prisoners of war to receive sustenance and smokes from 'the Fund was Lieut.-Colonel J. A. C. Gibbs, who when taken was Commanding Officer of the 2nd Duke of Wellington's (the Havercake lads). Writing from Crefeld, July 9th, 1915, Lieut.-Colonel Gibbs said : "* I don't know exactly to whom I am indebted for this kindness, but will you please convey my grateful thanks to the right quarter. I can assure you that the receipt of the parce! was quite a surprise, and a most gratifying one, coming as it does from kind friends at Halifax, the headquarters of the fine battalion I had the pride and honour to command on service until I was wounded, and where I made so many personal friends during the three years I was in command of the Regimental Depot, 1907-10." . ___ Many a similar message has since come from Lieut-Colonel Gibbs, and they are treasured, like other warriors' letters of gratitude, a collection approaching the hundred thousand. A book could be written on these alone. Three 'Xmas Days have rolled by since this grim war opened. each witnessing a greater development of the Fund's operations, and culminating in 1917 with help for all local men and battalions abroad, a characteristic dinner and festivity for some 600 wounded in neighbouring hospitals, and toys, fruit and sweets for 3,500 kiddies of dependents living in the borough. It is fitting that acknowledgment should be made here of the quite incalculable service rendered by voluntary lady and other helpers, - For many months the prisoners, soldiers' and sailors' parcels were made up for the " Courier '' Fund by tradesmen of the town. Then a headquarter store was arranged where, sometimes every day of the week, these ladies have most ardently and unwearyingly packed over 20,000 parcels :-Mrs. Dewhurst, St. Alban's Road Halifax; Mrs, Drake, SBwires Road, Halifax; Mrs. Topham, Daisy Street, Halifax; Mrs.


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Broadbent, Craven Terrace, Halifax; Mrs. Ambler, Bowman Terrace, Halifax; Miss Annie Smith, Jessamine Terrace, King Cross; Miss K. S. E. Lumb, Mill Bank, Triangle; Miss Doreen C. Hackett Heath Mount, Halifax ; Miss J. E. Murgatroyd Whmney Field, Halifax; Miss Margaret A. Murgatroyd, Whmney F ield; Misses Florence G. and Constance M. Smith, Heath Crescent; Miss Rita M. Sharp, Heath Crescent Miss M. Highley, Queen's Gate, Savile Park ; Miss Anme Walker, South View, Holmfield. Some of these have, since May, superintended a branch called The Soldiers' Convoy, through which relatives' parcels are sent, and delivered quicker than ordinarily. In under three months some 5,000 parcels have been handled here, addresses being checked, and extra wrapping being added much waste which would have accrued had they gone through the regular parcel post has been avoided. The work in its many phases goes on, and efforts are being put forth to still further increase

the sphere of helpfulness . Contrlbutlons addressed to '" The Hon Fund Manager, Halifax Courier, Halifax, will be very acceptable 1ndeed and will be at once acknowledged. Halifax, 1917. -__ THr FunNp


Mrs. Drake, 5 Swires Road, Halifax. Miss A. Walker, Holmfield. Mrs. E. Broadbent, Craven Terrace. Miss K. S. E. Lumb Mill Bank, Tnangle R Miss Smith, Jessamlne Terrace. Mrs. Gohghtl 66 Vickerman Street. Mrs. Turner, 19 Claremount Road. Mrs. N. Spenser, Trinity Place, Halifax. Mrs. Topham Daisy Street Mrs. Farrer, 4 Town Gate, Southowram Mrs. Ambler, 11 Bowman Terrace Mrs. A. Wilson, 2 Dunkirk Terrace, Parkinson Lane,. Hahfax

Mrs. Seville, Craven Terrace, Hopwood Lane, Hahfax Miss Drake, 5b Swires Road. a .

Miss Dennis, Grosvenor Terrace. Mrs. Brennan, 214 Queen's Road, Halifax. Mrs. Spencer, The Barracks, Halifax.

The Officers' Group of !/7 battalion, page 111,‘j‘ and 4th Reserve Battalion, page 62, are by courtesy

of Messrs. Elliott & Fry 55 and 56, Baker Street London, W. 1.

T he Officers' Group, 6th Reserve battalion, page 56

is by courtesy of Messrs. Bassano, Ltd.,. 25, Old Bond Street, London, W. 1.

HALIFAX : f Exors. or Gro. T. WuirEnEan, Printer &c., 21, Square RoAp,

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